First it was “Mark Owen” on 60 Minutes and a book. Now this on the 9/11 anniversary and just a few short weeks before the election that just happens to remind us that one of the candidates is ‘responsible’ for killing bin Laden? What an astonishing coincidence of timing and luck!

The Pakistani doctor involved in the US search for Osama Bin Laden has been quoted as saying he was unaware of his role in the al-Qaeda chief’s death. Shakil Afridi reportedly told Fox News from jail in Peshawar that after the 2011 killing he had been kidnapped and tortured by Pakistani intelligence. He also reportedly said the ISI agency regarded the US as its worst enemy.

But Dr Afridi’s lawyer told the BBC he was not confident about the authenticity of the interview.Samiullah Afridi said his client was kept under “very strict security”, and was even prevented from seeing his family and lawyers for months at a time. “How a journalist can set up an interview with him in jail is beyond my comprehension,” the lawyer said.

Prison officials contacted by the BBC were taken by surprise by reports of the interview, but did not rule out that a phone could have been smuggled into his cell.
He was sentenced to 33 years in jail in May for funding and supporting a militant group, but correspondents say it is generally acknowledged he is being punished for helping the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Isn’t 33 supposed to some sort of code for something?

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Fox News? I didn’t read/see the report but I’m dubious of it’s authenticity/reliablility. Fox has put themselves in the position of being the most unreliable news source. I’ll wait until some other news organization reports on this before I give it anymore thought.

  2. dusanmal says:

    Leftists should keep the picture of this doctor in prominent place. To remind them how this (and any other) Leftist in power re-pays help and loyalty. Reminder of how very basic Leftist ideology contains no functional moral base. Help him and his cause and you may be thrown under the bus on the next stop.
    Proper action the moment he was arrested was to threaten Pakistan with war and immediately stop diplomatic, military and funding links. Than and there. Proper action the moment he was pronounced guilty (Navy Seal teams should have been waiting on ready) was to extract him and his family and nuke all Pakistani military sites. Feasible. Beneficial for general war against Islamic Extremism.
    That individual has more worth than the rest of Pakistani population together. Hundreds, even thousands of American lives are worth saving his life.

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      The track PA announcer: “And dusanmal passes Alfie on the outside at the stretch to take the lead in the Delusional Stakes. Its dusanmal by a neck over Alfie….”

  3. noname says:

    I too hope much the same as dusanmal::

    Rightists should keep the picture of Scooter Libby in prominent place. To remind them how this (and any other) Rightists in power re-pays help and loyalty. Reminder of how very basic Rightists ideology contains no functional moral base. Help him and his cause and you may be thrown under the bus on the next stop.

  4. noname says:

    “What an astonishing coincidence of timing and luck!”

    It’s just a poorly planned and implemented “Vast right-wing conspiracy” 🙂

  5. orchidcup says:

    The number 33 is presumed to be a code for something, but that is pure speculation.

    In numerology, the number 33 is the most influential of all numbers. It is the Master Number of Universal Love. The 33 combines the vibration of both the Numbers 11 and 22, bringing their unlimited potential to the highest level, when realized to it’s fullest potential.

    If the number is a code, the meaning would only be known to the insiders.

    Some have speculated 33 refers to Freemasons, as in 33rd Degree, the highest level in the order.

    I tend to think it is only a number.

  6. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    Its hateful god fearing brunettes having it in for anyone lefthanded. Oops…. left as in handed? Ok, ok, the brunettes have it in for ……… for …… hmmm==I’m stumped, who would brunettes naturally hate?

    Deuce Anal—little help?

  7. deowll says:

    How does Obama make his money? These people claim to know.

    • noname says:

      Deowll, being the iconic Romney disciple you are, it’s ironic you question how anyone gets their money! Honest or self made earnings certainly isn’t a concern for you.


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