As Tampa gears up for the Republican National Convention, the biggest party it has ever held, the city and its businesses are primping and polishing for the August arrival of tens of thousands of visitors. Like it or not — mostly not, for city officials — Tampa’s well-known strip clubs have joined the welcome wagon.

Club owners here say they have schmoozed with their counterparts in former host cities, like Denver, and have been told that revenue pours in during conventions, sometimes quadrupling earnings from a Super Bowl week. As for party affiliation, this is one place where the country’s caustic partisan differences fall away, owners say.

Angelina Spencer, the executive director of the Association of Club Executives, which serves as a trade association for strip clubs, said an informal survey of convention business in New York and Denver had determined that Republicans dropped more money at clubs, by far.

Hands down, it was Republicans,” she said. “The average was $150 for Republicans and $50 for Democrats…”

James Davis, a spokesman for the Republican National Convention, declined to discuss Tampa’s prominent strip clubs.

“We’re expecting to have a great convention,” Mr. Davis said. “We’re focused completely on having a great convention.”

Yes, probably every club will have a Sarah Palin look-alike stripper hoping to be the queen of the convention.

  1. Just because they spend more doesn’t mean there are more. I’d guess the Republicans actually pay their bills. (See Secret Service Scandal).

    Is that Bill Gates???

    • msbpodcast says:

      No they’re all Sara Palin impersonators (she the real skank…)

    • Publio says:

      Just because they spend more doesn’t mean there are more. I’d guess the Republicans who show up at GOP events are actually in the 1% club of richest elite Americans and their foreign friends who contributed to the PACs.

  2. McCullough says:

    Wow, They got some fugly strippers in Tampa.

    • CrankyGeeksFan says:

      This photograph was taken in Las Vegas in 2008 at a Sarah Palin lookalike contest. It may not have to do anything with stripping. I knew I recognized it.

      Their outfits and (prop) guns are inspired by the faked photograph showing Sarah Palin wearing a bikini and holding a rifle at a swimming pool party. Does anyone else remember that?

  3. Uncle Patso says:

    Strippers wear glasses?

  4. Person with brain says:

    Of course you have to pay more to get some when your a creep who treats women like second class citizens. Whether it’s in a strip bar or a voting booth. Just sayin’

    • deowll says:

      Your were talking about Bill Maher weren’t you? He’s the king of denigrating women and others the last time I checked. Of course I may have missed out on what some of the other lib talking heads had to say.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Educate us if you will Deowll==what did Maher say SPECIFICALLY with a link to be credible that you think denigrates women as opposed I will guess to one woman who deserved it?

      • tacotrainwreck says:

        Bill Maher denigrates women? Oh, I guess that makes it ok then. Nevermind.

    • NewformatSux says:

      Better put some ice on that.

  5. HUGSaLOT says:

    makes sense since dems tend to get laid more than reps, so they aren’t so pent up to pay for mere strippers.

  6. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I’m still waiting to see LA Confidential from start to finish in one go rather than the bits and pieces I have seen. I have to admit I’m attracted to the idea of making whoopee with the movie star look alike of my choice.

    Don’t think it would be Sara Palin or Bill Gates though.

  7. McCullough says:

    If they are spending their own money, then who gives a shit. If they are spending taxpayer money then hanging would be too good for them. If they are Bible thumping R’s, then get lots of pics and expose the cockroaches.

  8. Guyver says:

    And we’re supposed to care because?

  9. shooff says:

    Listen fellas, Republican or Democrat, guy code. No discussion of who you saw in a strip club ever.

    I was lucky enough to have a friend in the business in Las Vegas. I saw plenty of tapes of very important people from all walks of life. The club had 50 cameras and a server (DVR) system to save 14 days of data from all the cameras. The VIP room was well lit so know one could hide in the shadows.

    Any one important who showed their face was saved and put in safe keeping for future use. I’m sure all the Tampa clubs have same thing.

    Expect improved lifestyles for all ownership group via Gov related business in the future. If the GOP wins.

    Have fun with Amber and Misty and Mike.

  10. Anon says:

    Let’s get one thing straight:


    And yes, it was a big business success. In fact, Denver has one of the lowest unemployment figures in the nation. But is that part of this story too? You can bet it might be if there was anyone looking for more bogus facts to shove in it!

    Don’t you just love how these idiot reporters are so “unbiased”?

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      The article NEVER stated that Denver hosted the Republican convention in 2008. It did state that an informal survey of past convention cities “New York and Denver had determined that Republicans dropped more money at clubs, by far.”

      Your second paragraph makes even less sense. WTF does the story have to do with Denver’s unemployment picture? Please, please share with us the “bogus facts”. Without specifics, your bias claims cling much more to you since it appears you did not read (or possibly comprehend) the story.

  11. Likes2LOL says:

    Why is it that strippers never get their flag protocol correct?
    The stars go over the right breast, not the left!

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      Because every time they ask a Boy Scout he prematurely ejaculates and runs off embarrassed.

  12. So what says:

    If they are republican why are the strippers women?

  13. Birddog says:

    Good for the economy.

  14. The0ne says:

    The rightmost gal appears to be Sarah Palin. She’s hot! 🙂

  15. Harry says:

    As soon as Palin opens here pie hole it is like nails on a chalkboard.

  16. Dallas says:

    No surprise the best looking one of the bunch is adams apple adorned Bill Gates on the left

  17. sargasso_c says:

    The hotel hot tubs will need a grooming on Friday.

  18. Dallas says:

    Not sure about Sara Palin but Willard Romney is sucking Jewish dick, big time.

    He would move the embassy to Jerusalem if elected, bomb Iran and plans to get a circumcision out of solidarity with the Jewish state .

  19. Rick says:

    Israel already considers Jerusalem its capital, I have no idea what Romney thinks he’s doing, other than pandering to the extremist hasidics which themselves have little influence and are under fire for refusing to serve in the IDF.

    Obama has already clearly stated that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and Netanyahu has gone on record that Obama is “The best friend Israel has ever had”.

    Romney is really messing this one up too, its the UK all over again.

    • Dallas says:

      Willard is exceeding expectations as a buffoon.

      I blame his handlers for his sucking up to special interest at the expense of digging himself a terrible hole to dig himself out of.

      The only logical explanation is that broader sheeple population don’t care, don’t know or will forget. A reasonable strategy but a disgrace none the less


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