For the second time in a decade, the believability ratings for major news organizations have suffered broad-based declines. In the new survey, positive believability ratings have fallen significantly for nine of 13 news organizations tested. This follows a similar downturn in positive believability ratings that occurred between 2002 and 2004.

The falloff in credibility affects news organizations in most sectors: national newspapers, such as the New York Times and USA Today, all three cable news outlets, as well as the broadcast TV networks and NPR.

Across all 13 news organizations included in the survey, the average positive believability rating…is 56%. In 2010, the average positive rating was 62%. A decade ago, the average rating for the news organizations tested was 71%. Since 2002, every news outlet’s believability rating has suffered a double-digit drop, except for local daily newspapers and local TV news. The New York Times was not included in this survey until 2004, but its believability rating has fallen by 13 points since then…

The believability ratings for individual news organizations – like views of the news media generally – have long been divided along partisan lines. But partisan differences have grown as Republicans’ views of the credibility of news outlets have continued to erode. Today, there are only two news organizations – Fox News and local TV news – that receive positive believability ratings from at least two-thirds of Republicans. A decade ago, there were only two news organizations that did not get positive ratings from at least two-thirds of Republicans. By contrast, Democrats generally rate the believability of news organizations positively; majorities of Democrats give all the news organizations tested ratings of 3 or 4 on the 4-point scale, with the exception of Fox News…

Republicans have long held a more negative view of the credibility of the news media than Democrats and this continues to be reflected in current assessments of news outlets. Republicans rate the believability of nine of 13 news organizations less positively than do Democrats. Fox News is the only news organization that is rated higher for believability by Republicans…

The partisan difference in news providers – to me – is a pretty accurate reflection of what has become the predominant ideology in the Republican Party. If news sources around the world are presenting facts, information, anecdotes which contradict what they believe – than the reporting is wrong – not the reality Republicans believe in.

Take away the portion of results skewed by a Republican belief system and all the news organizations are believable except Fox News.

  1. Haunted sheep says:

    Democrats will believe anything the media spoon feeds em. Quick! Run out and get your swine flu vaccine! Some guy in a lab coat said to!

    • Jason says:

      That’s the way I’ve always viewed liberals. They are much more gullible because when you don’t believe in something, you’ll fall for anything.

      • greyangel says:

        And what are you going to fall back on when you run out of cute little quotes? Most folks view the world around them in whatever light makes them feel better about themselves. It’s comments like that that illustrate what is wrong with the republican party. Think for yourself man! …and for the rest of our sakes.

        • So what says:

          “And what are you going to fall back on when you run out of cute little quotes?” Good looks, intelligence, a job with a 50 year track record of low unemployment and high and growing demand. and a fat bank account.

          “Think for yourself man!” I think I will have another beer.

  2. kjb434 says:


    That’s the problem. Most of the time the facts aren’t there if the viewer decides to scratch the surface and do a little reading. The biggest discrepancy is that the people that live in the country don’t see the picture of the country as painted by the news. During the Bush years the news media acted like the economy was in the tank with 4.5% unemployment. Now the news media acts as if things are OK and getting better with 8.0+% employment. Both cases the facts don’t support their position. There have been volumes written on simple realities like this showing problems in the news media.

    Also, news media has a major problem as posing as unbiased sources when they often are serving up opinion.

    Opinion is fine, as long as you are up front with it.

    I much rather know the ideology and opinion of the news presenters versus trying to believe the false front that they are somehow unbiased.

    I would give any news organization more credibility when they offer full disclosure. Since they don’t, I don’t watch or read any of the major news producers.

    I do love when news stories are cross referenced against each other which provide a better picture. NoAgenda does this well along with several other blogs.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      You’re right.
      It can be said the article implies that Republicans are much, much smarter than democrats.
      Republicans question what is fed them and have found most news lacking.
      Democrats believe what they are told, like good little sheep. Incapable of deep thought.

      Don’t try to teach Eideard. He’s an antisocial psychopath and the only reason he is allowed to post is to rile people up and drive traffic. Much like Bobbo.

  3. bobbo, the liberal conservative: you don't know what to think says:

    “Today, there are only two news organizations – Fox News and local TV news – that receive positive believability ratings from at least two-thirds of Republicans.” //// wtf??? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Thats your problem right there. Fox News, Believability, and Republicans?====Stop. STOP!!!! You are killing me, my sides hurt so much from the laughter.

    Haunted and Jason…… tell us it ain’t so???

    Stoopid Hoomans.

  4. Marc Pelletier says:

    Haunted Sheep: Swine flu killed a very close relative. Your an iD10T. Viruses are non-partisan.

    • bobbo, the liberal conservative: you don't know what to think says:

      Sheep also “believes” that if you buy fire insurance on your house and it doesn’t burn down that you have been cheated.

      Thats just how stupid he, and his running lackeys, are.

      Stoopid Hoomans.

      Compared to Home Insurance, vaccines are cheap.

      Shoot up.

  5. dusanmal says:

    Of course, illustration is of Rush who has a lot of public and hence is famous… Not of that nobody who had “tingles coming up his legs” covering Obama. Mass media is lying and biased. More they lie, larger part of trust they lose.

    • bobbo, the liberal conservative: you don't know what to think says:

      Of course, illustration is of Rush who has a lot of public and hence is famous… /// but his picture is there because Presidential Candidates from the Puke Party have to kowtow at his groin or they won’t get elected. Silly state of affairs for a Political Party to find itself in==controlled by a drug addled radio personality. Ha, ha.

      Not of that nobody who had “tingles coming up his legs” covering Obama. /// He told his truth. Whats your problem?

      Mass media is lying and biased. More they lie, larger part of trust they lose. /// Besides Fox Spews which does little else==name a lie that is a lie and not a bias or simple first report that got it wrong.

      Bet you can’t do it.

  6. NewformatSux says:

    The news media just reads lefty talking points. Soledad OBrien was busted reading from a liberal blog on-air in an attempt to counter what a Republican was saying.

    The media should not be believed after they told everyone ObamaCare would cut the deficit.

    • bobbo, the liberal conservative: you don't know what to think says:

      NewformatSux putting the SUXS into every format he uses says:
      8/22/2012 at 7:11 am

      The news media just reads lefty talking points. Soledad OBrien was busted reading from a liberal blog on-air in an attempt to counter what a Republican was saying. /// She was using a republican report to pull Sununu back to Reality. HE was lying, SHE was asking for a response. A question like that can’t be a lie. what kind of fool are you???===Oops. Nevermind.

      The media should not be believed after they told everyone ObamaCare would cut the deficit. /// Thats just plain stupid. they reported what Obama said.

      Silly twits think anything said they don’t agree with is a lie. The very definition/example of how stupid the public really is and how Fox News Retards lap it up.

      Silly Hoomans.

  7. NewformatSux says:

    President gets accused of rape, they ask one question about it, President responds, my lawyer gave a statement and I refer you to that.

    That was the last time the media asked a question about that.
    Later they ran front page story after front page story about Mark Foley, No women members at Augusta Golf Club, whether Bush used cocaine, Bush AWOL, and Romney bullying.

  8. NewformatSux says:

    Media is constantly hiring Democratic operatives to fill its positions. George Stephanopoulos is hired. What are the chances Karl Rove hosts Meet the Press? He gets a commentator role on Fox News, often paired with Joe Trippi.
    Paul Begala and James Carville are hired as equivalent to journalists Tucker Carlson and Bob Novak.
    Presidential press secretary Jay Carney came from Time Magazine.
    Chris Matthews, Cokie Roberts, and others are also former Democratic staffers.

    • bobbo, the liberal conservative: you don't know what to think says:

      Everybody knows the truth has a liberal bias.

      HAW, HAW!!!!

      Eat it!

  9. Rob Leather says:

    You’ve got the figures wrong. It’s 56 PEOPLE not %

  10. Guyver says:

    If news sources around the world are presenting facts, information, anecdotes which contradict what they believe – than the reporting is wrong – not the reality Republicans believe in.

    “News” sources don’t report. They editorialize. They cherry pick what they want to report rather than simply reporting all of the facts. There’s a time and place for filtering the “facts” and editorializing. Reporting news is not that time or place… but it is… which is why their credibility has fallen.

    To reduce things down to simply Republican vs. Democrat is either naive or sheer stupidity.

    Rather than embracing news agencies that support one’s viewpoint, one should question whether or not they’re getting the entire story or all of the facts without embellishment / exaggeration. Most people tragically won’t do this because they’re usually too intellectually dishonest or simply believe what is being presented to them as all of the unfiltered facts.

  11. bobbo, the liberal conservative: you don't know what to think says:

    Is everyone here critically separating “news” from “commentary”?

    As I review my infotainment I find it is 100% new commentary==meaning its meant to be biased. I find hot breaking “news” to be too unreliable with the reports more about what is obvious or what is unknown rather than any real news.

    People looking for “accurate” news are all idiots–ie==the majority of Republicans lapping up Faux News. No…. what an honest person does is watch several different commentary shows and make their own synthesis.

    Faux News BS Republican DumbShittery was on display just last night. Akins being asked to step down from a laundry list of Republican Heavyweights and he complains about the Liberal Media trying to bring him down.

    Ha, ha. If you aren’t embarrassed by that, you don’t know how far up your own ass you are.

    Best “fact based” commentary show I regularly admire for being so: Rachel Maddow. You pukes should watch her show to get her fact analysis. You can always disagree later, but do so with more skill.

  12. Guyver says:

    Is everyone here critically separating “news” from “commentary”?

    I am.

    No…. what an honest person does is watch several different commentary shows and make their own synthesis.

    Pretty much what I do.

    Akins being asked to step down from a laundry list of Republican Heavyweights and he complains about the Liberal Media trying to bring him down.

    What Akins said was stupid. Tragically people are worried about something he will have no impact on if he were to get re-elected.

    It’s easier to find an abortion clinic these days than a job. But sure, people can obsess over symbolic things that he’s not going to cast a vote on. At the end of the day, it’s much ado about nothing.

    Best “fact based” commentary show I regularly admire for being so: Rachel Maddow. You pukes should watch her show to get her fact analysis. You can always disagree later, but do so with more skill.

    I do from time to time when I want to watch comedic commentary. It’s pretty funny how liberals have a herd mentality and can’t do things on their own without Big Brother to look out for them. Pretty tragic actually. 🙂

    • bobbo, social liberal/fiscal conservative, pragmatic and fact based in operation to achieve those ends says:

      Guyver–I admit you are fun to observe, like some odious bug under glass: taking on the trappings of cool objective observer, then just as you are about to step foot on terra firma, you jump into the gulf of partisan stupidity. As when: “It’s pretty funny how liberals …..”

      THAT is so lame I do confess I mostly react by thinking you are trying to be funny. but you construct too much of what you saythat way. Too long to be an act. You are much like Alfie that way. I can’t believe anyone can be as stupid as the two of you, but time weighs on the evidence.

      Lib vs Con. Personality types that can be tested for with some generalities confirmed. Libs being easily led isn’t one of them–as a political party/tent its one of our biggest weaknesses. Unlike the Pukes who are mostly of one retarded mind and ready to march in unison. The very point (although not recognized) of the OP.

      Yes…. its true. Pros and Cons to all that.

      • Guyver says:

        taking on the trappings of cool objective observer, then just as you are about to step foot on terra firma, you jump into the gulf of partisan stupidity.

        How stupid could you be to think that I’m “objective”? Of course I’m not objective. LOL.

        I expect news shows to be objective, but since they cannot be I prefer to form my own opinions from overtly biased commentators.

        Lib vs Con. Personality types that can be tested for with some generalities confirmed.

        Well duh. Everyone knows that the difference between a Libertarian/Conservative versus a Liberal is that Libertarians/Conservatives sign their checks on the front while the Liberals sign their checks on the back.


    • So what says:

      “It’s easier to find an abortion clinic these days than a job” Unless you’re a woman in Missouri.

      • Guyver says:

        Where are the lines of women who are looking for an abortion clinic here in the U.S. but turn out empty-handed?

  13. SchwettyBalls says:

    The window lickers that watch Fox News 24/7 don’t realize that it isn’t news that they report. I have to give Fox News credit for mixing in 40% news with 60% opinion and also steering the stories that they run towards the right. Bravo big business, bravo.

  14. msbpodcast says:

    The media cost money, political organizations have money and, by virtue of they’re being political organizations they have some agenda or other to promote, so they rent the mouth pieces that will carry their messages.

    Something that my political rantings about getting rid of political parties would get rid of because they would have to attack a person on the merits of the views held instead of merely parroting some political talking point.

    Its a lot less work for the shills when person A says A’ and he’s from party A” represented by media organization A”’, so any media organization B”’ therefore merely has to knee-jerk respond ¬A’.

    Its very easy to be contrarian, it merely required the automatic gainsaying of anything your opposition says.

    Monty Python said it best in the Argument Clinic.

    • msbpodcast says:

      I forgot to says they the winners in this style of discourse are the media organizations and the losers are the readers/listeners/viewers of this imbecilic “I know you are, but what am I?” news obscuring style of reporting.

  15. NewformatSux says:

    Media labelled the Colorado shooter as a member of the Tea Party, ran the story with zero fact checking. Before that they labelled the Gabrielle Gifford shooter a right wing Tea Party type. They said the Tea Party hurled epithets at black congressmen, no evidence.
    Meanwhile they routinely ignore race or religion in crime reporting if it involves blacks or Muslims. Then they labelled George Zimmerman a white Hispanic, and edited a tape to make him appear racist.

    • SchwettyBalls says:

      Fox News makes a ton of corrections. They report things that are blatantly lies or incorrect ALL of the time. By the way, the odds that a person that shoots a democratic person in the government is about 99% that they are republican. In fact, I am willing to bet that almost ANY assassination attempt in the United States involves a gun loving nutball republican.

  16. NewformatSux says:

    What is surprising is why is this credibility so high to begin with, that the number is able to drop. Perhaps the most credible name is 60 Minutes. Decades ago, Robert McNamara won a judgment against them, because they took what McNamara said, and edited in different questions, Jay Leno style. This was decades before the supposedly lower standard 60 Minutes II of Dan Rather ran with fake memos about George Bush. When the flagship members of the news industry operate in this fashion, how can their be any credibility?

  17. bobbo, social liberal/fiscal conservative, pragmatic and fact based in operation to achieve those ends says:

    Faux News does not rise to the level of having a biased opinion. Rather, it is AGENDA DRIVEN PROPAGANDA. Very different animal.

    NewFormat–yes, I have already said you are best advised not to watch “breaking” stories. The episodes you relate though all show the liberal media correcting error made. Faux does not correct errors but rather doubles down. Big difference there too.

    Silly position you have.

  18. NewformatSux says:

    Head of CBS Les Moonves attends an Obama fundraiser. Walter Cronkite once bugged the Republican convention, and discussed campaign strategy with Robert Kennedy.

    • tcc3 says:

      The “liberal” media also sold us Bush’s Iraq war BS. They took 3 weeks to report on a major protest in our largest city (Occupy), and when they did it was all dismissive and derogatory. They allowed the right to control the Heathcare debate with lies like death panels that went unchallenged. NPR recently had two “opposing” viewpoints with two people who both had ties to the NFIB opposing the healthcare law and raising the minimum wage.

      You can certainly make the argument that the media does a poor job. I have trouble with the argument that they are some how leftist shills becasue they don’t always regurgitate the rights talking points like Fox does.

  19. Sam says:

    Seriously! Does anybody actually think we are watching the “news”. What we see on TV and hear on Radio is Big Business propaganda. 98% of the TV networks and Radio stations in this country are owned buy 10 Corporate conglomerates and the vast majority of them support the Republican party and their candidates. Ironically these conservative stations have feed everyone with this crap about liberal bias, talk about gullible!!

    Follow the Money!

    Bain Capital/Thomas H Lee Partners, $6Billion private equity firm own Clear Channel, the largest radio station owner in the country. Ya know Rush Limbaugh Show, Sean Hannity Show, Fox radio, etc…. get the picture?
    CBS Corporation: $14Billion
    Comcast Corporation: $55Billion which also owns NBC
    Gannett Co.: $5Billion 600 magazines
    News Corp.: $33Billion FOX News, ESPN (Rupert Murdoch)
    Time Warner:$29Billion TBS, TNT, CNN
    Tribune Company: $3Billion
    Viacom: $15Billion
    Walt Disney Company: $40Billion ABC, ESPN radio
    Washington Post: $4.2Billion

    • NewformatSux says:

      CBS chief Les Moonves attended an Obama fundraiser, donating the max.

      • Sam says:

        CBS Corporation has given Republicans 2X the amount given to democrats in 2012 and an additional amount to PAC’s in the ration of 66% Republican 33% Democrats.

        The Money given by Les went to the PAC

        LOS ANGELES, CA 90024 CBS CORPORATION 06/25/12 $5,000

        • Rick says:

          Oh, snap!

        • NewformatSux says:

          This PAC is not very partisan, as its history shows. It appears to be handing out money almost entirely to members of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade. With Republicans taking over the House, the committee membership is more Republican, shifting the donations that way.

          The total money contributed is still about the same as Moonves’s individual donation to Obama and DNC.

          • Sam says:

            Wait, The CBS Corporation PAC gave 66% of the money ($80,000.) to Republicans. That sounds like, looks like and smells like a Conservative Media Bias to me.

            And even though Les is trying to undo some of the bias, that doesn’t change the intent and the influence a Corporate conglomerate has on politicians and the public through it’s daily messaging.

  20. kmfix says:

    The news needs to simply stop reading press releases and start reporting on facts. Not just quote a politician, but quote them and follow up if that quote is factual.

    Yup, that’d be work and we can’t expect that to happen.

  21. Howard Beale says:

    The free press is a staple of our Constitution so this is very disturbing what could be done to get more truth in reporting.

    • jasontheodd says:

      Not sure who said this first, but I distinctly remember it being said decades ago that the only way to ensure truthful broadcasting is if all news media were unincorporated, so real owners would face real losses when sued for libel or slander or fraud. Now only lesser share holders pay the bill while major shareholders and execs face little risk for lying. For a modern example look at Newscorp hacking scandal in the UK. Despite big talk, few big fish lost anything of their net worth and ordinary investors lost loads of money. The cheats and lairs had to answer a few questions in front of parliament…then nothing.

  22. ECA says:

    Its amazed me over the years.
    Iv noticed that even in childhood we look to see Knowledge and truth.
    Being straight forward and truthful to those younger then us tends to make life easier for them.

    AS we grow up, we keep looking for Straight forward that we can understand what is happening.
    We are dealing with SO MUCH BS, now that trying to see ANYTHING is like Wiping Crap off the Front window of a car with a small Towel. its NOT doing the JOB.

    I would LOV to see any LAW about False truths. LIES, FABRICATION..and prosecuting those that DONT USE IT ON TV..
    I really thought there was a LAW about this.
    But also, the court system is abit SCREW’ it takes YEARS to do anything like this in the courts.

    This reasoning is also why Many sites are popular on the net..
    FINDING TRUTH..and its getting HARDER to do.
    We used to insert a question/name/comment into the net and get a good selection of information..NOW?? LMAO.

  23. Anonymous says:

    I don’t know who said it first but, America is NOT a “democracy!” A lot of people probably have made the mistake of thinking it is, but if any true democracy is ever established then it will probably be America’s undoing. Quite simply, democracy is nothing short of “mob rule.”

    We’ve been beaten over the head by every god damned politician whenever they say the damned word “democracy,” to the point where most of us may have associated other good words like “democrat” or maybe even “deliverance” with it. However, I think democracy sounds more like “dumb ass!” (No, I’m not a “commie”! Read on…)

    Last time I took any close look at America’s form of government, or at least it’s intended form of government as defined by her founding Fathers through a little document called “The Constitution,” America is a REPUBLIC!

    Here’s just another crazy kooky song and dance man’s explanation:

    • Anonymous says:

      … So if you vote, then about the only question you should be asking yourself is: Do I want to allow more of the same thing?

      Look at your candidates ACTIONS if you need help deciding!

      let me also say that I too really hate the choices we have. But those are the choices. And until both parties “get it” and actually start to serve the people again, then about all we can do is continue making changes every time we get the chance. And not just for President but for all the little self-serving arrogant suits running around Washington.

      • msbpodcast says:

        let me also say that I too really hate the choices we have. But those are the choices.

        Think outside the box.

        Its not written in stone that we are stuck with parties forever.

    • Tippis says:

      Oh look. This old nonsense again.

      The US is a both a republic and a democracy. There is no contradiction between the two.

      It’s a republic as opposed to a monarchy — its head of state and officials are appointed rather than being based on heritage. It’s also a democracy as opposed to a dictatorship — the appointments are made by the people, not by personal dictate. Just because there are a few layers of bureaucracy and bargaining between the people and the appointments doesn’t remove the status as a democracy, even if it lowers the index of “direct input”. Contrary to popular belief, it is also not a theocracy (appointments made solely by the clerical class) or a plutocracy (only the rich are allowed to vote).

      If the US were a “republic, not a democracy”, it would have a bureaucracy that didn’t represent anything and would not be a nation. The whole saying comes from an era when neither word meant what they mean today.

      Oh, and America is a continent. It has no state and is not sovereign so it can be neither a democracy nor a republic.

  24. noname says:

    I am shocked, shocked I tell you!

    News is nothing more then a mouth piece, corporately guised as a public service giving uncritical declarations about the latest product placements, entertainment, celebrity interviews, pop culture pulse and “he said-he said” debates called investigative talking head interviews.

    Key word is uncritical. They don’t even care to invest in getting the weather right. To know a lie you have to know the truth. Knowing the democratic citizenry relevant truth(s) requires time, money, commitment to uncovering unknown facts and analysis.

    The current state of news unworthiness started before 1996, but in 1996 the new Telecommunications Act directed the FCC to continually review all ownership rules and since has initiated reviews & relaxed cross-ownership ban.

    Surprise, surprise since 1975 the number of media outlets has increased, but at the same time, ownership has become more concentrated, giving us today a painfully obvious loss in diversity of honest opinion and critique in the mainstream media . The media conglomerates have stressed profit maximization over concerns of localism, diversity and challenging the power elites status quo with investigative journalism.

    Today’s news ignores the power elites doings and it’s impacts on the democratic citizenry in favor of the latest “he said-he said” debates called investigative talking head interviews and personal crimes.

    Of course, not withstanding the fine people at Dvorak Uncensored!

  25. John says:

    Everyone in America takes strong political sides anymore. Its not about saving America its about saving a ideology of political values. We have Obama and the Democrat’s pushing for more government, telling working class that being wealthy is evil and wrong and that Government creates business not people. Then of course you have the Republican’s full of themselves as the saviors of the people who want to reduce government and not expand it. Although looking back on government spending. Its been a while since either side can say they reduced government spending. No matter who is elected President in November half the Country will celebrate and half will not. That says it all on how we will not resolve our problems until we resolve our differences.

    • TheMAXX says:

      16% of the people will get the president they wanted not 50%.

      No-one says being wealthy is evil or wrong, just that you don’t get that without others getting less. All of us in a country like the USA can have our way of life only because we are standing on the backs of poorer people all over the world. The more wealth you have the more responsibility you have to all the people on whose backs you are standing and to all the workers who had to do work in order for you to have that money.

      We as a people don’t have such great differences. Only coloured by media and pop culture does it appear that way.

  26. Dallas says:

    The hatred and distrust of Repuke news sources is well deserved.

    Rupert Murdoch, Repuke Fascist King of Media, changed forever the news industry from an unbiased public service to that of a profit based infotainment and political mouthpiece of the GOP.

    News used to be a funded by the programming side of television. That’s right, Walter Cronkite was paid by the profits made by Gilligans Island and Bewitched. No longer. Murdoch turned news into its own profit center and he made it entertainment and reality TV.

    The rest of the media giants followed suit.

    So, in conclusion, the GOP and their cronies are responsible for turning the American People in American Sheeple. Another lousy gift to the American culture by conservative Repukes forever.

    • The Monster's Lawyer says:

      I agree with your assessment.

    • NewformatSux says:

      It is the MBAs in the other networks that decided to stop subsidizing the news divisions. Rupert Murdoch managed to turn a profit because he is running a cable news channel. Notice that Fox proper doesn’t run news, they run syndicated shows during the news hour, so as to make more money for their affiliates. CNN losing money because they listened to Jon Stewart and shut down Crossfire, which at that point was putting partisan hacks against opinion journalists. With Fox News doing so well, you would think networks would try to attract the 50% of the audience, instead of putting up all Democrats.

  27. NewformatSux says:

    Networks gave 4 times as much coverage of Todd Akin’s legitimate rape won’t make you pregnant than for Joe Biden’s statement that he’s gonna put y’all back in chains.

    Senate candidate vs the sitting Vice-President.

    Media cannot be trusted to act in an unbiased fashion.

    • noname says:

      Hum let see what should get more press coverage, what would fox call fair and balanced?

      Coverage about Biden in essence saying, republicans will impose chains of oppression if elected. Using a racial deep seated metaphor that Republican Sheriff Joe Arpaio still practices in his blistering hot Sonoran Desert chain gang tent city.


      A white republican saying in essence there are legitimate rapes and that pregnancy is voluntary.

      Just my guess, but I kinda think women who are 50% of the work force and republican electorate would care and drive more news coverage about issues of “legitimate rapes ” vs. biden’s “chains of oppression”

  28. Rick says:

    Fox News is like professional wrestling, sure its popular, sure its very fun to watch, but everybody knows its fake.

    At least I think everybody knows…

    • Howard Beale says:

      very outspoken bigot, seemingly prejudiced against everyone who is not a U.S.-born, politically conservative, heterosexual White Anglo-Saxon Protestant male, and dismissive of anyone not in agreement with his view of the world <from wiki

      I just figured it out Fox News is a remake of "All in the Family"

  29. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Fair and Balanced?

    Above I recommended “The Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC as the most/best “fact based” news/commentary show on infotainment tv.

    I’m watching the tail end of her show from today. She had an excellent segment on 4-5 Pukes refusing to answer questions on where they stood on current relevant issues in a way that was quite impactful all to the point that Ryan is a lying asshole, and by immediate extension, so is Romney.

    If you want to make abortion illegal: SAY SO, and run on that. But with 80% of voters against that position, it is not politically astute to be honest about it, so the Pukes are lying about it.

    So–Rachel Maddow did a show on how Pukes were lying about this subject. She was 100% accurate and informative. How should we handle the additional fact that she did not do any similar expose on Democrats? Is such a thing a demonstration of BIAS or simply the fact that Democrats are for Choice? You see the issue now in sharp contrast?

    Its Amusing. I challenge anyone to disagree with this analysis.

    You can’t do it. When the “Truth” is all one way, its not bias to report on only one side (sic!) of an issue. The truth is often not “fair and balanced” as Fox likes to propagandize. The truth often is on one side and not the other.

    Suck it Pukes.

    • Guyver says:

      If you want to make abortion illegal: SAY SO, and run on that. But with 80% of voters against that position, it is not politically astute to be honest about it, so the Pukes are lying about it.

      All of which is in nothing more than a distraction for sheeple since the real problem is the economy.

      But sure, try to convince people that abortion rights is what this country is truly concerned about right now.

      Is such a thing a demonstration of BIAS or simply the fact that Democrats are for Choice?

      ROFLMAO. You see what you want to see.

  30. NewformatSux says:

    After seeing the President have a Dan Quayle moment and misspell Ohio, the Washington Post immediately tried to cover for him by telling its readers that the photo is photoshopped.


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