Presented as a stark contrast to the many fawning songs about Obama done in 2008.
Gotye: Somebody that I used to know….
By John C Dvorak Monday August 6, 2012
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Got a link to any fawning song?
I think maybe that Obama Girl had a few ditties.
….Obama Girl?====Really?
Really? never saw the Will I. Am song? Or the little kids in the school room produced by some Hollywood director? Who are you kidding?
Yep, I recalled the nursery school song. didn’t see the others.
Obama Girl was all about Obama Girl trying to scam a living, get her own 15 minutes of Fame. I was even surprised beyond interviews with her about her and how much SHE loved Obama, there was no Democratic Party/Obama use of her.
The school class song was a story about how stupid the bureaucracy of the school was, or maybe just the teacher?–or was it a class vote? Again–the powers that you are trying to malign ignored it.
I missed Will I Am–he’s a rap singer? Black guy praising the first half black president, hoping for change? Again–I didn’t see anyone in a governmental position refer to the song/rapper/or ideas presented.
So, what are we left with? ……….. Pop Culture. Singing about the President with no relevant point at all.
Shouldn’t political analysis be just a little bit deeper? Yeah, I know…. good enough for the teapublicans…. but c’mon.
Lots of relevant substantive criticisms to be made against Obama. The one that is sticking for instance?: overly optimistic/naive about how seriously injured the economy was after the Bush/Clinton reforms and Bank Fraud and therefore how long the recovery would take? Dumb enough to state hard targets and that he would be a one term Pres if not corrected?
THAT was way stupid. Good thing we have Romney to run against him.
Failure to prosecute the Massive Wall Street Fraud?
there’s two……. but who am I trying to kid?
I’m sure I agree with the sentiment, but I barely made it through 2 minutes of watching this drivel…
Neither Omama nor Mittenz is worth commenting on. Moving on…
That’s clever and smart. Maybe these two or who ever created this video should run for Congress.
Let’s face it. Reid and Romney are the same guy. Never drank, Never paid taxes, and never cared about anyone that is not LDS (Mormon).
Could never understand this video because they are culturally impaired.
Running a Morman is the same as running an Eskimo or Indian for president.
We can expect to see serious anti-Mormon bigotry the closer we get. Good start.
I have two friends that are Morman, and they are the most dependable and down to earth of all my friends.
Where does the line get drawn for what a person has to say yes to, and what a person can say no to?
I’m not a anti-mormon bigot. Having to deal with Romney’s culture daily is not fun.
Utah is a theocracy and expect the same level of lobbying from the “city pool closed on Sundays” group if he wins.
You talk about screwing families… he golf course is open, but not the pools? We have a bond on those pools and the entrance fees pay the bond. Closing it 1 day a week adds to our taxes.
The good news is that Drinking and Driving is almost impossible.
Explain to me how closing the pool increases your taxes? If the existing entrance fees are enough to pay the bond, then opening it for an extra day, generates surplus fees, while racking up more tax expenses to pay the staff.
Lyrics say, “In 2012 I need Obama that I use to know.”
Why? What’s he done? You want more jive talk?
Obama brought us ObamaCare. Not the single payer he wants and will ultimately achieve. The resistance of the brain dead Republican Base must first be overcome. Romney is doing the best he can on that front.
Imagine anyone not criminally insane admitting they are going to vote for Romney?
Ha, ha. No tax paying fool==wants to be given the Office cause he’s a Job Creator.
Who believes that…… even he doesn’t.
Silly Hoomans.
OK..let’s cut to the chase:
I stopped 30 secs in at “a Muslim vs a Mormon.” I don’t mind walking and talking with god until god starts talking shit and fanning race/religious wars or whatever is up this guys shorts.
You listen to crazy people, hard not to get crazy yourself. (STFU Pedro!)
HAR! Bobbo talking about crazy people. The irony made me laugh.
True – the Troll is at it again…..
Manning has one of the very best over the air voices I have ever heard. It’s emotional, invigorating, and effortless.
Just put yourself in his place at minute 10 and just try to be 1/10th as good.
This video proves that any dumbass with a Bible and a God complex can make a video and scream a lot.
Post-modern racism. That’s funny.
Bizarre rant.
I could not follow his line of reasoning because there is none.
Good..I thought it was just me.
I believe that the man in the video was attempting to state that people today are still racist, but they search out other reasons to publicly state why they don’t like a person or group of people instead of just owning up to their racism.
If that is what you understood, he failed in his attempt.
Start at 8:17.
Black people are black… Huh?
Sheriff Joe, The Donald and Newsmax wont give power to the truth about Obama. I watched the whole rant, The MADDING report. Thanks John, I enjoyed that tangent and insanity.
Its’s MADDENING. ha.
it’s goatse
Heartwarming to see Republicans keeping up with electricity.
Showing a wider audience how to be losers.
I wonder how much the RNC paid for the right to ruin this song.
Obama said he wasn’t interested in playing the game better, but that he wanted to change the game, complaining about getting millions of dollars in speaking fees and lobbying contracts.
Then he let lobbyists in , and David Plouffe collected double his $50,000 speaking fee from a company doing business with Iran.
Funny, I dedicated the video to two FB friends last week who supported Shit-Fil-A during Huckabee’s bigot appreciation day.
One had the gall to ask me for a professional recommendation a few days later. …. Pahhleez. They’re both Shit-Fil-Aholes in my book.
I believe I can honestly say that this post and insightful observations about it have enhanced may understanding.
Hey Alfie–I couldn’t figure out where to post my response, so I do it here.
Best Bible Explanation for Marriage argument I have read. Quite rational and on point and succinct within that context.
Couple of years ago, I had the same issues regarding keeping the language intact, but why should that one word be carved in stone (sic) when everything else evolves?
In the end, I think the simple fact that any two other people getting *married* does nothing to the marriages of hetero’s moved me to become agnostic. Let Democracy Win—as when a bunch of Utah money floods into the State of California when the issue is on our ballot. How come “Thou shalt not influence elections outside your State Boundaries.” is not the Eleventh Commandment in the Book of Mormon? Id say either God isn’t thinking ahead, or he just doesn’t care.
Sad, when god doesn’t care.
Seems that white people are more disappointed in Obama than black people are.
Makes you wonder exactly what the white voter was expecting in the first place?
So, two 20-somethings woke up.
What makes it news is that it’s so unusual.
Or has Obama brought cynicism and despair to a whole new generation?
Maybe we weren’t ready for an MKUltra Manchurian candidate from Kenya.
Speaking of the CIA, Romney was endorsed by Bush….
Hipsters always tire of something thats older than 6 months. 4 years is an eternity for the knit-cap neckbeard white 20-somethings. No wonder they’re tired of Obama, they’ve already changed their favorite latte 5 times over his presidency.