Mitt Romney broke our deal…Perhaps he didn’t know he’d made it, although, really, I thought it was pretty clear.

He could do anything he wanted during this campaign as long as he sent out signals that once he got in the White House he was not likely to be truly crazy.

We, in return, were going to be able to continue with our normal sleeping patterns through the fall.

It didn’t seem to be a lot to ask, but when the crisis in the Middle East flared up, Romney turned out to have no restraining inner core. All the uneasy feelings you got when he went to London and dissed the Olympic organizers can now come into full bloom. Feel free to worry about anything. That he’d declare war on Malta. Lock himself in a nuclear missile silo and refuse to come out until there’s a tax cut. Hand the country over to space aliens.

Here is the Republican candidate for president of the United States on Wednesday, explaining why he broke into a moment of rising international tension and denounced the White House as “disgraceful” for a mild statement made by the American Embassy in Cairo about the importance of respecting other people’s religions:

“They clearly — they clearly sent mixed messages to the world. And — and the statement came from the administration — and the embassy is the administration — the statement that came from the administration was a — was a statement which is akin to apology and I think was a — a — a severe miscalculation.”

Feel free to reread this when you’re staring at the ceiling at 4 a.m…

The one big advantage to being a boring candidate is that you give the appearance of calm and stability. But, suddenly, Romney seemed to want to go for a piquant mélange of dull and hotheaded…When asked whether he was too quick on the attack, loyalists were supposed to say: “No. It is never too soon to stand up for American values and interests…”

Two months to go and we’re rethinking our presumption that the Republican primary voters picked the most stable option.

The Party-formerly-known-as-Republican continues to devolve.

  1. NewformatSux says:

    The media coordinated their press conference to attack Romney and sell the liberal talking points of the day.

    They give softballs to Michelle Obama, while asking Ann Romney tough questions.

    Meanwhile, Al Qaeda is shutting down universities in the US as well.

    • Chrisbap says:

      “Meanwhile, Al Qaeda is shutting down universities in the US as well.”

      That’s a pretty big statement. Care to name the universities that Al Qaeda is shutting down?

      • deowll says:

        Some jerk called in a bomb threat. Look it up yourself.

        • Chrisbap says:

          Some jerk calling in a bomb threat does not equate to Al Qaeda shutting down universities.

          • Chrisbap says:

            If I called in a fake bomb threat to the DNC in Charlotte claiming to be a disgruntled Republican, should the story be: Republicans threaten to blow up the Democratic Convention? No. It’s just some lunatic looking for attention.

    • Dallas says:

      is it the media’s fault too? Oh my !

  2. NewformatSux says:

    Obama’s big mistake, when the crowd said we are all Osama, he should have dropped a bomb on the crowd.

  3. NewformatSux says:

    Why aren’t all the liberals investing in Obama? You can get a 50% return in 50 days on Intrade.

  4. hmeyers says:

    Unless Romney screws up bad in one of the debates or some unforeseen thing happens, I think Obama is gone.

    There might be flaming liberals that would insist otherwise, but partisans don’t constitute part of the vote that decides close elections.

    I think as the election approaches, some people who at this point think they are going to vote for Obama will have second thoughts in the final days nearing the election. Perhaps thinking …

    “Can I really say I want 4 more years of this?”

    In that sense, Romney isn’t a factor. He’s known to be a legitimate candidate.

    Essentially this election is a referendum on Obama.

    • Phydeau says:

      Yeah, you keep saying that. Maybe you’ll even convince yourself. 🙂

      But with all of Mitt’s Major Meltdowns, you’ll be one of the few who do believe that.

      “Known to be a legitimate candidate”? Wow, is that the best you can do? He really is a candidate folks, you can really vote for him!

      The capacity of people to fool themselves is amazing.

      • hmeyers says:

        I’m not really into the political party, partisan thing so I don’t see this through blue or red colored glasses. My thoughts are based on social observation.

        We both have different opinions. Here in 6 weeks or so, one opinion will be right and the other wrong.

        In many ways, I don’t care who wins since I think our political system doesn’t work.

        But I think Romney wins for the reasons ascribed above.

        • deowll says:

          I have an agenda but I think you are right. There is way to much bad juju tied to this admin. and it keeps getting worse. You missed the Fed is running the printing presses wide open because the Chairman thinks the WH and Congress are not doing their jobs.

          Of course a lot of the buying that is going through Golman’s is going to make somebody into a Billionaire and if Mitt wins he said the Fed is going to get a new Chairman. He may be buying a really large pure gold parachute at tax payer expense.

      • hmeyers says:

        Is it your perception that Obama has an active interest in his job?

        He doesn’t come across as someone who has a lot of interest in being president and much enthusiasm for what he does.

    • MikieV says:

      “In that sense, Romney isn’t a factor. He’s known to be a legitimate candidate.”

      Too funny…

      Seems like only yesterday when we had the “Anybody but Mitt” show, also called the Republican primaries, in which all sorts of “legitimate candidates” were running as the flavor-of-the-month against Mitt.

      Bachman, Perry, Cain, Gingrich… (I still can’t believe Newt was considered a “legitimate candidate”)

      But that’s all behind us, now.

      Mitt is the clear choice. 😉

      But anyway,

      I just wish somebody would have asked Gov Perry why school children in Texas say the Pledge of Allegiance – with that bit about “…one nation, under God, Indivisible…” when he clearly thinks the nation is -not- indivisible.

      That would have been an interesting Q&A.

  5. Moran says:

    Moran says only morans vote for Republicrats and Demicans.

  6. NewformatSux says:

    Why wasn’t the media attacking Obama for using the death of a foreign leader just hours later to attack Hillary Clinton? Did they coordinate their press conference to ask him these questions?

  7. NewformatSux says:

    Why is Obama naming the filmmaker who produced the video? For all the talk of outing Valerie Plame, this seems like a leak that would get someone killed.

    • orchidcup says:

      Anti-Islam Filmmaker Sam Bacile Might Be An Ex-Con Using Fake Name

      Sam Bacile, the California-based Israeli filmmaker and real estate developer who produced anti-Islam film “Innocence of Muslims,” may be an alias used by an ex-convict to evade authorities. A man named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, who lives in the Los Angeles suburb of Cerritos, has been linked by news organizations to production of the low-budget film clip, which has been circulated under several titles, including “Innocence of Muslims.” He is widely thought to be using the name Sam Bacile as an alias.

      Federal authorities investigating the slayings in Libya declined to comment on whether Nakoula was linked to the movie. He has been known to federal law enforcement for other reasons long before the anti-Muslim video emerged. He pleaded guilty to bank fraud in 2010 and was sentenced to 21 months in prison, to be followed by five years on supervised probation, court documents showed. He was released from prison in June 2011, shortly before production began on the video, prison records show.

      Nakoula was accused of fraudulently opening bank and credit card accounts using Social Security numbers that did not match the names given on applications, according to a criminal complaint.

      Under the written terms of release from prison, Nakoula was forbidden from using the Internet or assuming any aliases without approval of his probation officer. He also was ordered to make restitution for more than $790,000 from the scam.

      Nakoula also pleaded guilty in 1997 to possession with intent to manufacture methamphetamine and was sentenced to a year in jail, said Sandi Gibbons, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office.

      Attempts by Reuters to contact Nakoula directly were unsuccessful. But it appeared that at least one scene in the video may have been filmed at Nakoula’s home.
      A distinctive interior front door shown in one scene was nearly indistinguishable from the exterior door at Nakoula’s house. Both have frosted-glass, half-moon-shaped cutouts with stenciled rose designs in the wood double-door entrance.

      The house was besieged on Thursday by throngs of reporters and camera crews, who saw residents inside paper over at least one half-moon window for privacy. Police maintained a light presence near the home after they were called to the scene on Wednesday night over concerns about Nakoula’s safety. The officers declined to elaborate.

      A Coptic activist from Virginia, Morris Sadek, who said he played a role in promoting the video, gave Reuters a telephone number for a man he described as the filmmaker. That number later traced back to the Nakoula residence.

      That number turned up in a public-records search as a pay-as-you-go cell phone registered to a user who shares a residence with Nakoula. The number initially went unanswered and later seemed to have been disconnected.

      Sadek had attributed the video to a man he named as Sam Bacile, which was also the name used by an individual who posted a copy of the video in July on YouTube. But at least two other people linked to the film have said that name was likely a pseudonym.
      Meanwhile, details of the film’s production remained murky.

      A group called Media for Christ, which maintains an Arabic-language Christian website, obtained a permit to shoot the film on August 8, 2011, at a studio in the Santa Clarita Valley, north of Los Angeles, said Paul Audley, president of FilmL.A., the agency that processes regional on-location film permits.

      The area is home to a Middle East-style village stage set commonly used for Hollywood productions, Audley added.

      The actual permit for the shoot was withheld from the public on Thursday. Los Angeles County assistant CEO Ryan Alsop said in a statement that the permit was removed due to “public safety concerns” raised by the U.S. State Department and the FBI.

      Media for Christ is a nonprofit organization based in Duarte, California, which describes itself as an evangelical Christian group, according to federal tax documents. A 2011 tax filing listed revenue of just over $1 million but did not disclose its main donors.
      Officials from the group could not immediately be reached, and the front door to the organization’s office in Duarte was locked.

      U.S. pastor Terry Jones, who had inflamed anger in the Muslim world in 2010 with plans to burn the Koran, said he had promoted “Innocence of Muslims” in the Middle East.

      • deowll says:

        The odd thing is this video is such total crap nobody wants to watch it and there are some excellent video’s around that do it much better.

        It’s almost like this horse apple was created and posted to be used as it is being used not that any of the people rioting would actually debase themselves by looking at it.

  8. says:

    The author of the column, Gail Collins, is a nutty columnist for the NYTimes who is obsessed with Romney. Thanks Eideard for bringing this political hack to light. And Romney’s the crazy one…

    “During her tenure with the New York Times, she has documented the incident of Mitt Romney’s dog, Seamus, riding on the roof of Romney’s car during a family vacation, on over 68 different occasions.”

    To wit:

  9. NewformatSux says:

    Pres of Egypt said that the US must take action against the filmmakers, and Obama is going along with it. Now they are investigating the filmmaker for possible parole violations.

    • orchidcup says:

      Wouldn’t it be strange if the filmmakers turned out to be evangelical Christians?

      It is a corny film that is horrible beyond belief, not something that should be taken seriously.

      Like the Book of Mormon.

      • hmeyers says:

        I think they need to make more of these cheesy Islamic movies and more goofy cartoons.

        People in those countries need to be conditioned so they can interact with the rest of the world.

        If they don’t like free expression, then they need to quit watching YouTube videos.

        • deowll says:

          What I’ve wondered is if Islamist had it made as a pretext to riot and get the butt kisser in chief to crack down on all speech critical of Islam. That actually is part of the agenda of an over reaching organization of Muslims with ties to the UN.

  10. Animal Mother says:

    George W. Bush attended all his national security meetings. That’s how he knew Saddam had all those WMDs and was about to launch a nuke at the USA.

    Thank God for national security meetings.

    • deowll says:

      The head of the CIA personally assured the President that those weapons were in place. It later turned out we didn’t have a single agent in the country.

  11. jbenson2 says:

    Just in the past week:

    * Nuclear Reactor in Austin, TX evacuated
    * University of Texas evacuated – al-Qaida bomb threat
    * North Dakota State University evacuated
    * Valparaiso University – threat issued
    * 4 Americans, including the US Ambassador killed in Libya
    * Marines in US Embassy can’t have live ammunition
    * Chinese put war ships in disputed waters off Japan
    * Obama admin ignores intelligence reports 48 hours before Libya attack
    * US Embassy in Cairo issues statement blaming movie trailer, not the terrorists.
    * al-Qaeda attacks US embassy in Yemen
    * Obama blows off meeting with Prime Minister of Israel
    * Obama blows off his own Intel meetings even after our Amabassor was murdered
    * Obama goes to Vegas to campaign
    * Hillary Clinton agrees with Romney’s comments
    * Obama says Egypt is not an ally and White House corrects him.
    * Middle class sinks to all-time low
    * The second 9/11 begins as Obama grovels for peace

    Mr. President, wake up!
    Mitt Romney is not the enemy!

  12. Harry says:

    I would rather have a man that analysis the available intelligence then one that is influenced by a neo-con manipulating it.

  13. DanC says:

    I would rather have a man who can spell “analyzes” and “than” lecture me on other people’s intelligence.

    • Harry says:

      Anytime you want to debate me have at it. I graduated from high school over 45 years ago and didn’t sit in a cubicle all day pushing papers.

  14. spsffan says:

    Okay, NOW do I have any takers for my neutron bomb the entire Middle East policy?


    • hmeyers says:

      Given enough time and I think all those Middle Eastern countries end up becoming like Somalia and starving to death after they destroy all their buildings and utilities.

      Their religious beliefs can’t cope with the modern world, so they destroy their own countries.

      And all you need to cause them to do it is draw a cartoon.

      And make a few YouTube videos.


      • deowll says:

        What Obama should have said is that if they don’t cool it we will flood the internet and all electronic communications with porn and criticism of Islam and watch these nuts completely trash all their modern communications equipment.

      • Whatever says:

        Might work better (for us) if we can make the Islamaphobia look like it’s coming from Russia or China.

        Sad, I agree.

    • msbpodcast says:

      The worse thing we could do for the stinkin’ armpits of countries south and east of the Mediterranean is to leave them the fuck alone.

      The best thing we could do for ourselves is to leave the stinkin’ armpits of countries south and east of the Mediterranean the fuck alone.

      Make sure that they know to stay on their side of the school yard or we’ll nuke ’em from space until the desert sands become glowing green glass. (Starting with fuckin’ Mecca! We’ll take one of your Pillars of Islam and shove it up your ass.)

  15. Whatever says:

    Romney may have destroyed his bid for the presidency. By every account of every experienced and objective political observer he made a massive and major blunder.

    But, the entire self-contained conservative media bubble is SCREAMING to save his sorry ass. Without a right-wing media machine spinning this at 20,000 rpm and you authoritarians buying every word of it, he’d be toast.

  16. ECA says:

    Does anyone THINK that these folks KNOW what is about to happen..
    That over the PAST they have started things, and its ALL coming to a head???
    ANd NO ONE wants the future position of president??

    Im sorry to say, that looking over PAST history that the USA has done things, NOT ADMITTED to in the past. that has PISSED OFF many countries. A fair amount has come out about SOME of this. but, they KEEP trying to bury this stuff, under the secrets act.
    DO WE have a right, to know what has been done IN OUR NAME?

    We Blame countries when a FEW in those countries do something WRONG..Dont you think that THEY do the same(?) when our GOV. does something STUPID in theirs?

  17. Dallas says:

    Willard is in DEFCON 5 panic mode. His poll numbers are falling and he’s scrambling to look like he’s relevant, much less presidential.

    So far he’s exceeded expectations as a reactionary buffoon. This looks really bad for him and Eddie Munster

    • jbenson2 says:

      Dallas, you might want to check the news every now and then, instead of reading from the White House talking points.

      Rasmussen – Romney 48% vs Obama 45%
      Even the liberal, Obama lapdog NYT has seen the light. They have narrowed Obama’s lead to the margin of error

  18. moss says:

    They’re home, now.

  19. msbpodcast says:

    Mittenz is acting even stupider that usual? Big deal.

    He’d have to be a drooling idiot before that mattered. Look at Shrub. He comes from a family with a heritage of embarrassment. (Nobody seems to remember his daddy going to Japan and hurling over the Japanese prime minister.)

    We like our presidents to have room temperature IQs. (And our veeps have blots on our species since Nixon.)

    So Shrub wasn’t able to last out his second term before the economy melted down, threw millions of people out of work, resulted in the debt crisis, the mortgage crisis, the Wall street crisis, the poor performance of government departments after downsizing and deregulation and the creation and/or explosive growth of the NSA, the TSA and a whole bunch of (in)security apparatuses. So he doesn’t dare travel out of the country because he’d have to stand trial in the Hague. We don’t hold that against him.

    Obama is acting more statesman like than usual? Big deal. To many Americans he still just a [expletive deleted] ’cause he’s a [expletive deleted].

    Doesn’t matter…

    This November, you’re still just picking one millionaire over the other, and you’re still going to drop trow’, bend forward, grab your ankles and take it like the idiot sluts you are.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      Who says Obama is acting more statesman than usual. Compared to what?? No statesmanship at all?

      Just look what’s happening TODAY in the middle east!

      Great foreign policy. Yea, the world loves us because of Obama.

      • Ah_Yea says:

        Not to mention the article is a NYT op-ed. So what?

        Just another Eideard hate screed.

  20. jbenson2 says:

    Mitt’s meltdown?

    How about Obama’s meltdown?

    Today’s latest news report:
    The State Department has gone into full-blown crisis mode, organizing a round-the-clock effort to coordinate the U.S. government’s response to the expanding attacks on U.S. embassies in the Middle East and North Africa.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      How is that a meltdown?

      Silly partisans: Jesus walking on water means he can’t swim.


    • Whatever says:

      Well, considering the Mideast is exploding with anti-American violence it stands to reason that the State Dept is going crazy at the moment. Would you expect them to be commenting on blogs while the region starts to boil?

      They have a damned good reason to be in a crisis mode.

      What was Mitt’s excuse for melting down?

  21. jbenson2 says:

    And back at home:

    BIG MISS: Industrial Production Falls 1.2% In August

    • Ah_Yea says:

      And what about this??

      US Credit Rating Cut again!! From AA- to AA!

      So we have soaring unemployment, Massive debt we cannot pay off in generations, less freedom, and the world hates us!

      Thanks, Obama.

      • Dallas says:

        Actually, it’s TO AA- from AA but we understand sheeple speak.

      • NewformatSux says:

        Both Rick Perry and Barack Obama succeeded George Bush in office. Barack Obama saw his credit rating downgraded, while Rick Perry saw his upgraded.

  22. The0ne says:

    Nothing new from what I already think of him to be honest.

    1. Can’t trust the guy
    2. Speaks out of his ass
    3. Acts like a stereotypical rich white guy who can care less what he does, less how he treats others.

    • dusanmal says:

      1. Trust Mitt or not: Obama Administration policies in the Middle East directly caused these events. Without support Obama for Militant Extremists Islamic Governments and appeasement people now rioting and killing would be chicjen shit.
      2. Speaks truth: Instead of arming Embassy guards and listening to daily security briefs in advance – Obama campaigns. Instead of punishment of Governments who didn’t do their job and because of whom our people died – “we will work with Govt’ of Libya to …”. Instead of “our Constitution is more important than you feeling insulted” – oh, sorry for the film that gave you excuse.
      3. Way Mitt treats others, Ambassador wouldn’t be dead nor would dead Marines be ordered not to be armed with ammunition, ie. would be alive and well too. Terrorist would be dead, flag would be untouched and rioters wouldn’t have our money and appeasement.

      • Ah_Yea says:


        This whole article is a “don’t look over here”.

        The author calls Romney a clown to draw attention away from the real Joker.

        The world burns and the NYT and liberals in general bury their heads in the sand.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Rumsfeld said “Freedom is Messy.”

        bobbo says: “Things take time.”

      • Whatever says:

        I’m trying to remember who’s idea it was to topple a tyrant in the name of middle east democracy….

  23. The0ne says:

    Towards the end of the NYT article,

    “And, let’s see, who else. Donald Rumsfeld tweeted support. Party chairman Reince Priebus chimed in: “Obama sympathizes with attackers in Egypt. Sad and pathetic.” Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona said the embassy’s comment “is like the judge telling the woman that got raped, ‘You asked for it because of the way you dressed.’ That’s the same thing.” ”

    Alright then…

  24. Whatever says:

    Rmoney’s at it again:

    GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Is $100,000 middle income?

    MITT ROMNEY: No, middle income is $200,000 to $250,000 and less.

    • jpfitz says:

      Holy Shit? That is a Mitt outta touch!

    • NewformatSux says:

      That’s how Obama defined it, then saying that $250,000 and up is millionaires.

      • Whatever says:

        So say you. Evidence?

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Link? I bet I know what you are referring to and you LIE. Twice.

        What a twit.

        Find your link….. and see for yourself. When you don’t post back, we will know the truth….and when you post this nonsense again, and again without a link, and I post this response again, We will then know you for an idiot liar.

        Prove me wrong, apologize, or show how close you got.

    • Glenn E. says:

      “Rmoney’s at it again:”

      Hey, I don’t know if that was you being very clever, or just a typo. But it really works. Hope you don’t mind if I steal it. 🙂

      Rmoney, teh kandidate fro teh dyslecix.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Demonstrated: Back Handed Compliment.

        Give the man his due. Makes you look good too.

  25. Uncle Patso says:

    This film (or 14-minute trailer) has been up on YouTube since JULY? And they’re just NOW (9/11) getting all het up about it? This is obvious manipulation by anti-U.S. interests.

    Yet all I hear is “It’s Obama’s fault!!!”

    Nothing he does is ever received in a positive (or even neutral) light, especially all that annoying breathing in, and out, and in and out…

    Step back, people and consider how you would have reacted to the same thing said or done by a Repbublican.


    • NewformatSux says:

      Obama press secretary says it’s because of the video, and has nothing to do with being anti-US or anti-Obama. So we can add cluelessness to the mix.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Without a link, I assume you don’t understand what you have read.

        Why don’t you link it for the rest of us? You know–actually contribute something?

  26. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Making any reasonable person slap their forehead hmeyers says:
    9/14/2012 at 10:48 am

    I’m not really into the political party, partisan thing so I don’t see this through blue or red colored glasses. My thoughts are based on social observation. /// A talking point of the right to appear neutral. No individual observes society==they only observe their own bias at worst, their own context at best. If you want to view “society” you have to review a poll, or all the polls. HMyers, I really did think you were smarter/more honest than this.

    We both have different opinions. Here in 6 weeks or so, one opinion will be right and the other wrong. /// Thats correct–and “if” shown wrong, what will you think about your social observations? Bet: you will find some freak/unfortunate occurence that “changed everything.” Ha, ha. Yes==never change your bias.

    In many ways, I don’t care who wins since I think our political system doesn’t work. /// The fact the system doesn’t work doesn’t affect what you care about…. so what is it you don’t care about?

    But I think Romney wins for the reasons ascribed above. /// Complete BS. Sad.

    5-7 % swing to Obama in the 8 swing states that matter. Florida and Ohio just about a guaranteed loss. Even the Fox polls agree. ONLY SAVE POSSIBLE: Mittenz Rmoney comes out with bold detailed plans for whatever position he finally decides to come out boldly for. Apple pie doesn’t count.

    THATS how you form an opinion. All else is partisan shilling.

    HMyers===you should be ashamed for yourself. You aren’t, so I did it for you.

    Cut the crap. Deal with reality.

  27. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Mitt fooled me as well. Seems I do wear rose colored glasses as I agree with what Eideard culled above: “He could do anything he wanted during this campaign as long as he sent out signals that once he got in the White House he was not likely to be truly crazy.”/// He seems to have changed from the two faced politicians he was as Govenor of Mass. He’s drunk of the coolaide. Its a basic tenet of operant conditioning you see expressed in many new age self betterment courses: act the behavior you wish to become, and in time, you will.

    With the selection of Lying Ryan, it Looks to me like Mittenz has gone full tilt bat shit crazy right wing loon. Sad to see it happen==even to a SUPER RICH VULTURE CAPITALIST only seeking to feather his own nest.

    Best political cartoon I have seen in a long time.

  28. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    whatevers quote of Rmoney was so outrageous I had to google it. figures that the crack Rmoney team was quick to do damage control: “”Is $100,000 middle income?” Stephanopoulos asked.

    “No, middle income is $200,000 to $250,000 and less,” Romney responded.

    His campaign later clarified that Romney was referencing household income, not individual income. ” //// Ha, ha. so far out of touch they can’t even correct an error when on notice of it. Google median income is just not that hard. Team of Fools, Led by a Fool. As a totally unforced error with time to correct, I think Mitt truly is out of touch—-and not in a good way.

  29. NewformatSux says:

    Obama said Muslims would stop hating America the day he became president.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Link? ….. or just another lazy lie?

  30. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Here’s the time line of events showing Rmoney to be the Clown as shown above.

    I see nothing wrong at all with the initial Embassy Statement, and I’m anti-theist. I hope RMoney’s stupidity doesn’t sway Obama towards the Dark Force.


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