“A Los Angeles man accused of crashing his SUV through an Apple storefront in Temecula [California] in a brazen burglary last week pleaded not guilty Wednesday, Sept. 12, to multiple felonies,”

  1. Jim says:

    His own SUV to get a few iPads. Lol

  2. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    iCrash 5

  3. BadApple says:

    Yup this sound about right, once you get in to apple world, getting out is not so easy–even with BMW x5 !!
    Another free publicizing for apple, implying that people are crazy to get their iStuff.
    Lesson learned, iSfuff==>i$$==>iFcuk!!

  4. deowll says:

    First you _steal_ an SUV or pick up. Then you get a nice big sturdy bag.

    It may be that smart people avoid smash and grab crime. I wonder if he planned to activate the phones themselves.

  5. jpfitz says:


  6. ± says:

    Somebody put us up the bomb!

  7. jpfitz says:

    Trade an x5 for and i5? Hilarious watching thieves trying to back out. I doubt anyone would crash a MS windows store for a snatch and grab.

    Desperate times call for desperate actions. Me needs the shiny new i gadget.

  8. Uncle Patso says:

    This is so dumb I don’t even know what to say…

    * Stealing _display_models_ instead of a stack or two of boxed units from the back room

    * Destroying a $10K-$15K car in the process

    * _Stealing_ a can of Fix-A-Flat? He didn’t have $5 or $10 on him? How did he buy gas? The 3 or 4 guys should have had that much between them

    Of course, 22-year-olds tend not to be the wisest people around, but this is _so_ dumb that if the guy claimed some friend of his borrowed the car, then returned the keys to him saying he’d had an accident, I might believe it…

  9. NewformatSux says:

    Probably hired by Apple for the publicity. They’re manufacturing a shortage just to get long lines like last time. JCD writes about it in his PCMag column that is improperly linked. Any lines will be compared to the lines from last time, and if they come up short this will be noticed and commented on negatively. Funny how this doesn’t happen for Obama.

  10. noname says:

    I am totally impressed!

    It’s more like I am totally entertained!

    Not that we could learn anything actionable, or that we didn’t know already; but, how desperate, high or just unfathomably mentally lost where these people?

  11. noname says:

    John Dvorak, THIS IS OFF-TOPIC for sure, but; in the “Tax Cuts For Wealthy Help Economy?” blog I screwed up.

    Yes, I screwed up. Yes, I made a mistake. Yes, call me what you will, BUT can you fix this relentless bolding???

    Is it possible you can give us a ~120sec edit window to correct one’s typo’s?

    Please HELP!

  12. NewformatSux says:

    Will Al Gore resign his seat on Apple’s board now that the store has been defiled by SUVs?

  13. orchidcup says:

    The idiot’s license plate was left behind at the scene of the crime.

    Reminds me of the bank robber that left his wallet sitting on the counter with his driver’s license in it.

    Then there was the numbskull that called the police because somebody stole his marijuana stash.

    No wonder this country is circling the drain.

  14. Peppeddu says:

    Is there an App for that?

  15. Truth says:

    If the USA had had more factories to make Apple products, perhaps the robbers would have not need to develop their ramming and grabbing skills in the first place.

  16. Jess Hurchist says:

    Isn’t ram-raiding a bit, well, 1980’s?

  17. Dave says:

    That’s right nobody steals Microsoft store junk


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