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In his most extensive comments on gun control since the tragic Aurora theater shooting, President Obama called for tighter gun control measures in a speech at the Urban League in New Orleans…

“I, like most Americans, believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bear arms. And we recognize the traditions of gun ownership that passed on from generation to generation -– that hunting and shooting are part of a cherished national heritage.

“But I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals –– that they belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities. I believe the majority of gun owners would agree that we should do everything possible to prevent criminals and fugitives from purchasing weapons; that we should check someone’s criminal record before they can check out a gun seller; that a mentally unbalanced individual should not be able to get his hands on a gun so easily. These steps shouldn’t be controversial. They should be common sense.”

Noting that lax gun control is only one part of the problem, Obama also touched on the historic new agreement between the New Orleans police department and the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division to reduce crime and corruption, as well as government programs in Boston, Chicago, and Detroit meant to steer young people away from gangs and street violence…

In his speech Wednesday night, Obama acknowledged that it has been difficult to get stricter gun control laws through Congress; the NRA and other gun rights lobbyists outspent gun control advocates 17 to 1 in Washington just last year. But a new poll found that gun-owning Americans, including NRA members, overwhelmingly support gun control regulations, with 87 percent of NRA members agreeing that “support for the Second Amendment goes hand-in-hand with keeping illegal guns out of the hands of criminals.”


  1. NewformatSux says:

    >Most retards here only vomit their opinions and feelings with no support at all.

    Well said.

    In another thread:

    bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:
    7/25/2012 at 9:54 am
    Warms up the atmosphere by 1 degree and then stops huh? What mechanism causes the “stop?” How come greater % of co2 doesn’t simply keep increasing the temps as we see on other worlds all throughout the Universe? What makes the Earth Unique if your fantasy was true???

    bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:
    7/25/2012 at 10:25 am

    Well, NFS, at least you are wearing the mantel of being reasonable. Let’s parse once again:

    2)Higher CO2 levels do not cause temperature to increase forever, /// only retards say it goes on forever.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Nice try NFS–I dig the implication. But “I” post to links then YOU counter with an argument without links.

      “If” you agree posting argument as fact based without links, then purportedly exemplifying my failure to do so is only DAMNING of your own consistent failure to do so.

      Why you so transparently defective and ineffectively hypocritical?


      WHYYYYYYYYYYYY! Mother Earth moans in her agony.

  2. Guyver says:

    Common sense would be acknowledging it’s the criminals he needs to be addressing and not disarming law-abiding citizens.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Not if its the FACT of a society saturated by the presence of guns that is the primary issue. Whats a matter you Guyver? All Snoped up?

      HAW HAW!!!! Another issue Guyvers intelligence flaps against like a little girl. Be a man McGuyver: admit facts against your stated position and actually adapt and overcome. Simplemindedly repeating your position is for retards.


  3. Dave T says:

    Just saw Adam Curry tweet this. Underground guys passing CAD drawings of 3D printed weapons. Make weapons in your home with plans passed to you on the net.

  4. Mextli: ABO says:

    Long after everyone on this blog is not around anymore this country will still be full of guns. I don’t care what that steaming pile of dung Obama says. Get used to it.

  5. NewformatSux says:

    In any year, the majority of counties in America have zero or one murder. These tend to be the counties with the most guns.

  6. Mextli: ABO says:

    Ha! Just more BS.

    The Seattle Times

    President Barack Obama will not push for stricter gun laws this election year, the White House said Thursday, one day after his impassioned remarks about the need to keep assault weapons off the streets suggested he may plunge into that political fight and challenge Congress to act.

    Instead, Obama’s stand on the government’s role ended up right where it was after the mass shooting in Colorado last week: Enforce existing law better.

  7. Calls 'em as I sees 'em says:

    I think we can all agree bobbo is a psychopath. Just look at how many comments this lunatic has posted. But like the crazy guy on the subway, the more attention you give him the worse it will be. STOP debating the idiot, you will never change his deranged mind, never.

    Go ahead idiot, come back with one of your witty (to you) remarks. But I am ignoring you.

    Crazy Fuck.

    • LibertyLover says:

      I made that decision years ago.

      Before the website changed it’s appearance, I had a Bobbo filter in place. It hid all of his messages.

      The threading on this one tends to mess it up sometimes so I’m doing it manually.

      • Calls 'em as I sees 'em says:

        Seriously, I’d pay for a bobbo filter. It would probably have to be changed on a daily basis however.

    • Jackalope says:

      I chose to skip his posts long ago.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      You are exactly right.

    • NewformatSux says:

      There was a poster on this site called Mr Fusion, mocked as Mr ConFusion. After awhile, it was no fun because I realized it wasn’t just idiocy, but something more that should not be laughed at.

      I’m not sure if bobbo is retarded and doesn’t realize he called himself retarded, or is schizo, but it is best not to make fun of him.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Everyone feel better now?

      Ha, ha.

      • Dallas says:

        They love you and they know it.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            OH M-pod. Just because I made fun of your penis one time. Jeeze–so sensitive. I’d think a small penis would make the money you pile up against it look even larger? Talk about taking a negative view on everything!

            Ha, ha. I crack myself up.

            OK GANG===HERE IT IS: make me an offer! How much $money$ to go away for how long? Keep that image of a short penis in your mind!

            Just remember==we are all whores, and actually, I’m quite a cheap one.

            Swiss Francs only.

  8. President Amabo (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    A tyrannical government is one that tries to tell you you can’t drive a 4×4, or drink a 20oz. soda. A tyrannical government tries to rig fuel prices to make ‘green’ energy more palatable.

    Non-felon American citizens should have the right own any weapon they can afford. If Larry Ellison wants to buy his own nuke to take out Paul Allen’s yacht, he should be able to.

  9. President Amabo (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    And leave bobbo alone – he’s fun. I may not agree with him much but I’d love to sit around a campfire and have a few dozen beers with him.

    • Calls 'em as I sees 'em says:

      Shhh – I think the psycho fell asleep, he hasn’t posted his drivel for a full 5 minutes. Please don’t wake him…..

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Well thanks Amabo. I was thinking that guns could be melted down and turned into cars. something I think you might half way support?

      I do enjoy being disagreed with. Fun to be caught out and shown wrong. Doesn’t happen often enough for my pleasure. I like to think thats because my positions have been that finely corrected over time==but just as likely, I’ve just become the same kind but opposite to the asshats I so quickly dismiss as retards.

      Retards–not those who disagree with me but those that continue to use an argument that doesn’t work or can’t be supported. Much too much of that going around.

      As to beers around the campfire–I always take ONE beer with me when I go backpacking into the wilderness. I try to drink it the second day out. One day to cool off in a stream and drank after a nice look around or mountain climb. I am starting to transition to campground camping. Nice to have a ice chest.

      A well balanced life consists of recognizing these trade-offs. Few things are absolute.

      • President Amabo (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

        A flask of Jameson’s for backpacking. Vodka, rum, whiskey and a big cooler full of beer for campground camping.

        A good gun should never be destroyed unless melted down to make a better gun.

        The 2nd amendment is not about self-protection from criminals, it’s about self-protection from the government.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          And yet guns only get you killed when used against the government. And if an anti-government interest is the goal==why no bazookas, machine guns, and missles–the very things that might be effective?

          NO–that argument makes no sense at all.

          The militia was to protect against foreign invasions, local rebellions and what not. NOT against the USA government itself.

          And as stated–we now have a standing army for that. The militia and the need for privately armed individuals has long passed.

          Fantasy to think otherwise. Well–not even fantasy==just a plain lie to keep the populace disorganized and not voting on the issues that count. Acting almost like…. like …… rabble.

          Sad the electorate is so easily distracted and rendered impotent. “Give em a gun and we can keep the tax shift….”

          Just Look!!!

          • President Amabo (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

            “why no bazookas, machine guns, and missles–the very things that might be effective?” – If you can afford those and aren’t a felon, you *should* be able to have them.

  10. Jay says:

    How did Bobbo get called out this early in the conversation?… I do like the idea of not allowing the citizens to have the same weapons as the military… yet the government wants to make sure the rebels overseas can fight off their governemnt.

  11. orchidcup says:

    I don’t give a flying flip inside a rolling doughnut what bobbo thinks.

    I am not a gun nut.

    I don’t hang out at the shooting range with fat greasy rednecks comparing muzzle velocities and magazine capacities and rate of fire.

    I don’t ride a horse or a four-wheeler and wear camouflage gear all the time and think it is cool.

    I don’t belong to a militia that attends the Beelzebub Baptist Church and plays Army in the woods while breathlessly awaiting the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

    I don’t chew snuff and dip tobacco and go to the rodeo or listen to Country & Western music while riding in my pickup truck with a toolbox and a headache rack.

    I don’t belong to the KKK or subscribe to paranoid conspiracy theories that assert the Jews are behind everything that happens in the world.

    However, I will take whatever measures are necessary to defend my property, my wife, and my life.

    I have a 12-gauge pump shotgun with a pistol grip and fold-over stock that is loaded with one-ounce slugs.

    If anyone presumes to invade my property and/or threaten my life, they will be perforated, Marandised, baptized, bagged and tagged and ready for the coroner when the police arrive.

    I will have an airtight story ready for the police and they will be pleased to know there is a minimum of paperwork involved.

  12. The Watcher says:

    Don’t forget that “Common Sense Gun Control” is “code” for “ban all ownership of firearms by Law Abiding Citizens.”

    That way, only criminals and Zero supporters (something of an intersecting set) will have guns.

    Unfortunately, if Zero’s pet UN Treaty goes through, it won’t matter. It enslaves us to the UN. Nobody but the Islamofascists will have guns, and Sharia will rule….

    ‘Course, this is what Zero’s masters want….

    If you voted for Zero in 2008 to prove you’re not a racist, vote against him in 2012 to prove you’re not an idiot….

    That is, if you’re allowed to vote at all….

    • Chrisbap says:

      Wow, that’s a whole lot of crazy conspiracies packed into one comment. 🙂

  13. mharry860 says:

    The U.K. passed the most stringent gun laws in the world in 2007 and gun crimes doubled morons.

  14. The Pirate says:

    Political pandering on the deaths of 12 people only proves (again) that this administration has no class.

    • BigBoyBC says:

      A few days later, 14 people died in a car accident. Didn’t see Obama comment or visit the survivors, didn’t see the MSM report on the accident 24/7. I guess how one dies is the only thing that matters when it comes to politics.

      “You never let a serious crisis go to waste…”
      ~Rahm Emanuel

  15. Speter says:

    We had the Port Arthur false flag massacre here a few years back that stripped all aussies of gun rights.

    Damn fool sheep are so trusting of the media that they believe that a mentally handicapped person took out a whole bunch of people when professional shooters would have struggled.

    no now guns, but we don’t dare fear our government, oh wont somebody think of the children…

    learn martial arts and how to throw small rocks with great accuracy, no implied ‘intent’ either if not a real weapon. hell you can turn a newspaper into a weapon if rolled up and folded in half…

    Guns laws never stopped criminals , only prevented good people from protecting themselves.

  16. WmDE says:

    You could be in a militia.

    Are you in the US military? If yes then NO you are not in a militia.

    Are you a US female member of the National Guard? If yes you are in a militia.

    Are you a US male between 17 and 44 years of age? If yes you are in a militia, excepting US military personnel.

    Since you are probably in the militia you need to acquire some firepower. If you think the militia should be restricted to black powder firearms feel free to use them. A couple of militia men with 44 Navy Colts could have probably have minimized just about any recent nutcase with a gun incident.

  17. NewformatSux says:

    Liberals are using this shooting to argue for gun control. Why aren’t they using this to argue against the death penalty?

    • Dallas says:

      We need some gun control and yeah, I’m for the death penalty.

      The problem with the death penalty is that it costs more than incarceration.

  18. pwuk says:

    What’s the ebay market like for 2nd hand highend military ordinance? Aircraft carrier? Jump jet? SAMs?

  19. John says:

    The problem is that our founding Fathers never realized how many powerful weapons would be developed and how the average citizen would have access to them. No hunter needs a AK47 or a extra large magazine in a automatic weapon. Common sense would tell anyone that. Giving nut jobs the ability to build their own arsenal of automatic weapons is disturbing. Its like giving a drunk extra strong alcohol and then wishing him well on his drive home.

    • Socratic1 says:

      This is a common but glaring misunderstanding of the 2nd amendment. It is due to the dishonest way that politicians discuss the gun control issue.

      READ the 2nd amendment (it’s really short), it has NOTHING to do with hunting or sport. The second amendment is about having the right to bear arms and have a militia:

      “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

      If your opinion is that law abiding citizens do not need powerful weapons then fine.

      Just do not mislead people into thinking that our founders would have excluded automatic weapons because they are more powerful than is required for hunting and sport.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Socratic?–no sense of irony given your wholly expository and didactic approach?

        Resemble this: Do you think each and every founding father had exactly the same idea as to what the Second Amendment means AND how it would be applied over the ages?

        See the difference?

        I thought the following was pretty powerful analysis (still allowing people to think for themselves):

        “A well regulated Fire Fighting Service being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear ladders shall not be infringed.”

        Yes, very powerful. but how applicable when 200 years later Fire Departments are professional and standing in most localities?

        Ideas are fun to play with. Mind your assumptions–especially when they are faulty on their face.

        • Socratic1 says:

          Reread my post.

          Here, I’ll give you a cheat sheet since you are having trouble: The 2nd amendment is NOT about hunting and sport…it is about defending ourselves.

  20. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    ORCHI–you want guns to protect your home. Fair Enough. Just look at reality and recognize you and your family are more at risk of gun injury from YOUR guns than from a criminal. Our society is a fearful place though so if I were you I would not give up my gun==but I would make sure my guns were hard to find for burglars breaking in, and that kiddie and wifey were trained and educated in their use and how dangerous they are, and locked away so as not to fall into their hands just to show their friends etc.

    WATCHER — common sense gun control means no automatic weapons and no extended ammo clips and no exceptions for casual sales. Are you against those common sense gun controls or not?

    HARRY–read the snopes link. same base line issues for England as well. VERY low weapon use to start with. etc.

    SPETER — I agree gun laws won’t stop the hard criminals from having access to guns. Like locks, gun laws only keep guns away from casual criminals. But over time, and I don’t think it would take too long only the hard criminals would have guns. HARD criminals, professionals if you will. Not home invaders, not gang bangers, not movie theater public shooters and so forth. In short – a better world.

    A sane society imposes limits on the freedoms the individuals within that society otherwise desire. As a physically superior human being, I think I should be allowed to drive my car as fast as I think is safe = but there are speed limits. Studies show that slower speeds for everyone saves lives. I am willing to risk it, but society is not. Who wants everyone driving at whatever speeds makes them feel free? In the end—I don’t.

    Same with guns.

    • Joan Dvorak says:

      I’m glad you brought up speed limits.

      Do you know how we could save thousands of lives every year? Cut all speed limits to 25% of their current value.

      Why is there no cry for this to happen? We’re talking about THOUSANDS of lives. Just one human life is priceless, we’re talking infinity here.

      There would be costs. A lot of people would be really unhappy. But wouldn’t it be worth it?

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        I’m sure you recall the hue and cry when seat belts were mandated? All that Nanny State intrusion on the free rights of man to become quadriplegic. Stories on how having a seat belt on killed a person and how not having one saved a life.

        People are downright stupid!==or at least their stupidity is played to by those wishing to do so. For some reason, it sticks more with guns than all other subjects. I supposed misapplying the Bill of Rights does show some respect to it.

        Speed Laws. Should the speeds all be set lower not for the purpose of saving gas and oil but also to save lives? Should cars that go over 65 mph be outlawed? Lots of rational things could be done all according to what your interest is.

        Let Democracy rule–in our case thru our elected representatives. Go for it.

  21. orchidcup says:

    BLENHEIM, S.C., July 25 (UPI) — An 89-year-old South Carolina woman said she used her .38-caliber pistol to ward off two men who broke into her home.

    Ruby Hodge of Blenheim said she heard knocking on her door just after 8 a.m. Monday and was on her way to answer when two men forced their way through the door, the Florence Daily News reported Wednesday.

    Hodge said she retrieved the gun, which belonged to her late husband, from beneath her mattress and the men arrived at her bedroom to find her pointing the revolver at them.

    “They take off and run,” she said.

    Hodge pressed the emergency alert button on her Lifeline necklace and Marlboro County Sheriff Fred Knight arrived within minutes.

  22. orchidcup says:

    DALLAS, July 24 (UPI) — Dallas police said they arrested a man whose gun accidentally went off inside a Walmart store, injuring two other customers.

    Todd Canady, 23, of Waco had allegedly bolted from the store in the Lake Highlands district Monday night when he was confronted by an off-duty police officer about the shooting, which left a woman and a 5-year-old child wounded.

    Police told the Dallas Morning News they grabbed Canady after a short foot pursuit and booked him on charges of injuring a child and evading arrest.

    KDFW-TV, Dallas/Fort Worth, said Canady, who has a concealed-weapons permit, was reportedly reaching for his wallet in the checkout line but grabbed the pistol he was carrying instead. The gun went off, wounding Canady in the buttocks. The bullet then hit the floor and sent fragments into the other two victims.

    An off-duty officer saw the incident and confronted Canady, who allegedly ran off.

    • orchidcup says:

      How did this idiot get a conceal and carry permit?

      Oh that’s right. The state will allow any idiot to drive a car, too.

      I guess it is a rough and tumble, risky world out there.

    • Joan Dvorak says:

      This is news because it’s SO FUCKING UNCOMMON. That same day in DFW, people were killed in car accidents, many probably due to alcohol. Many died as a result of poor health due to overeating, alcohol, and fatty salty fast food.

      Most of those didn’t make the news because they’re so common, they’re uninteresting. (You didn’t think every fatal car accident made the news did you?)

      • orchidcup says:

        I think you get my point.

        The world has not changed in 100,000 years of human existence.

        Until the human race evolves into an intelligent species, I will have a gun for my defense.

        That will be around 11 million years, I think.

  23. sheila says:

    in war its best to limit the guns that your enemy has,

    with the army saying that they are gearing up for
    ‘CIVIL UNREST” and the DHS buying 400, 000,000
    rounds of 40 cal the writing is on the wall.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Hey Sheila: “An inside look at what to expect if you decide to pick up stakes and move to the off the grid, self-sufficient, survivalist lifestyle.” /// Can you admit or deny you are only “mostly” self sufficient?–still calling on the general society around you for key necessities? Food, medicine, supplies at key points?

      And what would be your “life style” if all there was was people like you? Would you still call that a life?

      Fantasy. Quite Amusing actually. I do wonder how far gone you are even though I am attracted to a quasi-self sufficient life style. More a hybrid. Most combo’s are better than the pure breds they are taken from.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Smack my forehead: electricity and computers?

        Survivalist? Kinda like calling the roof top gardener in New York City a farmer?

    • orchidcup says:

      The writing is on the wall.

      The writing is on the wall.

      A Biblical reference to prophecy.

      The world is chock full of conspiracies and fear.

      Man up and take each day as it comes, and enjoy life for what it is.

      If you keep looking for conspiracies and fear, you will always find them.

  24. McCullough says:

    Armed citizen ends stabbing spree at Salt Lake grocery store.

    Some get to go home tonite. Or maybe he should have just waited for the “authorities’.

    • Chrisbap says:

      Of course there are examples where concealed carry has benefits. I concede the point. So what though? Anecdotes are not data. In order to argue whether, on balance, concealed carry is a good thing we would need a large data set of all the times it saved lives (stopping criminals) versus all the times it cost lives (guns going off by accident, kids playing with dad’s gun) to see the cost-benefit ratio.

      This is the only rational way to decide whether, overall, it is a good idea or not. I’m sure both sides could fill this comment section with individual news articles of cases going both ways.

      • McCullough says:

        I agree, the citizen should have waited for the data.

        • Chrisbap says:

          Of course I’m not referring to the citizen (as I suspect you know). I agree that he acted correctly to stop a horrible situation from getting worse.

          I’m referring to our society as a whole, needs to look at where we want to go in the long run. What policies, rules and regulations will create the most benefit while doing the least harm? This is a reasoned analysis that will require data, not individual examples.

          • McCullough says:

            Sure, so it’s OK by you that citizens may protect themselves until all the data is in, and we all know who will collect this data, and of course both sides will agree.

            Or not.

          • Chrisbap says:

            Nevermind the paranoid stuff about “who will collect the data” and “do they have a hidden agenda to take away all the guns”.

            Let’s assume that enough impartial scientists can come up with the data and all sides agree that it represents reality. (There’s the old quote about, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinions, but not to his own facts.”)

            What if the data showed that more lives are harmed by having lots of guns out there than are saved? Would you change your opinion? If not, there is no point in having any further conversation.

            I can tell you that if the data showed that general gun ownership caused more good than harm, I would be for them.

            To add another quote (this one by Mark Twain), “Opinions based upon theory, superstition, and ignorance are not very precious.”

          • Chrisbap says:

            These are both good points. I agree with you that there are many scenarios where a gun is a useful tool. I should say upfront that while I do feel that guns should be more restricted than they are currently, I am not so far left as to want to see them all banned

            Let’s start with the wilderness example. I think I’m pretty much in agreement with this one. I grew up in a rural area where bears were a legitimate, though rare, danger. I have gone hiking many times in the wilderness and have encountered bears on 3 occasions. In all three of those cases I did not have a gun, but I wouldn’t begrudge someone for wanting the security of having one. But in this case, this is an openly carried gun in the wilderness, not a concealed weapon in an urban setting.

            Second scenario, disaster strikes. I have some mixed feelings on this one. In your case, the situation was complicated by the fact that you were in a foreign country where the institutions and infrastructure were not as solid as here in the US. It is hard to imagine a very likely scenario where the power would be out for 6 months within the continental US (or any significant amount of time) or an extended period of lawlessness. Even in pretty bad natural disasters, this country is robust enough to establish control after a relatively short period of time.

            Here’s how I suspect (and maybe you saw examples of this?) that a disaster scenario would play out. In the initial period, people mostly tried to go on with their lives, maybe after several days or a week with no help, people started looting stores for supplies (somewhat understandable). This promotes the feeling of lawlessness, and gradually over the weeks, criminal elements got bolder in stopping and robbing people. My point is that it takes time for things to devolve to the point where we all need to go around armed a-la the old west. It seems very unlikely that a lawless situation like that would happen here for a long enough stretch.

            The disaster scenario (at best) seems like an argument for having a gun safely stowed in the home for emergencies, but again, not for routine concealed weapons being carried in an urban setting.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Fair point almost as no one was being killed by the knife wielding insane person. Just add them all up, good and bad, assess the alternatives and their goods and bads, and make a judgment.

      No good statistics on how many crimes/deaths are avoided by the presence of armed citizens….. or are there actually in the gross numbers as reported Country by Country?==Yeah, I think so. The more guns, both legal and illegal a society has, the more death by guns there are. Not an absolute relationship as there are other factors–just a positive correlation. Yes, that does take into account all the individual occurrences like this one.

      More guns = more deaths.

      Ain’t reality a bitch?

      • Chrisbap says:

        The other thing I would point out is that when someone goes crazy with a knife:

        a) they often don’t kill people, just injure them
        b) they don’t get too many victims before they are either are stopped or everyone flees

        Let’s compare this to the recent case in Aurora, CO. One guy can go on a shooting rampage and kill and injure many. Does anyone think he could have accomplished so much with a knife in the same scenario? Either most would flee out the exits, or a bunch of guys would gang up on him and take him down. Either way, way less deaths and injuries.

        The other scenario I would compare is drug dealers fighting over turf (a common example of gun crimes). Drive by shootings are a common tactic here, and this can lead to innocent bystanders being hit. You can’t have a drive by stabbing (at least not easily!) and you generally only stab the person you mean to and not a lot of innocent people nearby. Another factor at play (that would reduce assaults) in this scenario is the bravery of the attacker. It’s relatively easy to work up the courage to drive by your victim and take a few shots at him. It’s a whole other level to work up the courage to get into a knife fight with him.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Yep–take any issue at all and there will be stories that go to every wrinkle there is.

          Choose your wrinkle, and start posting the corresponding stories.

          “♫..It don’t mean a thing….
          if it ain’t got that swing…♫”

          I was on my roof the other day, and just for fun I took my rifle and shot into a crowd a mile away. The bullet hit a rabid dog that was just about to attack a baby in a child stroller. See how important it is to allow random shots into a crowd?

          NO!!!!—add the data up. THEN talk to me. No stories.

          Stories are for Chimps.

        • orchidcup says:

          Run along, Chrisbap, the adults are having a conversation.

          Go outside and play.

          When you grow from a puppy into a big dog, then you can talk about important stuff.

          • Chrisbap says:

            Can you elaborate on this? I’m not sure what you’re referring to?

            Preferably the elaboration would involve countering some of the points I made rather than devolving to insults.


      • orchidcup says:

        More cars=more deaths.

        More hang-gliders=more death.

        More airplanes=more death.

        More tall ladders=more death.

        More motorcycles=more death.

        More tornadoes=more death.

        I could go on and on.

        Ain’t reality a bitch?

        • McCullough says:

          Funny how you only hear the Liberals whining about domestic violence, but not a peep on their War-mongering Prez. illegaly droning the shit out of anyone he thinks is a threat.

          • orchidcup says:

            We entered the preemptive war phase long ago.

            Whoever delivers the first punch will likely win.

            Competition is part of natural selection.

  25. President Amabo (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    If there were no people, no one could be killed by guns. We should do like Greenpeace and the Sierra Club want and outlaw people.

    • orchidcup says:

      I agree. The problem is not guns, it is humans.

      We should seal ourselves in a cryogenic time capsule and reenter society about 11 million years from now.

      Who knows what humans will be like then, but probability suggests they will be less intelligent.

      When we emerge from our time capsule, we will be worshiped as Gods.

      I have always wanted to be a Pharaoh.

  26. deowll says:

    Since the AK-47 was designed in the Soviet Union and guns based on that design are mostly but not exclusively used by communist or former communist countries I’m not so sure that I want AK-47s on the battle field being fired at our troops.

    The AK-47 is very well know for being very reliable and slightly inaccurate. There isn’t anything you can do with one that you couldn’t do with a semi automatic deer rifle. They make decent deer rifles though the SKS may be more popular for that purpose.

    You want more gun control? Move to Chicago. It has the strictest gun control laws in the nation. Of course it is also the murder capital of the nation and there is some evidence being ignored that whites may be the targets of violent attacks by various blacks because a lot of local blacks really don’t like honkeys.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      I have to assume you live in Chicago and the local blacks are right?

    • orchidcup says:

      If you were confronted with a honkey, would you like them?

      They carry around an air of superiority simply because they have white skin, and they honk at black girls while they drive by because they think every black girl is a prostitute.

      If I were a black person, I wouldn’t be fond of honkeys myself.

  27. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    HEY Orchi–why you ragging on Chris? And Chris==the best way to avoid devolving into insults is to ……… start with them? Ha, ha.

    orchidcup says:
    7/27/2012 at 9:48 am

    More cars=more deaths. /// More seat belts=less death.

    More hang-gliders=more death. /// More hang-gliders equiped with recovery parachutes= less death

    More airplanes=more death. /// More airplanes= less death than any other transportation form.

    More tall ladders=more death. /// More ladders with wider bases with skid resistant feet=less death

    More motorcycles=more death. /// More helmets = less death

    More tornadoes=more death. /// Less carbon pollution = less tornadoes = less death.

    I could go on and on. /// Yes you could all to the point that THINKING PEOPLE know that when a product produces DEATH, then reasonable not INSANE people take appropriate actions to lessen the death rate. Not so with Guns though.

    People + Guns = Death + Stupid Statements.

    Ain’t reality a bitch? /// Yes indeed it is. Frustrating all our fantasies.

    • Thomas says:

      So, why not ban these items or make them harder to possess by citizens? After all, less cars = fewer deaths; less airplanes = fewer deaths etc. right? Why not stop insane people from buying ladders, scissors, knives or a host of other items which can cause death?

      People + Guns = Death + Stupid Statements.

      Your equation is wrong:

      Stupid people + Guns – ( Lawful citizens with guns ) = Deaths + Stupid and useless gun control laws that do nothing to stop Stupid People with Guns.

      Also we have:

      Stupid people + ( Anything that can cause death however remote ) = Death + Panicky laws which do nothing to mitigate the problem.

  28. orchidcup says:

    bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    HEY Orchi–why you ragging on Chris? And Chris==the best way to avoid devolving into insults is to ……… start with them? Ha, ha.

    I did not insult Chrisbap.

    I was merely pointing out that as our brains enlarge as we mature our perspective enlarges and our consciousness enlarges.

    With the possible exception of right wing wingnuts and loony lefties, the phenomena has been observed and recorded throughout human history.

    I hope Chrisbap did not take it personally. I am sure he is a playful little puppy.

    • Chrisbap says:

      Heh, how old do you think I am? And how old should I be before my consciousness enlarges?

      • orchidcup says:

        You will discover these things as your perspective enlarges and your consciousness enlarges.

        Unless you are a Republican or Democrat.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          I love establishing pecking orders.

          Who’s the head pecker?

      • Chrisbap says:

        Come now orchidcup, it was an insult and you meant it that way. At least own up to it.

        Let’s say I’m 18. Does that make my argument less valid? Let’s say I’m 47 and a veteran who has seen war and served our country. Does that make my argument more valid? I say no to both. The argument exists on it’s own merits, regardless of the source (me in this case).

        And I notice that you still haven’t refuted my points, but have gone with insulting comments (a sure sign of shaky ground in any debate).

        • orchidcup says:

          Your analogy of a knife attacker was on shaky ground after the first statement.

          There is nothing to refute. Nada.

          I must rush off now to rescue another idiot that thinks he is smart enough to handle a computer.

          Silly hoomans.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Well Chris–I don’t know what Orchi is babbling about. He must be upset about one of his customers?

            You accurately commented on the linked incident wherein someone bought a knife and was attacking other people. You rationally pointed out that getting attacked by a knife was much preferred to be attacked by a gun.

            I didn’t note any analogy and your analysis was irrefutable. Kudo’s. I’ll wager Orchi is just jealous as your arguing could only get even better as your consciousness expands.

            What could the limits even be?

  29. orchidcup says:

    bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    More cars=more deaths. /// More seat belts=less death.

    A gun with a safety and an idiot that knows how to use it=less death.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      I agree all guns should have safety mechanisms on them: like an electronic always on blue tooth connection to the Show “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader” and if you can answer the 3rd Grade Physics Question, then the gun is good to go for 3 minutes. Need another shot?===Make another call.

      Is that what you mean? Or do you mean some ineffective safety lock that is there only to prevent butt triggers?

  30. dadeo says:

    Holding out for my own drone..


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