Probably anyone could pull this stunt with any audience. And a little editing does not hurt. It’s still funny whenever it is done. Di-Hydroxy-oxygen anyone?
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He is not making fools of the public. He is showing what fools the Democrats already are.
Analogous questions should be asked of Republicans just to put the Democrats in perspective. “Should corporations be allowed to enslave the poor and make them work for 50 cents an hour?”
Let’s be honest here. Peter Schiff believes in exploiting the weak and vulnerable. It is his gospel.
Nobody enslaves the poor, many of the times they choose to do nothing and fail to put forth any effort to get out of where they are… its easier and more fun to do nothing except what you want, pop out more kids, and get paid for doing nothing… if anyone enslaves the poor, often they enslave themselves by being lazy.
What you say is precisely the first demon’s message. Do you know how many people around the world work for less than 50 cents an hour? Don’t you realize that corporations are manipulating governments to bring about the conditions of poverty and wage slavery?
True, mindless Democrats following the mantra
Obviously none of these people invest in stocks of any kind. But then I don’t anymore either.
Would you support a law that bans individuals from having sex?
Would you support a law that bans public police departments and would privatize all security throughout the country?
Would you support a law that requires all citizens to have a gun, including children?
Would you support a law that requires a private fire department the ability to let someone burn if that person hasn’t paid their monthly bill?
If a dozen Republican delegates answer yes to these questions (which they would) then all republicans believe these should be law. Really?
Peter Schiff, Really?
Show me the video. You can assert that that all Republicans have long hairy tails and you may sincerely believe what you say but for credibility you need some evidence.
Oh puuleaze do-ill. You interview 300 people and pick the 7 worst.
See how editing works, or are you this idiotic or just this partisan? BTW==there are such videos.
The only thing more entertaining than interviewing “the folks” is listening to idiots like you claim there are idiots like them.
Are you calling Mr. Dvorak an idiot by proxy?
Just the opposite as clearly stated by JCD.
Can you read?
Guess what, you can find stupid people anywhere!
Who woulda thunk it?
Question, how many people do you think the dufus decided not to show when they did not say what he wanted to portray?
Great thing (or bad thing) about cameras; producers only show a portion of what’s filmed, the rest is cut!
It’s the same thinking people use with computers; they believe computers never lie!
Camera’s like computers, are only as good as the ones programing it! And yes, there is a reason TV shows are also called TV Programs.
I don’t know about YOUR computer, but MY computer never lies.
Why? It told me so.
Hearing voices are you?
Maybe your computer has become a gateway to the other side?
Maybe you or your computer picked up a virus?
Best reboot or something.
Funny it is and fools they are. It should be done by comedians though.
The other fools (not shown) of course, are those that see this production as a party platform message.
Di-hydroxy oxygen. That would be HO-O-OH (or maybe HO-O-O-OH). The former would be dihydrogen trioxide, a far cry from the dihydrogen monoxide we rely on to keep us hydrated. I’m not sure how di-hydroxy oxygen is relevant to the discussion.
I thirst for truth!
Shows the nature of science education in this country.
What do you get if you mix Germanium, Nitrogen, Iodine, Uranium, and Sulfur ?
Pure GeNIUS.
A very rare compound.
OTW—its just a limitation of imagination or smarts that you can’t think of a more detailed plan of caps and limitation to control how corporations work. Profits of the corps must be distributed as stock income at some point or it gets taxed as excessive retained earnings. This is a cap and limitations on corporate earnings.
And why not cap and limit corp profits to some multiple of what the employees are paid?
Lots of reasons to further cap and limit corporations. THEY AREN’T PEOPLE AFTERALL.
Silly sheep to demand some UNDEFINED HYPOTHETICAL is good or bad. It always: depends.
Precisely why the Dems are going to loose by a landslide.
Why is that Oh_No? or should I say “define landslide.” You mean win by .0001 percent on disputed vote counting and call it a mandate?
That kind of landslide?
Or do you mean do anything to change the status quo from what you imagine it to have been 50 years ago? “Don’t touch corporations….. I’ve been trained to yelp at that.” Is that what you mean?
Ha, ha.
I think you meant ‘lose’. God , you Republicans are dumb ass’s !
Foo! The plural for Asses is ‘arse’.
You don’t know how to spell lose, loser.
I know too many Republicans that play fast and loose with the Constitution, but they are losers.
I loose my necktie, but I lose my car keys.
I see this mistake all the time, usually it is a college graduate loser, and it makes me act as if I have a screw loose somewhere.
This will be my last post. I going to go shoot myself. (just kidding . . . I want to though).
Should I ask your party affiliation before offering help?
The answer may decide type of help offered.
I’m worried the level of dihidrogen monoxide in the water keeps increasing.
It does, IT DOES!!!!
Sea Level Rising:
Time for another Global Warming post. Experts are about to reissue their reports and stop the rosey conservative estimate bias.
time for the sheeple to get the best science that is available.
Will naysayers like McGuyver continue their clever programs of disinformation? They appear to be muting themselves. Drip, drip, drip.
HEY!!! What is this reality? A Chinese water torture?
I heard this nasty rumor, claiming that when all the ice melts, the water levels will stop rising. What will we do for water THEN?
Obama said he would pass a windfall profits tax on oil companies, and give families a $1000 rebate.
A $1000 rebate, that’s about 17 tanks of gas for me!
Most Alaskans are getting ~ $1,174 in Permanent Fund dividends! So, why not something for the rest of US, if you want to Drill-Baby-Drill?
So far, Obama is just passing wind.
What’s that smell?
Mr Woopie Cushion did you just P.G.?
You’re a flatulent little fart, aren’t you?
I think comments on this blog demonstrate that the people can make fools of themselves well enough and don’t need any help from anybody.
Doesn’t matter who wins, come the first Wednesday in November, I can guarantee that you’ll have a millionnaire and his greedy ignorant cronies raping all of the orifices of the citizens of this planet, specially their wallets.
That stinks!
i wonder if he’ll ask if there should be a ban on alcohol at political conventions.
Shiff has grown old making the same dire predictions about the demise of the West.
Did he try any of these “gotcha” games at the Republican convention?
I would love to do that kind of thing at a Republican Convention.
I would ask questions like:
Do you think a corporation is a person, and should have the same Constitutional rights as a person?
Do corporations have the right to practice a religion?
Do corporations have the right to bear arms?
Do corporations have the right to vote?
Do corporations have the right to practice the Biblical definition of marriage?
Did God create corporations?
Does Jesus love corporations?
If a corporation killed thousands of people because of gross negligence, what would Jesus do?
I am sure the answers would be hilarious.
With a little editing.
Why are all these counter questions everyone is coming up with so STUPID? You’d have to do a LOT of editing to come up with anything like Shiff’s presentation. C’mon you libs – put a little effort in it.
Explain how the questions are STUPID, Rush Limbaugh.
Some people are sheep. Follow the sheep in front and don’t think for yourself.
It is truly sad that thinking people don’t get airtime on television and radio talk shows.
Instead we get Honey Boo Boo and professional wrestling and talent shows and Jersey Shore and Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity.
Dimwits get advertising dollars because it keeps the sheeple distracted and under control.
Advertisers would never pay for a show that examines the issue of corporate personhood honestly.
Agreed, just keep them stupid and drunk.
Years ago the History channel was a somewhat reliable source of information, the same goes for TLC, but now, disinformation and redneck stupidity is the norm.
It does make one laugh. The commentary on MSNBC about how masterful all the DNC presentations were then flip over to Fox and hear how horrible they were.
Good thing I know the difference between News and Commentary huh?
OK Stooges====raise you hand……….. YOU know who I’m looking at: who turns to Fox News or Rush Limbaugh for their NEWS? I SAID NEWS………..
Its ok snookums, we know when the light is on you won’t be caught flapping off. Only when you can post anonymously.
Good little bois.
Most people don’t understand that commentary is the opinion of one person.
That person may be biased, uninformed, factually incorrect, and purposefully deceptive.
A Dittohead is somebody that allows a commentator to do their thinking for them. They do not realize that being a Dittohead is an insult to the human race.
A robot is a Dittohead.
Peter Schiff was the only person that was warning about the financial crisis years before it happened. I vividly remember seeing a segment with him and Ben Stein. Ben was saying how everything is fine, and he was trying to say Peter was 100% wrong. hmmm
Yet, news programs routinely interview Ben Stein about economic issues. They should interview Peter Schiff. In fact, Romney should offer Schiff a position in his new Presidental administration.
Peter Schiff correctly warned of the housing bubble and other financial issues. I remember that.
That does not mean Peter Schiff is right about everything.
Peter was not the only person ringing the warning bells.
However, there were many more people saying everything is fine. That is why people need to think critically, regardless of the subject matter.
Peter Schiff may not be right for everything, but he has a hell of a track record. He plays it straight, and never blows smoke up anyone’s ass. We need more of that in this country. Medicine is best taken straight.
Honesty is the best policy – if there is money in it.
— Mark Twain
Obama thinks the same things. He wrote in his book that working for business was being behind enemy lines.
I have worked for corporations, privately owned large businesses, and privately owned small businesses.
The corporate culture is no different than government bureaucracy. Much like a septic tank, the shit rises to the top.
It has been my experience that a privately owned small business is more receptive to innovation, dialogue with workers, and flexibility with company policies and procedures. It does not matter if the owner is a Dimwit or a Repuke.
Most large corporations are a kingdom. The serfs that do the actual work are not allowed an opinion or any input to management unless they are asked. This is true in most cases.
If the enemy is an assault on human dignity and intelligence, then I would say that working at a large corporation is like being behind enemy lines.
It depends on the context.
You’re begging the question.
So its bad for CEO’s to earn a huge salary but its OK for government to over spend by trillions of taxpayer money?
Most of which we as tax payers will pay billions in interest on. Obama is a hypocrite.
I should amend my previous comment by saying a corporation is exactly like a kingdom.
The King is the CEO. The Treasurer is the CFO. The King’s Council is the Board of Directors. The Nobles are middle management.
Then there are the Serfs at the bottom of the septic tank.
These are the people that actually do the work and produce something.
wtf is “Di-Hydroxy-oxygen” ?
If you are referring to H2O (ie. Water), it is technically actually HOH, which is the molecule known as Hydrogen Hydroxide.
Let’s ban paying elected people a salary if they do not accomplish something! I’m not talking spend,spend spend. I am talking running our Country like a respected business and justifying budgets and making accountable the programs and legislation they pass. Stop using creative math to work out the differences so that it looks like they can afford it. Because it never works out that way. No government does not need to show a profit like businesses. But it does need to spend within its means of taxes.
Something the US government has not done for a long time. I would like to see Democrat’s and Republican’s look in the mirror before pointing fingers.