Every day, lately, he’s been saying stupid things. Either he’s incompetent or his staff who would be with him if he won is. Or, again, the Republicans want to throw the election because they know they can’t fix the economy so might as well let Obama win and take more of the blame so as to win in 2016 when the economy has recovered.

Hmmm… Throw the game now so they can play later. Badminton anyone?

Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney hailed Poland’s economy Tuesday as something akin to a Republican dream: a place of small government, individual empowerment and free enterprise.

While it’s true that Poland is one of Europe’s fastest-growing economies and boasts dynamic entrepreneurs, Romney’s depiction of Poland as a place of small government is debatable. Even 23 years after throwing off a communist command economy, the Polish government continues to have a strong presence in people’s lives: it gives women $300 for each baby they have, doubling that sum for poor families; it fully funds state university educations; and it guarantees health care to all its 38 million citizens.

  1. NewformatSux says:

    Obama won all of his elections by going after private records of his opponents. Unfortunately, no divorce records for Romney. Gingrich would have been toast.

    • orchidcup says:

      Ronald Reagan was the only divorced President.

    • orchidcup says:

      Obama won all of his elections by going after private records of his opponents.

      Thanks for pointing that out to me.

      I was under the mistaken impression that he won all of his elections by popular vote.

      • NewformatSux says:

        Was trailing in the primary before getting Blair Hull’s records unsealed.
        Then Jack Ryan as well.

        I should correct that he won his state Senate race by getting all his opponents thrown off the ballot.

  2. Phydeau says:

    I don’t think Romney really needs to be a good candidate. He has shadowy right-wing billionaires pouring hundreds of millions into his campaign (totally independent of course… wink wink nudge nudge). Any reporting on gaffes he commits will be washed away by the sheer quantity of TV commercials saying what a great guy he is.

    • orchidcup says:

      He has shadowy left-wing billionaires pouring money into his campaign as well.

      Those shadowy rich guys can afford to play both sides of the fence in case they need a favor later.

      • Phydeau says:

        Don’t know of any billionaires who could remotely be considered “left-wing” except for George Soros, and he’s pretty up-front about his goals.

        But I agree that billionaires invest in both parties. Most of the money goes to Republicans, though.

  3. Guyver says:

    Things could be worse.

    We could have a clueless president who believes the sheeple will buy into hope, change, and forward.

  4. John Pombrio says:

    Heh, I told my sister that if Obama sat down and talked to the treasury secretary and Uncle Ben that he would run away from the presidency as far and as fast as he could. Who wants to be Herbert Hoover?


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