Reuters) – The U.S. ambassador to Libya and three embassy staff were killed in an attack on the Benghazi consulate and a safe house refuge, stormed by Islamist gunmen blaming America for a film they said insulted the Prophet Mohammad. Gunmen had attacked and set fire to the U.S. consulate in the eastern city of Benghazi, the cradle of last year’s uprising against Muammar Gaddafi’s 42-year rule, late on Tuesday evening as another assault was mounted on the U.S. embassy in Cairo.

California-born ambassador Christopher Stevens was killed in the assault, but it was not clear how or where he died. U.S. consular staff were rushed to a safe house after the initial attack, Libya’s Deputy Interior Minister Wanis Al-Sharif said.

An evacuation plane with U.S. commandos units then arrived from Tripoli to evacuate them from the house. “It was supposed to be a secret place and we were surprised the armed groups knew about it. There was shooting,” Sharif said. Two U.S. personnel were killed there, he said. Two other people were killed at the main consular building and between 12 and 17 wounded. The attack raised questions about the future U.S. diplomatic presence in Libya, relations between Washington and Tripoli, the unstable security situation in post-Gaddafi Libya and whether more protests might erupt in the Muslim world over the film.

The amateurish film, promoted by a U.S. pastor, portrayed Mohammad as a fool, a philanderer and a religious fake. In one clip posted on YouTube, Mohammad was shown in an apparent sex act with a woman.

Maybe we should think twice when aiding the overthrow of foreign governments….the devil you know kind of thing? Just a thought.

UPDATE: And here come the drones, first we set them up then we have us a tidy little war. The MIC wins Again!

  1. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    McCullough avoiding the reasonable generic question instead wants to play with labels and says:
    9/12/2012 at 3:55 pm

    Was Ghadaffi bothering us in some way? /// USA had established a working relationship with this Military Terror Dictator and was just fine expecting his hand off of tyranny and despotism to his sons. It was the Libyan people that rose up and we stood by doing nothing UNTIL the Brits and Frenchies shamed us into air cover and ground strikes when MooMar stated his goal was to go house to house and kill all one million rebels in Bengazhi. Were you then, and are you now, against this liberal interference in the internal governance of foreign lands? As a liberal, I would have been happy with the USA staying out of it and letting the Brits and Frenchies or no one continue the slaughter. But I’m ok with what was done as well. I just didn’t and dont care about most of middle east, northern Africa, Africa in General. I leave that to others. But as referenced, and in anticipation, I do support Israel, and I do think Iran is a strategic enemy of the USA. Others may disagree, but should have more of an argument besides calling me what I call myself.

    Please explain why he “had to go”. /// Stated above–we were shamed into support with the alternative being genocide.

    That should keep you busy for a while. This is exactly why Liberals have lost me, guys like you and Dallas, you’re what I would call Neo-Liberals. /// Yes, yes==already noted above you support Military Dictatorships. How is that any better?

    • McCullough says:

      “Were you then, and are you now, against this liberal interference in the internal governance of foreign lands?”

      Yes, absolutely opposed to interference, the proof is in the outcome, we’ve seen this too many times. Think IRAN, or just THINK! How did we get here ? (Iran).

      “Stated above–we were shamed into support with the alternative being genocide.”

      Perhaps YOU were shamed, I’d tell the Frogs and the Queenie to go Fuck Themselves. Who gives a shit what they think.

      “Yes, yes==already noted above you support Military Dictatorships. How is that any better?”

      Ask the Libyan people how they like being under a Muslim dictatorship. Bottom line, it’s not our business to be the world police. We should clean up our own act before we tell others to clean up theirs. Maybe backward countries can only make it under authoritarian rule, they can’t handle freedom because of their stupid religious fanaticism, so be it. I just don’t care about them, my house is on fire, I need to put that fire out first.

  2. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    Obama on Rachel Maddow–giving interview for Spanish tv to show tomorrow:

    Q–Should we still give billions to Egypt and Millions to Libya?
    A–We don’t have the option to withdraw from the world.

    Gee–kinda nails the basic complaint all the nay sayers unrecognizably and unverbalizably have.

    On Fox news at the same time: OReilly and Miller upset with Sandra Fluke not happy she is living in the freest society in the world.

    Q–Your foreign policy is not clear and is weak.
    A–I have been clear. I don’t shoot before I aim. I make sure we advance American Interests. Its not time to politicize these current events. If you want a review of Romney comments, Ask Romney.

    Cool, calm, dispassionate. I like that.

    • McCullough says:

      I think you watch entirely too much television young man, go to your room and do your homework.

      Rachel Maddow…har!

  3. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    McCullough–since you appear to be in a mood to read these posts, let me coax you a bit farther along:

    Stop criticizing action until/unless you can come up with something better. The context for that something better is NOW not some imagined set of circumstances from 50 years ago.

    Iran, Egypt, don’t know about Libya==50 years ago the entire world was a stage for contesting world Super Powers through proxies. Lots of bad people supported over the worst of imagined fears==godless commies putting fluoride in our drinking water and what not.

    If you like going back 50 years, you are an isolationist? Like Chamberlain who encouraged Hitler to start WW2 huh? …. and you think that has no relevance to the same kind of isolation that would encourage Iran to start WW3?===the one that Einstein said would have us fighting WW4 with sticks and stones?

    I don’t really know what the “best” reaction/long term mandates would be but in general telling our allies to go fuck themselves surely can’t be number one on anyone’s list? But you play the fool to evidence your concern for this issue…yes, I understand.

    Well kiddies…… we can’t disengage from the world >>>> because the world won’t disengage from us. Why should they? Ain’t that a shitter?

    So…. if you have no idea of what to do but you are sure Obama is wrong = vote Puke. Pull the blankey up over your head and make the world go away. Mittens will be there with your healthcare vouchers so you can go negotiate whatever drugs you need against the insurance carriers.

    Ha, ha. Silly Hoomans.

  4. noname says:

    Maybe dvorak could do something useful with his computer/internet skills and connections.

    Dvorak should start a internet “well moderated” internet sympathy message board, open to all.

    Participation requirements are marginal credit card donation (no greater the $5 and no less then $1). The donation would “help” ensure a polite level of sincerity, real name registration and help fund a “well moderated” forum with the bulk of the funds going to the families!

    It would help show the Muslims and US, we care for our own!

    • noname says:

      This would take some serious and notable celebrity (someone with unassailed integrity) support to create public credibility. To maintain public trust, transparent and 100% fund auditing is a must!

      • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

        There’s actually an elephant in the room.

  5. McCullough says:

    @ bobbo – You know damn well I’m not voting for Willard the Ratman, and I have been bitching about foreign intervention in other countries affairs FOREVER. So NOW with this inevitable blowback I am supposed to get with the program. Sorry, but that doesn’t cut it.

    Things just aren’t as cut and dried in the world game of chess as you might think they are. Conspiracies do exist, and you and I aren’t privy to it.

    Read into that whatever you like. Now don’t you have some homework to do?

    • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

      You say you don’t think I realize their are conspiracies that we aren’t privy to? Well, of course there are. But how does that inescapable reality inform us of what to do? What else do you think I am referring to when I say the riot over the film was a PRETEXT? A pretext (the film) is what you put out in public to cover the conspiracy you are keeping the whole world not privy to.

      Seems to me I stated up front right at the start what you are now claiming I don’t understand?

      I even emphasized your point by reframing the whole issue by saying: “Nothing is true, everything permitted? /// Well, thats in the ballpark. “Nothing is known for sure, anything can happen.” bobbo. NOTHING IS KNOWN FOR SURE–lots of private conspiracies being pretexted around.

      Someone above had the best one–Israel sees USA being somewhat unsupportive so they have stooges or false flag agents attack our embassy. Who knows?

      And thats the reality we face and I am trying to address. YOU McCullough aren’t doing your part. I take it (seriously) you want the USA to disengage from the world? That position has a long history for powers throughout history. The story ALWAYS plays out pretty much the same: disengagement aligns the powers that be against you to gain in power and position. Its like playing the game of RISK and not taking your turn to get cards. Simple analogy, but very accurate.

      I can’t support disengagement. I do support being smart about who, what, and how we support our friends and weaken our enemies. Not by calling them liberals though. Not by calling our allies fu*ktards. Not by attempting refuge in some misremembered defenseless historical claim.

      What should we do NOW? I’ve already stated I don’t know about libya and egypt. I’ll bet if we support Israel and defeat Iran that the whole of North Africa will get pulled along.

      How about maintain the status quo until we find out more about who the actors were in these two affairs? Surely, we can all agree the film had near zip to do with it. PRETEXT being what it is.



      Fuck me?

      Ha, ha. Add them up. Throw the dice.

    • hmeyers says:

      Bobbo did a neo-con kind of post and I’m still trying to figure out whether or not some valuable piece of wisdom is in there I haven’t seen.

      But my gut instinct goes like this:

      To hell with the “rest of the world” and “our interests abroad” … people in the Middle East can burn their countries down, Germany and Europe can defend itself from Russia and Japan/South Korea have the resources to defend themselves from North Korea.

      “Our interests” aren’t just ours, they are the interests of all civilized countries and other countries can tend to their part of the world.

      We don’t need to be doing this or involved in it.

      • McCullough says:

        My gut as well.

        People get played, bobbo as intelligent as he is, just hasn’t figured that out yet. Unfortunately, You have to question everything, look at all sides, stay away from the mainstream news sources as they are all compromised, and do the best you can with the info you have.

        I am not optimistic however.

        • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

          Well McCullough–I agree with this post read in isolation. I re-read the thread once.

          You do know calling for isolation is taking a course of action that has consequences. maybe a bit slower than doing something precipitous, but it is action none the less?

          Ahhhh, the ambiguity of undefined terms. And you never said be an isolationist, that was my term given you weren’t being very forthcoming.

          1. Unamed forces can’t be trusted.
          2. Tell the Brits and French to fu*k off.

          I addressed both issues, yet the complaint remains.

          Did you take the time to look up what “pretext” means?===the riot over the film is a pretext?

          What am I missing?

          • McCullough says:

            One of the most eye opening books I have read that gets to the root of this problem was Perkins Economic Hitman…

            The other was Family Secrets about the the Bush Family. It didn’t change my world view but it did provide some clarity.

            This is an old story.

  6. AdmFubar says:


    Isn’t it rich?
    Are we a pair?
    Me here at last on the ground,
    You in mid-air.
    Send in the drones.

    Isn’t it bliss?
    Don’t you approve?
    One who keeps tearing around,
    One who can’t move.
    Where are the drones?
    Send in the drones.

    Just when I’d stopped
    Opening doors,
    Finally knowing
    The one that I wanted was yours,
    Making my entrance again
    With my usual flair,
    Sure of my lines,
    No one is there.

    Don’t you love farce?
    My fault, I fear.
    I thought that you’d want what I want –
    Sorry, my dear.
    But where are the drones?
    There ought to be drones.
    Quick, send in the drones.

    What a surprise.
    Who could foresee
    I’d come to feel about you
    What you’d felt about me?
    Why only now when i see
    That you’d drifted away?
    What a surprise.
    What a cliché.

    Isn’t it rich?
    Isn’t it queer?
    Losing my timing this late
    In my career?
    And where are the drones?
    Quick, send in the drones.
    Don’t bother – they’re here.

    • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

      Adm Fu—big difference between sending in clones vs drones. Changes the meaning from sad ennui to nonsense of the American Psycho kind.

      Depending on what you mean to say. If your significant other broke up with you, would you really kill her?

      Maybe so. Countries don’t have friends… girls or otherwise, We have “interests.” Interests often best served by drones. Different song.

  7. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    hmeyers pulling more than his own weight showing the way says:
    9/12/2012 at 8:04 pm

    Bobbo did a neo-con kind of post /// McCullough called in neo-Lib. Thats only one draw back of silly labels. But I’ll read thru that for the meat

    and I’m still trying to figure out whether or not some valuable piece of wisdom is in there I haven’t seen. /// More than one. Won’t be seen as valuable if you agree as you agree. Won’t be seen as valuable if you disagree cause then you cover it up with a label and stop thinking. Partisans are like that. Are you a partisan HMyers. You had a big huge partisan a few years ago….. you’ve been mellowing.

    But my gut instinct goes like this:

    To hell with the “rest of the world” and “our interests abroad” /// you mean like oil, rare earth, trade?–the very things that keep our economy and culture going? That kind of to hell with them???? HMyers, now that you got your partisan off, care to think for 5 seconds past the first label that comes to mind. “OUR INTERESTS abroad…” Yes, focus on what “our interests” really mean. Its more than vacation destinations you know?

    … people in the Middle East can burn their countries down, Germany and Europe can defend itself from Russia and Japan/South Korea have the resources to defend themselves from North Korea. /// Ok, you grossly covered about two situations out of 12,436 identified conflicts/opportunities.

    “Our interests” aren’t just ours, they are the interests of all civilized countries and other countries can tend to their part of the world. /// The rest of the world is just as inter connected for them as it is for us. Silly to emote as you do for an age that never really existed but was more justified to fantacize and enfantilze your political thinking over some 200 years ago. Who needs France 200 years ago? Hmmph==even going that far back doesn’t work. Never been a moment in American History where we weren’t entwined with the rest of the world. Hey—that thought is more firmed up in me now than ever before. I was going to take the argument back to Ancient Rome or farther to China. Didn’t work then either. You know what????—–IT DOESN’T WORK AT ALL.

    Sorry kiddies. Grow up or the bullies will take all your toys away, kick your dog, a turn over your trash cans. ….. and who’s fault will that be?

    We don’t need to be doing this or involved in it. /// What are we doing HMyers? We are involved in most of the “its” I can think of as long as we are alive.

    Silly Hoomans. Of such limited horizons…. yet they get to vote too.

  8. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    Tangent Alert: 9/11 as seen from orbit. (Nice clear pic!) The American Astronaut felt “isolated” viewing the events from 200 miles up. I assume we all have somewhat the same feeling when looking down on the mass of humanity just not getting along?

  9. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    McCullough concluding thoughtfully says:
    9/12/2012 at 8:18 pm

    My gut as well.

    People get played, bobbo as intelligent as he is, just hasn’t figured that out yet. /// And yet I directly acknowledged that very point 3 times. Pretext.

    Unfortunately, You have to question everything, look at all sides, stay away from the mainstream news sources as they are all compromised, and do the best you can with the info you have. /// Absolutely correct. Not being isolationist or do nothing at all. You certainly won’t be telling the Brits and French to fu*koff while this review is going forth. If you can’t resist, thats what Hilary is for. She won’t say shit even if she has a mouth full.

    I am not optimistic however. /// And thats why a C&C’d. What in the world ever made you think optimism was on the menu? Ha, ha. Maybe that is the nut right there?

    Is an optimist rewarded by finding the least smelling pile of crap in the yard, or must there always be a pony?

    The touchstone of wisdom. Shinola possible too.

  10. NewformatSux says:

    It’s only a matter of time before people blame Israel for the attacks as a way to get US support for war with Iran.

    • Dallas says:

      I wouldn’t be surprised if this Israeli funded hate film is exactly to do that.

      Where ever there is death and destruction, look for some religious root cause.

      Sheesh, what is with you guys? It would be great if the world can, say, carve out a large swath of the sahara desert where you can war on each other there.

      • dege says:


        Go and burn a KJV bible or call (the christian) God names and see if it results in a wrath of death and destruction.
        Pretty much everyone in most of the world says the curse words goddamn and jesuschrist, and do you see Christians chopping off people’s heads for it?

        Now do the same with the Quran. Or call Muhammad names. And see the wrath of the muslims.

        The only difference between a radical muslim and the rest of the muslims, are that a radical runs into a crowd wearing a bomb, and the rest are cheering him on.

        • Dallas says:

          I agree radical Muslims are more violent than radical Christians.
          I still throw both flavors of the radical loons in the same heap of shit.

          • General Tostada says:

            They are protesting the wrong movie!

            I think they must go out into the streets and throw bombs at the one called “The Dictator” by that Jew Coen…and and his cohort infidel Kingsley (who squandered his acting reputation by being in it). Burn the fake beard!

            It’s NOT THAT FUNNY! (and I call on all the faithful to eject the disk before it ends!)

            They should be sent to the critic’s hell for making it, and suffer for it not being as hilarious as the other BORAT previous movie that he made.

  11. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    About to close for tonight even if something interesting is said about the new post on trickle down economics doesn’t work—

    thinking about that formula for finding intelligent life in the universe. One of the significant terms is the ability of the advanced society to not blow itself up/destroy itself with run away technology. While true, looking at Earth as one such equation filler, who would have thought it was the inability to shake off religion as much an anything else that would provide the motive for such weapons to be used? Love the ying/yang to that-High Tech being torn asunder by primitive religious impulses that could not be cleaved.

    amusing. We find our meaning where we may. Mostly still made up.

  12. kjohnstone says:

    Along with the ambassador, apparently his IT guy was also killed. Who happened to be a high ranking hardcore member of the Goon Squad. These terrorist bitches better stay out of null space.

  13. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    Its fun watching Flathead Hannity rant and rave with Michele Malkin and others about how inept Obama is and trying to blame Romney for what is happening.

    Most people including some prominent Pukes are saying Romney issued his rebuke BEFORE the embassy was invaded==IE–with a crowd simply forming outside the gates and yelling anti American things. But Hannity et al are saying No, Romney accurate attack against Obama and his failing tail between his leg appeasement and apologies for American Exceptionalism was issues “hours after” the murder of the Ambassador.

    I wonder if Hannity would volunteer to be water boarded over this????

    Ha, ha. It ain’t news, if its Hannity.

  14. Rich says:

    I’m stuck on that pic with his ears, teeth and comical expression. I Haz A Guilt.

  15. Uncle Patso says:

    Whether or not to “withdraw from the world”

    It might be a bit easier if half of the oil we use didn’t come from the Middle East and three quarters of all our consumer goods didn’t come from East Asia.

    Try again when the tires on your car come from rubber plantations in Florida, the steel from mines in Minnesota and the fuel from the tar sands of Alberta and your cell phone and home computer are made in, say, North Dakota.

    If you really want the U.S. to “withdraw from the world” get ready for a country that uses one half the energy it uses today. Think about that — half the car miles, half the truck miles, half the airplane miles, half the winter heating, half the summer cooling, half the food production, etc., etc., etc.

    We are in and of the world. You might as well say you are withdrawing from the left half of your body.

  16. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Good Post Patso. My long response got eaten as I miskeyed the last sentence “♫ Bomb, bomb, Iran.” You’ve all been saved a tedious repetition of what already has been said.

    Everything you do is a choice, then you take the consequences as unknown as they are.

  17. NewformatSux says:

    Morning after Ambassador Stevens was killed, Obama again skipped his daily intelligence briefing, to go to a fundraiser in Las Vegas. And liberals whine about 7 minutes to read My Pet Goat.

  18. smartalix says:

    Screaming hate at anyone we don’t understand, or doesn’t agree with us, is a loser situation that will destroy us if we do not change. We must engage, not fight, those who have different opinions than us, or we must be prepared to kill anyone we do not agree with. If that is the case, we are certainly not the “good guys” and certainly can’t call ourselves a Christian nation. Who would Jesus drop white phosphorus on?

    • orchidcup says:

      Behold, this evil is of the Lord.

      2 Kings 6:33

      Shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?

      Amos 3:6

    • ± says:

      ***Who would Jesus drop white phosphorus on?***

      The Germans and Japanese?

      • orchidcup says:

        But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

        Luke 19:27

  19. orchidcup says:

    And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.

    Ezekiel 14:9

  20. orchidcup says:

    Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil concerning thee.

    1 Kings 22:23

  21. ± says:

    Here is what really happened.

    Remember when Obama attacked Libya for no reason whatsoever? (I’m
    guessing most liberals wouldn’t, but lots of people do) Well anyway, we
    ostensibly ended up killing Khadafi in that attack. Only problem is,
    Khadafi was already dead. He had been killed by some death squad of
    one of our allys (probably European) because he was about to reveal
    some embarrassing truth about that country (and it’s powerful leaders)
    that Khadafi had kept suppressed for decades. Said country was being
    in danger of being discovered anyway since now Khadafi was dead, even
    though possibly none of his fellow Libyans were aware of it; he just
    wasn’t anywhere to be found. The killer country then called in all of
    it chits and caused the leader of the most powerful country on earth
    to attack a country (Libya) which posed no threat to it or any of its
    allys. In all the destruction and mayhem and confusion his ‘body’ was
    easily faked. The rest of the world rightfully then sees us as a bully
    who was butting into others business. Our press plays up Obama as a

    Fast forward. Christopher Stevens, our Libyan ambassador somehow
    discovers the truth. It is dirty rotten truth and needs to be aired.
    He doesn’t play ball and is going to do the honorable thing and reveal
    what he has discovered, but he makes the naive mistake of giving Obama
    the chance to do the right thing and make the admission himself. Obama
    agrees to Stevens that he will come clean in a national broadcast,
    just to buy time. Using the time, the anti-muslim video is quickly
    thrown together, fake ‘rioting crowds’ are ready to deploy either to
    augment real rioting crowds or foment them in the first place. In the ensuing
    confusion, Stevens is killed by “the crowd”. Problem solved.

    Thank you Mr. President.

    Christopher Stevens April 18, 1960 – September 11, 2012 — RIP

  22. NewformatSux says:

    These Muslims are the mob doing what the leaders allow. Obama is Bane giving them the room to do what they will.


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