Try as Republican leaders might to foreground as many minority party members as they can find, the lack of racial diversity in the GOP is evident, and at least one prominent Republican lawmaker is becoming increasingly concerned.

“The demographics race we’re losing badly,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told the Washington Post. “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

True enough: In a recent piece on the presidental election’s “racial calculations,” National Jounal’s Ron Brownstein noted that Camp Romney needs to secure a likely unattainable percentage of white voters for a chance to win in November.

“A GOP coalition that relies almost entirely on whites could squeeze out one more narrow victory in November,” Brownstein writes. “But if Republicans can’t find more effective ways to bridge the priorities of their conservative core and the diversifying Next America, that weight will grow more daunting every year.”

That Republican “big tent” wouldn’t let in half my neighborhood.

  1. hallelujah says:

    judging from the racist overtone in your statement i wouldn’t blame them. who needs a racist in their tent?

    • msbpodcast says:

      Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told the Washington Post. “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

      Well then, you need white men to rape white women, like some top specimen prisoners, and your wives. (In about nine months you’ll find out that Akins doesn’t know what he’s talking about. [C’mon Lindsey, spend some of your millions supporting white supremacist rapists like cheap-ass white trash and you’ll have lots of angry white babies, kids, teenagers and then men, {just make sure you keep the girls/women away from sharp instruments or you’ll be singing soprano… }])

      The catholic church had that a policy in Québec for about 300 years. Then in 1960, we yanked out the catheter. It had worked, and we weren’t going back but the cost of achieving a francophone majority in the province was paid for by the women who had babies every year like clock work and by the men who had to spend their shortened lives keeping twenty and more mouthes fed and dressed.

      Winning a war by altering the demographics of a country takes a long view; much longer than that of people who can’t seem to fix their attention past next quarter.

      That’s why a white America is a losing proposition. Too many bourgeois whiteys getting snipped and their tubes tied.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    That is what has the politicians* of both parties motivated: demographics.

    They’re scared shitless of ending up in the minority ’cause they know how they treat minorities.

    But not so scared that they would ever let somebody in who wasn’t able to get the funds…

    If you’ve got or can get the cash, you’re more than welcome.

    *)A 1%er millionnaires’ club.

    • What? says:


      After “they” are identified as the enemy, and people like “you” are the only ones that are “right”, over time your team shrinks until you are the only one left.

      Inclusiveness, it makes the team larger.

      Nazies didn’t understand this either, so the Republicans are in good company, historically speaking.

      • msbpodcast says:

        The repubes don’t need to include anybody.

        They just dangle the carrot of their obscene wealth in front of the masses, buy the bullshit ads that tell the idiots that they could be wealthy too (like fuck they can,) and buy electoral gerrymandering so nobody will notice that this is a republic and the elections go the way that the electoral colleges say they go and fuck your votes.

        But they’re a meritocracy. I’ll give them that.

        If you’ve got a couple of million to waste playing at politics, you’re in.

        Just leave your morals and ethics along with the cash at the register.

        And never mind how you got the money, selling booze during the prohibition like the Kennedy’s, selling non-functioning crap to our military like the Cheney’s, selling worthless drugs to the people like … you get the idea…

  3. Dallas says:

    The seeming low numbers of AWG’s within the GOP is largely due to over medication and abuse of botox.

  4. orchidcup says:

    “The demographics race we’re losing badly,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.). “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

    Wow. I had to go check that quote at the Washington Post to make sure I have it right.

    That is the most blatantly racist statement made by the GOP in recent memory.

    Go for it, Lindsey O. Graham, do your political party a big favor and tell the whole world you belong to the Klu Klux Klan. That will attract a lot of blacks and latinos and asians and whatnot to the GOP and solidify the conservative base.

    Let me give you a clue, Lindsey. If you are going to be a self-righteous racist white anglo-saxon protestant, you don’t talk about generating more angry white guys. Most of us will agree we have enough of those already.

    When your political platform does not attract enough voters to your side, Lindsey, you need to consider changing your political platform. That is a hint.

  5. NewformatSux says:

    Lindsey Graham is the one pushing for amnesty. So if there were more angry white guys, they would be voting against him.

  6. NewformatSux says:

    These demographics are why liberals are so quick to trash any minority who votes Republican. They don’t want to lose the voting bloc. It’s why MSNBC cuts away when minorities are speaking at the Republican Convention, and then doesn’t put up the videos on their website. 12/13 white guys videos are put up, 10/13 for everyone else.

  7. NewformatSux says:

    If you hear a dog-whistle, then you are the dog.

  8. Jimmy Dickens says:

    Fist time I realized that Lindsey Graham is a Marxist Progressive?

    • noname says:

      It’s not the first time I realized how embarrassingly ignorant the GOP.

      It’s like the brain of Joseph McCarthy is reincarnated in each of them.

      Fanatical idiots, the lot of them!

      It’s a fitting end for such a group!

  9. Nixon for Losers says:

    It’s sad that the lame AWG crowd think ideology, subversive politics, are somehow requisite for the average American to reject bigotry. Most folks aren’t interested in delving into the intricacies of history and economics that explain the roots of racism in our country. They simply reject discrimination as unfair.

    There’s no shortage of white guys who don’t try to blame people of different colors, different religions, different something- or- other for the problems we confront in a f$@cked up economy. What Graham addresses is the day is just about over for the Republican Party to rely on backwardness and opportunism leftover from Nixon gobbling up Dixiecrats.

  10. SchwettyBalls says:

    Wait, I’m confused. Isn’t the majority of the GOP angry, white males? So essentially, the GOP is calling for more women hating, white, angry and racist men? That shouldn’t be that hard to come by. Come to the south.

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      Senator Lindsey Graham is from South Carolina, the home of Angry White Guys.

  11. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Taking Susana Martinez at her word…….she’s an idiot.

    There are talking points and campaign strategies and advertising themes and recruitment drives….BUT THEN THERE IS WHAT YOU ACTUALLY DO!!!!

    So, make an appeal to small business people while you tax them in order to give capital gains reductions to the already SUPER RICH.

    So, have a party platform outlawing abortion in order to appeal to the religious wingnuts in the South, and then soft pedal Romney allowing exceptions to attract a larger percentage while the whole time the ISSUE IS CONTROLLED BY Supreme Court rulings.

    Reduce the over all tax rate, a regressive tax policy==one that disproportionately affects the poor rather than the already SUPER RICH. Call it reducing the size of interfering government but the effect is 1 dollar of tax relief for you and 19 for the SUPER RICH.

    And on and on. The Pukes will say and LIE about any social policy but WHAT THEY DO is funnel tax advantages/breaks/loopholes to the SUPER RICH all to the detriment of America—ie, the growing deficit.

    If you have a progressive income tax policy where the rich are supposed to pay 35% but you in fact have policies where they pay from 13% to ZERO===something has been corrupted. That corruption is the Republican Party saying one thing but doing another. You want to put smoke in the air and say Dumbos do it too? I agree. But “usually” when called on it they back up and say “oopsies” whereas the Pukes will double down. Not always.

    But its not a coincidence.

  12. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Excellent pro-Republican ad here linking the Catholic Church to National and Local Politics. I thought the Catholics learned a long time ago they lose when they go political? Sad that lessons need relearning from time to time. See if you can spot where they depart from values and go for fact based falsifiable political positions. Its subtle but right there, not lost in the Music. Sounds like the intro to Inception and then they change up.

    Images/Music/Religion==the magisterium of the no think.

  13. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    NewformatSux without analysis says:
    9/1/2012 at 11:09 am

    I saw the same thing at the COlbert/Stewart rally. Predominantly white audience. /// Meaning what?

    The RNC audience is mostly white, so is C-S >>>>so the unstated conclusion is the audiences are the same?

    Is that what you wish to imply bunkie?

    And most members of the KKK are white as well.

    And most academy award winners.
    And most horse owners.
    And most rich people.
    And most coupon clippers.

    BUT most people in prison are Black. I wonder if thats why they aren’t at the RNC political event?

    Yep, all kinds of meaning can be glimmered when you spot a coincidence and post it.

    Identify and connect your dots. Its the minimal plus one thing to do===even if just for yourself.

  14. NewformatSux says:

    “I told them I’d be performing in Charlotte for the Democrats. The Republicans didn’t care.”

    Bebe Winans

    After performing at the Republican Convention, he was disinvited by the Democrats. Bunch of angry intolerant people of all skin colors.

  15. NewformatSux says:

    Hey Lindsay, there are enough angry white guys. what you lack in quantity, you make up with volume. Michael Moore is predicting that Romney will beat Obama.

  16. dave 1001 1001 1001 says:

    Graham’s point is well taken but the reason that the GOP is in the predicament is because of their policies and positions that were specifically designed to cater to the most base of human instincts as well as the fanatic elements of the religious right.

    Not all GOPers are bigots /racists etc, but the GOP did have an active strategy to have people of that ilk in their party to vote Republican and help secure the party political power. The GOP has moved far far to the right. The current economic crisis has made the country fear the future and that has always meant a turn to far right ideolog advances. The GOP has become the Know Nothing Party.

    True conservatives would not fear compromise and have a very important place, both for ideas and policies, in America.

    Graham has been a part of this strategy by embracing the now all but forgotten Tea Party movement which was co-opted into the GOP. Now he sees the future is worried for GOP as in institution over the next 50 years. The GOP actions at the convention have pretty much officially disowned the Ron Paul faction by new rules that will prevent further power gains in the GOP. Ron Paul passed the torch to son Rand but the GOP hierarchy dowsed the flame.

    As much as many of Paul’s ideas were intriguing the whole package would never be acceptable to the whole party and the whole nation for any period of time that would allow an actual powerful political party on a nationwide level to be created.

  17. deowll says:

    There are more women Republican governors than there are democrat women governors.

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      In US House, 54 Democratic women to 23 Republican women. In the US Senate, 12 Democratic women to 5 Republican women. Current governors, 4 Republican women to 2 Democratic women.

    • kacrowley says:

      See what happens when you only look at the small picture? Conservative people tend to be less big picture thinkers. Studies have shown, etc.

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    Another angry Eideard screed.

    Don’t worry, Eideard. There will be plenty of angry black guys to fill the ranks of the GOP soon enough when the country goes broke and the black standard of living goes from bad to worse.

    Feel better now?

    • Rick says:

      150,000 jobs gained per quarter, up from 700,000 jobs lost per quarter under Bush.

      • mharry860 says:

        You seriously have a math problem. You need to do a lot more reading on jobs and the economy. You absolutely have no idea what your talking about.

        • kacrowley says:

          Explain what is untrue then. Cite your sources perhaps?

          • dave 1001 1001 1001 says:

            Looks like Pedro was just listening to Fox Fables.

          • kacrowley says:

            I asked for sources, some right wing nutjob ignores that request and talks about government handouts.

            Listen up, ideologue. Honest people can back up their claims with proper citations and when challenged, honest people have no trouble doing so.

            Only liars have problems with that. I know you aren’t the one making the claims in the first place but if you have an honest bone in your body you will admit that unsourced claims by some twit on the internet just aren’t good enough.

            And as for math skills, you can’t match me. I am calling you out. If you care to back up the claims of the liar above me, please do so. Since you cannot I expect you to run away from this honest debate.

            Liars are afraid of being called out. Prove me wrong.

          • NewformatSux says:

            The original poster never gave any sources for his claim. Why don’t you ask for sources for that?

          • kacrowley says:

            If you doubt the information, you ask for sources. I doubt the claims of those who call those figures lies and math problems.

            You aren’t defending their right to not cite sources are you? I find the behavior of those who responded to the figures somewhat dishonest. I find your comment somewhat disengenuous.

            Honest people don’t need to play those games. If you doubt the figures, ask for sources. If not then your comment reeks of concern trolling.

          • NewformatSux says:

            MHarry was doubting the claims of Bush jobs lost vs Obama jobs gained. No sources given. Instead of backing him up, you ask the responder for sources instead.

          • kacrowley says:


            What a boring deflection. Once again, if you doubt those numbers you can ask for sources yourself. You have not, not after multiple comments. This implies that you don’t doubt those numbers. It does serve your purposes to pretend though, right?

            MHarry made an accusation, I made a request for sources. You can’t criticize me for wanting sources when you want them too. Take a firm position on those numbers. Do you doubt those numbers, yes or no? If you do, why haven’t you asked for sources?

            Your behavior is deceptive. Why? After multiple comments, I believe that if you had the slightest doubt of those numbers you would be making an issue of it. You would be calling him a liar… if you believed he was.

            Honestly, show some integrity. Either ask for sources on those figures or stop whining when other people do. You are far too obvious. Such shiftiness implies that you in fact believe those numbers are true and want to pretend they aren’t.

            You reek of deceptiveness. Try to learn from this.

  19. WmDE says:

    Democrats are particularly skilled in generating angry folks.

    In 1980 this happened:

    In 1984:

    You can be sure it wasn’t Republicans that did that. It was Democrats. Angry Democrats.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      You are being too ambiguous. Carter had his own pros and cons and did make himself very ineffective the last 444 days in office, hence 1980. 1984 Reagun for a scond term against Mondale who almost made Carter look good?

      Life is too complicated to point to a sweep and assume anyone thinks the same thing about it that you do.

      • WmDE says:

        Place a check next the President that…

        took over from an unpopular Republican presidency:

        ___ Carter
        ___ Obama

        won the Nobel Peace Prize

        ___ Carter
        ___ Obama

        had major difficulty with the Middle East

        ___ Carter
        ___ Obama

        faced difficult economic problems

        ___ Carter
        ___ Obama

        was swept out of office after four years

        ___ Carter
        ___ Obama

        Actually Obama will probably win, most incumbent presidents do. Romney’s broom may not be up to the task.

        People who voted for McCain/Palin, the Mondale/Ferraro of their time, aren’t likely to vote for Obama this time.

        All of the people who voted Obama/Biden last time aren’t going to repeat.

  20. AdmFubar says:

    >>>>Try as Republican leaders might to foreground as many minority party members as they can find, the lack of racial diversity in the GOP is evident, and at least one prominent Republican lawmaker is becoming increasingly concerned.<<<<

    sooo like is this making him angry?? looks like he's got a new party angle here

  21. Rick says:

    In Lindsey Graham’s case, its more like “Not enough closeted gay angry white guys”

  22. Rational Ranger says:

    “Angry White Male” is a Democratic codeword to demonize people whom liberals hate.

    • noname says:

      Here is your Democratic demonizing codeword .- -. –. .-. -.– / .– …. .. – . / — .- .-.. .

      It’s soo Democratic and Demonic, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) convulsed to the Washington Post “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

      Wow, now that is some Demonic Mojo the Democrats “gots a going” when they can beguile a conservative Republican leader like Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)!!!

      Those wicked liberals doing their witchy bitchy Demonic Mojo things again.

      Can’t imagine whats the Democrats are brewing in their White House cauldrons now.

      Republicans best be afraid; be very very afraid, because Obama is gonna get you!

      Bad boys, bad boys, Whats you gonna do, whats you gonna do when Obama comes for you?

    • kacrowley says:

      So you are calling a Republican a Democrat in order to criticize liberals?

      Try a little honesty. Conservatives are not all racist, but most racists are conservatives. That means there is a significant need to create more racists in order to further the needs of the right wing. A rational person could admit that this factor exists and has real world consequences.

      An ideologue however would deny it until the cows came home.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        An ideologue or someone who knows if they told the truth they would lose the election. Ideologue vs Shill. The amount of overlap between those two groups could be just about anything.

        • noname says:

          You don’t know the crap your talking about.

          Put the beer down and let your brain cells breath!

          • kacrowley says:

            Lets see you admit that the quote came from a republican. Your petty bullshit isn’t going to convince anyone with integrity. Fearmongering and hatemongering are the favorite tactics of this generation of the right wing.

            Show some guts, show some honesty, show some integrity. When you make a mistake, admit it. That is what grownups do after all.

      • deowll says:

        Then what do you call the people in the lame media who are screaming racism every time somebody disagrees with them even when the person doing the disagreeing is black?


  23. NewformatSux says:

    Michael Moore predicts Romney will win the election. That is the equivalent of 1 million angry white guys.

  24. kerpow says:

    Why are so many of you still wasting your time arguing over the same party?

  25. RS says:

    Are there enough clueless minority women to re-elect this loser?


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