Executive Producers: Sir Lee E Daza, Big Ass Blond, Dennis Stephens
Associate Executive Producers: Joseph Amato, David Daniels. Joshua Paulson, Chris Cowan, Scott Loewen, Renegade Mickey

Art By: MartinJJ
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  1. Johan says:

    The opening ceremony was so cringeworthy I could barely watch it. It was like a horrible piece of amateur theatre. I had to apologize to my girlfriend a lot because I complained about every single second of it.

    And to ruin Vangelis beautiful piece “Chariots of Fire” with Rowan f*cking Atkinson is a crime against humanity.

    • andycatus says:

      “with Rowan f*cking Atkinson ”

      I missed that bit. Was that on one of the beds or on one of those screens? Had Atkinson only just met Rowan?

      Loved how Leo on TWiT said what was Abe Lincoln doing there. Duh! Clueless TWiT or WHaT.

      And John, yeah it took us ages digging those deep deep holes in the stadium for those real solid brick chimneys.
      Is that a coin behind your ear?

  2. TooManyPuppies says:

    Holy WOW! This ep sounded like ass. Still better sounding than TWiT through.

  3. Kent says:

    Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel, though the Israeli’s would wish otherwise.

  4. ivan says:

    If my memory serves me well Khrushchev was visiting Bulgaria and there watching over the bay was Turkey.
    Then he had an epiphany : Why don’t we put a hedgehog into Americas pants.
    Hence the Cuban missile crisis.
    Simply Kennedy, when was time to upgrade the missiles, did not send the new ones.
    By the way this little adventure was reason for Khrushchev to “retire” in 1964.
    P.S. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, though not internationally recognized as such. (First sentence in Wikipedia entry)

  5. Allah says:

    The “hanging” reference near the end of the show refers to a quote by Benjamin Franklin:

    We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.

    — Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) US Founding Father

  6. Don says:

    It is spelled Burqa, not Burka.


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