Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything.

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  1. orchidcup says:

    The Fed QEers are at it again.

    Throw that free money off the Empire State Building where everybody has an equal chance to grab some.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    Mittenz wants that stopped immediately.

    The fed should print money only for him and his closest personal friends

  3. msbpodcast says:

    The problem is that money is too fungible.

    It immediately gets converted into payments to whoever is screaming the loudest for it, and banks are not libraries. You turn into a wee timorous beastie because you dont want to attract the attention of the banksters.

    Even if Bernanke was to personally go around and put cheques for $10 grand in the hands of every person in the US, if you’re Joe Sixpack you’re already facing a mountain of bills to pay off before you can spend a nickel helping the economy (buying shit for yourself.)

    Money is not physics. It only seems to have magical magnetic properties in that it is unipolar. If responds to the pig principle: If a little is good, more is better. If a lot is good, I want it ALL.

    Specie is not going to reverse direction and suddenly stop flowing towards the bigest pile.

  4. chris says:

    Hahaha! Free money dude!!!

    I used to work near where that guy lived. He actually wears those question mark pimp suits all the time and used to drive one of those boxy Scions with more silly question marks on it.

    Dude is an all the time character!

  5. deowll says:

    Combine what the Fed is doing with what the WH is spending with the most likely underestimated costs of all the new regulations, something over a trillion a year by itself, and Obama care and you come up with trillions a year of new costs being dumped on the private sector and everybody wonders why the economy bleeps.

    The government is killing the economy. Obama is soon going to be down to redistributing poverty while living high off our money.

  6. Alfie says:

    QE3 will cause inflation.
    Inflation is a hidden tax.
    It’s a license for banks to tax taxpayers.
    Banks are not allowed to tax.
    Therefore banks are stealing.


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