You figure it out.

found by Tex Ligums

  1. Steve Jobs says:

    Created on a Macintosh by Apple. The world’s most valuable public company.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    The Z-axis clearly represents time,
    the Y-axis represents some quantifiability of volatility
    the X-axis represents individual or groups of stocks arrayed according to some criteria.

    What that volatility and criteria might be was utterly invisible.

    It was a representation of the pathological fascination that some people have to find meaning in a ramdom morass of data.

    Without some form of causality, this was just a trite display of pointlessness with all the depth of the technotrack playing under it.

    Might as well have been tracking the price of sunscreen.

  3. deowll says:

    Off topic but much more important. If you know Islam you knew this was coming:

  4. Deep Throat says:

    Tomorrow’s market has already been decided, like the next espisode of the Truman Show. We all play the role of Truman.

    Like in the show, a few (market) snags and goofs happen, but the producers and their insider friends are well insulated from any permanent financial damage.

    For special effects, they occasionally sacrifice one of their own. Makes the show more realistic.

  5. mayor bloomburger says:

    Can we have a bailout please? We spent all our money on pointless youtube videos we can show at boring staff meetings.

  6. soundwash says:

    so what happened, or what was in the data between 2003 and 2006 that made them completely obfuscate the “data?”

    that aside.. wait until the data is in for 9/2012 through 6/2013 is in… should make for the best roller coaster (with a brief stop in hell) of all time..

    let the fraudsters be exposed..


  7. Anon says:

    Don’t you just love business mentality? Counting “losses” that never really occur and looking at things like “market volatility” – which is just a fancy way of saying “change”? Somehow, these guys just have to make it complicated in order to justify those expensive MBA’s and board room qualifications.

    The way I see it, the entire business environment has got so ridiculous in the last few decades that it at least has me wondering how many of these business “professionals” could actually perform the fundamental skills of their own businesses. For example, how many of those board room members do you think have had actual experience in the “trenches” of their own business? (If you ever thought you could work your way up in a company – think again!)

    If you ask me, upper echelon business skills are all just a horrible waste of math skills. The lesson seems to be: get a MBA, schmooze with a few clueless rich people and you too can be set for life – without actually DOING anything!


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