I think Romney is an Atheist because people who really believed in God wouldn’t use God and his church in part of a lie to cover up his Cayman Island bank accounts where he hides his money. Do you believe Romney is telling the truth?

HOPKINS, Minn.  – Mitt Romney has offered a new explanation for his resistance to releasing more than two years of tax returns, telling Parade Magazine that he never intended for the amount of money he gives to the Mormon church to be made public.

“Our church doesn’t publish how much people have given,” Romney told Parade Magazine in an interview that will appear in the August 26 issue of the magazine

“This is done entirely privately,” he said. “One of the downsides of releasing one’s financial information is that this is now all public, but we had never intended our contributions to be known. It’s a very personal thing between ourselves and our commitment to our God and to our church.”

Ann Romney, who joined her husband for the interview, added, “When Mitt and I give that check, I actually cry.” – Article

  1. NewformatSux says:

    If that’s true, then Romney is due for a surprise. Obama is going to leak his tax returns if Romney doesn’t release them. He already knows what’s in them, and that’s why they are pushing so hard. They are asking specifically for 5 years, and presumably will push for less than that. They are after either the 2008 or 2009 tax return. And Obama isn’t dumb enough to think that revealing the amount donated to the Mormon church will move the election. They are after a specific thing to publicize.

    • dusanmal says:

      Same as in his previous political “wins” along his political career. Something that has nothing to do with elections or National interests but is “juicy” to redirect attention from the obvious BS in which Obama is rolling us for 4 years. But, fortunately there is a double-edged sword: Obama is already on line for “leaking” National Security items… No one but him can leak presumably secret tax returns. So, feel free to gamble “juicy” vs. Presidential authorized leak of private financial information protected by Law. I’d bet ads on latter beat all the ObamaMassMedia lickers and his ads combined. People have had enough of Imperial Presidency.

  2. NobodySpecial says:

    Aren’t we being a little unfair?
    Perhaps the reason that all his money goes to the Caymans is that he give it all to God and that’s where God lives now.

    If you were god where would you hang out?
    I mean, everytime you show your face in the middle east it causes trouble and I imagine that the last place Jesus wants to visit is Jerusalem.

    So relaxing over a beer, or coffee or hot chocolate – depending on whose God you are – on the beach in Grand Cayman sounds better than in a burning bush in the desert,

    Why do you think the weather is always good? The one person who can guarantee good weather for their holiday is God.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      I thought Mormons believe God lives on a planet called Kolob.

      • hmeyers says:

        Haha, that’s real. I thought that was a Scientology joke, but no ….

      • Benjamin says:

        Some Mormons believe that Kolob is a star and that God lives on a planet that revolves around it.

        Or based on science fiction, Kolob is a star and God lives on Kolob III.

        As for whether it is a star or a planet matters not. Brigham Young, believed that both the sun and the moon were inhabited. So according to Mormonism, stars are just as inhabitable as planets (or moons.)

        The fact that God lives on Kolob, whether it is a star or a planet, is not the most ridiculous tidbit of Mormon theology, but it ranks up there.

        • Benjamin says:

          I’d also like to point out that even followers of hokey religions who carry ancient weapons can make good leaders, so the Mormonism should bother any of us. Mormons may believe crazy things, but they are good decent people.

          Also the Bible does say that your giving should be secret or you lose your reward in heaven. Opening tax returns to the public would make him lose his rewards in heaven.

          It is a shame that the IRS thinks they need to know people’s private information like how much they give or how much they make. We should change the tax code so are tax returns don’t need that information.

          • Cap'nKangaroo says:

            But he has already released how much he tithed in 2010, so I guess he is sh*t out of luck already, as far as heavenly rewards go.

      • Sombody says:

        No, that was Kobol.

    • Phil says:

      Actually, the only place he claims foreign interest in his 2010 tax return is Switzerland.

  3. hmeyers says:

    Clever tactic, really.

    Anyone bringing up the topic is bringing up a private religious issue which he can use to change the subject to how an interviewer or questioner is being rude/politically incorrect/mixing his religious beliefs into politics.


    +1 bonus points

    Yes, I intend to vote for Romney (Obama golfs all the time and hasn’t proposed any ideas in like 3 years). Obama is a nice guy, has done some good things, but mostly hasn’t measured up to what I hoped would happen. I would say Obama’s presidency has been miserable …

    … but he’s a pleasant guy I like his demeanor and intellectualism too much to describe it that way (his no-drama style contrasts sharply with, say, Rove/Carville demonizing politics which I would hate to see return … ).

  4. Crug says:

    I think Marc is a left wing radical, but then that’s like saying the sun is a ball of fire so excuse my digression.

    They know of, or want something juicy to redirect the electorate’s attention away from Obama, his abysmal record, his lies, his misuse of trillions of dollars etc…

    Not that I like Mitt either…

    I’d mention who I like but that would spark a flame war I’m sure.

  5. bobbo, the voter with a memory says:

    You mean the same info that the Romney’s have been using for the last 4 months to justify their not revealing the tax returns? YOU KNOW: We pay 13% taxes and another 10% to our Church so really about 23% every year?

    Hardly matters. I suppose “there ought to be a law” that if you want to run for CONGRESS or Pres==you show all your tax returns…. thats right===ALL!!!!

    HEY Dumbshits – its called “Public Service.” Not an obvious sleazy intent to feather your own Nest to go from 13% to 1% in taxes because you just love America that much.

    How stupid are you retards?

    • hmeyers says:

      I don’t care about Romney’s tax returns. 2 years is plenty.

      I also don’t care that Obama’s birth certificate PDF is fishy.

      Who is voting for a piece of paper?

      I’d rather them talk about the “issues” — which means exciting debate where Obama loses … but hey, I used to love the guy, but he really needs to go.

      We *really* do not need a guy as inactive and passive as Obama getting re-elected and being a lame duck president. I mean, holy cow…

      (Except I kind of like politicians that don’t do much and grid-lock means things cannot get worse. Usually … )

      • Whatever says:

        You ever scan a doc like that birth cert with a pro tool such as Acrobat, which goes straight to PDF?

        You get “fishy” every time. Which means it’s not fishy at all, it’s the way Acrobat creates a PDF from such a doc. Every time.

  6. bobbo, the voter with a memory says:

    ….and not to get too anal about it: No one is asking “the Church” to reveal anything. The request/demand is being made for ROMNEY to do it.

    “No religious test” for office ///// “No religious dodge” permitted either.

    • hmeyers says:

      Have you watched old Romney interviews when he was running for MA governor on YouTube?

      He wraps plenty of questions up into “off-limits” using tactics like this.

      He *will* use the religious dodge. He’s done it before.

      It’s clever because he can automatically change the subject at will the reporter being “rude”. It is also funny.

  7. Scott M. says:

    An otherwise reasonable request for information is refused on religious grounds. I suppose that card had to be played eventually.

    We are electing a President. Put aside your irrational extra-curricular activities if possible. If not, the electorate will wonder which future decisions you might make will be coloured by your odd beliefs.

  8. Don't look over here slaves says:

    Obama spent more hours playing golf in the last 12 months than he spent meeting with his economic advisers. Unemployment and underemployment continues running at the same horrible level year after year. The Senate hasn’t passes a budget in over three years and nobody knows what the tax rates will be next year. The US credit rating was lowered for the first time in history. Cities all over the country are getting ready to declare bankruptcy. Federal agencies that have little to do with law enforcement are stockpiling ridiculous amounts of ammunition. Israel is about to go to war with their neighbors. . . . . . . . By all means, please lets all sit around and talk about Romney’s old tax returns because that is the government approved distraction we all need to focus on.

    • Phydeau says:

      … and we all know that the Republicans have been doing their damndest to make sure Obama gets NOTHING done to fix the economy, so the voters will blame Obama for the bad shape things are in. Are the voters clueless enough to buy that argument? We’ll see.

      I’m talking about things like filibustering EVERYTHING the Democrats propose in the Senate.

      • Don't look over here slaves says:

        It is almost like we were lacking that key ingredient that keeps the different parties working together when the leadership is split. Most people refer to that missing ingredient as PRESIDENTIAL LEADERSHIP. George W was able to work with Ted Kennedy on Medicaid D, Bill Clinton was able to work with Newt on welfare reform. Obama just doesn’t have the skill set required to lead people unless they already agree with everything he says; and that ain’t leadership.

        • Phydeau says:

          BS, dude. The Republicans have shown themselves to be ruthless partisans. They don’t care that the 99% is suffering, they’re going to make sure things are so bad that people will blame Obama. Looooong track record of them doing that.

          The Republicans have ZERO interest in working with Obama. Anyone with half a brain can see that.

          • Don't look over here slaves says:

            Thank you for proving my point. The problem is not anyone “working with Obama”. The Obama budget was put to a vote in the Senate and got ZERO votes because he only included what he wanted. Notice in my examples each president helped the other side achieve something they wanted? You should also avoid using that 99% terminology. Why; because it makes you sound like a complete dumb-ass.

          • Phydeau says:

            You’re new around here, apparently. You might want to do some research on that “99%” stuff and see who all the wealth accumulation has gone to over the past 30 years since we were conned into “supply side economics”. I’m not talking about budget games-playing. You accused Obama of not having the “leadership” skills to work with the Republicans. I pointed out that the R’s have zero interest in working with Obama, and have shown that in many ways since he was elected. So your “point” about Obama’s leadership qualities is without merit. Dumb-ass.

          • Whatever says:

            Here’s a look at that obstructionism from the inside.

  9. Mike from Illinois says:

    I just want to know how you get one hundred million dollars in your IRA account when you can only put in thirty thousand dollars per year. That is how much Romney reported in the return he has released. I want his broker to manage my IRA portfolio too or perhaps it is divine intervention.

    • bobbo, the voter with a memory says:

      You put in undervalued stock assets and then have them appreciate to their current actual value.


      ROMNEY = RICH.

      Solve for criminal.

      • HMeyers says:

        Obama is rich (he wasn’t when he started, but sure is now). The Clintons are rich. Warren Buffett is rich.

        John Kerry with $500 Mil is richer than Romney by almost double.

  10. bobbo, the voter with a memory says:

    hmeyers being unusually cranky and bainfully wrong says:
    8/24/2012 at 9:29 am

    I don’t care about Romney’s tax returns. 2 years is plenty. // No. ALL candidates should submit ALL tax returns. As they all eye higher office, it will keep more of the asshats in line.

    I also don’t care that Obama’s birth certificate PDF is fishy. /// No its not. Its a dead issue unrelated to taxes. Why do you raise the issue?

    Who is voting for a piece of paper? /// No dumb, dumb==you vote on what the paper REVEALS. A person that cheats on his taxes is more likely to cheat on everything else. They think they are “clever” whereas in fact they are just crooks. Unlike debates and interviews–the tax record IS A RECORD sworn to and filed. Probably the most important record we have to fairly judge a candidate. figures you dismiss it.

    I’d rather them talk about the “issues” — which means exciting debate where Obama loses … but hey, I used to love the guy, but he really needs to go. /// He’s won or held his own every time so far. so your fantasy is based on what?

    We *really* do not need a guy as inactive and passive as Obama getting re-elected and being a lame duck president. I mean, holy cow… /// What do you mean? Being lame duck might actually motivate him to do what is in is heart—ie=-=stop giving in the Pukes. We are all going to have to do that eventually before the middle class is killed off and buried completely.

    (Except I kind of like politicians that don’t do much and grid-lock means things cannot get worse. Usually … ) /// Of course you do. You are a dumbshit Republican, happy to put people into office who promise not to do their jobs: legislate!!

    Stoopid Hoomans.

    • HMeyers says:

      We can agree to disagree.

      Romney is a moderate and not Christian Taliban that’s good enough for me.

  11. A Feddup Citizen says:

    I wouldn’t vote for either one of those idiots for dogcatcher.

  12. John says:

    I want to know when it became so bad to earn money? With 50% of the middle class paying no taxes last year. Its sounds rather hypocritical to focus on this. I think with Obama’s policies somebody has to make money and pay taxes.

    • Phydeau says:

      Uh, John, that 50% myth flies on freerepublic and Fox News, but not in the reality-based community. Try to keep up.

  13. NewformatSux says:

    So what is Obama’s excuse for not releasing his records from Columbia? Where’s his thesis? What about his medical records?

  14. orchidcup says:

    I believe in a Supreme Being that lives somewhere in the Great Andromeda Nebula and He minds His own business, which is creating more stars and galaxies and strange creatures that think they are intelligent.

    My Supreme Being does not own a church or a temple and He does not ask me for money.

    If He did ask me for money, I would tell him to create some.

  15. Dallas says:

    Willard funneling money to the Mormon cult is important public record because it shows two things:
    1. The Millions funded are used to fund his election, illegally influence interstate voting like Prop 8 . Oh, and I forgot, do God’s work yada yada.

    2. Enables Willard to evade taxes.

    It’s important for the American sheeple to follow the money between Willard and the Mormon cult and the ramifications of this.

  16. Sombody says:

    I found this:

    87. As exemplified by a Mitt Romney campaign spokesman’s infamous Etch-a-Sketch comment and Barack Obama’s plea to the Russian president for some space on missile defense until after the election, which was caught on a hot mic, both candidates have also demonstrated a willingness to be insincere on the campaign trail.



  17. Buzz Mega says:

    Do I believe Romney would start telling the truth now, for some reason?

    Romney’s entire sense of right and wrong is Business. Things are ethical or moral from a business sense. In his deepest thoughts, every transaction has its good-for-me silver lining.

    Ideas, issues and actions are not about empirical notions like right or wrong; they have only to do with topics like making money, gathering it in concentrated piles and expanding one’s transactional base at the expense of competitors.

    Romney wants to run the United States like a business. God forbid it should ever be run like a government.

  18. observer says:

    I’m sure that Ann is telling the truth about crying over the money. I’m equally sure that Mitt is lying.

    Here is some interesting speculation on why Mitt won’t release his 2009 tax return.

    “The nagging question though is why he hasn’t just responded to the demand that he release two years of tax returns like John McCain did in 2008 by simply releasing his 2009 tax filing, along with the 2010 return he already released?

    The answer may well be that 2009 was the year that the Treasury Department decided to offer an amnesty from prosecution for tax fraud to any of the tens of thousands of millionaires who were known or suspected to have illegally hidden income abroad in the Cayman Islands or in Swiss banks — a felony, but one that people thought they’d never be caught at.”


    • Dallas says:

      Great point.

    • Jason says:

      Or additionally that if he was hiding income from the LDS, he would either have to pony up the 10% on that amount or lose his temple pass.

      Because as noted, mormonism is a cult that is not Christian at all and the 10% is nothing more than a forced fee for “salvation”. Don’t pay it and you lose access to the closed/secret temples where all the real stuff goes on.

      • Jambe says:

        “Because as noted, [a cult] is a cult that is not [cult-like] at all…”


        I’m curious as to whether you reject connotations 1 and 2 as valid and assert that 3 is the only real, true use of the word.

        Regardless, EVEN IF the third connotation could be said to be the truthiest of them all, I daresay millions of human beings regard mainline Christianity as “unorthodox and spurious”, therefore it is more than reasonable to suggest that it can be fairly labeled a cult.

        Now, if you had said something like “Mormonism is kookier than mainline Episcopalian or ELCA Christianity” I’d readily agree…

    • msbpodcast says:

      Very observant of you… 😉

      Of course Mittenz is lying, badly.

      He didn’t pay his taxes and tried to hide the fact. But now that the oligarch have drawn a fre trillion dollars from the economy, the gummint have no choice but to go after the 1%ers, who are are getting foist on their own petard and getting caught.

      My he go from presidential hopeful to prisoner

  19. NewformatSux says:

    Just ask Obama why. He knows what’s in the tax return, and would like to be public without having to leak it.

  20. bobbo, the voter with a memory says:

    HMeyers totally missing the boat says:
    8/24/2012 at 10:10 am

    We can agree to disagree. //// I disagree.

    Romney is a moderate and not Christian Taliban that’s good enough for me. /// Ha, ha. “In Fact” mormons are not Christians. They do NOT FIND SALVATION IN CHRIST. In fact, Romney is part of the Mormon Taliban==cheats the IRS so he can give more money to the Church so they can convert more dead Jews to their cult. Thats how nuts they are…… tax cheats too.

  21. blatherer says:

    SO, what’s next from this lying sack of crap?

  22. Jason says:

    Mitt is right in one way, the Mormon church doesn’t want their giving records to become public — in any way. But did you know they will revoke your “temple recommend” if you don’t prove to them you’re tithing at least 10 percent? Mixed messages here.

  23. msbpodcast says:

    “When Mitt and I give that check, I actually cry.”

    I’m sure you do, you cheap bitch.

    But I bet he’d cry a crap load more if the real amount got out there.

    A tithe is supposed to be 10% of your gross income or worth.

    I’ll bet you anything, he hasn’t given the church anywhere that much. You don’t get to play in the rich man’s world by giving away 10 cents on the dollar.

    • Jason says:

      If Mitt was not giving 10% the elders in the Mormon church would revoke his “temple recommend.” As far as I know he is still able to go into the LDS temple.

  24. noname says:

    Short answer, NO.

  25. AdmFubar says:

    “Do you believe Romney is telling the truth?”

    You have to ask if a politician is telling the truth? Do you take me for a mitt-wit?

    Romney sold his soul long ago, like all politicians have…

  26. SchwettyBalls says:

    Jesus called,

    He doesn’t like politics and all of you should find a new mascot.


    Jesus H Christ

  27. Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    A. If this issue doesn’t get more Americans living in big houses and driving 4x4s it’s irrelevant.

    B. There are -1 people who would make a better POTUS than the current one, so vote for Mitt!

  28. Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    Nice… That was supposed to be “(American population)-1”.

    My bad for using angle brackets.

  29. Jesus Chirst says:

    That guy never gave me a dime.

  30. Anonymous says:

    I think Romney is an Atheist because people who really believed in God wouldn’t use God and his church in part of a lie to cover up his Cayman Island bank accounts where he hides his money. Do you believe Romney is telling the truth?

    What “truth“?! We’re talking about POLITICS and RELIGION here!!! If you want “truth” then try looking at science. Cause there is no truth where beliefs and bullshit are center stage.

    Heeelllllooo? McFly! You wanna try thinking a little? Do you really think that people who claim to believe in god wouldn’t lie or try and make a little bit of money by promoting their beliefs – or IMPOSING them?! People have been doing that for THOUSANDS OF YEARS! Where the F*** have you been?

    Oh sure! Maybe a few bad old “sinners” may have made some money and probably want to keep it. But then I dare you to try and explain why every damned church also always wants money too! …It’s the root of all WHAT again?!

    If you ask me, Atheists are perhaps the only “enlightened” group of people on planet EARTH! And to include a dumb ass Mormon like Mitt Romney in that group is quite an insult to BOTH groups!

    Get real! Romney is only slightly better than Obama. And that’s cause we already know where Obama has been and is likely to continue going. The only thing Obama was right about was that “change” thing. We need to change our President to someone who won’t financially screw us into oblivion or at least not screw us quite as fast!


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