Executive Producers: Sir Michael Zelina, Sir James Spitzer, Dame Deanna Bertram
Associate Executive Producers: Sir Gary Blatt, Michael Baker, Black Knight Scott Spencer, Anonymous in Brussels, Michael Miller, NoAgendaNation, Jeff Twohig, Steve Foster & Liz
Art By: Nick the Rat
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A photo mash-up begging for a caption:
“You want asylum? I’ll put you in an asylum where nobody can get to you… except me.”
Looks like Yul Brynner and Colin Mochrie with a wig.
Condi were solicitously slituitous
& salaciously & phallaciously fondlatious
How do you parse a sentence like that?
Free Pussyriot…
I mean, I’d get animated if pussy was being handed out for free on my street, but I don’t think I’d riot…
And what’s with Putin looking all homeo-erotic* on a horse with that tattoo.
He looks like a Russian punk rocker, past trusting himself (over 30,) having a moment with somebody hung better than himself.
And I really doubt Assange listens to any music that not coming from his own brass spheres, great big hairy, dirty, smelly spheres.
*) Maybe its sex that doesn’t even give you a hard-on. 🙂