So, what do you think? Good or bad choice for Romney? Good or bad choice for Obama? Should he have picked someone else? Discuss…

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has picked Congressman Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate, the Romney campaign confirmed on Saturday. […] The announcement will mark the end a months-long search by Romney for a running mate to join him in facing Democratic President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the November 6 election.

  1. noname says:

    Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum

  2. orchidcup says:

    Amos and Andy

    Frick and Frack

    Cheech and Chong

    Abbott and Costello

    Laurel and Hardy

    Martin and Lewis

    Romney and Ryan

  3. noname says:

    The koch brothers from another mother

  4. SchwettyBalls says:

    Derp and Derp

    Jesus declined the position and Romney couldn’t find a tea party dipshit dressed like Ben Franklin to run with so he chose the next best thing, Paul Ryan.

  5. LibertyLover says:

    A safe choice to appease those pulling the strings. After endorsing Obamacare, he had no choice but to select this guy.

    I’m still waiting to see what happens in Florida. I’m hearing lots of lots of rumors about delegates “pledged” to Romney starting to worry if their votes for him shouldn’t be placed elsewhere.

  6. NewformatSux says:

    So the Obama campaign hasn’t put out their talking points yet?
    They were fishing for dirt on the potential veep choices the last few weeks, sending out e-mails to campaign supporters in the home states of each candidate asking for details on the candidates.
    I guess well find out what turned up in short order.
    Little surprised they haven’t told blogs what the storyline should be yet. Will they just go back to the ad with Ryan pushing an old lady off a cliff? Maybe they can have Joe Soptic blame Ryan for his wife’s death from cancer along with Romney.

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      I watched Bill Burton, Priorities USA Action’s senior strategist on CNN try to defend the Soptic ad.

      I think the sad part is not the ad but the fact that Priorities USA thinks so little of the American people that they would publish such crap and expect them to be influenced by it.

      BLITZER: So even though so many fact checkers says it is inaccurate, it’s not responsible, it’s misleading, you’re still going to go ahead and play it?

      BURTON: Well, Wolf, just like we just talked about, what we are – what this ad does is it tells a story of one guy and the impact that Mitt Romney had –

      BLITZER: It’s misleading to tell.

      BURTON: Well, this is your opinion.

  7. Kent says:

    The more I watch American politics the more I like Canada. But not by much.

  8. scandihoovian says:

    Hey, the United States of Corporations are waving! Maybe they are people after all.

  9. NewformatSux says:

    “We Americans look at one another’s success with pride, not resentment, because we know, as more Americans work hard, take risks, and succeed, more people will prosper, our communities will benefit, and individual lives will be improved and uplifted. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe—the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.
    But America is more than just a place…it’s an idea. It’s the only country founded on an idea. Our rights come from nature and God, not government. We promise equal opportunity, not equal outcomes.
    This idea is founded on the principles of liberty, freedom, free enterprise, self-determination and government by consent of the governed. We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution.
    This idea is under assault. So, we have a critical decision to make as a nation.
    We are on an unsustainable path that is robbing America of our freedom and security. It doesn’t have to be this way. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans — born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.”

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re full of shit! Rights come from those willing to take them or give them. It has nothing to do with god or any other fairy tale being.

      You can bullshit yourself if you want to, but look at it objectively and you can see that it’s really nature in action – but only on a slightly elevated level since sex and food are not the immediate issues.

      People will usually take rights once they have had enough oppression.

      Other people will usually give rights usually in order to save their skin.

      THAT’S NATURE! And she’s a bitch too!

      • LibertyLover says:

        Actually, Rights are something that no one can give you through an action — what you have if left alone. For instance, the right to defend yourself (the right to your own life), the right to speak your mind, the right worship as you see fit, etc. Rights can be suppressed, though.

        Everything else is a Privilege. For instance, healthcare — without an action performed by somebody else, you do not receive healthcare. Privileges are given to people and they can also be taken away.

      • NewformatSux says:

        That wasn’t me, hence the quotation marks. Those were the words of Paul Ryan and John F Kennedy.

  10. deowll says:

    I’m going to leave the question Uncle Dave asked alone because that is going play out very soon anyway. Instead I looked at Drudge and notice the same thing again.

    It is obvious that Congress is funding major preparations for wide spread large scale insurrections. Something on at least the scale of the 60s when the Weathermen were out and rioters burned large sections of many major cities. The lame media likes to think these are Tea Party people but you’d have a hard time finding any violence from that organization while you have no problems finding major confrontations and clashes with the OWS group however that may be redundant. The point is the Fed Gov is getting ready to use the US military on the people and has spent millions to billions on riot gear for the police departments of America.

    The not so small question is why? I’m leaning Toward a stagnate economy getting much worse, the national debt growing to the point the debt spiral kicks in and people living off of handouts finding they have nothing left to live off taking to the streets.

    Realistically even if they cut of medicare (check the nasty details about what Obamacare is going to do to seniors. It appears that seniors can be dispensed with. ) and SS it isn’t likely the seniors are going to revolt. Die of want, certainly, but they aren’t likely to be out there throwing Molotov cocktails. That’s the sort of thing young people do.

    I really, seriously wonder what the government think tanks actually expect to happen during the next few years. I’m not going to hold my breath waiting on an honest answer though.

    Yeah I know this sort of talk is supposed to be nuts but this is the Fed. Gov. playing survivalist not your crazy Uncle Joe and Aunt Hattie. Since the Fed. Gov. does have combat troops and a lot of live ammunition I think it would behoove the populous to take notice.

    • orchidcup says:

      Yeah I know this sort of talk is supposed to be nuts but this is the Fed. Gov. playing survivalist not your crazy Uncle Joe and Aunt Hattie. Since the Fed. Gov. does have combat troops and a lot of live ammunition I think it would behoove the populous to take notice.

      Is it okay if I worry about it when it happens?

    • NewformatSux says:

      >on at least the scale of the 60s when the Weathermen were out

      Obama’s first political fundraiser was at the home of two Weathermen, so I don’t think he is going to send the government after them.

      The better example is he is Bane to the Occupy Wall Street crowd. He will threaten to destroy America if you do not accede to his demands.

  11. JS says:

    So, we have a corporate hack whose forte is stripping money from companies his vulture capitalist firm conquers, hooking up with a catholic who has said little (if anything) about his church’s coverup of the mass rape of little boys (and girls)… Two rapists/rapist-enablers, hand in hand.

    …. and one of the commenters above dares to quote scripture in their support?!?

    • orchidcup says:

      Luke 18:18-30

      18 One of the rulers put this question to him, ‘Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?’
      19 Jesus said to him, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.
      20 You know the commandments: You shall not commit adultery; You shall not kill; You shall not steal; You shall not give false witness; Honour your father and your mother.’
      21 He replied, ‘I have kept all these since my earliest days.’
      22 And when Jesus heard this he said, ‘There is still one thing you lack. Sell everything you own and distribute the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’
      23 But when he heard this he was overcome with sadness, for he was very rich.
      24 Jesus looked at him and said, ‘How hard it is for those who have riches to make their way into the kingdom of God!
      25 Yes, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for someone rich to enter the kingdom of God.’
      26 Those who were listening said, ‘In that case, who can be saved?’
      27 He replied, ‘Things that are impossible by human resources, are possible for God.’
      28 But Peter said, ‘Look, we left all we had to follow you.’
      29 He said to them, ‘In truth I tell you, there is no one who has left house, wife, brothers, parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God
      30 who will not receive many times as much in this present age and, in the world to come, eternal life.’

      • dusanmal says:

        Left usually skips this point: nowhere in that or other text of the Bible does scripture say “Give everything to Cesar/Government and they’ll redistribute it as they see fit”. Demand is for personal, free will, direct giving from those who have to those who don’t. Gleaning practice is the most obvious in that: it is not “harvest all and give percentage to Government so they can feed the poor…” it is ” do not harvest all – leave some for poor to come and harvest for themselves…”. I see both Romney and Ryan exactly as asking for latter. Democrats convinced that nothing can be done without Government and redistribution are unable to even grasp such society based on free will.

        • orchidcup says:

          So how do you view the TARP legislation that was signed into law by U.S. President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008; was that event a redistribution of wealth?

        • Nathan says:

          “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.”


          “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”

          ― Alexis de Tocqueville

          • orchidcup says:

            When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.

            — Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) US Founding Father

      • Vic says:

        ..Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death, I Fear not, Cause I’m the Meanest son of a bitch in the Valley..

        Three stooges 4:6

    • So what says:

      Don’t mind alfie, it’s the only book he has ever taken the time to read, well, at least he claims that he took the time to read it. Now the understanding it part we all have doubts about.

      He is also a bit frantic right now, Fox news shows Obama ahead of Romney by nine points and increasing. I guess he shouldn’t have endorsed Mitt so soon.

      • deowll says:

        Hard to be sure what is really going on. People have to show up and actually vote and the WI exit poles still got it wrong. Truman was real jolly holding up the paper with the headline Dewy Wins!

        In other words it’s not over till the fat lady sings er, the vote is tabulated and if its real close then we get to do a recount just like with Gore/Bush.

  12. dusanmal says:

    At least Democratic point of attack on Ryan is exactly what the whole election should be about: budget, restructuring of social programs,… So I hope that his choice will result in drop in personal attacks and switch to the real fight for USA: big government redistributive collective based society with classes to take from and classes to give to or small government with egalitarian opportunity (not result) for all equally treated individuals.

    • orchidcup says:

      Some people are treated more equal than others.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t bullshit yourself! Some people have MORE MONEY!

        • msbpodcast says:

          Not just MORE MONEY but a lot more money.

          If you’re a thousandaire, (the 99%ers,)
          your bosses are a thousand time richer, they’re millionaires, (the 1%ers,) and
          their owners are a thousand times richer again, they’re this country’s 12,400 billionaires.

          The problems of the 12,400 are millennial. They could stop earning, as if you could right now and have to figure out what to do with their assets for the next three thousand years.

          We 99%ers are all broke or near enough not to matter. Most us live paycheck to paycheck and we’re one accident or illness away from calamity. We don’t ever have assets, we have some income and some less liquid crap.

          Its the 1%ers who are all the problem. The banksters, the politicians, the greedy bosses who want to pile up enough dough-re-mi and kiss-my-asset to last for a few life times. They are ruthless and insecure enough to feel entitled to the 99%ers money.

          So send a 1%er to a re-education camp today.

          It worked for Pol Pot. (Its when he went after the Cambodian peasants using their children as their killers that he found out just how poor the average peasants’ lives are.)

          • LibertyLover says:

            If those 99% were to get off their ass and go vote, it wouldn’t really matter what the 1% is doing.

  13. Dallas says:

    Willard introduced him as the next president so I’m not entirely sure what the plan is. So, is Willard a bottom or a top? This needs to be sorted out before the ballots get printed

    • orchidcup says:

      Did Willard introduce Paul as the next President?


      I don’t believe it. Nobody would do something that stupid.

      Link, please. Prove it.

  14. moss says:

    Affirms that Republicans hate grayheads as much as they hate women, Blacks and Hispanics.

    Adding their primo advocate for privatizing social security and medicare confirms nothing more clearly than a commitment to insurance companies as organic as their love affair with Wall Street and the Oil Patch Boys.

  15. Anonymous says:

    This ought to be interesting: Plastic Men vs. Plastic Money.

    You have to admit that Obama is like a 16-year old girl with an unlimited Visa, Master Card and EmEx credit card – and has been going nuts with the shopping.

    And I doubt very many people would argue that Romney isn’t as plastic and out of touch as a wax museum statue. (But he’s still the better choice of the two evils.)

    What I’m waiting to find out is why their running mates seem to have been switched!

    Somehow, I get the feeling that Big Oil and Big Business will win either way.

    • Nathan says:

      Don’t forget Zionism will win either way as well.

      • orchidcup says:

        Surah 48:28,29

        48:28 He it is Who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion. And Allah sufficeth as a Witness.

        48:29 Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. Thou (O Muhammad) seest them bowing and falling prostrate (in worship), seeking bounty from Allah and (His) acceptance. The mark of them is on their foreheads from the traces of prostration. Such is their likeness in the Torah and their likeness in the Gospel – like as sown corn that sendeth forth its shoot and strengtheneth it and riseth firm upon its stalk, delighting the sowers – that He may enrage the disbelievers with (the sight of) them. Allah hath promised, unto such of them as believe and do good works, forgiveness and immense reward.

  16. Uncle Dave says:

    These should be a few of the talking points when the debates start up.

    • orchidcup says:

      No. 5 will lose the support of Bible-thumpers:

      5. This is both a pro and a con to Ryan, depending on who you ask, but he’s notably further to the left on the issue of lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender rights than the base of the party. He broke with a lot of his party to support the Employee Non-Discrimination Act in 2007. He explained his reasoning for the vote in this way: “They [his gay friends] didn’t roll out of bed one morning and choose to be gay. That’s who they are.”

  17. msbpodcast says:

    So what?

    I can’t tell you which of these bozos will win in november, but I can tell you who’ll lose: US, the 99%ers.

    Our taxes will go up regardless of who wins.

    After all Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal were just dress rehearsals for what’s going to happen to us!

    Don’t worry about Mittens or O’Mama. They have some justice and fairness impaired idiot 99%ers called accountants who are working ceaselessly on making sure that their owners/bosses pay as little tax as they can.

    We’re about to be told to shut up, drup our pants, bend forward, grab our ankles and money better be coming out of our asses or we’re going to be getting bankster dick in there…

    You’re about to discover just how much Shrub’s war fueled spending orgy really cost the economy.

    • orchidcup says:

      Nah. We will adjust and adapt to the circumstances like humans have been doing for a hundred thousand years.

      We will find ways to work for cash under the table and conceal income from taxes or find a way to get on the government dole or whatever it takes to survive.

      It is the same whack-a-mole game we have been playing since humans crawled out of the slime.

  18. DarrylSJ says:

    Romney is going after the rich white vote. He has the locked up!

  19. mayor bloomburger says:

    orchidcup – are you implying there’s something wrong with being black? (I’d say you’re a racist, but you just quacks like a duck)

    • So what says:

      It’s called sarcasm, even alfie would have recognized it, maybe.

      Unless of course you’re being sarcastic.

    • orchidcup says:

      Yes I am a racist.

      I am part Irish, part Welsh, part Cherokee and most times when I wake up in the morning I hate myself.

      (That was sarcasm.) 🙂

  20. Yoda says:

    Hmmm. In trouble Romney thinks his campaign is. Thinks Ryan will shake things up he does.

  21. bobbo, the international citizen of finance, history, and informed self interest says:

    I’ll comment before reading what I expect to be an excellent thread then post again if something more is needed.



    Totally NUTS. And this is the strongest proof yet that Romney is a total goof. He thinks he can get elected by totally pimping his base.

    So, once again the fate of the USA resides in the sanity of the 5-7% undecided? Does this group want all social/governmental services cut to them in order to provide more money to the Already Super Rich in order to …….. in order to ……. to what? The independents are not known to be enamored of God, Guns, and Abortion.

    Damn independents. What law could be passed to make sure they aren’t qualified to vote?

    Give them a voucher for a chance to win an all expense paid vacation to la la land?

    Not knowing what these undecided independents want, I can only hope its not a dickwad like Ryan. All this attention will hopefully lose him this and his own elections.

    If only the Baby Jebus could be consulted with.

    Silly Hoomans. (Will THAT ever change?)

    • ± says:

      “I’ll comment before reading what I expect to be an excellent thread then post again if something more is needed.”


      Thank you.

  22. bobbo, the international citizen of finance, history, and informed self interest says:

    Well, weaker thread than I was expecting.

    Uncle Dave came thru as usual with a beginning link to the (lack of) substance of Ryan:

    These should be a few of the talking points when the debates start up.

    More will come out in the oncoming few months. I CAN’T STAND RYAN. Good or bad, he is a transparent (ie-OBVIOUS) liar. “I want to save Medicare.” and his program is to voucherize it. Not a bullet to the head, just a tightening garrote. How clever he is.

    I assume like most Pukes he wants to lower the tax burden on you and me/on the USA/shrink the size of Government (sics all around) first by INCREASING THE SIZE OF THE MILITARY, because being able to fight WW2 all over again is up to date in their Luddite thinking, decreasing the tax rate for all ((the most regressive form of tax (relief) there is)), and removing/reversing any regulatory control on the RICH continuing their skimming raping way on Wallstreet, which is really AmeriKa?

    Yes, a keen financial type—thinks increasing the deficit can be presented as decreasing it because when you feed the rich like geese being foie grased==the jobs/growth just come shitting out. Just like the experience has been for the past 12 years. Lets keep doing what doesn’t work until it does.

    This country is totally insane. Not that Romney/Ryan might be elected, but rather that this clown team could even get nominated.

    Just LOOK!!!!!

  23. badcowboy says:

    I think Romney picked Ryan to get a Catholic/Christian on his ticket.

    The way Fox ‘news’ kept working on Obama’s religion, but they are dead quiet on the cult that is Mormonism – this choice a way to get the Catholics onboard with a Mormon (second ‘m’ is silent) being president – it might work.

  24. RICK says:

    Paul Ryan just put the Romney/Ryan ticket in the doghouse. You can’t win the presidency on extremism, and Romney just did a lean to the right.

    For awhile there he was actually beginning to sound a bit presidential but this will be a disaster. Ryan’s budget and bad math will destroy Romney’s chances in November.

    The Republicans don’t want to face up to the fact that you can’t balance the budget by tossing grandma into the street. You will have to slay your sacred cows of the Defense budget and the tax breaks for the rich, as well as kicking out the lobbyists.

    • Greg says:

      Hey Mr. Rick: you claimed “You can’t win the presidency on extremism…”, but Obama has already proved that this is not true.

  25. NewformatSux says:

    Ryan destroyed Obamacare and his budget plans in 6 minutes.

    • bobbo, the international citizen of finance, history, and informed self interest says:

      agreed. And then offered nothing better. Destroying what politicians say is an easy task. You see that when Ryan talks about his own plan.

      They are all more alike than different.

      Obama = lying to help 99% on rare ocassion.
      Ryan = lying to help 1% ALL THE TIME.

      The same, yet with subtle differences.


      Don’t let the bastards lie to you, don’t vote for them while knowing that they are lying to you.

      Yea, verily.

  26. Grandpa says:

    It doesn’t matter who the choice is. They are committed to killing The Affordable Care Act, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and anything else they think is wasteful. No sane person of average income or below would vote these programs out so the rich can have more tax cuts.

    I hate Obama as much as the rest of you but I cannot vote to screw myself.

    • ± says:

      Obamacare health plan will not be revoked even if (hypothetically) there are 100% Republicans in the house and Senate with an R president.

      Again; with rare exceptions, this blog is populated with sheeple [R and D voters], like most everywhere else in the country who will dutifully pull the handle to hire the same people they have watched destroy the country for decades now.

      • bobbo, the international citizen of finance, history, and informed self interest says:

        Yes, if everyone would just act in one way, there could be change. But our system shapes the choices reasonably available.

        So, removing the sheeple choice of R or D which will be the outcome of the next election===what do you recommend in this real world?

        Real world.

        YOU KNOW—not the childish irrelevant world you post from.

        • ± says:

          The basic premise is true and everyone knows that it is true. When you hire Rs or Ds >>YOU<< are the problem. You hired them, they didn't hire themselves.

          I don't know what goes through R and D voter minds when they pull the handle for one of them. Maybe something like "oh well, I had to vote for the lesser of evils again". I'm thinking that was probably my thought the last time I voted that way in 1990. So back then was my last vote for (known) evil.

          When in a voting booth, there should be only one criterion going through someones mind for choosing and that is: "which candidate (or even write-in) who if everyone else voted for them, regardless of how unlikely this is, would be the best for the country". This obviously precludes ever voting R or D again since those machines are irretrievably corrupt. Then you can leave the booth with a clear conscience and not be part of the problem.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            You express only the surface brush with reality.

            The “best” candidate, a third party if you will, is still only the least of three evils.

            When you vote for this third least of three evils your vote often helps the WORST of the three candidates. Thats how voting for Ralph Nader gave us George Bush.

            Your philosophy is only half thought thru blatherings of a child.

            But you already know that. Like warm piss, it feels good to you though at least for the first few minutes which is all it takes to post.

  27. sargasso_c says:

    There’s another election?

  28. kilroy says:

    once ryan begins to lay down the numbers, I do not know where obama and biden are going to hide

  29. kilroy says:

    once ryan lays down the math, obama and biden have no place to hide

    • NewformatSux says:

      Liberals don’t believe in math or science, while thinking they do.


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