So, what do you think? Good or bad choice for Romney? Good or bad choice for Obama? Should he have picked someone else? Discuss…

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has picked Congressman Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate, the Romney campaign confirmed on Saturday. […] The announcement will mark the end a months-long search by Romney for a running mate to join him in facing Democratic President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the November 6 election.

  1. Somebody says:

    Uncle Dave,

    What gives? I got an email from JCD saying he predicted that Romney would try to loose the election and that the Ryan pick proves his point.

    You two should talk.

    Romney has already delivered his payload, which was to knock Ron Paul out of the running. So now, our overlords can’t loose. If either Obama or Romney wins it’s to be a tool of the CIA in the white house and regime change in Tehran not DC.

    People should watch Pilger’s “The War on Democracy” and then reflect on the fact that the skills the CIA developed in fixing elections in South America are now being used right here in the good ol’e US of A. No matter what happens you get a creature of the CIA as the maximum leader.

    Also notice, if you will, that the structure of society favored by the CIA is 1% super rich 99% ground down into abject poverty. Sound familiar?

    Then you should consider that right now in Afghanistan our troops are getting training on how to kick down doors in the middle of the night, to hold everybody at gun-point, to confiscate all weapons and to “disappear” troublesome locals. There is no credible geopolitical benefit to all this. I doubt many Americans ever think that the point is to develop skills to be used inside the USA. All that’s needed now is some sort of series of incidents to make the people accept the idea that the public needs to be disarmed – for their own safety.

    Hmm… I wonder what would that be?

    I would like my fellow Americans to reflect on the the examples of history, that when you loose your freedom you also loose up to half your population to genocide, civil war, starvation, purges what have you.

    You can look at Caesar’s Rome or the Communist take over of Russia or Cambodia to verify this if you are not clear on the issue.

    I can think of no good reason for my fellow Americans to assume – as so many of you seem to – that we will not pay the same historical price if we let the last of our freedoms be taken away.

    I know there are too many ideas in this post for most of the readership to absorb. I post this for the few who can use their minds.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      You think societal freedom is guaranteed by personal ownership of guns huh?

      You only highlight one of the many kinds of freedom: to be insane yet still functional in a society losing the freedom of being safe in a crowd due to the gun toting lunatic fringe.

      Silly Hoomans.

  2. Somebody says:

    No, I think slavery is guaranteed by the loss of the right to self defense.

    I only think so because it is so fucking obvious.

    I’m sure you’ll disagree.

  3. Dallas says:

    I’m not entirely surprised that Willard picked a clone instead of someone to balance the ticket. He clearly loves himself and can now be in two places at once saying the same thing.

    This might be a Mormon thing to only listen to one point of view – yours.

    For the first time EVER, my staunch Republican father indicated he will vote for neither. He can’t stomach that shifty motherfucker Willard but like most elderly Teapublicans, won’t vote for a negro. This is a good compromise

    • NewformatSux says:

      LOL, love how liberals on this site lie about their father to make a point. Mr ConFusion claimed his dad had a 40 year old typewriter that could make the Dan Rather fake memos about Bush and the National Guard.

      • Dallas says:

        I have no reason to lie. I mean, it’s s fucking blog site filled with morons I’ll never know !!

        The fact is, both my parents are first generation Cuban immigrants. My father is a staunch, anti castro, anti Obama, anti Kennedy Republican!!

        You know, the ones that Repugs like to visit and drink Cuban coffee with every 4 years like a visiting Ass-teroid for their vote ! I have the extra bonus of the no negro policy.

        So there you have it! You’re a clueless moron who likes to do and think like mommy and daddy, and I’m a liberated free thinker that accepts my parents point of view and doesn’t have to carry the no nigger think like a family heirloom like you sheeple mofos!

      • JFetch says:

        I’m a liberal, and my dad is a Republican gun nut that doesn’t understand that he’s racist. He sends me text messages about killing Muslims during prayer and thinks it’s funny. He talks a lot about “the blacks” also, but since he doesn’t use the N word thinks it’s ok. Those people do exist, and in bigger numbers than you think.

    • ± says:

      Thank your father for not voting R or D, but makes sure he votes. He will know he is not part of the problem.

      • Dallas says:

        Not voting is his way of saying he has no confidence in the current Republican Party he ( and I) once respected.

        The GOP days of William F Buckley are gone. Now it’s a bunch of hateful Teabaggers competing with the Christian Taliban for the party reigns. He knows it and most thinking people know it.

        I don’t want to sound mean spirited but the opposing but compromising alternative to the democratic party are now corporate fascist pigs intermingled with the Christian Taliban and uncompromising Teabaggers.

  4. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Well!!!! …. I for one hope this forum does not further sink to the level of “Yo Momma….” jokes.

    Seems to me “in context” that Mr Confusion, who hasn’t posted for quite some time all to our detriment, was more talking about his fathers typewriter rather than his father?

    Typical of the NON-THINK that is demonstrated here so regularly==the sin of CONFLATION. Confusion talking about his fathers typewriter is lying about his father the same as Dallas is lying about his father because ……… because ………. because NFS disagrees with the point being made?

    So spurious, inelegant, stupid, off point, irrelevant….. and so forth.

    Dallas–I enjoyed getting that little snippet of how you have come to know Republicans. Don’t take the bait.

    NFS–exercise some discretion?===or just don’t be stupid. All amounts to the same thing. Or would that be another example of conflation? Ha, ha.

    Let’s see==my father was a lib. He had a typewriter. Had never been to Cuba. Am I lying?

    Silly Hoomans.

  5. won percent says:

    If these people love the one percenters so much then that is how many votes they should get – 1%.

  6. NewformatSux says:

    Chairman of Obama’s deficit commision
    About Paul Ryan:
    “I always thought I was OK with arithmetic, this guy can run circles around me.

    “Honest, sincere, straightforward.”

    On Obama,
    the president came out with a budget, I don’t think anybody took that budget very seriously.

  7. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    NFS–fair enough link.

    One politicians commenting on another one. Pure static to be ignored UNLESS it is specific, bad, confirmed, and linked. Something you hardly ever see—except against Ryan. HAW HAW!!!!

    Yes–the short hairs is he wants to get rid of MediCare and Soc Sec as we know it WHILE providing more tax breaks for the super rich. Now, thats fine and dandy if you do think 99% of the people (thats including you and/or your kiddies) need less money while the Millionaires need more.

    Now—who really thinks that when put right to him directly?

    So—NFS==do you want less money from the gov. in order to give further tax breaks to the Super Rich? Do you?

    I’ll check back. Extra credit: include “why.”

  8. Howard Beale says:

    the Ryan family construction business has been sucking off big government tits for many decades

    government money paid them to built the roads and airports that make the whole US businesses system work

    so i guess in Paul Rayn’s case Yes his family did build that and with our money

  9. NewformatSux says:

    Ryan is Catholic, Republican, and thinks global warming is a fraud. Shouldn’t you let Eideard make the post on him?

  10. JimD, Boston, MA says:

    Great !!! Romney now has put a MILL-STONE AROUND HIS OWN NECK !!! Sayonara, Repukes – 40 years in the Wilderness – again !!!

    P.S. see Gingrich’s endorsement of Ryan for VP – that’s a sure winner – NOT !!!

    • NewformatSux says:

      And I’m sure the 700 billion in cuts to Medicare are not a millstone around Obama’s neck? He said in 2009, that 1/3 of ObamaCare funding comes from cutting Medicare. The government is hiding this fact from seniors until after the election, not letting them know their policies are expiring.

  11. MikeN says:

    Obama campaign made a major mistake in sending out a fundraising e-mail talking about the big crowds Ryan got on the campaign trail. The Obama voters are herd followers. So Obama is advertising for his voters to vote for the other team!

  12. NewformatSux says:

    So now liberals have to go into the election as the party of tax increases, AND the party of cutting Medicare.

    Keep your greedy Obamacare loving hands off my Medicare!

  13. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Somebody demonstrating how posting from the lunatic fringe works in practice says:
    8/15/2012 at 1:02 pm

    Discretion being the better part of valor, you’ve once again chosen to pick around the periphery of my post. /// I directly contradicted your post line by line. If exactly what you said is your periphery, your center is lost to us all …. probably a good thing?

    I stand by my prediction that there will be civil war in this country when the second ammendment is declaired null and void. /// Date? Circumstances bring this action about? Or does this also go to the periphery of your Magic Eight Ball?

    If you can call it civil war when the state murderes massive numbers of resisting citizens. /// I’d say that was close enough for government purposes.

    Who knows, maybe Justice Roberts has already worked out how the Federal Government’s just-declaired absolute power to tax could support a gun tax where you just give them your gun or go to jail as a tax-evader. (Assuming you don’t die in a hail of hollow-point rounds.) /// He declared no such absolute right. He did accurately point out that such activities were “traditionally” taxed. The Roberts Court along with the Obama admin has been quite supportive of idiot gun rights. At your center, you are confusing quite a few issues. Why do you do this? Can you avoid doing this?

    They seem to be getting ready now:

    Notice the preference for hollow-point rounds. /// Does seem needlessly expensive and irrelevant.

    I’d like to hear how you reconcile that with your belief that everything they do is out of love and care for the populace. /// I have never thought nor said anything close to that. Your center appears as corrupt and delusional as your periphery. Ha, ha. Can’t argue the ponit, so you create a strawman argument and lose that too. Total dumbshit. Paraphrase: “Government by its very nature is corrupt and oppressive … but necessary.” And so it goes.

    But I guess you’ll think you are free as long as you love Master so dearly. /// All such issues fall on a continuum. I do see our freedoms being eroded as Big Brother Computer Technology takes over and moves towards Skynet. There is nothing in pointing out your stupidity that draws a line towards loving our government. Silly of you to think and post as if it did. I have the capacity to disdain both of you.

    Silly Hoomans.

  14. MartinJJ says:

    Romney is a bad choice already. But so is Obama. Why bother about Ryan at all?

    350 Million people and all you can choose from is only 2 liars who will both continue to destroy the country further more? Whats wrong in this picture? Better focus on the rediculous only two party scam and totally corrupt voting system instead.


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