Every day, lately, he’s been saying stupid things. Either he’s incompetent or his staff who would be with him if he won is. Or, again, the Republicans want to throw the election because they know they can’t fix the economy so might as well let Obama win and take more of the blame so as to win in 2016 when the economy has recovered.

Hmmm… Throw the game now so they can play later. Badminton anyone?

Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney hailed Poland’s economy Tuesday as something akin to a Republican dream: a place of small government, individual empowerment and free enterprise.

While it’s true that Poland is one of Europe’s fastest-growing economies and boasts dynamic entrepreneurs, Romney’s depiction of Poland as a place of small government is debatable. Even 23 years after throwing off a communist command economy, the Polish government continues to have a strong presence in people’s lives: it gives women $300 for each baby they have, doubling that sum for poor families; it fully funds state university educations; and it guarantees health care to all its 38 million citizens.

  1. Jason says:

    I would say that goes right along with his platform. let him call it what he will, it’s not small gov.

  2. noneofyourbusiness says:

    We get it, you’re an Obama fanboy. He was speaking about capitalism vs communism. Capitalism is the only system where people thrive.

    Check out some of Milton Friedman’s sessions on youtube. You might learn something.

  3. dittmv says:

    Many of those complaints from the article are equally applicable to the United States since the article speaks with broad generalities.

    The real question should be, how is it that so many in the United States are convinced that Obiden or the eventual Mittens duo will be better than the other when they advocate many of the exact same policies?

    Who are these people’s marketing agencies? These people could sell furnaces to the residents of Midway Island!

  4. NewformatSux says:

    So Romney is the Republican who is going to be labelled dumb by liberals in the media this time? Only to be resurrected decades later as bright compared to the Republican running in this campaign?

  5. orchidcup says:

    Romney hasn’t yet described his own economic program in detail, but he has generally advocated lower taxes, free markets, less regulation and balancing the federal budget. He has also been highly critical of the government economic stimulus program under which Obama poured money into the economy in an effort to revive it from a deep recession.

    In other words, Willard Romoney does not have a specific plan, only generalizations that stroke the heart strings of dogmatic Republicans.

    A marshmallow has more substance than Willard.

    Where is your plan, Willard?

    Advocating lower taxes, free markets, less regulation and balancing the federal budget is not a plan. It is rhetoric.

    • dusanmal says:

      Use Google, find 59 point economic plan by Romney published in 11/2011 at the start of the PRIMARIES. Not “sexy” for mass media to show and analyze, no BS catchy phrases and promises. Just real economic planning, boring as is but that is exactly why we need Romney. Enough of spin and posture and image politics for the ideology sake. True manager with detailed planning is what we need.
      Fact that mass media repeat this lie is that they are invested in pushing down anyone but Obama (for whom their legs literally tingle as stated by high placed “journalist”). Same reason that they twist anything into “gaffe”. Example: athletes from my country of origin (so, not interested in English or US politics) collectively complain that UK Olympic games are CATASTROPHICALLY POORLY ORGANIZED. Many of them attended last Olympics, some even more. All agree that UK games are total organizational failure. UK and US media: Romney gaffe… Reality: he spoke the truth… And so on,…
      As for Polish: on EU scale they are indeed as close as you can be to small government, particularly after downsizing from Communism. Their “universal healthcare” is exactly example why we must not allow it to take the root: it is almost impossible to root it out and improve the system. We must prevent that cancer from happening to us.

      • Chrisbap says:

        You compare universal healthcare to a cancer. There is a big difference though. Pretty much everyone with cancer wishes they didn’t have it. But pretty much everyone with universal healthcare is glad they have it and wouldn’t trade it for a US-style healthcare system.

      • orchidcup says:

        I am aware of Willard’s 59-point proposal.

        He says he will do such and such and so and so, but he does not say HOW he will do these things.

        Although he did not outline any specific proposals for closing loopholes or otherwise simplifying the tax code, he also promised to make permanent the tax cuts on individuals enacted under President George W. Bush and to eliminate taxes on dividends, interest and capital gains for anyone making less than $200,000 a year.

        The foregoing paragraph exemplifies the rhetoric of Willard Romoney.

        • RICK says:

          The great thing about not promising anything is that Romney won’t get any gripes of “you promised me this, you promised me that wahhh wahhh wahh”.

  6. tcc3 says:

    I think alot of his gaffes aren’t gaffes at all, its pandering to a segment of his base.

    If his position has been that Obama has had a weak and “apologetic” foreign policy, then going abroad and being an outspoken, undiplomatic asshole fits.

    “I can be an asshole because I’m an Amercian (sic). We’re strong and we don’t kowtow!”

    Many of his other ill advised statements are clear messages that hes pro business and pro 1% and will be looking out for their interests.

  7. sheila says:

    he attends the bilderberger meeting to learn what his masters want him to do……


  8. dusanmal says:

    And one more thing: money Polish Government gives as incentive for child birth, we give to PlannedParenthood to kill fetuses. Priorities… Just imagine US media uproar if Romney would say that he’d apply Polish incentive and redirect monies from Planned Parenthood and similar to families with children… Oh, the humanity…

  9. Dallas says:

    I thought Willard’s praise of the Israeli health care system of managed care, universal coverage, with government control and oversight was more interesting.

    Willard’s sheeple will ignore that because

    ♫ ♫ follow the yellow brick road….♫ ♫ ♫ because because because! ♫ ♫♫

    • orchidcup says:

      There is no yellow brick road.

      The economy is circling the drain and about to make that funny gurgling sound, and all I hear is rhetoric.

  10. AC_in_Mich says:

    Joan Walsh in Salon wrote

    “But could it be more than entitlement and an odd personal style? I’ve found myself wondering over the course of the campaign whether Romney has some kind of personality disorder, so dissociated does he occasionally seem from the well-worn routines of normal human interaction. Maybe we should be asking to see his medical records and not just his tax returns. I don’t mean to be flippant about that or insensitive to any kind of problem he may struggle with. But his struggles are our struggles; he’s running to be our president. There is something very odd about Mitt Romney.”


  11. deowll says:

    The people of Poland do things their way. They like kids and people have a hard time affording them so they help out. If you don’t like that, well that’s your problem isn’t it? By they way they have also been running a balanced budget. Don’t you wish we did?

    Actually it is expected that most of the EU will be Muslim in less than 50 years because the Muslim immigrant minority still know how to breed and the liberal progressives have decided to commit genocide on themselves. The “whites” in the US are doing the same thing so don’t feel smug. In Darwinian terms it is survival of the fittest and in those terms liberal progressives are not fit for which reason I award them a Darwin Prize.

    • shooff says:

      Hopefully your offspring did not get your DNA. God, they have no hope.

      Good Luck Bro.

    • RICK says:

      The muslims realized long ago that the AK-47 was a useless weapon in fighting the west, the female womb is their new WMD.

  12. orchidcup says:

    Most Americans would also not trade in their standard of living for Poland’s. Growth has been dynamic in part because the country started off from such a low point after throwing off communism.

    Romney did not mention that unemployment is 12.4 percent or that wages are low. GDP per capita last year in Poland was $20,600 compared to $49,000 in the U.S., according to U.S. government data.

    Willard Romoney did not mention certain things that may be important to seeing the big picture. Interesting.

    • deowll says:

      If you have high economic growth your nations standard of living will go up.

      At our current levels the same can’t be said for us.

  13. bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

    Without even trying to look it up, I assume Poland pays for abortions too? Or maybe being too Catholic, they are totally banned? Who knows what form of oppression is still in control.

    The “main” congnitive dissonance is thinking that Romney is smart to begin with===confusing/conflating that with him being rick.

    Remember: RICH = CRIMINAL but is marketed as = smart.

    Its MONEY THAT MAKES MONEY. All by itself. Sits in a pile and multiplies overnight. Only way you can lose it is if you invest too much of it in a brand new startup you know nothing about. The hook of Corporate Welfare Systems has not been fully set.

    Gee Whiz earnest capitalists: clean the shit out from between your ears. Once the interest income on your estate exceeds your annual living expenses==the cash roles in. Can only happen when estate and capital gains taxes are not paid and other wealth transfers from the poor to the rich are regularly orchestrated.

    But You People keep voting for these stupid bastards as they pull their 3 Card Monty right in front of you face card UP.

    Stoopid Hoomans.

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      “Only way you can lose it is if you invest too much of it in a brand new startup you know nothing about.”

      Didn’t someone do that with a company named Solyndra?

      • bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

        No–Soly was a proven failure and going bankrupt. Only one investing in that was the government. Yes, hits and misses like anything else hoomans do.

        I read Soly and a few others were actually taken down by China dumping solar cells on the market. You know—WAR by another means, and the Chinese are winning. Sad, given we (in the West) invented that skill set.

  14. The phrase “more money than sense” fits Mitt perfectly.

  15. Ken says:

    Not sure about Poland, but in the other Eastern Bloc countries, the hand of government is not felt very often. Sure, there’s “free” healthcare and some transfer payments for pumping out children, and even education, but you don’t have to deal with rigid bureaucracies if you want to build something. None of your income is tracked, everything is paid through the VAT taxes and then only on durable goods. The VAT is high, but it feels almost completely unobtrusive. Being an immigrant was easy. I never felt that I was going to get into trouble for overstaying the maximum length of 6 months nor get into trouble for taking a job without a permission slip from the government.

    Most interaction with government was on the trains, at the airport, and on the borders. Train personnel are the worst, and the most corrupt. Best to pay them off, I learned, but negotiate the tacked on “fee.” Border guards are generally bored and serve only to tax goods crossing the border. At airports, there is usually a military presence, but they are some of the friendliest people I’ve ever seen and I never had any of the nervous feelings in customs that I always feel coming into the US.

    We ran several guesthouses in Budapest and never had to worry about licensing, taxes, nosy bureaucrats, rules, etc. I’d never run such a business in the US.

    • smartalix says:

      Yeah, we have to be more like those advanced countries of the ex-Soviet Eastern Bloc, they have such successful economies!

    • shooff says:

      I am all for VAT. Bring it on. Canada is a great place, except for the weather.

  16. CPBrown says:

    I think it’s more like Supreme Court nominee hearings. Dont’ say anything that might get you in trouble. And trying to not say *anything* can twist you up in knots.

    Don’t get me wrong, I think Romney is his own worst enemy. But he is trying so desperately to be something “else” that he just can’t seem to avoid his ongoing flapidoodles.

  17. msbpodcast says:

    The question is “Why is Romney so clueless?

    He’s got a house where even the cars have elevators.

    I have lots of friends some of whom I can’t go visit anymore because they live on the fourth floor of a five story walk up, and most of whom live in dilapidated housing that they share.

    I’m sure he doesn’t have any friends like that, in fact I’m pretty sure he never had any friends like that.

    He doesn’t get it because he doesn’t even know it exists.

  18. spsffan says:

    “He doesn’t get it because he doesn’t even know it exists.”

    Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!

  19. AC_in_Mich says:

    Well, I submitted a comment earlier today but because it had a link in it, it hasn’t posted yet

    Joan Walsh of Salon wrote in “What’s wrong with Mitt Romney?”

    “But could it be more than entitlement and an odd personal style? I’ve found myself wondering over the course of the campaign whether Romney has some kind of personality disorder, so dissociated does he occasionally seem from the well-worn routines of normal human interaction. Maybe we should be asking to see his medical records and not just his tax returns. I don’t mean to be flippant about that or insensitive to any kind of problem he may struggle with. But his struggles are our struggles; he’s running to be our president. There is something very odd about Mitt Romney.”

    Could be she’s right

  20. So what says:

    “Why is Romney so clueless?” He’s is the one and only Mitt Romney.

  21. bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

    Ha, ha.

    “Money talks…… and Bull Shit walks.”

    You find this simple recognition cast in bronze on many CEO’s desks. What about its simplicity escapes your grasp?

    Maybe this will help explain the Mitt:

    Are you money?

    Ha, ha. HEY!!! I keep getting rain water down my back. What gives?? (Hint—you’re outside!))

    Silly Hoomans, everyone is above average, everyone is or will one day be rich. Don’t let reality spoil your dreams.

    • oldman says:

      I have not seen any CEO’s desk my entire life. How many CEO’s desks have you seen? And how many have that recognition on it? I guess BS does walk.

      • bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

        Ha, ha. Well done sir. I have seen 73 CEO desks. I have read that expression 129 times. Never have seen it in bronze on a desk though…. have heard it said during merger talks though.

        “My statement was not meant to be factual.”

        Still fits though.

  22. jim g says:

    Republicans and Romney know what they’re doing. They’re throwing this election. They don’t seriously want it. With what Obama has done with it?There is NO WAY OUT. I say: Let it all crash on the Democrat’s watch. I say elect every Dem who’s up for election. Then let them finish it off.

  23. I wouldn’t be surprised if this clown picked Al Sharpton as a running mate.

    • RICK says:

      Al Sharpton’s smarter than Paul Ryan, but they both live in the same Jackals Den.

  24. NewformatSux says:

    What’s the point of that photo you stole? You trying to imply he’s Batman?

  25. shooff says:

    He’s Mormon. They are taught to say things like, “That’s right, No kidding, I appreciate you.”

    Really, the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) opened their first office outside New York or DC in the 1980’s. Mormons were so gullible they got frauded by one another and con men so often they had to open an office in SLC.

    They are taught to ask no questions and follow the “party (LDS) line” no matter what the circumstances. They are also extremely paranoid. Ask Romney about his food storage and last time he worked at the cannery.

    Goof Ball survivalist religion, but easy marks for about anything. Plus they have to give 10% of everything they make to their Religion. Romney’s bishop knows what he made in the years in question.

    • orchidcup says:

      Sounds like Scientologists that wear magic underwear.

      • shooff says:

        At least the Travolta/Cruise bunch will have a coffee before work and a beer after.

        Romney truly believes coffee and beer drinkers will not make it to heaven.

        Like Rush Limbaugh said, “His supporters are the less informed and less educated.” Hell awaits.

        • orchidcup says:

          That sounds more like Southern Baptists, except Southern Baptists do those things (and worse) while they think nobody is looking.

          They put on a good show at the church.

          Hell, I just described every religion.

          My bad.

        • ThePainful Truth says:

          Mitt just does not get it. Doubling down on attacks on everyone who isn’t just like hoim. Like his book said “No apologies” Just do waht youy want, take what you want and don’t answer any question honestly. Facts have nothing to do with his campaign!

  26. ± says:

    Excellent troll. 

  27. NewformatSux says:

    Obama is the clueless one, who didn’t know about the Osama raid until after it started. Hillary ran the op, and is planning to replace Obama at the convention.

    • smartalix says:

      You have access to some fine-*ss drugs, my friend.

    • Dallas says:

      The important thing is you don’t eat someones face.

    • orchidcup says:

      That is an interesting conspiracy theory, but it does not hold up against critical analysis.

    • RICK says:

      wow, that’s new. First I find out Obama’s a gay man married to a Pakistani, now I find out from reliable rightwing sources that Obama didn’t have anything to do with the raid in Abottabad.

  28. deowll says:

    Staggering sums of money are going to independent organizations devoted to getting Obama out of office. They are not directly controlled by Romney. On the other hand most of the media works for the Obama campaign.

    In a way it doesn’t mater. The EU is not going to solve its problems. This is in a way is our salvation because EU elites are trying to find some place to stash money and for now that’s us. If Obama is elected I give it less than four years before the debt spiral kicks in. After that the forces being created to deal with wide spread civic unrest will be needed. I’d give it at least another 2 if Romney is elected but I’m starting to think people aren’t that smart. If people are foolish enough to put Obama back in office with his track record they get what they deserve. The wealth will be redistributed until its all gone and most Americans have forgotten how to create wealth. They think it comes from the Fed. Gov. Mother is 86 so the odds are good she will miss most of this.

    • Joan Dvorak says:

      The idea of a “wealth creator” was one of the Repub’s best and most effective fictions.

      Of course, it only works with those who have already drunk the koolaide.

  29. UncDon says:

    The world is so complicated that he’s unable to cope with the informational glut he’s fed. So, he just says something, rather than appearing without anything to say.

    Like news reporters who have to interject endless blather during a space mission or Olympic ceremony or … remember 9/11?

  30. Dallas says:

    Quote of the day :

    “Romney is perhaps the only politician who could start a trip that was supposed to be a charm offensive by being utterly devoid of charm and mildly offensive.”
    The London Telegraph


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