Executive Producer: Joseph van Spanje
Associate Executive Producers: Duane Cawthron, AJ2, Sir Keith Brown, John Richert, Richard Garrett

Art By: Thoren
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  1. jpfitz says:

    From Wikipedia.
    The Barrett M107 is a .50 caliber, shoulder fired, semi-automatic sniper rifle.

    The maximum effective range of the M107 is 2,000 yards (1,829m). The maximum range of this weapon (specifically the M107 variant) is 7,450 yards (6,812m), which is the distance quoted in the owner’s manual that should be allowed downrange for bullet travel. Fifty caliber (and larger) rounds have the potential to travel great distances if fired in an artillery-like fashion, necessitating the observance of large safety margins when firing on a range.

    Shooting a plane down with the above weapon is possible.

  2. anonymous coward says:

    Sometimes John and Adam are not very sharp….

    The ceremony started at 8:12 because in 24 hrs format it is 20:12

    • Yahweh says:

      John and Adam are just two guys talking and deconstructing media stories. They don’t have a staff of researchers and fact checkers and they don’t read from a teleprompter like Wolf Blitzer.

      You can help John and Adam get sharper.

      Send your donation to dvorak.org/na/

      Ask for a shot of Karma. It works.

      • anonymous coward says:

        Really you need a staff of researchers to figure out why the ceremony started at 8:12? Really?


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