True or not, doesn’t it make political sense to not talk down to, diss, insult, or whatever you want to call it, exactly the people who you want to switch and vote for you? Combine this with all his other gaffs during the last [pick a time frame] and his staff’s infighting over how to proceed and either he is completely out his mind or out of touch with the world or he simply wants to lose so Obama wins and gets blamed as we fall over the cliff during the next few years.

There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care of them, who believe that they are entitled to healthcare, to food, to housing, to you name it,” Romney said in a videotaped speech to donors that was given to the news organization Mother Jones, which posted it online Monday.

“That’s an entitlement,” Romney said. “And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. … These are people who pay no income tax.”

  1. dusanmal says:

    But it is a simple, yet not PC truth. You don’t like it because it is not PC, not because it is a lie. That is how regimes like Chavez-run-Venezuela work: entrap half or more population in poverty and need for Government help, make them just receive, never pay in -> instant, perpetuating dependent voting block. Also, instant perpetuating poverty and decline. Also, Government which does not want to resolve poverty, dependency and decline as it feeds on it – if they fix it, voting block is gone. Yes, to be PC they do all oratory needed to talk about better future. Only talk, never solution, never even an attempt for solution.

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    I like a politician who actually tells the truth.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    BTW, don’t we find it interesting that this liberal blog skips Obama multiple lies and incompetency shown in spades this last week and picks on Romney telling it like it is?

    • What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

      Don’t be such a moran.

      Where I work, there are tons of Republicans and Teapartiers. They exalt the right wing, and their morals, and all, and complain bitterly about how the left is taxing too much.

      Every cent each of them takes home comes from taxpayers’ paychecks.

      They expect social security, and medicare, and a functioning government, but they shouldn’t have to pay taxes to get it.

      They are totally disconnected from the reality of life.

      Don’t be a dufus.

      • hmeyers says:

        This is why I think politics is horseshit.

        In rural Ohio in a jobless vacuum, most of those people hate Democrats and are very much into “weaponized religion”.

        Yet most of them are on some form of government assistance — because — geee — how can you live where there are no jobs if you aren’t on some form of government assistance (disability and food stamps are highly abused).

        And Republicans know this. If Romney or some generic Republican wins a presidential election, things will not change.

        Our presidential elections aren’t about change, it is a propaganda war to entertain the masses. There are not actual policy differences that matter involved in this election.

      • Derek says:

        From Apathy to Dependence
        From Dependence back into Bondage

        • hmeyers says:

          The only modern reason for our 2 party political system is to make you “feel” you have a choice.

          It isn’t whether or not your choice makes a difference, it is whether or not you feel that you have some level of control. Except you don’t.

          Our elections are about having the “feelings” of having some perceived control.

  4. Yeller says:

    A large part of the 47% still pay payroll taxes, and the remainder are those making under 20k per year, the young, and the elderly.

    • hmeyers says:

      Taxes for what? The government can print as much money as it needs.

      Our government is $15 trillion in debt now (just wait until you see how big this number gets in the future).

      Your taxes can’t begin to pay for government expenditures. This is why we have “debt” so large that the combined worth of Exxon, Apple, Microsoft, General Motors could only pay government expenses for a couple of months.

      All of Bill Gates money couldn’t even pay for 8 days of government racked up debt.

      • Yeller says:

        This is off topic, but I agree. The Boomers locked themselves into lucrative pensions and entitlements while cutting their own taxes. And they will be kicking off in 20 or 30 years just when the money runs out. The post Boomer generation will be the fist to have a lower standard of living than their parents.

        • hmeyers says:

          The rest of the world still accepts our dollars today.

          And they will tomorrow.

          They know our government prints them. But people in the third world are undereducated so our monopoly money will readily accepted in the future because other people feel it has value.

          I’m pointing out the corundum and a situation that is our advantage, other countries value our money based on social acceptance. A social acceptance that will continue indefinitely into the future …

          [Hence government debt and policies don’t really affect U.S. buying power. Maybe too high brow and intellectual for this blog …]

  5. McCullough says:

    If only there were a Political Darwin Award……hmmmm.

    • hmeyers says:

      Just remember … when you say “If only there were a Political Darwin Award……hmmmm.” you are a Ron Paul supporter.

      Like “Ron Paul” as in the guy that most mainstream people don’t even know who he is.

      Give yourself the Darwin award. You’ve earned it.

      • McCullough says:

        No, you’re exactly correct this was brilliant political move.

        • hmeyers says:

          Hey look, your political views the merits and/or the lack of those merits are between you and the Darwin awards peoples.

          You needn’t involve me. In fact, as an observer I don’t feel it is even appropriate for me to get involved in all of that.

          So I’m staying out of it, because it is the honorable thing to do.

  6. hmeyers says:

    This proposed thought can only be validated after the debates and appropriately discussed on November 7.

    I am of the belief that Romney will win this election.

    I don’t believe in either of the state-endorsed political parties and think our political system is broken, so …

    I don’t have a viewpoint through the burka veil that crass red/blue state mentality voters see.

    I see Obama as someone uninterested in providing political leadership and uninterested in the office in general. My proposition is that he intends to lose the election for Michelle under the cover “I tried to win, but I guess my way of thinking was too-forward thinking and I’ve never been good at politics.”

    A die-hard liberal can say “I’m wrong” … but I’ll only value this argument on November 7 when scientifically my hypothesis — which has a great body of evidence behind is — is actually evaluated.

    Should I be wrong, I’m am the kind to admit these things. But I am convinced that all the trends favor a Romney victory, only because he is viewed as a legitimate moderate candidate, essentially making the election a referendum on Obama.

    Feel free to critique my scientific conclusions. We can discuss them on November 7 for sure.

    • Donald Adams says:

      This proposed thought can only be validated after the debates and appropriately discussed on November 7.

      I am of the belief that Obama will win this election.

      I don’t believe in either of the state-endorsed political parties and think our political system is broken, so …

      I don’t have a viewpoint through the burka veil that crass red/blue state mentality voters see.

      I see Romney as someone uninterested in providing political leadership and uninterested in the office in general. My proposition is that he intends to lose the election for Ann under the cover “I tried to win, but I guess my way of thinking was idiotic and I’ve never been good at politics.”

      A die-hard conservative can say “I’m wrong” … but I’ll only value this argument on November 7 when scientifically my hypothesis — which has a great body of evidence behind is — is actually evaluated.

      Should I be wrong, I’m am the kind to admit these things. But I am convinced that all the trends favor a Obama victory, only because he is viewed as a legitimate intellegent candidate, essentially making the election a referendum on thr Republicans.

      Feel free to critique my scientific conclusions. We can discuss them on November 7 for sure

      • hmeyers says:

        I know. Except your are repeating me.

        That makes me your master. And gives me the control.

        And, although you are looking to grant me this power, and believe me — I am both honored and embarrassed — I feel you are best served by learning to think for yourself.

        And yes, thinking for yourself is a scary and difficult task. But yet, I believe that eventually … and with enough practice and with guidance from me that … yes! … Yes you can do it!

        Yes we can!

        • Phydeau says:

          Hm, are you aware that he’s mocking you? Maybe; hard to tell in these circumstances.

          • hmeyers says:

            I should value lesser opinions because of what reason exactly?

            Oh yeah … I don’t 😉

  7. NewformatSux says:

    A gaffe is when a politician accidentally tells the truth.

    Michael Kinsley

  8. Harry says:

    Mittens golden goose is cooked.

  9. NewformatSux says:

    Romney had a statement that he gave to the press on embargo because he didnt want to speak out on 9/11 about the embassy attacks. The press helpfully leaked the statement to the Obama campaign which then distanced itself from what Romney was planning to criticize.

    Politico’s Washington correspondent is a former member of Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s staff. That would be the crazy DNC campaign head. Upon joining this staff, the current Politico reporter said,”I’m hopeful I can advance the Democratic Party’s goals”

    When will the media release Obama’s remarks to PLO member Rashid Khalidi?

    • Ah_Yea says:

      NewformatSux, good catch about Rashid Khalidi.

      That made me do some homework. Found this article.
      “The L.A. Times Suppresses Obama’s Khalidi Bash Tape. … [T]he warm embrace Obama gave to Khalidi, and words like those at the professor’s going-away party, have left some Palestinian American leaders believing that Obama is more receptive to their viewpoint than he is willing to say. … remarkable coincidence that both Obama and Ayers … just happen to be intimate friends of the same anti-American Israel-basher?”

      Wonder why the middle east is in flames and Netanyahu is so concerned??

  10. NewformatSux says:

    Romney should just say that Obama is trying to sign all these people up for welfare with no work requirement.

  11. sargasso_c says:

    The guy can win.

    • Captain Obvious says:

      Obviously the electoral college math says he’ll lose. Ohio, Virgina, Florida – kachang.

  12. Dallas says:

    If not for his mouth he might be an OK president?

    • NewformatSux says:

      Switch president for candidate, and you have it right.
      If not for his being a liberal, he might be an OK president.

    • Dallas says:

      Actually no. What comes out of a president’s pie hole is critically important.

      See the results of Willard’s world tour a month ago – and he was just there on vacation!

  13. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    HMyers turning hard right while denying it all the same thinks that it is the poor people of the world that invest in USA Dollars. Ha, ha. Almost Alfie like in its simple parsing of the Universe. Rich = Good and Republican, Poor = Bad and Democratic. A basic fact/values flaw that prohibits him from seeing that McCullough, left/right/other, is about the truth. Let all the candidates speak/be revealed as truthfully as possible, then let the electorate vote.

    How can that be anything but lauded?—Well, you are either with our mindless hypocritical talking points meant to have you shut up and follow===or you’re against us.

    I’m a far left lib and I want all the social services that can possibly be delivered.

    1. Only “standard” social benefit I have ever taken is the GI Bill.
    2. Never been sick. Paid all my taxes often eschewing dodging shelters and deductions: “I am happy to make this much $$ to pay this much in Taxes.”
    3. Define: possibly>> provide for a general program of support to all people so they can individually seek happiness and success without the fear for basic necessities of food, clothing, shelter, education, healthcare (Jobs/Retirement). Limited only by the Laffer Curve of Tax Revenue Income legitimately available==meaning there will be a Nanny State controlling/allowing/regulating much of life: it turns out this is what we deserve/demand —GOOD GOVERNMENT.

    Its the only way society works. Look at history. When minorities get in control, the society may prosper for awhile, but it slowly rotates into heredity based wealth and power transfers and the Powerful do not always produce intelligent kiddies.

    All societies fail eventurally–rise and fall—. Its what kind of life is made available for “most” during the ups and downs.

    Just look…. and vote your own self interest.

    • hmeyers says:

      Bobbo … I don’t think voting changes anything.

      The direction we are heading as a society is clear. You’ve said it before and impressed some viewpoints I hadn’t thought of upon my brain.

      I’m rather stating where based on current and past trends, how this election will go Romney by the time November 6 rolls around.

      I’m also pointing out, there aren’t distinct tracks for the various political parties.

      All roads lead to the same place. I get that. So all of this is entertainment.

  14. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    Mitt RMoney, like the mother not understanding what calling her offspring a son of a bitch is actually saying thinks that:

    “If you don’t pay income taxes, you are a sponging maggot off the body of productive worthwhile Americans.”

    So…… what does that say about someone bending all the rules if not breaking a few who tries to pay as little taxes as possible?

    Son of a Bitch!…….((or his he the mother?====YOU DECIDE–Vote your own self interest.))

    Stupid Pukes. I understand THEM wanting to cut your throat for the blood sausage it makes, but why do you hand your lives over to these elitist class waring hypocrites?

  15. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    Mitt in press conference being asked if he stands by these comments. Answer “You didn’t show the full speech and I was “inelegant” when speaking off the cuff”…. I want all people to have jobs….. He was just talking about “the PROCESS” OF CAMPAIGNS….”

    RMoney reveals as he has from the first dishonest ad he ran that he thinks everything is game in politics. And with 47% of the public voting Puke REGARDLESS of what is said by their candidate, I suppose he isn’t far wrong.

    Why don’t Pukes recognize as Bill Buckley did years ago that “the party has left you” in its lunge to the Far Right? If you don’t hand RMoney a HUGE LOSS, conservative values THAT I CHAMPION, will never re-emerge from the morass of two party politics.

    Easy to See.

    vote the truth, vote your own self interest.

    • hmeyers says:

      Let’s say that everything in your “politics actually matters” mind comes true — your dreams — what actually changes?

      Well … nothing.

      Not even if your worst nightmare — well, ok, Santorum just isn’t gonna happen — but considering all of your intellectually insightful viewpoints about modern society and the changes we cannot control — why are you concerned?

      Western society is set on a particular train track — like you’ve pointed out — and dragging or kicking that’s where we are headed. D’s or R’s don’t matter.

      Sometimes, your lack of faith in your own true beliefs causes me some concern, really. I know you are correct, yet you don’t seem to know you are.

  16. Glenn E. says:

    Rmoney is no Ronald Reagan. And he never will be, no matter how much the RNC tries to connect the two at the hip. By that, I mean a fictional immoral Reagan, not an in reality dead one.

    Recently, Rmoney said that “whoever has released the snippets would, I would certainly appreciate if they’d release the whole tape so we could see all of it.” Either believing that more of the “tape” will exonerate him. Or pretending that it’s been taken out of context, thru clever editing. To which I say to him…. how about releasing more than a “snippet” of your Tax records? So that the public can see if your personal finances are not “taken out of context”! What’s sauce of the goose, etc. etc.

    And whose ass did Rmoney’s staff pull this “47%” figure out of? A “47%” voters polled, that favored Obama, over Mitt? Labeling them the “no matter what” voters? And claiming that’s because they’re all on the taxpayers’ back? The other 53%’s backs, that is. Because Rmoney can’t imagine that a smaller percentage than Obama’s devoted followers, will vote for himself. Or that any Americans are fed up with the whole farce, and refuse to play the game. So naturally Rmoney’s staff tailored that private response (Q&A?), so his uncommitted majority, was just a bit larger than Obama’s “die hard” voters.

    Let’s face it. This election isn’t about which party wins, or which poser gets to live in the White House. It’s about boosting the voter numbers, and the campaign money. Because the greater the circus attendance, the longer it runs. And the way Obama is out spending Rmoney. It sounds like Mitt is saving some of it for a rainy day. Maybe even he doesn’t expect to win.

    • hmeyers says:

      Maybe Bobbo can gain some wisdom from your comment, which is absolutely on the mark.

    • hmeyers says:

      And to explain this in the nuts and bolts:

      Elections are a PR show. To convince you that showing up at the polls matters.

      But this showcase does not change that you can’t stop progress … your “side” win or lose are just opposite sides of the same coin, headed to the same destination.

      And the destination was never in question. The destination isn’t “bad” or “good” … that is only what you make of it.

  17. gold account says:

    We’ve watched the results of the Presidents approach over the last 3½, 4 years, and his government-centric, larger and larger government approach has meant that we have 15 million more people on food stamps, 23 million people out of work or stopped looking for work or underemployed.

    • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

      There would have been 2 Million more out of work had Obama not saved the Auto Industry.

      That shows things would have been much worse with RMoney and the Pukes.

      A recitation of how bad things are now does not establish causality or understanding of any little thing.

      Stop being a stooge and think for yourself. Not open your mouth and talk nonsense… but THINK. Understand the limits of what you know, don’t know, and only hope for. Don’t let yourself be lied to just because it sounds good.

  18. Eddie G says:

    Is there any chance he was referring to the defense industry?

  19. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    PROOF THAT HMYERS IS A STOOGE!!! Along with anyone else who claims that voting D or R doesn’t make any difference:

    So–if that were true, there is no reason at all for you to vote yourself or to care whether/how anyone else votes either.

    but stated that way, you see the error of your ways. NO WAY IN HELL, Algore would have invaded Iraq. Clue–Afghanistan would have been a 5050 maybe but Iraq was under our control. ONLY BushtheRetard with his NeoTard cabal had the crazy nuts to make war on Iraq==all helping to destroy our military strength which is our economy.

    Without Obama==no way we would not have gotten ObamaCare–the first huge step towards single payer and healthcare sanity.

    Eat it.

  20. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    Alfie–three posts in a row all saying the same nonsensical thing? What are you doing? Amassing your argument?

    What you and Dipwad RMoney need to APPRECIATE is probably 95% of those 47% that RMoney was actually thinking about: “Those who don’t pay income tax” are no doubt working one or even two jobs especially per household if not individually.

    That is the CRIME that Pukes have pushed onto the gullible such as yourself: impune vaguely some group and get the rabble eating their own. And there you are Alfie, with three portions thinking your are the rich that provide all the leeches with jobs if they are only willing to work.

    The cess pool you call your mind is truly something to behold.

    Hook …………………….. line ………………………… and stinker.

  21. orchidcup says:

    Alfred E. Neuman showed up today. What a surprise.

    Willard Romoney was born into a privileged class of people that had daddy’s money to support him through college and a daddy that had business and political connections that assisted little Willard up the ranks of the business world.

    Willard did not grow up like a normal human being that starts working a minimum wage job as a teenager and then works their way through college and then pounds the pavement to seek a career without any assistance from daddy and his connections.

    That is why Willard is out of touch with reality. He is part of an elite group of people that were born into privilege and wealth.

    Like George W. Bush, the elitist that came before Willard.

    That is why Willard pisses off the people like me who actually worked for everything we own and have accomplished in spite of people like Willard.

    • orchidcup says:

      The elite snobbery and stink of privilege that exudes from every pore of Willard’s skin is very offensive to conservatives that started with nothing and worked their way up in the business world without the greased rails of a trust fund and stock holdings that provided a secure ladder to boost little Willard to the level of the privileged wealthy class that populates the executive ranks of corporations.

      Every conservative I know that owned a business on Main Street started with a small business loan and an idea and worked very hard through very tough and risky economic circumstances, only to lose almost everything because of the economic disaster caused by the Republican administration that preceded the Obama administration.

      Conservatives like me have a long memory. We remember who was asleep at the wheel when the economy crashed into a brick wall in the years leading up to 2008, and it damn sure was not Barack Obama.

      Now the Republicans expect hard working people to vote for the same kind of elitist snobbery that got us into trouble in the first place.

      No thank you, Willard. You are Bush 3.0, a nauseating repeat of privileged puke.

  22. Nitroneo says:

    Truth cuts deep but cuts clean.

    Supported in todays CNS article “August, according to the BLS, only 63.5 percent of the civilian population (those over 16, who were not in the military or in an institution) participated in the labor force. That was the lowest level of labor force participation in 31 years. To participate in the labor force a person must either have a job or at least be actively trying to find one.”

    • orchidcup says:

      To participate in the labor force a person must either have a job or at least be actively trying to find one.

      I know of independent contractors in my area that worked in the home building industry that ended up working at a fast-food restaurant for minimum wage when the housing industry went bust.

      The last thing these people need is a lecture from Willard Romoney about hard work.

      These people I know worked 60-70 hours per week before Bush took a wrecking ball to the economy and now they are struggling to make mortgage payments while working 2 or 3 part-time jobs and selling off assets to stay afloat.

      Others were not so lucky. They were forced to take unemployment benefits and food stamps while looking for employment that is not there.

      Now Willard Romoney insists on insulting them by insinuating they are freeloaders that depend on entitlements.

      What a douche bag elitist prick. Go to hell, Willard Romoney!

      • Sea Lawyer says:

        You mean people who worked themselves out of a job building the glut of overpriced houses that the real estate bubble produced? I didn’t see local governments, in their thirst for ever more property tax revenue, hold back on issuing new building permits; and yet it’s all Bush’s fault for swinging the recking ball that put these people out of work. Yeah, sure…

        • orchidcup says:

          The workers that built the homes did not create the housing bubble.

          It is not their fault that the lending industry wrote loans to people that were not qualified, nor is it their fault that Wall Street bundled mortgage derivatives and sold fraudulent securities that required a bailout from the government.

          Perhaps you were not paying attention.

          • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

            Bravo Orchi – don’t let out of order Sea Lawyers try to hang Wallstreets Crime on the Working Class.

            Its too much in the vein of thinking that people working two jobs to tread water are leeches because they don’t pay income tax==IE==the very tax that Romoney does everything he can do to avoid himself.

            Pack of lying hypocrits who think the middle class is $250K per year. You know earns less than $250K per year? Thats right — leaches just looking for government hand outs.

            SL–have you moved right in the past few years? Why support a party you “used to” just because they share the same name?

            Enough to make a maggot puke.

  23. msbpodcast says:

    Mitenz or O’mama, what’s the diference?

    At the end of the day, you’ve still got some millionaire 1%er trying to pluck the 99%ers for whatever they’ve got left.

    I must admit that Mittenz keeps letting his utter disdain and contempt for the American people shine through his clumsy and ineffectual political posturing.

    O’mama is just more careful about not getting in the face of the camel he’s riding, (but that doesn’t mean that he’s not thinking the same thing.)

    • Bill Brugger says:

      Just like Bush Gore didn’t make any difference.
      Two wars 9-11 global warming Supreme Court and other judge appointments. Just because one guy is not perfect doesn’t mean there is no difference.

  24. orchidcup says:

    Republicans are famous for offering candidates that obviously reached the pinnacle of business success with the assistance of daddy’s money and political connections.

    Their fame is further enhanced when they start lecturing hard working people (that started with nothing) about the virtues of hard work and conservative values.

    It is easy to insult people that work hard every day to keep their heads above water.

    These candidates fail to acknowledge that they have always had the benefit of taking a fat welfare check from daddy.

    The hypocrisy of the Republican elitist privileged class is apparent and nauseating.

    Willard Romoney can kiss my conservative ass.

  25. orchidcup says:

    I would be pleased to take Willard Romoney out of the rarified atmosphere of privileged wealth and dress him in coveralls and give him a hardhat and a lunchbox with a bologna sandwich and a candy bar and put him to work on a drilling rig as a roughneck that works 12 hours a day 7 days a week in the heat, cold, and driving rain while his family waits for him to return home with a hard-earned paycheck.

    Poor little Willard Romoney might actually get a blister on his finger.

    The last thing a roughneck needs is a lecture from Willard Romoney about hard work and paying taxes to support needy corporations that take welfare from the government and complain about paying taxes.

    Willard Romoney knows nothing about hard work.

  26. Former Republican says:

    Sorry, Romney is a complete tool.

    • Mike Lu says:

      True, but the other guy is a complete fool. We get to pick between a turd sammich and a Douchebag….. Love American politics and the two party system.

  27. NewformatSux says:

    Any comment on Eric Holder saying due process is different from judicial process, and since Obama thought about who he was killing, that’s due process?

    • tcc3 says:

      Changing the subject wont help Romney.

      Romneys charge is that Obama has had a weak and apologetic foreign policy. If “due process” drone death from above is weakness, I shudder to think what Romneys going to do.

      And that’s the basic issue: As much as Obama is pilloried for being a leftist radical, most of his faults are right wing. Things that Bush started, things that McCain vowed to continue, and things that Romney promises to double down on.

      I don’t like a lot of what Obama has done. What he has done right Romney promises to undo. What he has done wrong Romney promises to continue or increase.

      Thats not a good choice, but its not a hard one.

      • NewformatSux says:

        >Changing the subject wont help Romney.

        It sure helps Obama. This video is from 6 months ago, and he leaked it to distract people from his claims that a video caused his ambassador to get killed in an attack with RPGs and mortars. Also going unnoticed is the biggest loss of aircraft since Vietnam.

  28. tj says:

    Romney got so much wrong but I think it was mostly deliberate to scare the crap out of potential donors.

    His message to them was: “Obama’s been spotted 47% of the electorate, so I need all the money you can spare to get me at least 51% out of the other 53%”

    Of course that’s pure BS and many among that 47% are Republicans.

    So either he’s out of touch/not too bright or he’s just a liar.

  29. NewformatSux says:

    So Romney described Obama’s worldview very well. Obama campaign expressed the same sentiment here:

    • tj says:

      that government should serve the people and not just protect corporate interests?

  30. NewformatSux says:

    Note to media, you can’t declare that Romney’s campaign has died with his latest gaffe, if you said that during his last gaffe.

    • orchidcup says:

      The way it is going, Romoney may die a thousand deaths before the voters get to the polls.

      I am relieved to know what Romoney really thinks about hard working people that are freeloaders and dependent on the government.

      Romoney did forget to mention that corporations are dependent on the government for welfare and tax cuts and other preferential treatment from legislators.


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