1. noname says:

    Republican gift of bullet proof shielding

  2. LibertyLover says:

    Teleprompter version of the Blue Screen of Death.

  3. LibertyLover says:

    My handlers told me to say this but I’m too embarrassed to show my face when I say it.

  4. Sam says:

    Perfect, now people can stop looking at the candidates and focus on what they’re saying.

  5. UncDon says:

    In order to drive home his message of looking forward, the President used a mirror to graphically show how Republicans are always looking backward when making policy.

  6. fourmoreyears! says:

    Photoshopped by republicans to make him look like a block-head.

  7. Pete says:

    The real president.

    • Ah_Yea says:


    • mharry says:

      T.O.T.U.S., this jerk can’t convey a coherehent sentence without it. Search the last time it failed it’s pathetic. It’s one thing to mis-speak or make up words like Bush did, but this jerk only knows what he’s told to say. We also have evidence that Bush actually attended college.

  8. observer says:

    Emote on cue. Thought optional but discouraged.

  9. The Pirate says:

    Vote Teleprompter !

  10. kiwini says:

    Puppets have no faces…

  11. Is this what an adult looks like in a Peanuts comic?

  12. Bob Andweave says:

    It is nice to see TOTUS start to get some well deserved credit. We all know what happens when TOTUS is not in the room; too much truthiness for the campaign to survive. Just some of what TOTUS wasn’t there to help prevent: “they cling to guns or religion”, “I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody”, “you didn’t build that”.

  13. Rob Leather says:

    Don’t you see! This is how you have TWO Obama’s. One who’s a robot with a block head, to be replaced later in edit using CGI. It still thinks its 2008.

    The other who likes droning people.

    When Obama talks about Robopen… That’s what he’s talking about!


    • jpfitz says:

      Love me some HHGTTG. “Okay, don’t think, nobody think, no ideas, no theories, no nothing”…….(SMACK!!)

  14. jpfitz says:

    Pres head covered in marshmallow on a stick ready to roast.

  15. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Anyone care to expressly directly state what is wrong with using a teleprompter to give a set speech? Given they all do it… and should do it.

    I didn’t think so.

    If “Obama is stupid and can’t speak without a teleprompter” is an “idea” that appeals to you, YOU are an idiot.

    Seriously—- a real I – D – I – O – T.

    Led by the nose.

  16. MWD78 says:

    Does this mean Obama has already been inducted to the head museum in Futurama ala Nixon?

  17. John says:

    Oh we are moving forward alright. Moving forward right over a cliff. Recession part 2 is just around the corner, the World economies are trying to buy parachutes to have a safe crash of their economies even though the preverbal plane of the economies is on fire with no wings. Yes, but we are moving forward.

  18. Jim R says:

    Just a moment while I change my face.

  19. Angel H. Wong says:

    I had no idea the Slenderman was black.

  20. Riley says:

    Yet another faceless bureaucrat.

  21. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “your face here”

  22. We need leadership says:

    “Before us lies an empty abyss. And under my leadership, we will take a giant step FORWARD.”

    “Quick! Raise the rotten egg shield.”

  23. hwo says:

    Please, Mister Promptman, look and see.

  24. Mark says:

    Now introducing politician 4.3

    +Ability to change facial structure and skin color to appeal to what ever demographic your corporation wants to manipulate
    +Comes per-installed with Watson V3.6 so that answering those tough questions is only Google query away
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    Order today and receive the bonus “Yes Man!” AI designed by the best think tanks money can buy.

    *Only male models are currently available. Female versions are scheduled for released by Q1 of 2019
    **For a more complete list of available features please visit us at whythink.com

  25. Nolimit662 says:

    Well, for one thing the prompter isn’t set that high. And every president uses one. So nice try retards.

  26. msbpodcast says:

    Yet Another Faceless Politician, now put up there directly by the corporations.

  27. Drifter Smith says:


    Reality ain’t what it used to be!

  28. NewformatSux says:

    New Deluxe Kindle works great as long as there is enough natural light.

  29. B. Dog says:

    What I’m not seeing is transparency.


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