1. Princess Charles says:

    Oh My! Have they kicked mum out of the plane again?

  2. Likes2LOL says:

    Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 2.0

  3. Palooka says:

    I see London I see France I see the Queen’s underpants.

  4. bobbo, oozing with liberal values and compassion for my fellow man says:

    Looks like a dude to me.

  5. jim g says:

    Throw grandma from the plane

  6. jim g says:

    In America, it’s a Golden Parachute

  7. The Pirate says:

    Bullshit flies in the UK!

  8. McCullough says:

    The name’s Bond, Jane Bond.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    Where’s the beef with a vengeance.

  10. Canine says:

    Jesus Frank I asked you to wear a dress pair of shoes to the ceremony not a dress and parachute you moron.

  11. orchidcup says:

    הקדוש חרא
    זהו מרי אם האלוהים

  12. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    Blimey! It’s bloomers!

  13. ECA says:

    DAM its a guy…!
    DAM its an OLD GUY!!

  14. Paul Revere says:

    The British are coming! The British are coming!

  15. John says:

    Here comes the Queen, there goes the Queen. Hope she has panties on!

  16. msbpodcast says:

    I think if I lead her about a degree or two I can blast that fugly witch out of the sky with this Ack-ack.

  17. bobbo, oozing with liberal values and compassion for my fellow man says:

    I object to this item being categorized as “Aviation.” Jumping out of perfectly good airplanes is not aviation.

    Better would be along the lines of: “Tempting Death while Cross Dressing” or for just one word: “Nylon”

  18. bobbo, oozing with liberal values and compassion for my fellow man says:

    The full James Bond video is here. 6:30, not really worth it and no footage close to above of the parachuters. London is pretty and modern though. The Brits do love their History, but I want to puke everytime I see/think of Royalty. What else is it but the worst example of welfare “Queens.”


    • msbpodcast says:

      She owns most of the British Isles.

      See that square inch? Its probably hers, with a deed and the title search back to Queen Boadicea

      She is the one who could yell All of you kin get the hell off a my lawn and you’re the one doing the gettin’.

      People tend to forget just how fucking rich the oligarchy is.

      Even at that, she’s no welfare cheat.

      She brings in more tourist dollars than she costs in pomp and circumstance.

      If she decides she’s threatened by the corporate malfaisance, the lawyers and the banksters, she‘s the head of the armed forces and the 1%er oligarch wannabes asses are grasses. (Do you think she’d hear any opposition from the middle and lower classes?)

  19. jim g says:

    The Rowan Atkinson Mr. Bean bit was frigging hilarious

  20. Nolimit662 says:


  21. What? says:

    Really, this is worth digital ink?

  22. No need to get your knickers in a bunch…it’s only the Olympics 😉

  23. Dallas says:

    Sharon Stone moment at 2:33:33

  24. Dan says:

    “Catch this snatch”


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