Ryan vs. Clinton. Day 2 keynote speakers and both are the policy wonks of their party.

  1. Somebody says:

    Foul! Should be Ryan vs Biden!

  2. Somebody says:

    At least the Republicans were smart enough to ax that Reagan hologram before it made Romney look less desirable by comparison.

  3. NewformatSux says:

    Clinton lies about Medicare reform, Welfare reform, and that he would not have done any better than Obama in 4 years.
    Ryan lied about his time running a marathon.

    • kacrowley says:

      You are lying about Ryan’s lies. You are lying about Clinton.

      You have a bad habit of misrepresenting the facts. The worst part of that is that your lies are so damn obvious that even Republicans can recognize them.

    • Joan Dvorak says:

      Ryan is clearly a pathological liar; he lies when there is no need to lie, and he lies at times when the truth would serve him better.

      He lies when he knows his lies will be caught, but he can’t help himself.

      You know he was voted “most likely to be a brown-noser” at his high school?

      And what are his credentials showing him to be a genius anyway? I have missed that.

    • Sam says:

      here’s just 5

      1.The GM plant in Janesville. Ryan mentioned it in a pretty effective section on the Obama-induced pangs of his hometown. But as Matthew DeLuca explained two weeks ago, GM announced the closure during the Bush presidency. Ryan hustled to save it. He voted for the GM bailout, in another attempt to save it. You can call that proof of government’s failure, sure, but Obama didn’t force it on the city.

      2.”The stimulus was a case of political patronage, corporate welfare, and cronyism at their worst.” That’s extraordinarily hard to argue, and Ryan’s office lobbied effectively for some stimulus grants that went to his district.

      3.”$716 billion, funneled out of Medicare by President Obama.” Not really true, either. The Medicare spending “cuts” are of the sort that Ryan defended when he was rising through the House—reductions in future reimbursement rates.

      4.”A downgraded America.” S&P’s rationale for downgrading the United States from AAA to AA+ “assumes that the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, due to expire by the end of 2012, remain in place.” This was “because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues.” Ryan’s promised to keep those tax cuts for now, then try and flatten the code into two low rates, and we don’t know what the S&P Tiki Gods think of that.

      5.The “bipartisan debt commission” Ryan referred to was Simpson-Bowles. He served on it, and voted against the report, because it didn’t tackle Medicare costs—which sort of brings us back to the “$716 billion funneling” issue.

  4. NewformatSux says:

    Clinton said in a second Obama term,”You will feel it.”

    Better put some ice on that.

  5. NewformatSux says:

    From PowerLine
    Clinton saluted Obama for extending the life of Medicare by cutting $716 billion from the program, you had to wonder. If Obama extended the life of Medicare by cutting it to the tune of $716 billion, just think what Obama might have done with double or triple the cuts? Why, he could have provided Medicare a bridge through the twenty-first century, to borrow an old Clinton trope.

    Obama’s diddling with the welfare reform work requirement strengthened it, according to Clinton. It was a requirement that Clinton himself had signed off on in 1996. Why hadn’t he thought of such an ingenious approach? Surely you had to understand that the man was putting us on. Just as he was obscuring the substance of what Obama has done, Clinton made sure to drop a clue when he asked: “Now, did I make myself clear?”

    Clinton’s case for Obama’s handling of the economy involved another subtle satirical thrust: “No president — no president, not me, not any of my predecessors, no one could have fully repaired all the damage that he found in just four years.” But could others have done better? Clinton didn’t say, of course, but the answer is affirmative. If the implication was that others might have done better, it was left hanging.

    • kacrowley says:

      So you are calling math a lie now? All you have is the inane tactic of making up questions that weren’t asked and then giving a made up answer?

      People who honestly believed what you claim to believe wouldn’t need to use such cowardly tactics. Honest people would defend their political views with honesty.

      The more I read your tripe the less credibility you have. Please try harder to make your lies believable.

    • bobbo, one true Liberal accusing Obama being too far Right says:

      Parsing to the point of stupidity, NFS tries an artful dodge himself by analysing: “Clinton’s case for Obama’s handling of the economy involved another subtle satirical thrust: “No president — no president, not me, not any of my predecessors, no one could have fully repaired all the damage that he found in just four years.” But could others have done better? Clinton didn’t say, of course, but the answer is affirmative. If the implication was that others might have done better, it was left hanging.” /// Yes, that subtlety is there. but I think the proper context is from the thread below: “Are you Better Off than you were 4 years ago?”==and that question assumes that under Pukes you would have been or will be.==ie back to where you were==IE ALL THE DAMAGE REPAIRED. Just as Slick Willy has testified.

      No body gets whipsawed to lie, cringe, weasel, and dissemble like this without a reason. NFS==why do you lie, cringe, weasel, and dissemble like this?

      The sad thing is, you are so deep into it that you can’t tell when it won’t work. To be PRAGMATIC, EFFECTIVE, COMPETENT–you need to change tactics depending on the challenges you currently are faced with.

      Dvorak is not a Puke Resting Area on the Highway of Politics. It is more an open market. All sorts not a bred and born puke see right thru you. RIGHT THROUGH YOU!!! After a few butt reamings, I’d think you would change your underwear, but your seem to enjoy it and the embarrassment invigorating.


      • Don't drink the snake oil says:

        Weird? Is that your sign off? Weird, but very honest and appropriate.

    • noice says:

      I wish you knew what you were talking about. Then I’d know what your talking about.

    • Sam says:

      So I take it you agree with everything else Clinton stated including the arithmetic?

      Nah, you probably think math is a trick too.

      Nice try.

  6. Somebody says:

    Well, at least we’ve established that both the Republicans and Democrats are lying. As well as their minions in the media.

    But you don’t need the facts to cast a vote you feel good about so don’t sweat it.

  7. ECA says:

    For those that dont get the medicare PROBLEM..
    its that TO MANY people have fingers in the pot.

    United medical system has been POSTED FOR, for over 80 years..
    In the past 30 years medicare has had so many FIXES, that more money is/was going into OTHERS HANDS, then to the doctors or hospitals..
    OBAMA tried to have a 1 level system, NOT 3-4-5 or 6…
    He couldnt get it DOWN to a 1 level/tier system. I think its 2 now.

    Can you see a system where you go direct to medicare?? insted of having to call, and have THEM select a doctor, then the doctor CALLING BACK to ask if you can have a certain checkup, then get the checkup, then get a denial?? all in 6-8 weeks?? IT WAS FUN..

  8. dave m brewer says:

    I wonder when was the last time Slick Willie poked Clippity Clop?

  9. bobbo, one true Liberal accusing Obama being too far Right says:

    NewformatSux unable to think for himself thinkgs that a copy and paste from http://powerlineblog.com/archives/2012/09/clintons-intemperate-address.php will make him look good:
    9/5/2012 at 11:31 pm

    From PowerLine
    Clinton saluted Obama for extending the life of Medicare by cutting $716 billion from the program, you had to wonder. If Obama extended the life of Medicare by cutting it to the tune of $716 billion, just think what Obama might have done with double or triple the cuts? Why, he could have provided Medicare a bridge through the twenty-first century, to borrow an old Clinton trope. /// Gee, for a group of hack puke lawyers you’d think they would understand the 716B came from savings on the provider side. Only so many cuts could be made before the bone would be hit and services to beneficiaries negatively impacted. This is “lying” as much as not understanding what you are talking about so you can take flights of fancy unrelated to the reality being addressed. Course–if the lawyers DO KNOW what they are talking about…….. then …….. they’re just being good Pukes. NFS==I do assume you are just this incredibly ignorant and keep forgetting you’ve been told where the savings come from about 5 times now. Good Puke. Its not enough to lie. No–to be a good stooge, you have to lie, lie, lie, lie, lie. and so forth.

    Obama’s diddling with the welfare reform work requirement strengthened it, according to Clinton. It was a requirement that Clinton himself had signed off on in 1996. Why hadn’t he thought of such an ingenious approach? Surely you had to understand that the man was putting us on. Just as he was obscuring the substance of what Obama has done, Clinton made sure to drop a clue when he asked: “Now, did I make myself clear?” /// You are babbling incoherently. Is your copy/paste function working correctly? Rephrase this to make a point? Who is the “he” that thought of the ingenious approach? Sad.

    Clinton’s case for Obama’s handling of the economy involved another subtle satirical thrust: “No president — no president, not me, not any of my predecessors, no one could have fully repaired all the damage that he found in just four years.” But could others have done better? Clinton didn’t say, of course, but the answer is affirmative. If the implication was that others might have done better, it was left hanging. //// covered elsewhere. Its like Ryan saying the Stimulus didn’t work while applying for Stimulus funds because he knows stimulus does work. Lies, lies, lies, lies…… and more lies.

    Say NFS–do you think tax cuts for the rich will trickle jobs down on the unemployed? Do you? We have Bush and Regun job creation track record: losers. or liars. Take your pick.

    Silly Pukes. No one listens to them except other pukes and even they know they are lying, but it sounds nice to them.


  10. bobbo, one true Liberal accusing Obama being too far Right says:

    Breaking news at the Onion: Bill Clinton Finally Just Shows America His Penis

    “CHARLOTTE, NC—During his speech Wednesday evening at the Democratic National Convention in downtown Charlotte, former U.S. president Bill Clinton finally just unzipped his fly and showed the entire country his penis.” ////

    Hmmmm… maybe someone wants to see that? Much better than Mittens showing us his hemorrhoids: ie==Ryan.

    HAW, HAW. All that practice, and poor pukes still can’t tell a lie that a 12 year old doesn’t know it.

  11. deowll says:

    Clinton is a centrist. Obama is not. Clinton spoke of working together and Obama doesn’t even work with the Democrats in Congress. Do you seriously think Clinton would have settled for budgets that got no votes? Obama has gutted what Clinton said was a major improvement to the welfare system when he signed it. Clinton actually balanced a budget.

    As a Democrat Partisan Clinton did his best for Obama but these guys don’t have much common ground when you get down to basics. Not sure if he is as anti-theist anti-Jewish as Obama or not. Didn’t Clinton’s daughter marry some sort of Faux Jew?

    • bobbo, one true Liberal accusing Obama being too far Right says:

      Do-ill do-you think:

      1. Trickle Down Economics creates more jobs than jobs programs like rebuilding infrastructure or developing green energy?

      2. Abortion should be denied in all cases?

      3. MediCare to be saved should be voucherized?

      4. 44 Million Americans are best served by getting their routine healthcare needs met in Emergency Rooms.

      ……. and on and on.

    • tcc3 says:

      Wait, I thought the Republican position was that the Clinton “balanced budget” was a clever accounting lie? Get your talking points straight.

      As acrimonious as the relationship between Clinton and Congress was, at least there were policy negotiations going on while they had their witch hunt. This congress only priority is to make Obama a “one term president,” every one else be damned.

      • Sea Lawyer says:

        Wait, I thought the Republican position was that the Clinton “balanced budget” was a clever accounting lie?

        No, that is the position of the former Comptroller General of the United States, who was appointed by Clinton, and the GAO who showed a deficit from entitlement programs when accrual rather than simple cash accounting was used.

  12. NewformatSux says:

    Hey I thought Obama was the smart one, the policy wonk of the party? He said so himself, that he can do it better than his staff, write speeches better than his speechwriters, and so on.

  13. noname says:

    The Choice is obvious; do you want a country geared for and designed for maximizing GREED or do you want a country for maximizing the middle class.

    If you believe all good flows from top to bottom, then you believe in GREED.

    If you believe the job creators are the middle class, then you believe in the power of markets.

    If you believe your lies, you believe in unchecked GREED.

    If you believe in honesty you believe in justice.

    This election will be about what people believes drives this economy, the wealthy or the populous.

  14. ± says:

    I thought it very appropriate that “the first black president” spoke on behalf of the 2nd black president.

  15. Harry says:

    Willie took them to school last night.

    • Sam says:

      Yeah, but they weren’t listening. They were to busy throwing spit balls and pulling the chairs out from under the little girls. Isn’t that what juveniles do?

  16. orchidcup says:

    In a perfect world, the Dimwits would be fiscally conservative and the Repukes would stop believing in a Heavenly Father that rains manna from Heaven on request.

    On second thought, in a perfect world there would be no Dimwits and Repukes. Everybody would love their neighbor as Jesus commanded and God would rain manna and iPhones from Heaven and children would be obedient and the temperature would remain 72 degrees everywhere all the time and television would have intelligent programming.

    And there would be no taxes and ugly women.

  17. McCullough says:

    I dunno, Clinton seemed drunk to me….but then I was drunk as well so, maybe it was me.


  18. Dallas says:

    Please don’t compare former President Bill Clinton to that Eddie Munster looking lying POS

  19. NewformatSux says:

    “My black book goes from Al Gore’s wife to Zoe Baird”

  20. NewformatSux says:

    Forget Ryan vs Clinton, can we see Villagaroisa’s teleprompter and compare it to John Boehner?

  21. NewformatSux says:

    I’m going to be disappointed if we don’t get Eastwood vs Shatner. Captain’s log, I’m in an alternate Republican universe.

    He gets up from his captain’s chair, and the place goes nuts.

  22. Nixon for Republican factchecker-in-chief says:

    Bloomberg TV ran the fact check on Clinton, this morning, and the worst they could come up with was job growth under Dems for the last half-century was “only” 86% better than Republicans – not 100%.

    Compared to Lyin’ Ryan, he’s an apostle.

    • Dallas says:

      Good post and “Lyin’ Ryan” is spot on.

    • NewformatSux says:

      Kennedy proposed tax cuts, and LBJ passed them. Nixon/Ford passed wage and price controls and lots of new regulatory agencies. Clinton cut the capital gains tax in half.

      The only real surprise is Carter’s big gain in jobs, since his unemployment rate was pretty bad. Apparently it was the largest increase in workforce in history. Probably people so hit by inflation they were looking for more work to make up the difference. So more jobs led to unhappy voters. And it was Nixon that started the inflation slide.
      With all that, Clinton’s statement doesn’t help Obama when he hasn’t produced the jobs gains Clinton assigns to all those Democratic Presidents.

  23. deowll says:

    This shocked me. Watch it and make your own call. It allows people to share their views: http://www.humanevents.com/2012/09/06/hey-lets-ban-corporate-profits/

    • bobbo, one true Liberal accusing Obama being too far Right says:


      “would you support capping or banning corporate profit”

      Two very different questions both going to: what is the role of a corporation in a properly functioning society.

      Let me bet you dollars to donuts: you are confusing the admiration we all have for Horatio Algers self made hard working men and women with the personhood of unknown internationalists secretly organized under the cabal of a stateless corporation?

      In a certain sense, corp profits are capped in that retained earnings get taxed as undistributed profits at some point.

      Poor do-ill. so much a part of the problem, he blames other people….. with umbrage.

      Ha, ha.

      Silly corporatist: “Greed is Good.”

    • Sam says:

      Would you support a law that bans individuals from having sex?

      Would you support a law that bans public police departments and would privatize all security throughout the country?

      Would you support a law that requires all citizens to have a gun, including children?

      Would you support a law that requires a private fire department the ability to let someone burn if that person hasn’t paid their monthly bill?

      If a dozen Republican delegates answer yes to these questions (which they would) then all republicans believe these should be law. Really?

      Peter Schiff, Really?

      • Dallas says:

        Let’s hope that a negligible % of the voting population are that stupid or gullible. I’m talking about the people shown as well as those that eat this up. Still, it’s disheartening that people ARE in fact so stupid.

  24. Brock99 says:

    I personally find it ironic that the party that’s “all about supporting women”, holds Bill Clinton up as a god.

    The guy ruined a young female interns life and LIED to congress and the american people.

    He’s scum, and the party that holds him up as an example of a good president is pathetic.

    Clinton’s only claim to fame is he learned, after the mid term election, to triangulate, that is to take the best ideas from either party and work with congress to get supporting laws passed.

    Obama fails in doing this as he learned nothing from his mid term losses. Also he is the most racist president in US history. He’s nothing but a community organizer on an ego-trip…

    Just say NO-to Obama…

    • NewformatSux says:

      She wasn’t the only one. Juanita Broaddrick was raped, bit on the lip, and told better put some ice on that. The only justice gotten was an impeachment, suspension of his DC bar license, and Scooter Libby gets convicted after arranging Marc Rich’s pardon.


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