So – I think we can all agree that the Democrats had the better convention?
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Absolutely. Obama’s speech was an absolute winner, selling a combo of the jobs bill where Harry Reid rewrote the rules of the Senate to keep his Democrats from having to vote on it, and a budget that has yet to get a single Democratic vote in the House or Senate. 4 more years! 4 more years!
Glad you’re finally coming around !
President Obama’s acceptance speech came one year to the day of the bankruptcy of Solyndra.
Pretty fitting, actually; after all, he did build that.
So what you are saying is it is wrong to support new technologies if there is even the slightest chance that one of the many companies supported might one day go bankrupt.
Thanks for being such a shortsighted idiot.
I am a Canadian and I had hoped that Obama would actually have done a way better job at fixing some of the imbalances in the US economy. All he has done is created tax and fee uncertainty. He never did anything to curtail the current Wall Street Casino (ie naked shorting, MF Global, etc….) All these non solutions curtail Capitol formation and sustained job growth. Obama also has failed on critical infrastructure. I think he had his shot and a change is needed.
Better at helping me make a final choice.
As an independent I have decided to vote against President Obama rather than for Mitt Romney.
Yea, that’s kind of what so many Republican primary voters realized when they refused to vote for Romney in the primaries. That and a suspicion that he agrees with Obama on the issues. Judging by how little they mentioned his name at the convention, it’s possible Romney is starting to get that noone wants to vote for him.
To who had the better convention, I agree the Democrats had the better music, though the Republicans dominated among American Idol contestants.
The standard for who had the better convention is the effect on the election. Kerry obliterated Bush in the first debate, but lost the election when he said global test, so really Kerry lost that debate. Bush had been the loser by saying he believed in transforming power of democracy, which means war with Iran.
So, what effect did the conventions have? Obama said the same things as before, so I don’t think that helps much. They focused on the auto bailout, so if they win Ohio and Michigan because of it, they are successful. They had a large focus on abortion, including putting Sandra Fluke in primetime. Bill Clinton’s speech was a good defense, and maybe it convinces people of four more years. Democrats also said you belong to the government. They booed God and Jerusalem.
Republican convention was largely quiet about Romney, and trying to build the GOP brand. Eastwood said let em go. Artur Davis said drop the Democrats.
Democrats dominated. Obama is getting my vote… again.
The summary of the Democratic convention is that Republicans in Congress and everywhere else are super partisan who block everything, and after Obama wins those super partisan Republicans will do everything Obama wants.
Of course we had the better convention. We’re Fabulous !
Lets see: Eva Longoria, and Scarlett Johansson doing pretty decent speeches in the DNC, and a Clint Eastwood embarrassing himself taking to a empty chair in the RNC… Even before Obama made his speech, the DNC was a winner by far …
I’m so sick of people cursing the disease but not wanting to cure it.
I feel like a one eyed man, with astigmatism, but you’re all blind.
There were no parties when the country was founded. Lets get back to that…
Could care less what kind of lip service these guys provide. How about some examples of actually doing something? If I did my job as poorly as the President the last 3 plus years and have pretty much nothing to show for it. I would have been fired a long time ago. That goes for many in Congress too. But let’s keep believing the BS and the wonderful uplifting speeches. Its no wonder we have so many slackers in government.
Can we cancel this election and have Newt vs Bill, the matchup of baby-boomer cheaters we were denied 16 years ago?
uncle dave I thought you were smart until you write the stupidity of the demoRATS as the best convention, if they get their ways soon you will lose your freedoms (already eroded). wake up people!
Excuse me? What makes you think I wrote that?
Didn’t waste my time watching either circle jerk convention.
So what? If wishes were horses….
After Elizabeth Warren’s please that corporations don’t have a heart, don’t sing, don’t live, and don’t die, can we now say that corporations aren’t greedy?