At first I thought it was Steve Ballmer. The video ended abruptly probably because TSA goons stopped him from taking photos.
found by Tex Ligums
At first I thought it was Steve Ballmer. The video ended abruptly probably because TSA goons stopped him from taking photos.
found by Tex Ligums
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I guess you’ve never spent much time around railroad enthusiasts. This reaction is a bit over the top, especially for a diesel, but I’ve witnessed similar reactions. Especially around some of the more historical steam trains like the last operational Challenger locomotives. (I have to admit, that one was impressive) what’s a “foamer??”
From the Urban Dictionary:
A term railroad employees use to describe a railroad enthusiast / railfan and the railfan community at large. Most often used disparagingly.
That’s a good question… (Sorry JCD I couldn’t resist)
Yeah, I’ve heard it used in reference to the more extreme enthusiasts (you know the “Nutz”) of which this guy does appear to be one. I love trains too, have quite a collection of G-Gauge myself, but I’ve never be this excited over them.
No goons. They are still mostly being extended in states like CA that are solidly the government knows best so kneel slave.
that are solidly the government knows
Now what were you really trying to type?
I would like to see a video of him at a strip club. It would most likely be a similar one.
No foaming allowed.
Hey, he likes locomotives…
I can just imagine how incoherent he’d become in Wakefield, QuĂ©bec, around the Gatineau where they still run a steam locomotive and a couple of cars on thirty or so miles of track for the tourists.
He’d probably soil himself…
Must be the trainspotting cousin of the Double Rainbow guy.
Now if this were footage of the 1956 & ’57 Ford Thunderbird or the Jaguar XKE, I could understand this kind of reaction.
To each his own, I guess.
Double TRAINbow? (winces….)
Fur sure!
I live near one of them touristy western narrow gauge / steam locomotive outfits, we get lots of enthusiasts clogging up the crossings taking pictures.
I worked on a section gang for 2 years back in the early 70’s, on the Norfolk and Western RR. Didn’t care much for the work, or the trains. Damn hard work.
You guys are just jaded…and probably correct.
they had it on the local news saying it was a parody, before it was posted here
And the train goes round and round.
The next thing is that they will tell us that Google+ really matters.
So there.
I’m inclined to think fake because of his use of the foamer term and the comment about the blue engine that was hooked to the first engine. Surely he saw that immediately. It was not a surprise like the way he played it.
That said…this is a winner.
Justin Bieber films a train?????????
you should see what a “Foamey” is it’s a hobby of making foam remote control airplanes and there are people obssesed with those too..
ah these hobby people are always strange, reminds me of Ham Nation on twit
foamer is over thinking it jc
i’ll do a day on the farm for tellin
you ned to get the rub
you suck at this. what’s the rush
Fuck You
lol.. my bad
Trains good, planes bad, woo wooo!
want myreal name before you die?
OMG. Please don’t tell me this guy just had a train-gasm. That’s probably the real reason why this video ended abruptly.
I haven’t been on a train in years. I remember it being noisy, uncomfortable, and very crowded. None of those things bring me such joy i require a change of boxers……
This is faked. Nobody gets that intense over a train.
Some people do.
Sad isn’t it?
I have an interest in vintage WWII airplanes.
I was allowed to fly a P51-D fighter plane that was restored to perfect condition.
I didn’t wet my pants or have an orgasm, but it was a joy to fly the only propeller-driven fighter plane to break the sound barrier.
Planes good, trains bad.
What state is North Creek in?
There is an Illinois railway museum in Union, Illinois for train buffs to go apeshit over. They have precious relics dragged in from Chicago & elsewhere & with due deliberation they restore them as best they can.
Can’t wait to see the autotuned version.
It is wonderful that these relics of the industrial age are so well looked after.
You do realize that this is a parody?
Here is the original
I knew it was faked.
Steve Ballmer would have ended with “Conductors! Conductors! Conductors!”
I don’t get it.
I mean, it’s not like he’s watching a steam engine :).
I thought it was Howard Dean behind the camera with the last little exhale, sounded like a toned down Dean Scream.