True or not, doesn’t it make political sense to not talk down to, diss, insult, or whatever you want to call it, exactly the people who you want to switch and vote for you? Combine this with all his other gaffs during the last [pick a time frame] and his staff’s infighting over how to proceed and either he is completely out his mind or out of touch with the world or he simply wants to lose so Obama wins and gets blamed as we fall over the cliff during the next few years.

There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care of them, who believe that they are entitled to healthcare, to food, to housing, to you name it,” Romney said in a videotaped speech to donors that was given to the news organization Mother Jones, which posted it online Monday.

“That’s an entitlement,” Romney said. “And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. … These are people who pay no income tax.”

  1. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    It just struck me this campaign is very similar to the Second BushtheRetard campaign IN THAT the voting public does have all the information it needs to make a real choice. Romoney while running the most secretive non-transparent campaign in history has shown us at the edges what this means: he has a sense of entitlement, is totally detached from the Public, and is running to benefit himself by benefiting those similarly situated.

    Trick is though–BushtheRetard got elected.

    Low information, science denying, values voters- – – – thank you. Are you stupid enough to do it again?

    • orchidcup says:

      Trick is though–BushtheRetard got elected.

      I am still baffled how Bush the Douche got elected TWICE.

      But then I am baffled about many things that go on in this country.

  2. NewformatSux says:

    How come media is quick to say that James Keefe and Breitbart is producing edited videos taken out of context, but no such clarifications here, and instead run the tape?

    How come Nixon was labelled a criminal and liar when he said 18 minutes were accidentally erased, but Mother Jones is believed when they say the recording was inadvertently stopped partway through, causing a gap of maybe 1-2 minutes? And how come they insisted it was the whole video and made no mention that it was edited?

    • orchidcup says:

      Edited or not, partial or not, we all got to hear what Willard Romoney REALLY thinks.

      He thinks if you are not super wealthy and supported by a trust fund that takes advantage of tax shelters and tax-free investments you are a freeloading lazy Democrat zombie that depends on the government for handouts.

      Failing to mention, of course, that corporations depend on the government for favorable legislation and other freebies that help “grow business and create jobs.”

      A typical corporate aristocrat that talks out of both sides of his mouth.

      Now if the Republicans can get those lazy freeloading Latinos and dumbass Afro-Americans (n***ers) to vote for Willard The Wizard of Wall Street, the election is in the bag.

      • NewformatSux says:

        No, corporations don’t create jobs, small businesses do. These guys frequently do not register as C-Corps, but instead as S-Corps and pay personal income taxes on the business income.

        • orchidcup says:

          Small businesses create jobs. What a revelation.

          What makes you think Willard The Wizard of Wall Street will favor small business over BIG business? Was it something he said?

          Maybe the freeloading small business owners like me that are dependent on the government for handouts that hire lazy freeloading Latinos and dumbass African-American Democrats won’t even appear on his radar?

          Oh, that’s right. Willard is a Republican and Republicans support small businesses on Main Street.


          • NewformatSux says:

            Because his announced plans say exactly that. Will he give extra favors to big businesses? Probably, though he is still claiming to be against amnesty.
            However, he is in favor of lowering the top income tax rate to 25% which is a cut in taxes for small to medium sized businesses. he is also in favor of cutting the capital gains tax, eliminating it for income under $250,000. These lower taxes, means more money available to be invested by these small businesses, which have to take money out of holdings so the partners can pay their taxes. C-corps can raise the money by leveraging debt.

  3. NewformatSux says:

    There are many worse videos this week for Obama, but somehow Mitt has the worst week? Which is worse, what Mitt said or
    Stephanie Cutter saying a movie trailer caused an ambassador to be killed?

    Obama saying he wants redistribution?

    Obama saying he doesn’t know how much is the national debt?

  4. deowll says:

    So how many people think that lowering Fed Gov taxes is an issue that will draw voters who pay no FG taxes?

    How many people think that once people get paid to stay home while somebody picks up their bills they will take kindly to having the money cut off?

    While I have as yet no collected my first SS paycheck I paid in for 40 years and by gum I expect to collect something! I do feel entitled!

    I think the percentage of people whose votes have been bought using tax revenues and borrowed money is rather smaller than Romney states because some of us have the wit to know that our national credit is already running out and the Fed is having to eat a large part of our long term bonds or the FG would have to pay vastly higher rates of return.

    You pretty much need to be brain dead to think you will get paid back in ten years with an uninflated currency. Buying a 10 year FG bond at current interest rates is throwing money away.

    I sure do wish I had enough money to invest it outside of the US.

    • NewformatSux says:

      Romney conflated three different things: Obama’s 47% in polls, 47% paying no federal income taxes, and people who are on welfare or other benefits like social security disability, as well as people receiving Social Security.

  5. Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    Hmmmm, I read about this before the Obama media went crazy. At the time I thought “so? That’s like saying the sky is blue. Just a basic fact. What’s the fuss?”

  6. So what says:

    “Mitt Romney: Trying His Darnedest To Lose The Election”

    Seems to be working.

  7. tomdennis says:

    Everyone that paid no taxes last year are part of the 47 %.

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