This is a short student documentary of 8 hours with a country cop. Note two items: false positive after false positive with the automated license plate reader. AND the cops comment that at the Police Academy they had to sing “Bad Boys” at the end of every day.From 2009. Submitted by a No Agenda listener, Ben Schultz, in response to a discussion about license plate readers.

  1. noname says:

    If American’s where properly educated to look after their self-interest & well being against all those who would take it away for profit; educated as our founders envisioned in the laws they drafted, with public education and freedom of the press and honestly elected officials; this dawn of the GWB Era, that continues under OBAMA, would end or not even have started.

    If we where the well educated and empowered Americans envisioned, we would be alarmed by the unprecedented and unconstitutional powers we given over to our hair trigger, gun armed, government BRAINIACs. But we aren’t, so it will continue and get worse. It’s all just so SAD!

    • Anon says:

      If you’re looking to place blame somewhere, blame complacency. That’s another way to say blame the lazy bastards who do nothing – which is about 80-percent of the population. Think about it. As long as we all have a television to watch or electronic gadget (like a computer) to play with in our nice warm homes with plenty to eat then we’re all pretty complacent and likely to do nothing else.

      You might also say that the media is like dope for those complacent masses too. It can be used for good or it can be used for evil.

      But as far as this story goes, that cop is at least trying to do a good job. I don’t think anyone would argue that. But I also see apathy and complacency when I see no attempt to fix a tool that continues to malfunction. I just can’t say if that complacently is the fault of the cop (probably not) or if it’s a apathy thing with his superiors – which is ultimately the public!

      • noname says:

        I think it’s more then just complacency, it’s more like acquiescing to appease our oppressors not to hurt us anymore, corporate or government!

        But, there are those who still stand up & protest only to be undermined and beaten down by the state at every opportunity.

        Can you imagine who much film, tape, evidence manufacturing, man-hours of undercover infiltration the state has spent to disrupt peaceful protest in America?

        Occupy movement
        GWB era anti-war movement
        Innocence Project
        Remote Area Medical Volunteer Corps
        habitat for humanity
        Amnesty International…..

  2. NewformatSux says:

    People don’t vote based on privacy issues. So it won’t matter.

    • noname says:

      As Benjamin Franklin said
      “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

  3. bobbo, atheists in charge could not make the church look any worse says:

    So from the half of the video I forced myself to watch, there is some new technology with some bugs still to work out. So what?

    I didn’t get to “Bad Boys, Bad boys….” … but I’ll bet a So What applies there too.

    Can anyone confirm the last half of the video makes any of the comments above relevant?

    • noname says:

      I can!

      I guess you liked the “do what I say and not what I do” attitude of the cop?

      Like simply using a hands-free phone to confer public confidence, just as every other citizen is required (even though it is legal, police say they are trained to multitask), scientifically a very high improbability. It’s a classic case of legislature giving police ‘special non-distractable’ powers.

      • bobbo, atheists in charge could not make the church look any worse says:

        Well…..I believe that people who are trained to do a very specific task and are tested on such tasks for competency indeed can outperform people who are neither trained nor tested.

        Multitasking on a phone while being a cop would be one of those tasks.

        Or do you disagree with the premise and our common sense and observations?

        • noname says:

          Wow, “premise and our common sense ” that’s a rich one…..

          It not me who disagrees with you, it’s the science you disagree with!

          Your premise in no way infer, confers, imparts or by your magical thinking kind of way gives ‘special non-distractable’ powers to police.

          • bobbo, atheists in charge could not make the church look any worse says:

            Your characterization misses completely what I described.

            I assume you do that on purpose because you have no response to what is actually said and you are too dull witted to simply agree and learn something for a change?

            Stoopid Hooman.

          • noname says:

            Oh mighty “bobbo, atheists in charge” did I not respond to you. I am really really sorry. I feel really really really bad.

            Pls don’t think me a “Stoopid Hooman.”

            Hearing you call me that would just hurt so much, I would be devastated and crushed by your lack of approval.

  4. SchwettyBalls says:


    Today I learned that police departments are using automated plate readers. That makes me angry. Thanks John.

    • bobbo, atheists in charge could not make the church look any worse says:

      Whats wrong with automated plate readers…. assuming the false positives is more an issue for the cops and not for the public?

      I for one don’t want people riding around in stolen cars or with stolen plates or with open warrants and all the rest that can be associated with a license plate.

      Its a reasonable basis for stop and question. Whats wrong with that?

      • noname says:

        hum,… “assuming the false positives is more an issue for the cops and not for the public?”

        first, “assuming”, ….. need I say more, 2nd, false positives are distracting from real crime and distracting from safe driving. 3rd, how many false positives result in “false stops”? And, do people need to be jailed for expired mult”>plates?

        • noname says:

          Sucks you can’t correct your typo’s once you hit submit. Maybe like some sites, giving 30sec too proof after submission?

          • bobbo, atheists in charge could not make the church look any worse says:

            The cop didn’t look so busy to me that false positives interfered with his more pressing duties.

            I assume responding to plate readings is only done when nothing more pressing is taking place, or once again does common sense not enter into this scenario?

          • noname says:

            Your big on this hoax people call common sense and that police have more of it!

            I was fortunate to visit & tour Mark Twain’s Hartford, Connecticut home lately, so let me just quote him: “Common sense is not so common.”

            And to answer your question, the cop took his “eyes off path” to handle a IT related phone call a couple times during the video. So being observant and situationally aware of his surroundings outside the moving car what was not not his primary focus.

          • bobbo, atheists in charge could not make the church look any worse says:

            Noname — don’t let the pissants get in the way of the elephants.

            You demonstrate the lack of common sense you hypocritically complain of.


          • noname says:

            Oh great bobbo, atheists in charge, I will defer to your most ignoble sense of common sense. You are truly that rare individual who can boldly out shin Clifford C. Clavin. I applaud you high sense of fascinating facts!

  5. mharry says:

    It’s late and I’m feeling frisky. I thought this was a perfectly cute video done by a kid. Why do you guys have to turn it into a debate about a totalitarian state view?
    I know atleast a dozen cops and they’re all perfectly cool guys just doing their jobs of protecting the public here in Spokane. The only problem with Spokane cops is that they don’t miss their target, don’t be a bad guy in Spokane!

  6. Sheila says:

    Bad Boyz???? More blue gang BS!!

  7. msbpodcast says:

    Spambot generated crap by/for some outfit flogging Nike knockoffs…

    Get rid of this post moderator…

  8. NewformatSux says:

    Obama is increasing TSA, with Rapeascan machines and expanding to highways and trains. The only Senator I see objecting is the Romney endorsing Rand Paul. If you care about the issue, you should vote for Romney even if you like Obama on other issues. This won’t happen, so this issue is lost. On the other hand, many gun folks vote Republican solely on the issue, and thus they won. This happens with abortion as well, but the effect is not as clear cut.

    • GregAllen says:



      You or no one you’ve ever loved has been raped, I assume.

    • noname says:

      Really I should put my trust in, and vote for Mr “screw the electorate, I don’t need to tell them shit” Romney and Ryan.

      I am an American and those two bozos are applying for the job of Presidency and Vice Presidency. So, I have ample right to ask and know everything I can about the candidates! Unlike Romney, who only knows how to fire people; I like hiring people who provide good services and are open and truthful with me!! America should save itself the pain and hassle of firing him by not hiring him!

    • I'm ugly and my mother dresses me funny says:

      Don’t be a RETARD.

      Though there may be a few minor differences between blues and reds, our current expanding surveillance state is most assuredly non-partisan.

      I’m really curious as to what they’re looking for. Possibly I don’t want to know.

      • noname says:

        I have a butt birthmark I’d be glad to show em, and let them add it to their buttocks database.

      • NewformatSux says:

        Exactly. And people are not willing to cross party lines to vote on this issue. People did break party lines to vote on the issue of gun control. People do break party lines to vote on the issue of unions. People do break party lines to vote on the issue of abortion. Thus those issues are taken with importance by the parties.

  9. GregAllen says:

    A pretty masterful job of editing to put a bad light on small town cops.

  10. kmfix says:

    Weird, no links to tinfoil hat stores.

    • noname says:

      You must be new to the site?

      Most of the site regulars get their tinfoil hat here.

      You have to hurry, there is only 10h 28m left to get the instructions. Ample illustrations are given too.

      To ensure proper operation against all government devices, be sure to use two-ply foil and cross wrapping in the construction.

      Many people are incorporating sheets of Kevlar to ward of snipers.

      Good Luck!


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