Police in Poland have launched an investigation after photographs were posted on a school website of 14-year-old children licking whipped cream from the knees of a priest.

The series of pictures show boys and girls, apparently pretending to be cats, approaching the priest, seated in a battered armchair, on all fours.

They then take turns at licking cream from his legs in what the school has described as an “initiation ceremony” for first year pupils at the school in the south-west town of Lubin where the priest is also the director…

“This is very disturbing,” said Marek Michalak, the Polish government’s spokesman on child affairs. “Surely the boundaries of decency and acceptable forms of bodily contact have been exceeded. I’ve ordered an enquiry and demanded an explanation from all relevant authorities…”

But the priest involved, Father Marcin Kozyra, defended the “ceremony”.

“There has never been a complaint from either parents or students about any impropriety involved in these games,” he said…

The priest has also won the support of his immediate superior, Father Leja.

Well, that certainly makes it all OK.

  1. moss says:

    The least he could do is shave his legs.

  2. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    It’s a holy sacrament ceremony. It symbolizes the time when Jesus fed starving crippled and blind villagers by miraculously producing whipped cream from his knee caps.

  3. UncDon says:

    Wonder what games the Pope plays?

  4. NewformatSux says:

    Canadian study says that pedophilia is genetic, they really can’t help themselves just like homosexuality. So you need to show compassion towards pedophiles and not lock them up, and really you should let them do whatever they want.

    Previously the Amer Psych Assoc said that children are not harmed by pedophilia.

    Really you need to get with the times. Forward!

    • ± says:


    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      “Canadian study says that pedophilia is genetic…”

      Please provide link, when I googled for it I came up with a study that says there is no genetic link.

      “Homosexual (androphilic) and pedophilic men differ in a number of ways and two sets of differences are discussed in this presentation. Results from the literature suggests that there are neurological and endocrine abnormalities in pedophilia but not in androphilia. In contrast, some research suggests that homosexuality may have a genetic basis, whereas there is no evidence to date for a genetic factor in pedophilia.”


  5. nunyac says:

    Well, who knows for sure. Maybe this is a PIC of some sort of “initiation ceremony”. I mean, whats the deal? The Catholic Church has never had a problem with pedo priests before, have they?
    Oh, by the way, an “initiation ceremony” for what?

  6. deowll says:

    The parents should take this “Priest” out, tie him to a tree, and seriously hurt him. I’m not sure what is going through this guy’s mind but it’s nothing I’d approve for somebody working with my kid.

    • Booter says:

      A good way to satisfy this sick fuck’s fetish:

      From the “book of knowledge” –
      Kneecapping is a form of malicious wounding, often as criminal punishment or torture, in which the victim is injured in the knee, often using a firearm or power drill to damage the knee joint and kneecap.

      Make sure he never walks again.

  7. orchidcup says:

    Somebody needs to tell this clown.

    He doesn’t look like a pedophile.

  8. SchwettyBalls says:

    After that he magically produced some Jesus juice for the kids.

  9. Dallas says:

    Why do christians want to have blindfolded children lick cream off their legs? What’s the end game here?

    • orchidcup says:

      This is how the clergy teaches subservience to God.

      I don’t want to know what the next lesson is.

  10. DogEars says:

    A kid: Hey, that’s not whipped cream!
    The priest: That’s not my knee.

  11. kerpow says:

    At this point if you’re still leaving your kid alone with a priest you deserve whatever happens.

  12. charmingbob says:

    Sick F*ck! The guy deserves a baseball bat to his knees, and then to his head!

    • orchidcup says:

      It is perfectly normal for an old priest to make little kids crawl on their knees and lick whipped cream from his knees.

      You see this kind of thing all the time.

      It is an ancient Catholic tradition that goes back thousands of years.

  13. Rufus says:

    Religion is a crutch for the weak-minded and the leg-lickers.

  14. jasontheodd says:

    At least there were girls involved this time, I was worried the church was overspecializing in same gender molestation.

  15. Athiest for a REASON! says:

    Those “Goddamned (pedophile)FREAKS!”

    Did it really surprise anyone that this story originated from within the Christian/Catholic religion?

    I’m sure Muslims have their problems too (like the inability to take criticism). But you just don’t see this kind of behavior from a culture where they still stone you to death or cut off body parts! I can only imagine what a Muslim cleric would do if he (since there are no “she’s”) caught one of his people doing something like this.

    • NewformatSux says:

      Actually, this sort of stuff is more common there. That’s how the Taliban took power in the first place, they cracked down on such behavior in Kandahar.

  16. NewformatSux says:


  17. NewformatSux says:

    So will the Obama Administration buy ads in Poland and the Vatican denouncing this blog post, as they did in Pakistan with regards to a trailer of a video?

  18. B. Dog says:

    Well, there’s a politically correct scene for you. Gone are the days when there were pollack jokes aplenty. Who’s to say which were better times — Big Bro’?

    • Rick says:

      I can’t even get my girlfriend to lick whipped cream off my knees, she called me “sick” and told me to mow the lawn.

  19. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    The same people that look upon this situation and see pedofeelya are the same ones that travel to foreign lands and feel uncomfortable without a concealed gun – – – ie: Americans.

    Many “feelings” arise out of culture. What we have been raised to expect/fear. Each culture has its own meme.

    Watching the most excellent re-run of Shogun on the Tube this week. Nice scene where the Mariko informs Blackthorne to avoid being “constricted” as any man should sleep with any or all of the three young ladies in his house. He declines the offer so Mariko asks him if he would prefer a young boy. Blackthorne becomes outraged as he is no sodomite. The book went further and Blackthorne was offered a duck as well.

    Cultures are different, usually all serving the same purposes.

    • orchidcup says:

      So you are saying Polish people get a thrill from licking whipped cream from and old man’s knees.

      I know the Chinese consider insect larvae to be a delicacy and some Vietnamese eat fresh monkey brains for impotence but licking whipped cream from an old man’s knees is disgusting and nauseating.

      I suspect these poor kids are being conditioned for something.

      • Humanoid says:

        “This is very disturbing,” said Marek Michalak, the Polish government’s spokesman on child affairs.
        Very disturbing is an understatement!
        This is just plain wrong. WTF? Unbelievable nonsense. The person who snapped the picture is just as guilty as the preacher.
        God have mercy on us all!

        • Rick says:

          $100 says the photographer is another priest, probably Father Alfred Leja, a school inspector from the local church authority

  20. pwatch says:

    That’s nothing, this is fucking sick:
    He’s all over him, kissing him on the face and one hand on his butt.
    I hate to imagine what happened next to that poor innocent baby, and that crowd of people goading him on!

  21. pwatch says:

    Equally disturbing was my neighbour who I saw with his 7 year old daughter on his shoulders! Her vagina was just inches away from his mouth!!
    A few of us got together and reported this sicko to the authorities and he hasn’t been seen since, so a happy ending there.

    • pwatch says:

      The girl and her siblings are now safe in foster care.

    • orchidcup says:

      If his 7 year old daughter was licking whipped cream from his knees, that would be okay.

  22. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    orchidcup demonstrating how strong the meme is within him says:
    9/20/2012 at 8:44 pm

    So you are saying Polish people get a thrill from licking whipped cream from and old man’s knees. /// I don’t know about that. THIS item is about young children, boys and girls, having done it for years without complaint from anyone local. I personally would not enjoy doing that now and I don’t think I would have as a kiddie, but then I never did have a sweet tooth.

    I know the Chinese consider insect larvae to be a delicacy and some Vietnamese eat fresh monkey brains for impotence but licking whipped cream from an old man’s knees is disgusting and nauseating. //// so, why pair your personal disgust I share with the Chinese eating larvae? The point you appear to set up is what I said: cultures are different, elements in each causing disgust to other cultures while being totally acceptable within the other culture. Can eating whip cream off a hairy old guys knees be seen as cultureal or only as a set up for something universally obscene? THAT is the question.

    I suspect these poor kids are being conditioned for something. /// Well of course they are. I suspect respect for authority including the Catholic Church. Something more odious in my book than licking whipped cream off a dirty old cock, tongues being easier to clean than an infect mind.

    YOU KNOW what an infected mind is Orchi–one taught a set of cultural memes so deeply that they cannot consider any alternative. TEST: can you imagine/conceive/accept that the scenario here is as innocent as everyone in this town does? OR do you want to jump to your own conclusions for reasons you can only half verbalize? Is what you “think” based on evidence and conclusions, or just “feelings.”

    Yes, using one’s brain to think with. Another cultural meme.

  23. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Thinking about it more….I’m willing to bet glazed donuts that this “game” is totally innocent. In fact, I’d like to hear more about it. What is the game, the story, behind the cats licking whipped cream?

    My existential grounding would become more doubting if anyone was doing this in private, one on one==but if the game is in public, knees in plain sight, the game is probably just that.

    When I was a kiddie and a Pack Leader, my cub pack put on a short play. It was all about young boys asking what was in the bag held by one of them. The bag holder would say: “I cannot tell you” and the askers would fall dead from consternation. When each cub in the pack had asked the question and died, the one remaining let a live cat out of the bag and said: “Its not only cats that die of curiosity.” Who thing was done with the thickest chinese accents the kiddies could manage. I wrote the play myself. Never thought of the whipped cream angle.

    Childhood…….. they were all suckers.

  24. Glenn E. says:

    I saw Shogun decades ago. And I wouldn’t label it as a healthy civilized culture. But rather an oppressed people, knuckling under, just to draw breath. The Japanese of that time, were subject to the rule of a feudal military dictatorship. The Shogun pretty much did as they pleased, to their subjugated lands. Only a thin veneer of “manners”, kept them from being barbaric. So while they might take off your head, for not bowing your head low enough. They wouldn’t dine on your corpse. It’s more likely that their “manners” were only to make them feel civilized. So they followed some token civility, when it didn’t interfere with their feudal rule.

    But it’s really a sham civility, practiced by mentally inferior mercenaries, who know no other way to live and prosper. Possessing no trade skills, or artist talent. Just violent brutes. Not unlike the ancient Roman army. Such nations rarely create anything lasting, as they’re too busy destroying, killing and being killed. While they loot the lands of any wealth, they can’t create.

    This behavior by the polish priests, sounds more like a kind of test of child character. Seeing who is willing to perform this humiliating task. And cherry picking from those, the most desirable ones for special “training”. The rest just get booted out, without much explanation. And their parents are shamed into believing their child failed in some way, to please God.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      I mostly agree. Militarism is a bad thing and the Code of Bushido isn’t that much different from our own Code of Military Conduct. We give lip service to orders having to be legal but the simpler truth is you do what you are told.

      And Japan was a feudal culture, behind the times. They did and do produce some wonderful art though using many different media and forms.

      INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM–from state, church, and ignorance. When will we ever be free?

      • orchidcup says:

        INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM–from state, church, and ignorance. When will we ever be free?

        We will never be free of ignorance. The more we learn, the more we learn of our ignorance.

        We are free of the church when we choose to be.

        The opening of the United States Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776, states as follows:

        We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

        The phrase “all men are created equal” is a rebuttal to the going political theory of that era: the Divine Right of Kings. The founding fathers rejected the idea that a human being could stand in the place of God.

        In 1776, abolitionist Thomas Day responding to the hypocrisy in the Declaration wrote:

        If there be an object truly ridiculous in nature, it is an American patriot, signing resolutions of independency with the one hand, and with the other brandishing a whip over his affrighted slaves.

        To make a long story short, America is still working through the meaning of the Constitution and the principles represented therein.

        The courts attempt to balance the rights of man against the power of the State.

        I doubt there will ever be unamimous agreement concerning the proper power of the State.

        That is why we have political parties that are constantly at war.

  25. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    tcc3 says:
    9/21/2012 at 9:07 am

    Bobbo – I thought when TeaDud doesnt like someone he calls them a Progressive Statist Heathen? /// Thats been true until this thread. Seems Orchi’s assignment from God doesn’t fit into Alfied orthodoxy so a new threat had to be identified. He could have called it “acting like Pedro and his donkey” but he chose to go with spamming. I’ll go with the Creationists on this one: its not an evolution but rather a change within the design already established.

    Its a slow Friday when the most active thread on the forum is Alfie actually responding (still incoherently though) to a comment directed at him from a person on a Mission from God who doesn’t believe in God.


    I wish New Scientist or some other authoritative sources would actually engage the comment section. So many questions.

    Funny to watch the partisans go at it though. Obama and Rmoney saying exactly the same thing about “You can’t change Washington from the Inside” and watch them try to tell us that the context makes the statements different.

    I think Obama is playing with Rmoney as a cat does with a mouse. “Say Anything” knowing Rmoney will say its wrong===so it becomes very easy>>> Just look up anything Rmoney has ever said, say it, and watch him disagree.

    Its TIME FOR THE BIG LIE!!!!! Obama should claim that Moronism is the one true great religion of the World………… and wait for the Good Bishop to chime in.

    Ha, ha. With the crack Team Rmoney has around him, I’d still give Rmoney a 50/50 chance he would jump into the trap with glee.

    • orchidcup says:

      Its a slow Friday when the most active thread on the forum is Alfie actually responding (still incoherently though) to a comment directed at him from a person on a Mission from God who doesn’t believe in God.


      God told me there is no God.

      If God can talk to Pat Robertson He can talk to me also.

      If God can speak through the prophet Isaiah and the prophet Muhhamed then He is perfectly capable of speaking through any person.

      It is not my fault God chose me.

      Send your donations to my Paypal account. I need a new car and a new wife that applies way too much cosmetics and cries a lot.

      I will send you a prayer cloth and a special blessing from God. Trust me.

      • The Monster's Lawyer says:

        A Prayer Cloth!!?? That’s too good to pass up. Where do I send my tithing? Geez, I can’t wait.

        • orchidcup says:

          Did I forget to mention the autographed 8 X 10 glossy color photograph of Jesus?

          But wait, there’s more!

          Act today and I will include a slightly moist tissue my wife used to dab her eyes while tearfully describing how Jesus helped her overcome the temptation to buy 12 pairs of shoes while children are starving in Africa.

          Remember, the prayer cloth, special blessing, autographed 8 X 10 glossy color photograph of Jesus, and the slightly moist tissue are all included in this one-time offer.

          Send us a love offering today. God Bless.

  26. Another Priest Victim says:

    If you’re batshit crazy enough to believe in an Invisible Sky Daddy, you’re batshit crazy enough to believe that diddling kids is OK. Or beheading “infidels”. Or burning books. Or denying women their rights.

    Fuck religions. All of them. Fuck them to death.

  27. Rick says:

    I think the knees are just the 1st phase of the initiation.

    We all know what happens in the 2nd phase.

  28. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Fuck religions. All of them. Fuck them to death. //// That does make me chuckle. Sad that some might take this as their own burning experience. I’ve been lucky that way.


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