Executive Producers: Sir Scott Hankel
Associate Executive Producer: Chris Breshears
Art By: MartinJJ
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loved the pig story!
You mean I missed the PIG STORY… Oh my… must have been when I fell asleep. Darn, need to re-listen to it again. There goes another two hours of my life I won’t get back.
Loosely related but I saved hour and half of my life listening only first half hour of TWIT today because Brian Brushwood’s verbal diarrhea outbursts. Is he on something or what?
The most recent Brushwood appearance is enough to give up on listening to TWIT.
John, please get a router with QoS to fix your helium huffing addiction.
Re video surveillance. A friend who runs a company specializing in video cameras says some casinos in Vegas have 15,000 cameras. The setups are very sophisticated, they turn on when movement or sound is noticed, video is stored elsewhere.
The casinos are afraid of being ripped off.
As long as everyone is honest, the odds are overwhelmingly in their favor.
Except for craps. Craps is 51% in their favor overall.
Re: Gypsies
Guess all the stereotypes regarding jews are true too, right John?
The travellers came through my neighborhood in the late 90’s and defrauded my neighbor, who was 93 years old and fading.
They offered to resurface his driveway with asphalt for $2,500. They painted his perfectly good concrete driveway with black paint and collected a check.
The local cop saw them at a convenience store and asked to see their contractor license. He found they had done a few roofing and driveway jobs in the area, so he took them around to check on their work. They returned all of the checks rather than face fraud charges.
Maybe this is how travellers (gypsies) get stereotyped.
From what I’ve heard they have these lavish homes, down in one of the Carolina states. Where they return to live like greedy pigs. No taste. Totally glutenous. Dressing their kids up in furs and jewels. Like little tramps. That’s the best they can do to spend their ill-gotten gains? Booze, pricey adornments, and lawyers to keep them out of jail?
They must be raking in the cash, every year. Visiting various states. Following some “suckers” road map. Probably supplied by some outfit like InfoUSA. And milking all the seniors they can, for thousands in bogus home improvements.
Especially right after a major storm. Some guy in a gray truck stopped outside our house, the day after a big storm. It said “Henry Keith Roofing Contractor”. But I swear I’d seen the truck before saying “Paving Contractor”. And Henry Keith appears to be a multi-state franchise, that could be a cover of these scammers. In any case, we never called them. So why are they showing up, out of the clear blue, if not to rip us off? When legit contractors don’t come when you call them for days. They’re always busy.
Stereotypes exist for a reason…because they largely reflect reality. Not PC but true.
I am very skeptical of this Trapwire thing. If it’s what I think it’s supposed to be. It’s very likely smoke and mirrors technology. Because I highly doubt any software could be developed to analyze video, and identify things as threats.
That’s basically AI technology. And knowing a little about the complexity of that. It’s not very likely we ever see real world AI in our lifetimes. That can handle millions of variables. Forget the Mycroft computer, that played on Jeopardy. That’s AI in a very strictly controlled and defined environment. The questions were probably typed into it, rather than it hearing them spoken by the show host. I suspect it was made up just to fool viewers into believing AI was just around the corner. Just as that CBS show “Person of Interest” is more propaganda, about Tripwire.
I suspect what Tripwire really is, is a pyramid scheme of a scam. And taxpayer are being screwed, paying for it. While government big shots, profit from stock dividends of Abraxas-Cube Corp.