Found by Brother Uncle Don

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    TV is replaying “Worlds Most Extreme Homes” right now. They do a much better review of the homes and their owners. Always leaves me wanting to know more like what was the permitting process like? Home inspections? Pay offs?

    Another A&E program that followed people building their dream homes over a 5-6 episode show. Only one such program showed a guy having problems with his neighbors, thefts, permit blunders and so forth. Fun show: the guy gave up and built somewhere else.

    Then you gotta watch “Holmes” for one of the more eggregious crimes around: Building inspectors who approve disaster pits. I’d contribute money to Holmes if he did one show on fixing the problems that were present and a follow up show on suing the shit out of the contractors and inspectors involved. ….. You see ….. we are all part of society and when you hold yourself out as an expert providing a limited and objective service, you should be held accountable===its how society functions, or as in our case, doesn’t.

    Yea, verily. PS–I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t speak English.

    • mharry860 says:

      I love Holmes, it’s actually the only TV I watch besides racing. I have a sneaking suspicion there are mega lawsuits based on his evidence of negligent contractors and ignorant inspectors.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        I’ve bought 5 houses in my life. Each one had negligent inspections but after my first go around I only used the inspectors to hold the flashlight for my own look see. fun to ask them what they thought of obvious dry rot or below grade something or other and listen to their BS.

        Just like everything else in life.

        BS everywhere you look. Why be the one good apple in a stinking barrel?

        Indeed ……. why?

  2. spsffan says:

    With apologies to Leonard Bernstein:

    I take a space ship to San Juan.

    If there’s a pad there to land on.

  3. msbpodcast says:

    It reminds me of R. Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion House, but a whole lot less affordable.

    Its an interesting piece of architectural whimsy, (what the British used to call a folly,) but its irreproducible.

  4. noname says:

    Lame story.

  5. orchidcup says:

    Seems like pure fantasy …

    Monsanto envisioned a future with a totally plastic house with a sonic-wave dishwasher and irradiated food that does not require refrigeration.

    A telephone system that boggles the imagination with push-buttons!

    A dream of the future brought to life by Monsanto.

    Monsanto House of the Future, 1957

    Practical, but comfortable.

  6. Gauss says:

    At a time when so many renters are screwed through-and-through because all the wannabe home buyers cannot buy and are therefore renting, which drives up rents, what is the purpose of a NYT piece about fantastical homes?

  7. JimD, Boston, MA says:

    Ready for the arrival of the “MotherShip” ???

  8. Harry says:

    Could this be a setting for “No Tax return” Romney’s next photo op?

  9. msbpodcast says:

    Fuck You and your wedding dresses.

    I hope your daughter ran off to join a sex club of Hell’s Angels and the closest she got to an altar is a basement where her virginity was sacrificed…

    I call absolute spam on this post.

    Its a total no content post, even worse than some spew from bobbo or TEAD.

  10. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Finally. A place to park my jetpack.


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