The video clip above, which promotes the presidential campaign of Congressman Ron Paul, was put together by Justin Hallman as part of a project for his American Government class. The video helped earn Hallman an A+ pass and his teacher enthused about how impressed he was with Hallman’s efforts. About a month later, Hallman was shocked to receive a knock on the door of his family’s home from two FBI agents, including Special Agent Matthew Bowman. Hallman provided us with images of Bowman’s FBI card which he left at the property when Hallman decided not to answer the door.

When Hallman’s mother called the number on the card she was told by Bowman, “We need to talk to your son.”

The FBI agents then attempted to recruit Hallman to spy on Anonymous. “They wanted me to be an informant, to possibly put my life in danger, to help them arrest and gain intel on occupy protesters and hackers,” he writes.

The agents then began to question Hallman about his support for Ron Paul’s presidential campaign as well as a conversation he had conducted with his teacher about the Illuminati secret society.

“They also asked me why I had talked to my teacher about the Illuminati,” writes Hallman. “I told them it was just harmless talk about the 1776 Illuminati that formed from the enlightenment era. I said my teacher said they are/were terrorists and not to talk about them (this caused the FBI agents to look puzzled and they changed the subject very fast to Anonymous). In the end they finally left for an “important meeting.”

  1. ± says:

    Paul is an apparatchik like just about any other politician who has ever been a D or R. {yawn} The only possible way for change is totally new faces who (have never been and) don’t purport to be R or D.

    • McCullough says:

      It doesn’t surprise me that you don’t know shit about Ron Paul.

      • kjb434 says:

        I though Paul was fiercely independent from the GOP (which he has been), but this presidential election Romney has bought Paul off or promised him something.

        The reasoning is that Paul hasn’t made to much noise about what happened at the Convention.

        The plus side is that if Romney names Paul to a spot in his cabinet, you know Paul will do a good job there.

        Ron Paul, Secretary of Treasury…
        Ron Paul, Commerce Secretary…

        Has a good ring to it.

        I can also think Ron could have backed down because Romney promised to have Rand Paul as a cabinet member also. The things you do for your children.

  2. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    The FBI wanted to recruit him to infiltrate Anonymous? Because he used a 5 second video clip of theirs? Why not ask him to “defect” to North Korea, Iran, or China? He used 5 second clips from all of them.

    Oh, I get it. FBI is internal security. If he used images of a KKK or Aryan Nation rally, they probably would of tried to recruit him to infiltrate them.

    I just noticed that Google will not auto-complete Aryan Nation, just like how they won’t auto-complete penis or vagina.

    • noname says:

      This particular 5 second clip was not previously publicly available!

      It shows access to Anonymous, which; the FBI desperately wants!

      You can count on the FBI tracking his every movement! Every electronic device, the kid has is being tracked. His car is being tracked. He comings and goings are being tracked. Every electronic transaction this kid now makes is being tracked. Every thing, this kid now does is being secretly recorded and tracked!

      This won’t be the last encounter this Kid has with the FBI! They will do periodic attempts at recruitment and giving him occasional person-to-person warnings!

      The FBI is buying numerous terabyte hard-drives to store all the data they are collecting on this Kid!

  3. msbpodcast says:

    Sort of says all I need to say about party politics.

    Get rid of parties. Not pick one over another. Get rid of them

    Neither the Republican and the Democratic parties existed when the country was founded.

    Take a fuckin’ hint…

    We’d still be a republic.

    We’d still be a capitalist society.

    But we’d be a whole lot more representative and it doesn’t threaten anybody, (except a statistically insignificant portion of the population, the politicians, that portion of the 1%ers who are ripping us off. [You know anything below 4% is considered statistical noise.])

    The republican college could be doing something about the fairness of the process instead of just being yes men to the tyranny of the masses.

    • ± says:

      F’in A! Parties should be illegal.

      The smartest founding fathers feared “factioning”. Maybe they tried but couldn’t figure out how to word it to make it unconstitutional for parties to coalesce. It is the biggest f up in our constitution not having made parties fundamentally illegal.

      • Glenn E. says:

        I agree. There should not be a dichotomy in the US elected representation. Such sides or “parties” nullifies the idea of State powers and sovereignty. Instead of your State’s elected Congressmen or Senators, working exclusively for your State’s citizen’s interests. They’re working for their Party’s interests. Which is almost always what some big corporations paid for, up front. And these corporations and special interests often cross state lines, and national boundaries. So the party or side they’ve chosen to allied themselves with. Gives them the excuse to take care of the concerns of those that funneled the most money, into their party. Leaving the electorate to sit and spin.

    • The thing is, the parties used to be far more willing to represent the average person than they are now.
      Right now, they are exactly as Jefferson thought they would be: totally dominated by Capital and Corporations.
      But historically the parties existed to help the average person. Even the Republican Party was behind buying up half page ads in local Chicago papers regarding their support for the striking workers during the 1890’s. Citation: Howard Zinn, historian)
      Now neither party has leadership that cares about the average person.

  4. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    Parties exist as an unavoidable consequence of FREEEEEEDOM, of association, thought, combined action.

    Total waste of a brain to think abolishing is anything worthwhile…. might be why the Fathers didn’t do it?

    No–the problem and the answers lie elsewhere. Eg==what is a party without anonymous funding?

    Whats that??? You say money is speech?===so are parties.

    Kiddies…… you should be allowed to vote until you can color within the lines.

  5. noname says:


    At first watch, I thought this was just another inconsistent ART piece. But after deconstructing it, and looking at the pieces; I have a better perspective and appreciation. So, yes an A+ for a Government class project is well deserved.

    1.) The video starts of with China, IRAN, NORTH KOREA Armies on the March (potential America’s future attacking enemies). Then the video transitions with a empty frame (19/2:11) to “On the verge of World War III”. All very consistent, clear and on message, NICE. Should motivate most viewers to beef up our national defense and expand our ARMED FORCES.

    2.) Next the video transitions with a empty frame (23/2:11) to an unrelated topic; politics and it’s shenanigans with outright fraud in our elections. It gives two supporting pieces, that gives compelling evidence. Ok, again all very consistent, clear and on a new message, NICE. This piece should rightfully anger most viewers and motivate them to demand change and justice.

    Now the viewer has two well communicated messages, clearly distinct and leaving the viewer with two unrelated motivations. Spend more on National Defense and rid the country of election fraud.

    What’s Next? The video transitions with NO EMPTY frame (50/2:11) to another topic “With Freedom Threatened”, “AND NOW with the National defense authorization act coming into effect this Thursday”. It shows American solderers wrestling Americans into the back of a car and driving away, “the law that many fear will spell the end of American democracy, grants the military and government unprecedented powers to detain U.S. Citizens indefinitely without trail.” All very powerful and very plausible outcomes of the 1st two messages. Now all the messages tie together and are clear and supporting a new message, fear and do not trust your government. This message may incite fear, distrust and powerlessness in younger viewers, who are rightfully in great fear for their futures. Obviously, another 60’s style generational distrust is something the FBI vigorously doesn’t want.

    The additional pieces with the American Armed forces Psy Op unit (1:15/2:11) “Attention Attention Attention, American Forces are here to help. Remain Calm, we will not tolerate civil disobedience” really strikes a plausibility nerve! It goes on to show “Civil Unrest on the Rise” despite totally brutal governmental marshal law tactics.

    It shows at (1:29/2:11) “Therefore Anonymous has decided to ultimately declare war on the United States Government” which must have massively SPOOKED the NSA and FBI!! It was NSA’s computers that caught the video in it’s American web tracking and surveillance network and then alerted the FBI!

    It starts to really tie together at (1:36/2:11) with “Our Future Relies on the Choices We Make Next!”. Despite all the hope quenching in the previous messages, the video now tries to reassure the viewer and provide for HOPE it previously yanked away, “There is Still HOPE”. At (1:43/2:11) the video turns to a RON PAUL ad with him saying “I am the defender of the Constitution and champion of Liberty”.

    I must say, this kid will make a wicked Ad Exec some day!

    Unfortunately, I don’t agree with RON PAUL’s view that our countries biggest problem is the Government (his 1st order is anti Government).

    For me the biggest problem is in our Government ceding main street economy to Wall Street, with out any checks and balances. Wall Street serves no one but itself. Every inch you give Wall Street they will take a mile. Main street is patriotic, pays it’s taxes and serves to make everyone have a better and more fulfilling, all to build stronger communities. Wall Street doesn’t live in a community.

    It’s Wall Street ability to get American’s to fight and die in wars over commodities (oil) in IRAQ that scares me more then our governments misspending, as grossly bad it is.

    It’s Wall Streets ability to impoverish and destroy the heart and engine of America, it’s middle-class with it’s greed that scares me more then any foreign power.

    It’s Wall Streets too big to fail or jail that makes America to weak to allow the honest market forces work as they should. It’s Wall Street, stupid that American’s should fear and distrust most

    It’s Wall Streets too big to fail or jail that makes America susceptible to economic collapse, because again we can’t allow the honest market forces work as they should. We socialize Wall Street Losses but we privatize their gains and WE DON’T TAX their GAINS FAIRLY!!!

    It’s not our government we should fear most, it’s WALL STREET. Once we have WALL STREET tamed again, like we did in the 30’s, then we can fix our GOVERNMENT.

    First we need to fix our CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAWS!

    I agree with the Video dire assessment, just not the solution.

  6. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    Hey noname – excellent job on that super-deconstruction. Did something get your goat? I read your review with fear and trepidation… had I read it too fast ((my defective key to reading so much)) and given the A+ work an unfair review? Thankfully, unless I read your post too fast, looks like I was correct. Whew, that was close.

    You did not FOCUS on it, so I’ll give your own review a pass, but you did make a majory/common/unfortunate/definitional mistake: you conflated Wallstreet with Mainstreet. You might disagree as you talk about the difference, but the difference is one of type, not degree as this particular review may not emphasize enough.

    Perhaps, I overfocus on this sentence: “It’s Wall Street ability to get American’s to fight and die in wars over commodities (oil) in IRAQ that scares me more then our governments misspending, as grossly bad it is.”==you see, fights over commodities is a MAINSTREET activity. Wallstreet is removed from this economic activity dealing with the futures market dept swapping instruments that only merely BETs on whether the supplies go up and down, the market both long, short, and shorted that go up and down on these race horses. Wallstreet EXTRACTS MONEY FOR ITSELF, in all these markets. Americans fight and die for the Mainstreet activities to take place==find, drill, develop, transport, refine, ship, store, sell the commodity, all tied to the physical commodity, its location, its supply. Not so Wallstreet. It exists in the nanosecond trading of 1’s and 0’s in computers variously connected around the world.

    Your condemnation well worth 2-3 reads otherwise. But Wallstreet/”the Market” is too often confused/conflated with capitalism/the economy.

    Lots of evil there in our failure to define words and cleave unto them.

    • noname says:

      I don’t think there is a rigid definition for “Wall Street”. Yes I used a broad brush to paint my canvas, but; there is no conflating Main street with Wall street!

      Wall Street, originated as geographical name of a location of “financial markets” in NY. The name Wall Street has diversified from it’s one location and is more commonly associated with the money market or the financiers of America.

      Some futures financial markets have grown up outside “Wall Street” proper, but; they are really only technically distinguishable today! They all swim in the same speculative oil futures markets, from hedge funds and major banks, such as Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase and most notably, Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs is always present when there are big bucks to be won for little effort in betting on a sure thing.

      The problem is they’re getting too generous assistance from the US Government, who We the People have entrusted with regulating financial derivatives, the Commodity Futures Trading Corporation (CFTC).

      I am also using Main street in a more colloquial way as stand in for common people who don’t have the ability to directly manipulate prices in the “financial markets”

      Main street people tend to want to prosper in a community they call home. They can’t as easily hide from the harm their decisions may have on others. They like Wall street, want to be surrounded by success. Since they are surrounded in a community, they want the community to succeed.

      Wall street people also tend to want to prosper. But they tend not to allow their self-gains be hampered by the human calamity impact on others their gain my induce! After all they don’t have to face it.

      Yes, there are exceptions of good and evil in both camps. Few things are pure or perfect in this life, but we get by. I am a very big proponent on how immediate social environments effects peoples behaviors. Unnervingly, over and over, I’ve seen people change drastically depending on perceived requirements of their social environment.

      Regarding your blah blah statement:: “But Wallstreet/”the Market” is too often confused/conflated with capitalism/the economy.”

      Capitalism/the economy are human endeavors! My narrative was focused on the relative demonstrated behaviors from the two broad groups, Main street people vs. Wall street people.

      Your narrative seem more focused on the various nouns and definitions, my was more about verbs and actions.

  7. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    A more simple and correct response would still be: “Yep.”

    Mainstreet = like it or not, for good and bad, is a necessary part of any economy. It PRODUCES wealth.

    Wallstreet = no reason to like it as it is more bad than good is an unnecessary part of any economy. It EXTRACTS wealth from the producers of it.

    produce and extract = both verbs.

    verbs and adjects are transmutable. Can you transmute a verb to an adjective and vice versa? I know that you can.

    social environment – like unregulated greed based on a gambling concept creating obligations 100’s times greater than the underlying goods and services they supposedly are dependent on? Yes. like a slow bending to the common humanity of man based on long term self interest in one’s self and kin including those yet to be born? Yes. Near opposite expressions of the same desire.

    Imagine that.

    • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

      noname – – As always, maintaining the excuse of reading too fast, I see you contrasted your use of verbs with my use of nouns and I word played with verbs vs adjectives.

      My error. ((See how easy it is?==to take counsel? In short to learn? Even the best can do it. In fact, I crave it.))

      I should have pointed out to you that I defined my nouns mostly by using verbs. Hardly a germane distinction on your part, but at least you aren’t totally irrelevant and mindless like Alfie.

      Alfie, what did you say? I do tend to blank…. let’s see==no, no substance, pure boilerplate. Alfie–can you do any better?

  8. Glenn E. says:

    Not getting into this argument of why Bobbo thinks he’s right in defending the Lilliputian system of two party US government. Nor how existing evils are necessary, just because their too entrenched to be easily eradicated. But then, so was British rule, at one time.

    I’ll just comment on the original issue of the posting. The FBI showing up to “have a word” with a school student, who made a political video. Apparently the student crossed some kind of invisible line, of what’s allowed to be said about political candidates, that aren’t on the approved list. And it’s interesting, to say the least, that the FBI should even be concerned about talk of the Illuminati. A long defunct club of pseudo-intellectual nut jobs. Either the agents know nothing of history. And believe the fiction that Dan Brown concocted for his novel. Or there actually is some existing secret society, that’s somewhat Illuminati like. Perhaps Harvard’s Skull and Bones Society. 🙂

    • orchidcup says:

      If there is a secret society that runs everything, you will not know about it.

      Because it is a secret. 🙂

  9. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    Glenn E. who wouldn’t hurt his own analysis to slow down and read what is actually posted says:
    9/12/2012 at 3:43 am

    Not getting into this argument of why Bobbo thinks he’s right in defending the Lilliputian system of two party US government. /// I defended the concept of parties. Not any given number thereof. Thats a different subject. All subject to definition, express rules, and careful reading.

    Nor how existing evils are necessary, /// I never said that. Did intimate that regarding Mainstreet, and in essence did expressly state that Wallstreet is not necessary.

    just because their too entrenched to be easily eradicated. /// I agree with that, but never said it. Wallstreet could be slapped down a la Teddy if todays pols weren’t so corrupt they won’t break up too big to fail.

    But then, so was British rule, at one time. /// Relevancy? Change comes slowly or fast, but always comes.

    I’ll just comment on the original issue of the posting. The FBI showing up to “have a word” with a school student, who made a political video. Apparently the student crossed some kind of invisible line, of what’s allowed to be said about political candidates, that aren’t on the approved list. And it’s interesting, to say the least, that the FBI should even be concerned about talk of the Illuminati. A long defunct club of pseudo-intellectual nut jobs. Either the agents know nothing of history. And believe the fiction that Dan Brown concocted for his novel. Or there actually is some existing secret society, that’s somewhat Illuminati like. Perhaps Harvard’s Skull and Bones Society. 🙂 //// Misperceived as well. Reread the header OP and have another go.

    When you use what is posted as a starting point for your own tangential thoughts, you really should not think you are responding. You aren’t. Just a game of tag with relevance.

    The dialectic is much more informative and worthwhile but you have to spot the thesis.

    Its how one thinks and grows.

  10. orchidcup says:

    “So that’s my story, a teen from the suburbs who was questioned by the FBI about a harmless free speech protected video I made for school. My record forever scarred with the truth that the FBI questioned me. When getting a job they will see that, when getting a passport they will see that, when going to college they will see that,” he writes.

    Apparently this kid or his mother have never heard of a lawyer.

    So far as I can tell, the kid did not break any laws. The FBI had no cause to question the kid about a school project. The mother should have protected her minor child by refusing to allow the FBI to question him.

    Unless there is a criminal warrant issued, a person is not required to answer questions. It is voluntary.

    The kid also claims the FBI tried to recruit him as an informant on a hacker group. There is no information in the story that suggests the kid has ties to a hacker group.

    In short, the entire story, which was taken from the Alex Jones web site PrisonPlanet, smells bogative.

    I rate this story as bogative.

    • orchidcup says:

      I forgot to mention that the kid will not have a criminal record if he is questioned by the FBI.

      There will be no record that will effect his employment, passport, or college prospects.

      Being questioned by law enforcement does not generate a criminal record.

      A person must be convicted of a crime to have a criminal record.

      That is assuming any of these events occurred in the first place.

  11. orchidcup says:

    This is how the scenario with the FBI should have played out:

    Knock knock.

    Q: Who’s there?

    A: The FBI.

    Q: Hi there, FBI. What can I help you with?

    A: We are here to question your son about his school project.

    Q: When did the FBI become involved with questioning children about school projects?

    A: We have a report from his school that he may be a terrorist or involved with hackers.

    Q: Has my son done anything that is criminal and would warrant a federal investigation?

    A: We are here to question your son about his school project.

    Q: I think it is very strange that the FBI would be concerned about a school project, so I will call my lawyer if you do not leave my property immediately. Do we have an understanding?

    A: We want you to understand this interrogation is voluntary.

    Q: What part of “leave my property” confuses you?

    A: Have a nice day.

  12. kjb434 says:

    I like how many of the commenters on here are engaging in what Adam and John rail against in the NoAgenda Show.

    People on each side just screaming at each other.

    You guys on both sides do know that you aren’t going to convince the other side to switch. Just not going to happen.

    Facts and statistics are nice until you realize that everybody has them.

    When both sides can make statements the cancel each other out, then you realize that reality has stepped away.

    Just calm down. Screaming on here isn’t going to change anything.

    For both sides, when you argue with a fool, you become turn into one.

    This is the whole reason I can’t watch U.S. news and read U.S. papers. I think I’m going to follow JCD and start watching only English versions of foreign news.

    • noname says:

      Yes, daddy kjb434; I’ll behave 🙂

    • orchidcup says:

      It helps to hear both versions of the so-called news.

      There are two, three, or four and more sides to every story.

      Facts may be presented, but only the facts they want you to hear, or half of the facts, or no facts at all.

      Many news stories are based on other stories that may or may not be factual. or accurately portrayed.

      In short, question everything.


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