But I thought his commercials implied that he would make things better if he’s elected. I guess he was only talking to his rich friends.

Mitt Romney’s plan to overhaul the tax code would produce cuts for the richest 5 percent of Americans — and bigger bills for everybody else, according to an independent analysis set for release Wednesday.

The study was conducted by researchers at the Brookings Institution and the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, who seem to bend over backward to be fair to the Republican presidential candidate. To cover the cost of his plan — which would reduce tax rates by 20 percent, repeal the estate tax and eliminate taxes on investment income for middle-class taxpayers — the researchers assume that Romney would go after breaks for the richest taxpayers first.

They even look at what would happen if Republicans’ dreams for tax reform came true and the proposal generated significant revenue through economic growth.

Those damn ungrateful poor people should be happy to make those better off richer!

  1. bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

    In this ACTIVE CLASS WARFARE–Romney is actually left of center in the Republican Party. ALL Republican policies are out to favor the rich at the expense of everyone else. By rich–I mean the top 1% and from there up. Not you peasants only earning $250K per year.

    WEALTH===is not measured by income you plebes. Its measured in estate value, stocks and bonds. Income is for losers.

    And thats why anyone other than the top 1% who vote Republican are simply retards cutting their own throats.

    Yes…. You.

    Silly red state low information value voters. Couldn’t be more dumb.

  2. dusanmal says:

    “Those damn ungrateful poor people should be happy to make those better off richer!” – Again Progressive Orwellian sense of “fairness”. Romney plan does not go far enough in reducing unfair burden on successful people nor far enough in making everyone who vote to also participate in funding the Government. When about 50% of population does not pay any federal income tax while having right to vote and receive money from the Government they voted in – problem is not in taking too little from the rich but in a ton of freeloaders not contributing.
    The only fair taxation system must take equal percentage from each dollar earned from everyone earning it. No loopholes for rich, no Progressive non-taxation for less well to do. To achieve such system successful must pay way less than even Romney plan envisions and 50% freeloaders who vote must pay their REAL fair share in too. We do not live nor should strive to live in Communist “from everyone as much as they would, to everyone as much as they want” but in healthy Capitalism where every individual should have blindly identical treatment regardless color, sex,… wealth,… and where successful win and losers exist.

    • Ryan says:

      You’re kidding right? The 50% that pay no tax still pay income tax and sales tax.

      Those statements made about 50% not paying taxes are numbers used by the wealthy to say look half of America pays no taxes when in fact we pay income taxes and sales taxes but we do not have assets like millions of dollars in stocks and bonds to pay additional taxes on!

      • What do you mean the 50% that don’t pay taxes pay income taxes? That is the whole point, they don’t pay any income taxes.

        Sales taxes go to state and local governments, not the Fed.

        Everyone should have some skin in the game.

        • Jim says:

          you have heard of a thing called FICA, right? you know that tax to pay for social security? guess what everyone working pays that rich and poor. and the amount you pay it’s based on income (8-10% up to ~110k/yr, 0 over that (1/2 paid by employer, 1/2 by the employee)). by most definitions that is an income tax that if anything is geared towards taking from the working class, not the top income earners. If those at the top really want to make everything a flat tax, why not experiment on SS first and take the top-end cap off of the SS income tax?

    • tcc3 says:

      The real question is why 50% of Americans are so poor that they don’t owe any federal income tax.

      Hint: Its the same reason the middle class cant use its spending power to charge to the rescue and save the economy like it used to.

      The game is rigged and some people want it rigged even more.

      • It’s not a case of being poor. It’s a case of tax credits and other welfare programs that keep people from advancing in their careers. It’s called the welfare cliff, look it up.

    • Phydeau says:

      Wow, it’s amazing to see how well the rich have brainwashed so many of the non-rich.

      Congratulations on being a pitiful example, dusanmal. I’m sure the rich are very grateful that you’re so sympathetic. Not grateful enough to stop screwing you though. But nothing personal — it’s just business.

    • B. Dog says:

      Yeah, if we have to pay the unconstitutional income tax, it should be the same percentage for everybody. If you don’t like a high tax, don’t vote for someone who spends your money like a drunken sailor.

  3. cj says:

    How dare those freeloaders lose their jobs! :/

  4. If by independent, non-partisan study you mean study by former Obama staffer and viral loyalist, then yeah, your study is right on the money… lol


  5. SchwettyBalls says:

    Wow, mind blown. A rich douche bag looking out for other rich douche bags. Absolutely unbelievable.

  6. Phydeau says:

    It just shows the power of throwing money at advertising to see that Romney is considered a serious candidate. He won’t release his tax returns like every other serious candidate has for every election as far back as I can remember. His wife looks down her nose and says “you people” have gotten all the returns you’re going to get. He puts his foot in his mouth wherever he goes. Keeps his money in offshore accounts, and we don’t know how much he has. He has made a career of sending American jobs overseas. He goes to foreign countries to raise money for his campaign, from rich foreigners.

    But shadowy right-wing billionaires throw hundreds of millions of dollars at advertising, and this monumental douchebag is considered a serious candidate by idiots like dusanmal.

    Really, dusanmal? You think this country would be run better by a frontman for shadowy right-wing billionaires?

    Wow. Just wow.

    • Friis says:

      You must have a short memory or the following individuals weren’t serious candidates:

      McCain — two years
      Reagan — one year
      Carter — one year
      Ford — one year

      Since 1976, all candidates have released one year of their tax returns. Since 1984, the standard for challengers to an imcumbant president has been to release at least two years. Carter set the precedent that all sitting presidents / vice presidents release their yearly tax returns .

      Both Obama and Romney have raised money from overseas sources, but these were from US citizens (expats). It is illegal for any campaign to accept contributions from foreigners whether overseas or on US soil — remember the problem that Al Gore had with receiving money from the Buddist Monks.

      I’m not a fan of either candidate. As someone who grew up in a blue collar family, went to college, spent a number of years in the military, I don’t like to see the tax loophole for anyone (person or company), nor do I like to see so many tax credits created that individuals above the poverty level pay zero federal taxes. Yes, they pay payroll (Social Security, Medicare) taxes, sales taxes, and state income tax, but no Federal Income Tax.

      I’m not rich. Have two technical degrees and a number of certifications. I’ve was layed off in 2010 and took a 30% pay cut just to be employed. I make less now than I did in 1997 (taking inflation into account). Remember, the tax fairness argument from someone sitting in the middle should include both ends of the income spectrum.

      Let the spears and arrows commence.

  7. Uncle Dave says:


    “successful people”

    Quite a phrase. So, anyone who isn’t a millionaire can’t be considered successful in their field after working hard at it because it happens to not make them wealthy enough to buy a yacht, multiple mansions, and healthcare?

    Might want to reconsider what makes a person ‘successful’ in their life and if they are worthy of benefiting from society.

    It’s not about ‘redistributing’ wealth. This isn’t about preventing those who do make a lot of money from doing so. It’s about everyone contributing fairly to run the country via taxes, the way the progressive tax system we have is supposed to work.

  8. Harry says:

    Capitalisms Achilles heel will always be greed.

  9. msbpodcast says:

    And you surprised because…

    And poor white trash everywhere will vote for the prick for exactly the same reason that they buy lottery tickets and dont buy insurance, they’re fuckin’ stoopud…

  10. Grandpa says:

    The truth is America is broke. We don’t generate enough tax revenue to pay the bills thanks to policies that encourage outsourcing.

    Is either candidate willing to change the policies that caused this mess?

    • CJ says:

      Those tax loopholes for the rich did not help uncle same pay the bills either.

  11. bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

    “Skin in the Game” always rankles me a bit. As in—who goes to WAR for the USA and who doesn’t. Who leaves body parts and blood on foreign fields and who doesn’t, that kind of Skin?

    Yes–everyone should have skin in the game. but its not a game. Its life. In War–its life and Death. Something the Rich have no skin in the game for/on/sic?

    I guess it only makes sense that an electorate that thinks guns don’t kill people will also think that Corporate Vultures who outsource jobs should be thought of as Job Creators, and that people on relief who have had their jobs shipped overseas should pay income tax. It all holds together conceptually if your want your skin flailed right off your back and into the bone. Your skin, your kiddies skin, the skin of your grand children.

    Silly Hoomans.

  12. orchidcup says:

    Loony lefties are part of that 1% wealthy group as well.

    It is the wealthy 1% that donate the most money to both parties.

    It is the wealthy 1% that own the media and set the political agenda for both parties.

    The remaining 99% get to vote for Turd #1 or Turd #2.

  13. NewformatSux says:

    When will Obama release his medical records? What is he hiding?

  14. NewformatSux says:

    Any more Obama staffers available to provide independent non-partisan analysis of Romney positions?


    The same group concluded in March that Obama’s tax plan raises taxes for 27% of people.

  15. Harry says:

    Looks like the freeper creepers have found this site.

  16. CPBrown says:

    The “study” presumes an attempt at revenue neutrality that is not in Romney’s proposals. It assumes that *no* adjustments will be made to government spending, and it further asumes that the ever more revenue needed will come from the lower & middle classes. Most of which may be true, but is a far cry from the reality of his proposals. However, I do wish Romney would stipulate spending he would cut.

  17. Yeller says:

    Boomers kept the taxes low while they worked, and now will live off of any thing that left in the bank, which will run dry just at about the same time they should be dying off.

    Good plan.


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