Yes, a promotion for the new season, but amusing.

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Psychiatrists tell us that jokes/commentary will not be funny at all, not even amusing, without there being a grain of truth in the joke.

    They also say that misery is the source of all humor.

    Not hard to resolve.

  2. Nate says:


  3. NewformatSux says:

    Mitt Romney’s tax returns are due to be leaked any day now.
    Romney has done a preemptive release of a summary.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    Hi-larious. As Mr. Burns would say.

    Now if you think there was one thing that could be leaked by Wikileaks. It would have been Mitt Romney’s tax records. But either Wikileaks doesn’t care. Or they’re more careless guarded than the State Dept’s cables were. And what’s the chances of that?

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    At least Homer knows who to vote for.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      ….yes, but the joke (truth) was WHY.

      Ah Yea==do you work overtime to miss the boat?

  6. orchidcup says:

    I don’t know where those insane writers get those crazy ideas.

    They must read DU and watch Fox News for inspiration.

  7. stormtrooper 651 says:

    Blatant pro-obama propaganda posing as satire for the kids. Nice.

    • orchidcup says:

      No, the Simpsons show does not pose as satire.

      It is satire.

      Where did you get the pro-Obama stance from the satire?

      Homer voted for the right douchebag but then his job was outsourced to China. Funny stuff.

    • Henry G says:

      @stormtrooper 651 Not only is the cartoon show *not* “posing as satire for the kids”…it is indeed satire, and it ain’t for children.

  8. stormtrooper 651 says:

    With a bit of all Southerners are stupid, racist criminals. Good stuff.

    • orchidcup says:

      I have lived in the South since birth and the first thing I noticed was a high percentage of Southerners are stupid racist criminals. But those are the ones that go to church.

      I am guessing you perceive the request to see Homer’s identification as a dig against racist Southerners.

      You are perceptive. The Simpsons is a very good social satire. Unusual for television.

      I wish living in Texas were not a social satire.

  9. stormtrooper 651 says:

    Not suggesting liberals constantly stereotype tho…

    • orchidcup says:

      Stupid racist Southerners do not stereotype.

      They never mention stupid lazy niggers or liberal loud-mouthed women or atheist college professors that teach science and evolution.

      Those damn liberal stereotypers are ruining this country and my preacher told me so.

  10. bobbo, one Real Liberal making Obama a Conservative by comparison says:

    Stormy–where you getting the Southerners are stupid, racist criminals? I mean, I believe that, but I didn’t see it here. So…. the real question is just what are you projecting? Your own understanding, or what you were told to believe?


    • orchidcup says:

      I don’t know about the rest of the South, but here in Texas there is a movement by Republicans to require a photo identification in addition to voter registration in order to vote.

      Apparently one or two atheist liberals in Texas cast a vote for Obama and the Republicans are convinced there is massive voter fraud going on and it must be stopped.

      • Henry G says:

        @orchidcup …Or there is massive voter fraud in the future and it must be prevented before it begins!

  11. Gildersleeve says:

    I used to wonder why The Simpsons were still around after all this time – turns out it’s a good thing they are! And yay! for Homer – I also do NOT need another female in my life telling me how to live!

    Woo hoo!

  12. deowll says:

    The thing about Romney’s tax returns that will bother most people is the size of the write off he can get from his rather staggering level of charitable giving. I have read that Obama was going to “fix” that deduction by reducing the size of the deduction you can get from giving to charity.

    Of course that wouldn’t bother Biden because Joe doesn’t do charity. Obama does a fair amount of charity though with him it doesn’t seem to include his relatives on his father’s side. Of course Bill Clinton has never wanted anything to do with his half brother either.

    Wonder what Harry Reid and Nancy P. do about charity if anything? For some reason I see those two as being more likely to rob a charity than donate to one.

    • orchidcup says:

      Romney’s level of charitable giving may seem staggering to you, but that is pocket change for him.

      Romney could give away 10 thousand dollars a day and never go broke.

  13. NewformatSux says:

    Simpsons hasnt been funny in 15 years.

  14. NewformatSux says:

    I told you all you could get a 50% return in 60 days, now you can still get a 40% return in <50 days. Go to intrade and bet on Obama now.


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