Romney’s horse is really America’s horse in the Olympics because we helped pay for it. He got a $77,000 tax deduction and that means that people who work for a living paying wages have to pay more to make up for the difference. No wonder he doesn’t want to talk about it.

  1. John says:

    I’m sick of hearing how Bain capital loses jobs for American’s. You know if it were not for Bain Capital a lot of those companies would be no more. That would be a lot more American jobs lost. You can’t keep penalizing people for making money. That’s stupid.
    Or penalizing companies for staying in business and keeping as many Americans as they can working. Romney should not be looked upon as doing something wrong by making money. He did not run a ponzi scheme or rip people off. He simply took advantage legally of what the government allows. Maybe you liberals who hate people who make money should take to Harry Reid about changing the tax laws? Let’s not forget your precious Warren Buffett who owes the Feds millions in back taxes? Don’t see anyone complaining about that? So its OK for Liberals to skirt the tax code. Not alright for conservatives? Hypocrite.

    • Dallas says:

      I don’t mind him exporting American jobs nor hiding his wealth in tax evading nations. It’s all legal.

      He’s being criticized for being a liar and a hypocrite to the platform he is standing on to be president.

      This is why this discussion is best left for intelligent people so scoot! Scoot!

      • Birddog says:

        Liar and a hypocrite that is the correct way to do it, it worked for Obama.

        • bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

          Of all the many, many lies and hypocrisies I know you have carefully reviewed, care to share your work product with us and tell us which ones you find to be particularly odious?

          You know–the one’s that really go to the quality of life Americans should be voting on?

          ….I’ll check back every few months for your list.

    • orchidcup says:

      Nobody stands accused of skirting the tax code.

      Warren Buffet owes back taxes. So do a lot of other taxpayers.

      The problem is the tax code itself, where people are allowed to owe back taxes in the first place, and wealthy people can shelter income from tax liability legally.

      The average working stiff has taxes withheld and gets a refund if he is lucky.

    • Collo Rosso says:

      Thanks, John. He took a tax deduction, not a grant! Will there ever be any outrage for taxpayer funded vacations for Michelle and her “tribe”? The LibNuts only want to hear and believe their own lies, misrepresentations, and exaggerations.

  2. dusanmal says:

    OK, @Perkel, this was part of your comment “…He got a $77,000 tax deduction…” – please stop outright lies. If mass media haven’t corrected themselves because even they saw how outrageous lie it was I’d buy “ignorance”. As is, it is malicious lie (perpetuated at non-journalistic, ideological websites – but still a lie). Actual documents were shown on all major mass media. Actual deduction: 50$ (fifty dollars)… Please correct the malicious lying part of the comment about the story. Romney tax return is open to public and you can check it for yourself if still claiming ignorance.

  3. NewformatSux says:

    So now every tax deduction is the people’s money?

    That’s really the people’s charitable donation you made. That’s the people’s health insurance you are getting.

  4. Crug says:

    Gee Marc, and if the government had just gotten that $50 G then they could have used it to fund 1/100th of the cost of one of Michele Obama’s vacations. Just think of the extra fun she could have had with that 50G!

  5. msbpodcast says:

    Shut the revenue department down and start this country over again.

    Mittens or Oh! Bama… It makes no difference.

    • Dallas says:

      Still dream’n.

      I agree but you need to rid yourself of that and unicorns.

  6. bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

    Facts matter. They are the building blocks of what we think unless we substitute thinking for babbling talking points or chanting DOGMA.

    Short google turned up most sites just stating what the tax savings was without authority or analysis. The first site I found that gave an explanation has the ring of truth to me:

    To whit: Phew, appears to be a standard business thing where the $77K is a “loss”, not a tax credit. At least, by reading a bit of the commentary around the webs. They can subtract this loss from any future earnings they may get from this money-sink, fun-toy but they aren’t getting a tax credit. That makes me a little less grumpy about it.

    Once he’s RICH, I don’t really care what he spends his money on. Its how he got rich that concerns me: vulture capitalism. Not being a good American. Buying Congress to twist the laws so that what he does is legal.

    IN A RATIONAL WORLD—WHAT ROMNEY DID TO GET RICH WOULD BE ILLEGAL!!!!!!! and it should be in the future as well. Too many “reasonable” people like John above even sound good, even upset at the notion that Virtuous Capitalism should be maligned. BWAHAHAHAHAHAH.

    Silly Monkeys. Playing in their own shit thinking its banana creme pie. So, let’s parse.

  7. bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

    John the shortsighted, probably feathernesting, true believer says:
    8/3/2012 at 10:37 am

    I’m sick of hearing how Bain capital loses jobs for American’s. /// Gee. A FACT QUESTION. Can you handle the truth John? Deal with the complexities involved or does it have to be ice cream with chocolate sauce for you all the way?

    You know if it were not for Bain Capital a lot of those companies would be no more. /// Another FACT QUESTION. Have you added them up? You know–pro’s and con’s, good and bad or just……how would you characterize how you parse the varied data field and only see one side of the issue? What would you call that?

    That would be a lot more American jobs lost. /// Maybe its just the Math and not the idea that you so resulutely avoid?

    You can’t keep penalizing people for making money. That’s stupid. /// Who has been penalized? You mean criticism? Is criticizing Romney “if” he raped a company into bankruptcy valid for that one company or is your evaluation a net/net sort of generalization?

    Or penalizing companies for staying in business and keeping as many Americans as they can working. /// I don’t want to guess what you might mean by penalize. Do you mean pay more than 13% income tax? Or any tax at all. Gee whiz John, you really got to get more specific…. and I suspect accurate.

    Romney should not be looked upon as doing something wrong by making money. /// How about wrong HOW he made money?

    He did not run a ponzi scheme or rip people off. //// Ding, ding. Finally a FACT BASED ISSUE and you have it correct as far as I know: no ponzi schemes by Romeny …. but if they were legal, how many do you think he would have done? Hmmmmm? You know that niggly thing about morality—it prevents people who are moral from doing things that are legal. Ain’t that a bitch? The rip off will be the penultimate paragraph.

    He simply took advantage legally of what the government allows. /// Ha, ha. The VERY definition of immoral.

    Maybe you liberals who hate people who make money /// I’m a liberal, and I know we all make money. No self hating here. No–I hate people who rape America to make money whether they do so legally or not. You see—ITS NOT THE LAW, but the morality, and in this case, even the long term effect to general society, that governs my appreciation.

    should take to Harry Reid about changing the tax laws? /// Yes, thats true==all over Romney’s objections too. Isn’t that the point here? …. in part?

    Let’s not forget your precious Warren Buffett who owes the Feds millions in back taxes? Don’t see anyone complaining about that? So its OK for Liberals to skirt the tax code. Not alright for conservatives? Hypocrite. //// You assume our position and then call us Hypocrite. Hee, hee. How about your calling it legal and such? You “assume” we are hypocrites but have FIRMLY revealed yourself as one.

    “♫… and it burns, burns, burns,….that ring of fire, that ring of fire….♫” ((Join in Dallas. I square dance too….but thats another story.))


    Its easy. The millions Romney Made, the Billions Bain made–I say “made” were by looting companies of their assets, reserved capital accounts, accrued healthcare savings accounts and what not either directly or making them subject to bankruptcy after loading up the companies with loans used to fund pay-outs of various sorts to …… c’mon…… you know: Romney and Bain Capital. So, you know the business risk==you do the very best you can to save all those jobs, but after we took out 300 Million in Capital, they just couldn’t make it in the free market. It was “good” that Romeny made $100 Million and 2000 people lost their jobs in a business that could have continued on without the debt load. You know—its just how wonderful capitalism works.

    How about this: the IRS CLAWS BACK any excess compensation paid to exects and all stock dividends paid out by a company for FIVE YEARS prior to a bankruptcy?

    How does that spread your monkey shit around??? You know–being responsible for what you do? In the business to make and sell a product rather than to rape it unconscious? Be PRODUCTIVE for all rather than EXTRACTIVE for yourself? Thats all capitalism too. “Real” captialism, not the rapist, criminal, vulture, Bain, Romney Capitalism that is foisted on the feeble minded we have today.

    You think there is a playing field. There is only a slaughtering pen.

    Silly Hoomans.

    • orchidcup says:

      Do you think maybe you could spit it out in a few sentences?

      • bobbo, orchestrating the sublime from couplets to libraries says:

        Why yes—and I do all the time Orchi.


        STOCK = SCAM

        If I am connected to those of like values, the mind meld poetry of loose association only takes 3-4 words at my verbose best.

        Long form for those who enjoy that–all with the same point, meaning, brevity. The Lost Chord or a Symphony==both the love of music, both in tune.

        Orchi—tell me you ain’t only open to your own poetry?

        Yea, verily.

  8. Mr Diesel says:

    It’s out there that Harry Reid has been beating his wife for the last ten years. How come we don’t hear about that?

    • I'm ugly and my mother dresses me funny says:

      What’s the difference between being neurotic and being psychotic?

      A neurotic builds castles in the air.
      A psychotic lives in them.

      Heeeeeerrrreeeeessss your castle.

  9. deowll says:

    Um so Congress passed a $77,000 tax deduction for horses and Romney’s tax accountants used it? How awful! And yes that horse actually does represent the U.S. of A. in the Olympics.

    I’m a lot less interest in Romney’s tax forms will he’s a private citizen than I am in Hairy Reid’s and all the rest of our elected government officials and yes the WH staff and Cabinet members. I’m not being partisan here. I’d like all elected public officials and high level government officials, in both the state and Fed. Gov., state and Federal tax records to be a matter of public record.

    As for the 49% of the American public of tax paying age who pay no federal income taxes, what gives you the right to say anything about how much taxes other people pay when you are getting a free ride? If you don’t have any skin in the game shut up. Of course if you paid even one cent please feel free to share your views.

  10. msbpodcast says:

    $77,000 for a fuckin’ horse?

    That’s an awfully high price per pound.

    Its better come with one hell of a sauce.

  11. Guyver says:

    He got a $77,000 tax deduction

    And how much did he pay in taxes? Why only talk about one facet and not the whole picture?

    Is it because it deflates the p3nis envy when accounting for how much he’s paid in taxes is probably more than his fair share?

    Has Romney broken any laws? Is the gripe here that Romney is a law-abiding citizen and he utilized every LEGAL means to reduce his tax liability? The horror!

  12. Sigmonde says:

    Romney had 77,000 in losses on the horse business. He had a $50.00 tax deduction. So what?


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