Executive Producers: Sir Grey Simunich, Brian Ferguson
Associate Executive Producers: William R. Baughman, Sir Robert Goshko, Sir Paul Schneiderman, NoAgendaNation.com
Art By: MartinJJ
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Ya know how in these movies, the authorities are chasing someone, and gun them down? But they can’t reveal to the public what this person’s mission was. Because it’s a matter of National Security. As goes the movie plot. So they cover it up by inventing a story for the media to explain it away. Well here’s the thing.
When you hear about someone going postal near the Empire State building, and shooting someone for no apparent reason. And a bunch of cops take them out with enough bullets to stop a small herd of elephants. I have to wonder if this isn’t one of these spy or terrorist plots, for real, that got covered up with a BS news story? Because they can’t reveal the real story. It might shake the public’s confidence that everything in under control. So who knows if this was as simple as it was reported. Or if it was the finale of something far more elaborate. Just like “Fast and Furious”, they keep this sh*t covered up.
The War On Cheese!
interesting thought..
IF you want to supply food from 1 country for the WHOLE world..
yes, its not maintainable..
HOW green was your lawn with a septic tank?