Because of the drought in the US, meat prices are expected to fall for a while, then shoot through the roof.

Rising food prices, the growing population and environmental concerns are just a few issues that have organisations – including the United Nations and the government – worrying about how we will feed ourselves in the future.
“Rising prices mean we are now starting to see the return of meat as a luxury. As a result we are looking for new ways to fill the meat gap.”
Insects, or mini-livestock as they could become known, will become a staple of our diet, says Gaye.

Other things mentioned are sonic-enhanced food, lab grown meat, and algae. Yum.

  1. sargasso_c says:

    Commodity speculation in dung beetles on the US futures market is something to really watch out for.

  2. deowll says:

    The UN says that in 2010 using corn/food as fuel caused 110,000 people on this planet to starve to death. It will be rather more than that this year but do the greens care? Nah, they want to reduce the population as long as it isn’t them of course.

    • CrankyGeeksFan says:

      Ridiculous! “Greens” care about the cost and availability of food, water and topsoil.

      Aren’t there “non-greens” who are receiving farm subsidies, making a handsome profit, while the cost of food in the US is causing so many to qualify for SNAP cards (food stamps)?

    • atmusky says:

      There is nothing “Green” about using corn or other food grade grains to produce ethanol. And buy the way it was Bush who pushed ethanol with big tax subsidies.

      • NewformatSux says:

        Obama’s EPA is pushing to INCREASE the ethanol mandate in gasoline to 15%. This also decreases fuel mileage, even more than the existing 10% mandate.

        I’m sure this has nothing to do with lobbying from corporate agribusiness like ADM.

  3. ECA says:


    Buy up all the CHEAP meats,
    Process it, and Frezze it solid..
    Wait for the prices to go up…
    (as we have meat supplies that can last 6 months if kept properly)(its not hard, as 90% of the USA does not get fresh meats, anymore)
    MAKE money on meat from 6 months past, and if needed MAKE HAMBURGER..

  4. The0ne says:

    Setting aside the “dung” for later eats food prices are going to rise simply because we have had pretty bad drought throughout the year. Corn alone will cause everything to rise shortly here with meats such as beef, pork and poultry to follow shortly thereafter.

    I’m actually very curious how this “flow” of rises prices will go and wonder if it will be towards the end of being “disastrous.” I hope not but I’ll keep an eye on the reports.

    • Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

      The point is, because of ethanol mandates and reduced corn crop, 50% of the surviving corn crop will go to useless ethanol instead of food or cattle feed.

      The greens don’t care because their real goals have nothing to do with “green” – only reduced standard of living.

      • ECA says:

        Corn this, corn that..
        WE CAN FIND better plants for much of this that CORN is used for.
        HEMP plants can be used in 3 months, for oils, and Alcohol/Fuels.. but you BETTER PLANT SOON.
        (WONT HAPPEN)

  5. Anonomous says:

    Kangaroo burgers and cat/dog patties might not sound so bad once a beef soars over $10 a burger – or if a good steak averages a c-note. We might even experiment with some “rat”-ka-bobs too. But I don’t see very many people eating bugs. At least not knowingly. Not that hot dogs or chicken nuggets aren’t already about 50-percent bug.

  6. seetheblacksun says:

    Does anyone seriously believe that “the United Nations and the government” give a fuck how we will feed ourselves in the future? They want us gone, gone, gone.

  7. spsffan says:

    Thank God for Ketchup!

  8. spsffan says:

    Oh, and one more suggestion. Soylent Green.

  9. Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    If it doesn’t have meat, it’s not a meal – only a side dish.

  10. ECA says:

    let me say this..
    And I HOPE you get the point..

    1. thats what we have sugar alternatives..
    2. Sugar is used to make ALCOHOL for Fuel and other uses.
    3. SUGAR from Sugar cane is one of the cheapest products OUTSIDE the USA.(in USA, $1 per pound import tax)

    BEER MAKERS can feed Cattle..
    What left of the process to make GOOD BEER, you can feed to cattle, and THEY LOVE IT…

    • msbpodcast says:

      That explains why most US beers taste like animal piss.

      I’m sorry but there’s nothing sadder in this world than watching some guy get wasted on Budwiser or Coor’s…

      • Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

        Yes there is: watching some guy forced to stay sober.

  11. ECA says:

    Our government is responsible for creating cheap unhealthy foods via lobbyist who have an economic agenda. Using taxpayer money ..”$17 billion was spent on four common food additives —
    corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, corn starch and soy oils
    ; all known to contribute to weight gain…We are in the middle of national health crisis due to soaring
    obesity rates. Ironically, while Michelle Obama is campaigning
    to reduce childhood obesity, the U.S. government is subsidizing
    enormous amounts of junk food, much of which is consumed
    by our children…” mostly poor income families are affected because the subsidies for junk additives, raises the prices on healthier foods; like grass fed cows and vegetables..

    • msbpodcast says:

      Damn straight.

      If its USDA and FDA approved, its guaranteed to kill you, after they bankrupt you with lots of expensive drugs, and then bury you in an oversized coffin.

      That why I eat some 1/2 cup of Japanese brown rice, three or four veggies and a little wild caught fish or free range chicken every day.

      And fuck this bland diet crap, I love herbs and spices… 🙂

  12. NewformatSux says:

    Don’t worry. Michelle Obama says it’s good for you. Now quiet down and eat your government sanctioned food while she eats her steak.

  13. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “Dung Beetle”, not just good, good for you.

    It’s the other brown meat.

  14. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    Also, Illinois was the second largest corn growing state just a few years ago.

  15. Dallas says:

    My blackbean veggie burger is just fine, thank you.

    Still, insects are a high quality, easily farmed, less energy, less fresh water dependent form of protein ruch food for much of the world.

  16. Kate says:

    Obama has the answer to the food problem, just eat Dog meat like he has (and maybe still does). Check out Obama’s confession in his autobiography that he ate dog while growing up in Indonesia.

  17. Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    Better than dog meat – eat dog turd. I have 3 big dogs leading to an unending supply of military grade turd to deal with. If I could find some way to market it, I could probably retire.


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