4 years ago first time candidate Obama makes a European trip that was very different than Romney’s. Romney met supporters behind closed doors. However the Romney supporters probably had more money than all these people put together.

  1. Big Deal says:

    And your point is?

    • mharry860 says:

      Exactly, that was directly following a U2 concert, coincidence?

  2. dittmv says:

    If Obama did an encore of the 2008 trip it would also require an extra brigade of security to deal with the hostile and crowd.

    There will be no 2008 for Obama since the Obama-reality distortion field does not work outside the United States. No Obama distortion field no visit.

    When was the last time Obama had a crowd like that?
    –Probably before he abandoned that change thing and imbued himself in Bush policies that he pretends to decry.

  3. dusanmal says:

    By his own statements Obama is “world citizen” first. Fine for individual decision. Very bad for the country, it must be led by people placing USA first and above all others. Hence the World masses, supporting potential US President at the time who would do THEIR bidding and work on THEIR behalf instead for Americans.

  4. kerpow says:

    Its good to know we weren’t the only suckers in the world.

  5. msbpodcast says:

    Nobama’s just like Mittens, yet another sucker on the cocks of the world cabal of banksters.

    Not even the oligarchs, (who are so few that they could barely even fill the stadium boxes, [though they would own the stadium, the land its built on and the city that surrounds it,]) just the creep bankster posers who can fill it and act like they owned it.

    Out with the whole fucking system. Lets have a real democracy instead.

  6. It must be jelly says:

    What caught my attention is that the press pool traveling with Romney – appropriately as the Republicandidate-to-be – was allowed to ask and have answered three questions over the whole trip.

    Biblical transparency. You gotta love it.

  7. shooff says:

    America is on the upswing.

    Euro about to collapse. Stock Market Up. Japan only one aftershock from complete collapse (Google Godzilla’s Bathtub or Storage pool #4.) Case-Shiller index swinging upwards. Downsized wars, Gas prices down. Killing and murdering up (thank you NRA.)

    What exactly did you want from Obama?

    This is change for the positive, for America and the world. 2% interest rate. If you can’t make money now. You can’t make money. That’s what Mitt would tell you. Record profits for most multinationals.

    What’s your exact beef with Obama.

    Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh all rich as hell what are they so upset about?

    • Anonymous says:

      You MUST be living in someone’s basement or on welfare or something. I don’t know what America you’re living in. I can only guess that in your world it sure must seem all warm and fuzzy with all those padded walls!

      America on the upswing?! ARE YOU NUTS?! There’s an economical tsunami coming and all you can say is “it’s sure nice not having to use a fishing pole to catch all those wonderful fish flopping on the ground.” Look around!

      • shooff says:

        Whose economy would you model?

        What free world nation has a better life than US citizens? Finland? Surely. Huge taxes and free health care for life but our congress is not bold enough to admit it.

        I have a job, I live in a great state. I have time to type this. Own house almost paid off. Happy to pay taxes for roads, schools, airports, bridges. Own my own business. Haven’t you been listening to Mitt. Your problems are your fault.

        Grab your ankles and get up from your computer and go to work or school.

        When the euro collapses (thank you PIGS) all the money is heading back to our shores.

  8. Anonymous says:

    …And your point is what again?

    I can only guess that the point is somehow tied to money. DUH! Elections are all about money. Cause whoever spends the most money wins a lot of power — to take more money! (I almost said make. Good thing I caught that one.)

    In 2008, the election seemed to be all about breaking another glass ceiling. For the first time in history there was a candidate of a different ethnicity (other than white) who seemed to be qualified. He sure talked a good game and made a lot of us “believe” he was the second coming or at least a better cure for all our countries problems or something. And so we all got fooled. At least, enough of us did, anyway.

    Now, it’s time to correct that mistake. Problem is, there are no good choices. The choices we seem to have now would seem to be which is the lesser of two evils? So you have to be asking yourself, “which choice is going to do less harm?” Not which choice is going to do more good. And for that I would suggest looking at history and ask yourself, “am I better off now than in 2008?” (I know what my answer is.)

    The only thing Obama got right in 2008 was that “change” thing. It’s time once again that we all take his advice can do just that – change! Although, I’m not crossing my fingers or anything.

    I think it was Mark Twain who said, “politicians are like baby diapers: they often need to be changed, and for the same reasons.” The only thing I might add is to not forget that sometimes babies get diarrhea and need changing more often. It would also seem that our pool of choices seems to be infected with dysentery (aka money)!

    So why is this “news” to anyone?

    • msbpodcast says:

      Problem is, there are no good choices.

      Ever feel that we’d be better served by picking people’s names at random?

      Shame isn’t it…

      • Lefty Wright says:

        Politics has become a giant tug of war, a sporting event where it only matters that YOUR team wins!

        Regardless of where the line is drawn, some group will fight to the end to halve any remaining difference.

        We live in an analog world, yet insist policy be reduced to binary (digital) decisions.

  9. Somebody says:

    That would be so much more compelling if I didn’t recall that the crowd was there for a concert.

    Probably had no idea that the warm-up act would be a bullshit artist.

    I’d be impressed if Obama had the balls to try that again after his peace and human rights policies have been made known.

    Europeans tend to be more aware of such things than we Americans, though, that’s not saying much.

  10. Somebody says:

    And I propose a new rule:

    If a candidate leaves the US to campaign, he can never come back into the country while alive.

  11. MikeN says:

    Obama said this is when the oceans would stop their rise, and sea level has dropped. If only his dictates for unemployment had done the same.

  12. bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

    While I admit I am a total liberal on things political–other than actually thinking we should pay for the benefits we vote for–I am not partisan. ANY politician who refuses to answer questions, provide tax returns, college transcrips, reveal what kind of burlap he uses for underwear==should simply not make it thru a primary.

    Even party faithful Republicans are pressuring Romney to provide his tax returns. The big rumor is that in a few years this 1/4 Billionaire paid no taxes at all. I think the “secret” is that this is just the door opener to the idea that Romney is running for President actually just to feather his own nest with Rich Man’s Tax Breaks. Sound farfetched?===like a candidate who wants to be President while not revealing his tax history??? totally consistent. Rule by Oligarchy.

    I don’t know what is/isn’t in Obama’s College/Harvard transcripts but Obama didn’t run on a Pro-College agenda either. Romney is running on a Pro-Job Creator, non-Class warfare program.

    Let’s see just how much “class” Romney has? Very little—I’m quite sure of.

    Note ===every news report I see talks about how Obama is 10-20-30 percent ahead of Romney in all the subgroups–Women, Youth, Poor, Spanish, etc ..every group except old white men?… yet he is even in the Polls? Seems like the numbers don’t add up in some way or is the race “even” only in the toss up states? Yes–I can make up an answer, but I haven’t heard this discrepancy directly discussed in the news.

    America—lots to point to that we are collectively nothing but dumb shits.

    • Guyver says:

      While I admit I am a total liberal on things political

      No way!!! I had no idea! 🙂

      other than actually thinking we should pay for the benefits we vote for–I am not partisan.

      But I’m sure you believe the “rich” should pay a disproportionately higher amount for those same benefits because that is somehow “fair”.

      ANY politician who refuses to answer questions, provide tax returns, college transcrips, reveal what kind of burlap he uses for underwear==should simply not make it thru a primary.

      Obama campaigned on a transparent government. In reality he’s not been very forthcoming on anything whether personal or political.

      Showing tax returns is nothing more than a symbolic gesture to the masses but something the opposition will try to pick apart and say he’s not a man of the people. In the end, only care if he did anything illegal concerning taxes. Everything else is liberal whining.

      I think the “secret” is that this is just the door opener to the idea that Romney is running for President actually just to feather his own nest with Rich Man’s Tax Breaks.

      And this is important in light of Obama’s economic track record because?………..

      I don’t know what is/isn’t in Obama’s College/Harvard transcripts but Obama didn’t run on a Pro-College agenda either.

      Conspiracy theorists believe it would reveal he attended on an international scholarship. If such theory were found to be true, I suppose everything he’s signed into law would be invalidated given that he was never fit to be president.

      • ± says:

        You must be new here. Just sayin’ because you left a considered response to bobbo.

    • Guyver says:

      America—lots to point to that we are collectively nothing but dumb shits.

      Collectively victims of a government-run education system. Sucks to be us.

  13. A Simply Man says:

    “I don’t know what is/isn’t in Obama’s College/Harvard transcripts but Obama didn’t run on a Pro-College agenda either. Romney is running on a Pro-Job Creator, non-Class warfare program.”

    Cherry-picking your arguments? (a simply yes or no will do.)

    • bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

      No–differentiating the facially same argument as it applies to different subjects. Just trying to anticipate the most common retard responses==although yours was a nice twist.

      • Derek says:

        Yes, because if he hates America is far less important than if he paid his taxes.

        • bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

          Derek–what makes you think Obama hates america when he has said and demonstrated just the opposite?

          As to Romney not paying taxes–if true, that is only as I stated: the doorway issue. Failure to pay taxes indicates exponentially stronger how he hates the very people he wants to lead.

          HUGE differences there. Try to pay attention.

  14. The0ne says:

    I went to the beach today and got sand between my toes 🙁

    On another note, Micks mouth sure seem to be full of his own foot lately. I wonder what’s going to get caught in there next.

  15. I think that in 2008 the world wanted to hear from anyone other than a Republican after what GW had put them through. 4 years later, the world is content.

  16. Dallas says:

    The picture is extremely important and telling. Obama was and continues to be wildly popular – see exhibit A, above.

    In contrast, Willard is a tool and a buffoon as measured by his recent, disastrous trip abroad.

    This world public opinion metric is very important when the US needs to pursuade millions abroad On future foreign policy.

    In conclusion, the choice as best world leader is quite clear.

  17. Mr Diesel says:

    Pay no taxes? Big friggin deal. It’s pretty easy to do or at the very least get back everything you sent in. If you invested heavily in real estate and took a bath with rental properties and sold them for a loss you will get back more than you sent the fed or state.

    Investing isn’t a rich man’s game.

  18. bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

    Guyver always giving considered opinion to all both high and low says:
    8/1/2012 at 3:35 pm

    While I admit I am a total liberal on things political
    No way!!! I had no idea! 🙂 /// Yeah, I chuckled as I wrote it.

    other than actually thinking we should pay for the benefits we vote for–I am not partisan.

    But I’m sure you believe the “rich” should pay a disproportionately higher amount for those same benefits because that is somehow “fair”. //// You got your expenses and you got your revenue. Balance them. I think the issue can/should be analyzed without the mob call of “fairness” as fair has nothing to do with the math: just add em up and figure out how to achieve balance. Should everyone pay income tax just to have skin in the game? Like one dollar? Like a debt they run up for future resolution or carry forward to their estates/children–what? PRAGMATISM. The Rich make the rules and the rules favor the rich–what is fair about that. Limit CEO pay to a percentage of money paid to labor. Want to be a multi-millionaire?===fine, the workers get dragged along too. Base all the taxes on disposable income instead of gross incomes or some defined net other than disposable? Fair is too nebulous. How much is needed—and how can we raise it. Graduated income tax is seen as the most fair/practical/doable way==except the Rich work the system to be exempted. Just look.

    ANY politician who refuses to answer questions, provide tax returns, college transcrips, reveal what kind of burlap he uses for underwear==should simply not make it thru a primary.

    Obama campaigned on a transparent government. In reality he’s not been very forthcoming on anything whether personal or political. /// I agree—its a black mark against him. hee, hee.

    Showing tax returns is nothing more than a symbolic gesture /// NO. Its totally substantive. Probably giving a lie to much of what Romney has said and campaigns on. “I paid quite a bit of taxes”—oh yeah???? Something stinks.

    to the masses but something the opposition will try to pick apart and say he’s not a man of the people. /// There is no doubt he is NOT a man of the people. Nice Fudge.

    In the end, only care if he did anything illegal concerning taxes. Everything else is liberal whining. /// I hear a cat chorus.

    I think the “secret” is that this is just the door opener to the idea that Romney is running for President actually just to feather his own nest with Rich Man’s Tax Breaks.

    And this is important in light of Obama’s economic track record because?……….. /// It means he is corrupt.

    I don’t know what is/isn’t in Obama’s College/Harvard transcripts but Obama didn’t run on a Pro-College agenda either.

    Conspiracy theorists believe it would reveal he attended on an international scholarship. If such theory were found to be true, I suppose everything he’s signed into law would be invalidated given that he was never fit to be president. /// Well, once again, I’m happy I don’t follow conspiracy theories. How would the source of a scholarship mean diddlysquat one way or the other? More dog whistles to the Puke Base. Having a domestically sourced schlorship is not a requirement of being President. As usual, the Puke voting base has no legitimacy.

    Stupid Pukes are killing the Middle Class and the America it supports.

  19. ± says:

    I think most everyone forgets that Obama’s raison d’être for visiting Europe (in 2008) was to get them to wantonly print money as we did. [remember QE1 and QE2, … O’ the distant past]. The Europeans in their polite way, told the bamster to fuck off.

    This was his first national/international failure and you barely heard about it in the press.

    • bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

      Failure? Except Obama was right as evidenced by Europe being deeper in the doldrums while USA is having a too slow recovery, but recovery still.

      Just imagine if we didn’t have the Republican to fight against? We could recapitalize the underwater housing market and have a clean sheet to go forward with.

      But no.

      Romney types want to put the American Public thru Bankruptcy.

      LOOK—–just look. Its right there. What are you looking at? What do you think you are seeing?

  20. US says:

    Why are candidates for US president campaigning in Europe? Or anywhere else except the US? Last I checked only those of us who are citizens of the USA can vote for our president. Not that I have a problem with other countries, but they aren’t voting in our elections so why is this happening?

    Seems like a way for both sides to avoid talking to the public and get some press.

    • bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

      To look Presidential and to raise money. Fail on the first and a greasy tub of goo on the second.

      If you don’t know this, you really shouldn’t be voting.

      • US says:

        You are the one who shouldn’t be voting if you are voting on “looking presidential”. Its a presidential election, not top model.

    • Dallas says:

      Good question. I asked Willard’s campaign how much $$ he promised the Israeli foreign government behind closed doors.

      They denied he was ever in Israel. Evidently he did meet with British MI6 and got a James Bond replica fetus sculpture.

  21. Deehexi says:

    #1… pedro

    Yeah, we are numbnuts… we learn to educate ourselves and read … unlike a lot of Americans who only watch ESPN and The Real Housewives.
    Do you even realize that the USA was laughed at with Bush as president? And that Obama made you ‘likeable’ again?

    And everybody who understands Romney’s bs will be laughing at you if you make him president? A bible thumper that clealy belongs in the medieval days. What’s next? The women lose the right to vote? Wake up, that man is the worst ever. Just like all the other clown trying to get somewhere before (Santorum etc).

  22. deowll says:

    Same bunch that gave him the Noble Peace Prize. They aren’t that fond of him now.

    • Andy Ward says:

      To be fair, it’s not just him, we’re not that keen on any of you. There was a period back in the eighties when your flashdance came out you all seemed kinda cool…

  23. Uncle Patso says:

    This guy seems so inept. It’s puzzling how he ever managed to get where he is.


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