Neil Armstrong

Not only and American Hero, but a Hero to the world has passed away. May this legendary man rest in peace.

  1. Frank says:

    RIP Neil..

    “As I stepped on the moon, I looked around, dazed…magnificent. The vast, sandy silver surface was almost illusory.”

  2. George says:

    I’m sorry my children’s generation will have heroes with no honor. I was indeed fortunate.

    • bobbo, the voter with a memory says:

      I’ll vote for Julian Assange. Heroes come in many different packages. Every generation has them, unfortunately, more villains also.

  3. sad says:

    Biggest hero of our generation. And one of the few celebritys that
    never “cashed in” on there fame. Very modest. rip

    • NewformatSux says:

      Yup, his only public appearance were a Chrysler commercial, trying to save the company, and testifying against the cuts to the manned space program.

  4. NewformatSux says:

    Maybe NBC News should have kept the MSNBC folks after all.

  5. Small Step says:

    Two Armstrong’s in the news within days.

    Rest In Peace (Neil).

    Sorry things didn’t work out (Lance).

  6. noname says:

    God speed Neil, God speed. It’s is sad day for America.

    It’s unfortunate to see Neil Armstrong disagree with Elon Musk about SpaceX role in space missions. During the 60 min interview, you could see the pain in his eyes when Elon said he “could use some support from his hero Neil Armstrong” I would like to hear Elon’s thoughts on his passing.

  7. Dugger says:

    Neil Armstrong was one among many inspired government workers working on a government project that made a positive impact upon humanity.

    While his footsteps on Earth have ended, the impressions he left on the moon and back down here will last for millenia.

  8. observer says:

    I was 11 when Armstrong walked on the Moon…I was glued to the tv. Fast forward to 2012, and it’s been almost 40 years since Gene Cernan in Apollo 17 was the last man to walk on the Moon.

    My god, what the hell happened to the self-supporting lunar bases we were supposed to have by now? We should have thousands of people living IN the Moon! We should have miners sending lunar ore to the Lagrange points for processing and construction of O’Neill Habitats and solar power satellites!

    So much time has been wasted. So much potential squandered.

    We manufacture ipods and drones instead. Shame on us.

    • The Monster's Lawyer says:

      If it weren’t for my personal JetPack and HoverMobile I would be depressed.

  9. BigBoyBC says:

    Next on No Agenda, Adam Curry will claim Armstrong is a fraud, cause he knows for a fact there was no moon landing, it was all staged…

    There comes a point when the Crack-pot and his theories just shut-up and go away…

    P.S. Adam has stated several times before that the moon landing was fake. On Sundays NA, we will see if he has the class to keep quiet, and show Armstrong the respect he has earned.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Self censorship is still censorship… AC is still a crackpot. Lets hope he has the good taste not to mention it as there is other stuff to talk about.

      The TPP is a kick in the gonads to everybody who has ever run a company.

      I also think the Apple victory over Samsung has many implications for this show (No Agenda would no be covered by “trade dress”, if AC and JCD could be bothered to patent their “Value for Value” model. :-))

  10. jpfitz says:

    RIP to a heroic American.

  11. sargasso_c says:

    Without diminishing the man or his achievements, I often wondered whether the Apollo 11 crew ever reunited. Not in public. Some macho derelict biker bar somewhere in the high California desert. Three old guys at a table in the corner, minding their own business. All silently watching the beer jug as moisture condenses and runs down the outside. One guy looking squinty, plays with his glass. Another has already emptied his beer and looked like he wanted another. All waiting for the last guy to move, twitch, mumble, do anything other than silently stare at the beer jug. That’s Neil.

  12. Dallas says:

    Monica Crowley@MonicaCrowley
    As we remember Neil Armstrong, let’s not forget that Obama changed part of @NASA’s mission to do “Muslim outreach.” #Really #WhatTheBleep

    This dumb ass Republican cunt found a way to politicize the death of Neil Armstrong. Wow.

  13. Mr. Gorsky says:


  14. Average Joe says:

    … And one huge loss for America.

    RIP Mr. Armstrong

  15. Average Joe says:

    Few people have invoked such strong emotions by their passing. I think Neil Armstrong will now join the ranks of other immortal Americans first for his accomplishments and then be loved for the respect and dignity he showed for being allowed to represent humanity for a very brief and shining moment – which was his entire life.

    I think I speak for a lot of people from not just America, but planet earth when I say, I feel a great sense of loss knowing that I will never see Neil Armstrong on this side of space again. And yet, I feel enriched just knowing we shared that same time and space together.

    RIP Mr. Armstrong.

  16. zeph says:

    “Not only and American Hero…”

    Well? Don’t leave us in suspense. Not only what and American hero?

  17. anonymous coward says:

    Let me fix the headline for you….

    Neil Armstrong, First Man To Allegedly Set Foot On The Moon, Has Died


  18. deowll says:

    A fine man.

    It may be the next person to walk on the moon will be Chinese. They should be able to pay for the trip using the interest on the money we have borrowed from them. That’s about the only way the US is likely to be involved in manned space flight in the future.

  19. Rick says:

    There’s little reason to go back to the moon. We landed on the moon SIX times, nearly seven.

    We planted flags, dropped probes, took rocks back, put a laser reflector down, took tons of photos, drove an automobile on the surface, mapped the thing multiple times.

    We did a lot of science in a short time, a moon base would end up like Mt. Everest, cluttered with junk left behind by people visiting and leaving their garbage behind.


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