Japanese engineering firm Fasotec has taken prenatal memorabilia to literally the next dimension with “Shape of an Angel,” a miniature 3D replica of the fetus as it lay in the womb.
The fetus is first photographed using MRI and the resulting image data processed using special 3D software. A 3D printer is then used to construct the model, using clear resin for the mother’s body and white resin for the fetus.

  1. Phydeau says:

    Doesn’t MRI bathe the body in radiation? Like taking a bunch of X-Rays? Thanks mom…

    • George says:


      You are placed in a strong magnetic field that has the effect of aligning the spins of the nucleii of the atoms in your body. Then a weak radio signal is introduced to the system and it disturbs the alignment. As they realign to the magnetic field, they give off radio waves of their own that are picked up by the machine.

      • So what says:

        As a side benefit, afterwords you can pick up Bob and Tom without a radio.

    • Daddylonglegs says:

      Another comment by another product of the public education system – making dumbass citizen’s since 1979.

      Try picking up an Ecnyclopedia once in a while. Or maybe even use Google to find out what a MRI is or what radiation is before commenting.

  2. spsffan says:

    That’s just plain old fashioned gross!

  3. msbpodcast says:

    Only the Japanese could take the fun out of porn. (唯一の日本人はポルノの楽しみを取ることができる)

  4. bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

    I’m thinking those fetuses don’t have any skin in the game.

    Unsuccessful leeches who don’t pay income tax and who rely on others for all their needs.

    Really worthless types. At least they don’t vote. If they did, they’d probably want pre-natal care the ingrates.

    The Nanny State. There it is….. just look.

    Ha, ha.

    • orchidcup says:

      Unsuccessful leeches who don’t pay income tax and who rely on others for all their needs.

      How did preachers, priests, and politicians enter into this discussion?

      • bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

        They were all fetuses once?

        Most politicians do pay tax.

        Most priests and ministers…. should.==or actually, I think they do. They are paid from untaxed dollars but surely their income is treated like any other wage slave. I don’t know for sure, but I won’t conflate the men of god with the buildings of god.

    • Anonymous says:

      Quite frankly, I’m sick and tired of absolute idiots talking about topics that they have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about.

      And that goes double when it comes to politics!

      A wise man once said, “it’s better to remain silent and appear to be ignorant than to open one’s mouth (or blog) and remove all doubt.” But I guess you never heard that. Did you BOOB?!

      So SHUT THE FUCK UP (STFU)! No one cares what you’re crazy ass has to say. The world may appear insane to you cause maybe you missed the fact that YOU ARE (insane)! You are a waste of space. Even as a zygote you offered nothing but a pain in the ass to the bitch that bore you. And your comments (here) just proove your own ignorance. In fact, you defeat your own agenda since you just reaffirm the fact that you are a great argument for abortion! So STFU!

      Sorry, everyone. But I’m sure Boob the dyslexic fool who can’t even spell it’s own name correctly see’s this as an invitation to spew more rhetoric and pure “theological” crap! So here it comes, bla bla bla… with bad punctuiation and everything. And let’s not forget the signature “ha ha” that I’m sure will be included too (as he/she/it jacks off while typing).

      Don’t worry. I’m not going to reply since I haven’t got the time to decypher boob’s shitty grammar and bad punctuation. (And yes boob, I’m not perfect. But you don’t see me using equals keys, backslashes and incomplete/indecypherable senetences the way you do.)

      • bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

        I feel your pain.

        Imagine what its like to be me!

        “♫….cause …. I gotta be me,
        I gotta be ME….
        …cause that is all I am….
        I gotta be me….♫”

        Still makes me misty eyed.

        You do know if I slowed down to type, spell, and grammar myself, I wouldn’t be posting as much?

        Ha, ha.

  5. orchidcup says:

    The Mayans buried their dead in this position with the expectation of rebirth into the afterlife.

    Silly humans.

  6. sargasso_c says:

    I am squeamish and have been known to faint in butcher shops, and having one of these on a table would probably finish me.

  7. Peppeddu says:

    That’s creepy and frankly, plain gross.

  8. bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

    The way things are coming along, it won’t be long before you can scan the original sonograms on your home 3D manufacturing machine and press the “IceCube It” button, and then reduce to 10% and make a nice latex mold of your dead fetus. Then you drill into it just like doing an abortion. Fill it with water and freeze…. and violet: you got yourself Dead Baby Ice Cubes. What greater way to honor those lost job creators?

    At my first party: sargasso and peppeddu. The Horror and Disgust should be epic.

    I actually have a small plastic bushing that needs manufacturing for my Cuisinart Food Processor chopping blade. The original was designed almost as if to break on purpose. Its a perfect item for home 3-D Manufacturing. I assume I could even substitute a metal substrate where the high shear point is thereby fixing the original design defect.

    And you know, the thing about technology: once you have a tool, you can use it for all kinds of new applications.

    The future is so bright—we’ll be toasting with many miniatures.

    • WmDE says:

      I actually have a small plastic bushing that needs manufacturing for my Cuisinart Food Processor chopping blade. The original was designed almost as if to break on purpose.

      It probably was. Better something easy to get to break than something expensive and inaccessible. It’s called a mechanical fuse.

      • bobbo, a real liberal just waiting for sanity to return to American Politics says:

        Yes–the mechanical fuse on the motor to spindle shaft broke years ago==probably me misusing the machine just to see what would happen. Not this time though—all I have to do is look, just LOOK–and the design error is quite apparent. Sharp metal cutting into softer plastic with every start of the machine and every impact on the potatoes. Or maybe the bushing was installed too loosely thereby allowing for greater than designed impact. I don’t know but all total I doubt I used the blade more than about 10 times to make potato chips.

        And of course, there are no replacement parts. Design marching on to style obsolescents/parts number changes for no increase in functionality.

        There out to be a law…… lots of laws ….. and enforcement.

        Thats what I’d do, …… cause I’m a liberal god damn It and I DEMAND services from my lame dick goberment.

        Thanks for the input though–quite valid.

  9. Dallas says:

    Straight people give the most unusual gifts.

    This is why my husband and I always have a store gift registry when I have them over for an occasion

  10. deowll says:

    Millions of real thing are burnt as toxic wastes every year in this nation. That would suggest that to many people they aren’t all that valuable.


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