Pat Rogers, a Republican National Committee (RNC) leader, is facing calls for his dismissal after telling the staff of Gov. Susana Martinez, R-N.M., that because she agreed to meet with American Indians, she disrespected the memory of Col. George Armstrong Custer…

Rogers is a GOP lobbyist and partner with the Modrall law firm of Albuquerque, New Mexico. A recent member of the RNC Executive Committee, he is also an RNC National Committeeman for his state. He is currently in Tampa, Florida preparing for the upcoming Republican National Convention…

Rogers made the Custer-friendly statement in an e-mail obtained by Independent Source PAC and publicized by ProgressNow New Mexico, a liberal advocacy organization that is urging his exit from the RNC…

“The state is going to hell,” Rogers wrote in part of the e-mail. “Col. [Allen] Weh would not have dishonored Col. Custer in this manner.” Weh was a Republican candidate for governor of New Mexico in 2010 who ran against Martinez.

The e-mail was sent following a meeting in June between Martinez and the state’s tribes, according to ProgressNow. It was directed to senior members of the governor’s administration…

George Armstrong Custer may be regarded as a kind of military hero by Pat Rogers, but to the Native peoples of America Custer represents the bellicose imperialism that was responsible for the systematic slaughter of American Indians throughout this continent,” according to an e-mail being circulated by ProgressNow.

“Such a blatantly racist statement against our Native people is offensive from anyone, but to come from a national GOP leader and lobbyist for some of our country’s largest corporations is indefensible,” said Pat Davis, executive director of ProgressNow New Mexico, in a statement.

Am I surprised to read such racist crap from a leading New Mexico Republican? Of course not.

Do I expect today’s Republican Party to disavow Roger’s arrogance and bigotry? Of course not.

UPDATE: The Modrall law firm “accepted” Rogers’ resignation yesterday. Nary a peep from the Republican Party.

  1. kiwini says:

    So what?… people say stupid things, whether it’s an election year or not.

    Just ask Uncle Joe…

  2. Hyph3n says:

    At what point do we officially say the wheels are coming off the Republican wagon?

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Just about everyone has concluded that with the 2010 election cycle wherein enough moderate Republicans were beat in their primaries by their farther right “Never Compromise” extremists of various sorts putting return to power just out of reach.

      What is totally unfathomable, is how they still have near 50% of the voting public. That many clowns so easily led by fear of guns being taken away, fear of others not having to give allegiance to their god, and of course, all those scary men standing just behind you==RIGHT where Alfie fears all things just waiting to be crammed up you know what with all his other safeguarded treasures.

      Usurpers of the One and Only Truth!!!!!

      We must unit, and fight the enemy!!

      HAW, HAW.

      • observer says:

        Bobbo, you left out the fervent anti-abortionists. They almost always vote republican.

  3. Lynn says:

    Because Custer was such a brilliant tactician and so deserving of our respect. What a shame he wasn’t available for that VP slot.

  4. Distraction of the day says:

    Now we have to read stories about something stupid that a “Republican Official” said; even though he is just one of the 150 committee members going to the RNC? Kevin Bacon is more closely linked to Romney than this guy. He isn’t even running for office and he rates a feature story? How is this anything other than a stupid distraction? Come October, I expect to be reading daily updates on the stupid things Ann Romney’s hairdresser said in 2005. This blog is sliding into MSNBC levels of stupidity.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Good call. He is just one voting member of the committee that runs the Republican Party: selectes the platform, decides who gets money, who gets an opposition candidate in their primaries, who the RNC Chairman is and so forth.

      So–as you say 1 out of 150 (3 for each State). Not much of an impact.

      But he says that and who knows what else and he is a member IN GOOD STANDING. Now, tell us what THAT says to you?

      • Distraction of the day says:

        This is a stupid distraction; by definition it tells us nothing and prevents people from focusing on what is important. If I were dumb enough to fall into the trap I would go out and find stupid things said by Democrat party “leaders”, thus helping maintain the distraction;that is how the game works. Like Joshua said in the movie War Games, “The only way to win is not to play”.

  5. NewformatSux says:

    Hilarious overreaction by the Indian tribes. Most people are not in favor of handing land back to the tribes. They lost, complaining about American imperialism does you no favors.

    Also, they are supposed to be independent tribes. Why are they taking money from the federal government to care for their members?

  6. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I read the story. But I don’t understand why there is a picture of Jerry Sandusky.

  7. Dallas says:

    Why do Republicans hate American Indians?

  8. Somebody says:

    You mean there’s no way to instantly expunge a guy who makes a comment that could be construed as offensive by someone who would never vote Republican in a million years whenever some Democrat demands it?


    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      SWOOOOOOSH!!! The point going over your head in rapid time. The issue is what the presence of such people at the top levels of wherever they are CHARACTERIZE the entire organization. It hardly matters now whether the guy is reprimanded, removed, or whatever.

      You don’t get the stink of one bad apple off all the others absent not making sure how those apples get chosen and put in the barrel to begin with.

      Or do you think people are stupid about single issues alone or that organizations tend to select like minded people?

      Not absolutes. Just trends.

      • Martin says:

        So the other side might just bring up your Presidents insistence on putting his brothers in prison for minor drug offenses, whilst joking on national TV about smokin’ dope and doing blow in his youth.

        Or the nagging realization that with the stroke of a pen, he signed the NDAA and set civil rights back more than 50 years. MLK would be proud dontcha think?

        Or…never mind. It’s just a stupid game played by stupid people.

  9. farmits says:

    Custer the incompetent glory hogg deserves no respect.

  10. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    If you failed to catch it this morning: don’t miss Chris Matthews mop the floor with Reinse Priebus. Amusing how up tight “talk show hosts” get when anyone actually confronts anyone else with their BS instead of all laughing and joking about the same irrelevant pop culture references. They actually interrupt and stop new on the hoof in order to complain about how media isn’t doing its job. Hah!

    It is a thing of beauty, even though as usual Chris stepped a bit on his own parting of the curtains:

    I guess it will be a few days before any video is available==if at all.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Thats it. Thanks for the link. Just as good the second time around…. BETTER!

        What is a joke..or a poorly told one? Indeed===what was the joke “about.”

        While I do think too many are on a hair trigger to throw charges of racism around, and their are degrees and types of racism, just like of rape===all distinctions in either label usually not making any difference.

        Good to see those who rarely get challenges get the shit slapped out of them. Reibus reduced to calling “garbage.” Can’t defend himself at all.

        What a head up his ass incompetent loser. …… course, I’m just joking.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Comments on that link are worth reading.

          Quote by FDR as important today as it was then.

          Right on point: if Romney was telling a joke, it was a RACIST joke. I don’t think that is quite right, if it was a joke, it was a joke trying to say Obama was not a citizen. The work program waiver was racist. 1+1= Puke.

  11. msbpodcast says:

    People do go on about shit that stopped mattering a long time ago.

    We stopped playing at cowboys and indians back in the 60s. (Calling anyone but people from India indians is itself a historical anomaly born of British arrogance and ignorance. :-))

  12. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Martin in a well crafted post to ambiguous purpose if any says:
    8/27/2012 at 12:29 pm

    So the other side might just bring up your Presidents insistence on putting his brothers in prison for minor drug offenses, whilst joking on national TV about smokin’ dope and doing blow in his youth. /// Very confused here. Romney could joke about Obamas admitted drug use and his (ie Obama’s) hypocrisy by enforcing the drug laws while he (ie Romney) jokes about doing blow himself? A Mormon doesn’t do drugs other than money, sex, and converted souls. If the last precedent was to Obama then he would be joking about having done blow in his youth and now he is joking about putting his fellow brothers into jail for the same thing? I don’t get it. Whats funny about that? …… with the point being whether or not it was a joke, or whether or not it was funny, it would be a joke about illegal drug use. Just like Romney’s joke was about Obamas not being a legal natural born citizen of the USA? The dog whistle call in both cases is not neutralized by whether or not the joke is funny or well told is it?

    whats your point?

    Or the nagging realization that with the stroke of a pen, he signed the NDAA and set civil rights back more than 50 years. MLK would be proud dontcha think? //// You mean this would be the basis for another joke? Like: “If I lose this race, I can still use the NDAA to put Romney into Military Detention!” Well, thats just not funny and as stated twice now–the joke is BASED ON a violation of civil rights of the kind never seen before (thats more than 50 years===get the joke? Probably not, its based on math.)… and again its simply not funny.

    Or…never mind. It’s just a stupid game played by stupid people. /// Evidently.

    • Martin says:

      My comment was in response to yours i.e.

      ” The issue is what the presence of such people at the top levels of wherever they are CHARACTERIZE the entire organization. It hardly matters now whether the guy is reprimanded, removed, or whatever.

      You don’t get the stink of one bad apple off all the others absent not making sure how those apples get chosen and put in the barrel to begin with.

      Or do you think people are stupid about single issues alone or that organizations tend to select like minded people?”

      It wasn’t about any joke. But your comment while referenced against mine infers that Obama is a bad apple. How they get chosen is clearly obvious when you lambast the other guy, and give this creep a pass.

      So who has committed the biggest sin, in your eyes?

  13. AdmFubar says:

    given the overall intelligence behind this incident, i’m wondering if ol’ Pat Rogers has native americans confused with actual Indians from India? 😛

  14. Mextli: ABO says:

    OK Eideard, time for one on religion now.

    “bellicose imperialism” What crap.

  15. Martin says:

    Samuel L. Jackson on Monday tweeted it was “unfair” that “Tropical Storm Isaac had spared the GOP convention in Tampa and appeared to be heading for New Orleans.

    Jackson said in a profanity-filled tweet that he was “not understanding God’s plan” given the fact that the storm was not disrupting the Republican gathering.

    “Unfair s—,” the Oscar-nominated actor known for his colorful language said on Twitter.

    “GOP spared by Isaac! NOLA prolly f—– again!””

    Ha Ha, wow, Liberal and Conservative idiots trying to outdo each other with moronic comments. Truly a race to the fucking bottom. I’ll be happy to piss on all of you down there.

  16. So what says:

    Are white folks still pissed about losing to a bunch of natives? Great heebee jeebee get over it already.

  17. Shubee says:

    Simply unbelievable.

  18. orchidcup says:

    Some historians believe that Custer had become sterile after contracting gonorrhea while at West Point.

    I wonder how Custer contracted a sexually transmitted disease ….

  19. NewformatSux says:

    Why do people on Indian reservations get to vote? To quote John Major regarding the UN,
    Representation without taxation is not acceptable.”

  20. Mad Dog Jack says:

    “George Armstrong Custer may be regarded as a kind of military hero by Pat Rogers”
    Well, he WAS a military hero, in the Civil War. You can argue all you want about afterwards. Personally I don’t see how meeting with any Indians about any topic could “disrespect” his memory, but that’s just me.
    Much ado about nothing, methinks.

  21. deowll says:

    Custer had many virtues. He was known to be tireless and he demonstrated that he was the kind of man that would charge H@ll with a bucket of water. During the civil war his superiors loved him and his men hated his guts because he was reckless with their lives. Don’t get confused here. Custer led from the front.

    He was a glory hound and there is no doubt that he disobeyed orders when he launched his attack against the Indian encampment. His reason for doing so seems to have been the need to become a hero because his tendency to make bad choices and the lack of need for reckless individuals of advancing age who insulted their superiors was a putting an end to his career.

    Custer’s courage is beyond reproach and his remarkable physical abilities are beyond question. The man had what can only be called super human endurance. The man didn’t sleep much and when he wasn’t asleep he could run full throttle long after a normal human would have fallen out. On the other hand nobody that examines his track record would have wanted a family member to serve under him.

    His last battle is pretty much a by the numbers description of how to get yourself and your men terminated with extreme prejudice. Part of it has to be that he completely failed to allow for the number Indians he was attacking even though he had been told by scouts that a lot more Indians were present than he seems to have been allowing for.

    I would say that in many ways it might be impossible to aquatically denigrate Custer’s reputation as an officer.

    Feel free to disagree all you want. What I said is based on my reading about the man.

    • Richie says:

      I am sure there are many Muslim suicide bombers with the endurance of Custer so whats the point. A lot of the farmlands in the US was originally Native peoples houses and settlements They were driven off, killed and tortured and made slaves for land they have been living on for over a thousand years. You call that man a hero. Then you should call Hitler a hero too.

    • orchidcup says:

      I won’t disagree that Custer was a ruthless individual that would have massacred every Native American at the Battle of Bighorn if he had ended up with the advantage.

      For some reason, I don’t view genocide as an admirable trait in humans.

  22. Sheila says:

    I live in New Mexico, I respect our governor,

    and a little info for Mr Rogers,

    over 35% of New Mexico’s population is native american!!

  23. Traaxx says:


    You should no more insult someone’s hero, ie Custer, than someone should insult ‘White Bull’, ‘Rain-in-the-Face’, ‘Flat Lip’ and ‘Brave Bear’. Your blog entry shows you to be intolerant prejudice bigot.

    I followed the story through and can’t find where the supposed documents are, other than hear-say and what a bunch of Demoncrats say, which is the same as saying a liar is calling someone else a liar.


  24. Traaxx says:

    The Indians were never innocent victims; the butchering they did of innocent civilians did not help their cause at all. They practice warfare in the same way that Muslims do today, except much more cruelly. They burned and cut to pieces women, children and anyone that suited their fancy to murder.
    They didn’t believe in ownership and fought each other as much as they fought the US Government. The nomadic culture cannot tolerate the presence of a settled culture without conflict. Through out history nomadic cultures have practiced barbaric warfare, much like the Mongols, tactics always feeling they could simply ride away out of range of retaliation.
    This should make you more watchful when dealing with the Hispanic culture flowing across the border and the Islamic culture we continue to import to the US, but as a Obama bot or Republicrat you probably can’t see yourself ending up in front of wall, much like the Jews in Germany couldn’t believe what the NAZIs were doing or the 100 million victims of Stalin’s Gulags couldn’t believe the leader they worshiped was sending them off to starve to death.



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