1. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    Osama is Dead, American Auto Industry is ALIVE!


    How else do you decide to vote?

    • Tommy says:

      GM is still losing as much as $49,000 on each Volt it builds.

      And since we the taxpayers are paying for the loss, then you are an idiot.

      • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

        Ha, ha. You take the negative headline from an article that explains how wrong the headline probably is?

        Lying, or just that gullible?


        Could you provide the link to how any such losses are picked up by the taxpayer—or did you throw that talking point in for free?

        BUT–the statement still stands even if the worst of what you post is correct:

        Osama is DEAD, American Auto Industry is ALIVE. And surely no AMERICAN will deny that is a good thing. What part of North Korea to you post from?

        Silly PUKES = LIARS. They never miss a chance.

        • Tommy says:

          Nah, I don’t care to edumacate you. Do your own homework.

          • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

            Ha, ha. THERE you go again.

            BS policies that can’t work mathematically, so you refuse to give details that will only show your perfidy.

            PUKE = LIAR.

            Even their voting base.

          • Hfidek says:

            I think the saddest part with you two it’s the name calling it make the both of you morrons

          • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

            Hfidek–how would you address someone who intentionally offers up arguments that aren’t true?

            What would be the most appropriate way to handle that?

            Is telling the truth the same as lying when the issue is politics?

            What is it about calling a spade a spade that causes you to forget you are not at a four year old’s Sunday Afternoon tea party?

            Oops….teaparty???? Ha, ha.

            Yes===being polite about the lies the Pukes seem unable to avoid is half the reason the “average voter” is confused.

            Pros and Cons to all we do.

        • McCullough says:

          Moron is spelled moran, ,moron!

          • hfidek says:

            McCullough excuse me but english is not my first language when you can speak as good as i speak yours we can talk
            as for you bobbo so the only way you to address somebody who doesn’t thin like is insults and name calling you could just explain your point of view and agree to disagree.i think i agree with Adam curry the level of discussion about politic in this countries is just getting to a new low from both side

          • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

            Hfideck–I’m sure McCullough will take your words to heart and not stoop to attack his humble readers like that again. It is actually very out of character for him to do that …. but …. he is very attacked to the term/concept/word moran. He told us he made the entry for in in Urban Dictionary. I have not yet confirmed that, but I believe it.

            Hfideck–how long would you play chess with someone who cheated?

        • Mextli: ABO says:

          GM received $49.5 billion from taxpayers, and has returned about $24 billion of that through loan repayments and the sale of stock during its successful initial public offering in November 2010.

          But since the IPO the stock has plunged 35%, meaning that taxpayers’ GM stake has taken about a $5.8 billion hit. GM’s share price would need to more than double to roughly $51 a share in order for taxpayers to break even.


          • HMeyers says:

            If Obama gets a 2nd term, it’ll take plenty of American dollars to buy anything.

            And the mere inflation itself will guarantee even GM stock a lucrative investment.

  2. Mac Guy says:

    The President touts his new chiropractic coverages under Obamacare.

  3. Bob the Bo says:

    Restaraunt owner taking out the trash.

  4. Randy Johnson says:


  5. MartinJJ says:

    Is Obama involved in a pizza chain scam also now?

  6. Dallas says:

    Wax statues of Obama are in huge demand following the Democratic Convention.

  7. dusanmal says:

    Misinterpretation of “Toss The Dwarf” competition rules. Intellectual dwarfs should not qualify.

  8. NewformatSux says:

    I was the man on The Unit, and now I’m running this pizza place.

  9. Pat Kittle says:

    “OK, OK, I’ll pay my bar tab!”

  10. John says:

    Who builds a car that loses money? I’ll bet Obama and company are finding ways to make up the difference?? After all Obama loves wasting tax payers money on foolish GREEN projects.

  11. orchidcup says:

    Obama love doll is very popular with inebriated redneck bikers.

    Get yours today at Amazon.com

  12. McCullough says:

    Yo Michelle, can I get a little help over here!

  13. observer says:

    “See what it takes to get the creepy white guy vote?”

  14. orchidcup says:

    Republican teabagger snatches Obama under the noses of the Secret Service security detail.

    More sordid details at 11:00!

  15. orchidcup says:

    Obama supporter demonstrates the Reverse Heimlich Maneuver for relief of flatulence and constipation.

    The President was not amused.

  16. Jorn says:

    “Hulk smash!”

  17. noname says:

    Yep, Chris Christie is a fatty!

    • msbpodcast says:

      Could anybody even get their arms around Christie? Could any living person possibly possibly pick him up without a fork lift? (I live in NJ and I can tell you that he thought the RNC Mauling in Miami convention was actually about him…)

  18. noname says:

    Secrete Service is on the job!

  19. noname says:

    Who’s President now?

  20. noname says:

    Judo Ear Clap in three, two, one….

  21. McCullough says:

    Put me down Honkey, I am NOT your long lost brother!

  22. John E. Quantum says:

    Just as you can’t pray the gay away, you can’t squeeze the Democrat out of a brother.

  23. noname says:

    Let’s test Obama vs Romney Care and who’s got the best coverage?

  24. AdmFubar says:

    why did biden take all the secrets service agents that can blend in with the locals???

  25. good old boy says:

    “Agent Jones, hand me your S&W.”

  26. HMeyers says:

    They said Obama can’t really fly.

    And like I’ve said, it’s bullshit.

  27. BodyOdor says:

    “You’re supposed to shake hands there Ruskie old pal. NOT your own!”

  28. Nixon for Republican factchecker-in-chief says:

    The truth of the incident was a Republican rediscovering someone worth at lest voting for. According to the guy doing the hugging.

  29. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Obama tries his hand at dancing at the local gay bar.

  30. orchidcup says:

    Far right-wing nutball high school dropout and former professional wrestler demonstrates that Marxist Muslim Progressive Democrat Freeloaders need love too.


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