1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I stopped listening after 15 seconds: “Let me tell you true stories….” //// and thats just all they are–stories. Milk, cookies, and nap time to follow.

    Adults require studies and analyses.

    Stories are for kiddies.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Nice pic. I guess I got to hepped up from the gun stories…..

        Stories obviously motivate people to take/keep on position or another. They serve the “Black Swan” exception to the general rule or the position that there is no problem at all.

        very limited usage though.

        I’m waiting for any additional comments to indicate what the subject even is. I’ve grown “sensitive” to the hypocrisy surrounding border issues though. …. everyone telling their own stories.

        Ha, ha. What aren’t i sensitive to???

        Yea, verily!

  2. Adrian says:

    When you surround yourself by people who always say no you will also get the answer you are seeking.

  3. deowll says:

    Obama doesn’t care what happens on the border or who gets killed as long as he gets the Latino vote.

    • Mexican Jumping Being says:

      Yep, like Dennis Miller said,

      You go down to the border after dark and it looks like the start of the Boston Marathon in ponchos.

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      Or any other marginalized group he can promise something for nothing.

  4. AdmFubar says:

    big business (in this case the corporate farms)needs a cheap labor force to maximize profits. this is where the policy is driven from… mega corps telling government what laws should be for the corporations benefit.

    see alec.org and http://www.alecexposed.org

    smile and have a nice day! 🙂

  5. msbpodcast says:

    The argument that [insert name of lying scumbag sack of shit here] doesn’t care assumes that there would be anybody arguing the point.

    Get over it, there is absolutely no argument on that point.

    The fact that they are trying to curry favor, dollars and votes to get elected means that their ethics are so corrupted that they will run over their own grand-mothers at a street corner and leave their underlings to take the fall.

  6. fishguy says:

    Interesting that the “officials” are all union bosses. Just sayin’.

  7. Anon says:

    So if I’m to believe these guys, we’re all supposed to be able to prove our citizenship at the “request” of any government official – like a cop?! Doesn’t that sound a little too much like, “May I see your papers, please?” (A common question you often heard asked by officials of now dead governments such as Nazi Germany or the USSR.)

    Then again, these guys do have a good point. Commit a crime and all you need to do is call up the get-out-of-jail-free bureau and tell them your an illegal “dreamer”.

    What I’d like to know is why this really surprises anyone? It’s a well known policy of Barack Obama and his disgusting cohorts like Nancy Pelosi who have said that this is exactly what they wanted. “Amnesty for illegal aliens“!!!

    HELLOOOOO?!!! McFly! You in there McFly?!

  8. bobbo, oozing with liberal values and compassion for my fellow man says:

    Just an open question–if a Mexican sneaks into our country and gets a job that no one else in fact did for those wages and benefits and he/she keeps out of trouble otherwise for 20 years WHAT exactly is the great interest in keeping him/her illegal?

    Why don’t we deal with reality that we (the USA) needed that persons labor, took no reasonable honest effort to stop him from being here, and now simply want to treat him as a wage slave?

    How should that situation make any American Proud?

    Proud to be a f**king hypocrit is all I see.

    Whats the opposing argument?===Reality based as opposed to the theoretical one that no one follows and doesn’t apply?

    • jpfitz says:

      The opposing argument could be that instead we ship all the jobs to other Countries, simple. Wait… the big biz corps already did that. The best job our lower class youth today can get is a fast food worker. No more OTJ training to build decks or construction, you mericans cost too much.
      I, the job creator will hire only dreamers.

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      Then the law should be changed. Have we created a de facto statute of limitations for illegal crossings? At the very least it creates disrespect for the law.

      If this labor force is really needed that much set up a worker program and enforce it and pay them a decent wage.

      AdmFubar is right. This is driven by big corporations. I think Tyson Foods runs Arkansas and it hires from south of the border by the hundreds. Guess who the Governor is going to listen to.

    • Sam says:

      You said:
      “Just an open question–if a Mexican sneaks into our country and gets a job that no one else in fact did for those wages and benefits and he/she keeps out of trouble otherwise for 20 years WHAT exactly is the great interest in keeping him/her illegal?”

      Well, left unchecked, how many Mexicans would sneak into our country over time?

      How many of those will keep out of trouble for 20 years?? (We got too many troublemakers already.)

      So… we could say, “if you promise to keep out of trouble, you can come in.”

      Gee, this sounds like the beginning of a process for LEGAL immigration! (Heck, they could even get a voter id and not use the excuse that getting one after the fact is a “burden”.)

      Seriously, why be so passive and against what could be a simple process?

      I will proudly defend any fellow (legal) citizen, native or imported.

  9. bracketcreep says:

    “Why don’t we deal with reality that we (the USA) needed that persons labor, took no reasonable honest effort to stop him from being here, and now simply want to treat him as a wage slave?”

    1. We didn’t “need” the labor. Many of those jobs exist simply because cheap labor was found them. Supply created the demand. BTW, cheap labor stifles innovation.

    2. The decision by the gubmint to not enforce the laws can’t be laid on the doorstep of the public at large who, when polled, overwhelmingly want border enforcement.

    3. Most people in this country are wage slaves or are on the fast track to becoming one and one of the biggest drivers is big biz, aided by the govt to create a Low Wage America – by flooding the market with cheap labor.

    4. We’re not just talking about one “him” – we’re talking about millions of “hims”. “He” will never in his lifetime contribute to the public coffers anywhere near what he and his hungry hungry family consumes. Multiply that by millions.

  10. tcg2ki says:

    first thing they are here illegally, what part does anyone not understand that in itself is breaking the law.
    second, anyone who comes here needs to speak English , read, and write , to which this country was founded on.
    Thirdly, I dont care where they come from as long as they come here legally.
    fourth, the cheap labor as some of you put it, if the illegals were not here then the companies would be forced to raise the wage, conditions and benefits for that cheap labor but since illegals come here they dont have to so now as a tax legal paying citizen I have nothing to fight with against those companies.


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