In Game of Thrones, the best brothels are owned by a member of the government. In the US, it’s reversed in that many in Congress are the whores.

Hypocritical conservatives — who generally want government out of their lives — want total control of sex between consenting adults while so often being outed as adulterers and worse.

Regulate, but allow. It works well here in Nevada.

A report issued by the United Nations-backed Global Commission on HIV and the Law; recommends that nations around the world get rid of “punitive” laws against prostitution – or what it calls “consensual sex work” — and decriminalize the voluntary use of illegal injection drugs in order to combat the HIV epidemic.

  1. orchidcup says:

    It is interesting to note that adults in most states can have consensual sex without penalty of law, yet if one penny changes hands it becomes a crime.

    I suggest that people do it like lobbyists do it; slide the money under the table with your foot and don’t get caught.

    • dusanmal says:

      You could state about the same for the slavery. I don’t see that it would do much for legalizing it in anyone’s mind but somehow your moral compass have eroded enough to see identical comparison for sex trade as acceptable.

      • Uncle Dave says:

        I see you don’t understand the meaning of the consensual. If you look it up you will see that slavery doesn’t isn’t and is a completely different issue.

        • Dallas says:

          I’ve been to at least one party where slavery was consensual.

          • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

            Ha, ha. Well said Dallas. Different kind of slavery though. don’t let the words confuse you.

      • orchidcup says:

        Forced slavery is not consensual.

        Working a job for a salary is consensual slavery.

        Prostitution in Nevada is consensual and completely voluntary.

        Two parties agree to a contract without duress.

        What moral compass?

        • So what says:

          You can bet some “religious” person will find fault with it.

          • orchidcup says:

            Until they try it.

            Oh wait they already did.

            They won’t tell you about it.

      • Anon says:

        Show me a VICTIM and I’ll show you a crime.

        Pull your head out!

    • Cursor_ says:

      So marriage is now a crime?



  2. dusanmal says:

    UN and the Globalist moral relativism yet again. It is NOT about “protecting prostitutes or drug users”. It is about eroding moral and civil base of the society. Proper action? – recognize that immoral (and in most cases illegal) actions carry consequences and that the only 100% safe way out is not to participate in them. Participate->consequences. Not “realistic”? – Very realistic. Evolutionary selection. You do engage in immoral acts of these kinds, somehow you end up injuring yourself… there is cause and consequence here. Selection of the fittest. Your own choices have consequences and society should underline consequences for its own betterment. Go by Globalist UN policy – and there is no feedback from immoral actions back to the actor -> societal decay. Same as in economics, in any societal aspect only the free choice plus the results and consequences yield positive corrections. As soon as Nanny State (Globe) meddles in this mechanism is lost and the only possible outcome is decay.

    • tcc3 says:

      A whole rambling paragraph about immorality and societal decay and feed back from immoral actions, and you have the gall to end complaining about the “nanny state”

      You cant have it both ways.

    • Uncle Dave says:

      Why should government be involved in policing consensual, adult morality? Doing so it the epitome of the Nanny State interfering in people’s lives.

      And who should decide what is immoral? What you consider immoral may not be to others and vice versa. Some Muslims consider it immoral for women to go out without covering their heads. Should that be enforced by government? If you say no, you are a hypocrite.

      Keep government out of morality.

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      Douche-Anal: “UN and the Globalist moral relativism yet again.” /// Dog whistles for the unthinking. While the term “moral relativism” has somewhat a popular cache, it is purely definitional. The moral and the relativism in legalized versus illegalized sex trade are all made up. Moral and relative to what? Make prostitution illegal and that is a violation of absolute right to contract and to engage in voluntary associations as desired. How is it not morally relativist to make exactly the same physical action legal within marriage and illegal without marriage? Same relationships just of opposite moral values.

      FREEDOM: other people doing things you do not like and would not do even if you could. ((Deleted… sure was funny though. Just TMI!))

  3. Dallas says:

    “Hypocritical conservatives”

    Seems redundant

  4. orchidcup says:

    Conservatives don’t want government out of their lives.

    They want the government to define marriage.

    They want the government to promote the Ten Commandments.

    • Tippis says:

      Nah. They want the government out of their lives…

      …so the church can have free reign at ruling everyone’s lives instead.

  5. spsffan says:

    Well, anyone with any sense would say that consensual sex (for money or not) and drug use shouldn’t be against the law in the first place.

    Even without the pretext of slowing the spread of HIV, the state has no business telling anyone what they can put into their body (works for both drugs and sex!)

    Unfortunately, many (mostly religious) folks equate consensual prostitution with forced sex slavery complete with pimps and so forth. That’s different; it’s not consensual. Of course, neither are ultimatums from the UN. Fortunately, the commission is only recommending, not forcing.

    • orchidcup says:

      Laws should provide against injury from others; but not from ourselves.

      Oh wait a minute. Thomas Jefferson said that.

      Never mind.

  6. Evict the Useless Nations says:

    From the report: “3.2.3 Prohibit the mandatory HIV and STI testing of sex workers.”


    The liberal thinking U.N. (Useless Nations) is lowering the bar on basic human behavior and responsibility. Are they trying to push humanity back to the Middle Ages?

    How long before the bestality lobby shows up? How do you get a gorilla to wear a condom?

  7. Glenn E. says:

    Is the reason that anything is “illegal”, that it’s dangerous to one’s health, or to others? Because if that were true, smoking and drinking the hard stuff, would have been outlawed for good. But smoking never has been. And the drinking Prohibition, caused far more problems than it “cured”. So it was eventually repealed.

    Now here we are with still more things that are “illegal” to do. Mainly because it offends some people. And making a law about it, gets their vote. And that’s the only reason it’s illegal. Politics!! Because the elected officials don’t give a rat’s ass. And occasional get caught doing it, themselves. Even the US President was an unreformed heavy drinker, during the Prohibition Era. And all the wealthy poops, that had pushed for the law, had well stocked Wine Cellars. So a lot of hypocrites, want laws governing your good times, but not theirs. And if they were only thing wrong, it wouldn’t be so bad. But a lot of taxpayer dollars are wasted (not mention lives) enforcing these laws.

    The reason why so many kids even try drugs, is that it’s so forbidden. If it were something they could get for free, at a clinic, under supervision. Very likely its “cool” aspect would vanish. Just as drinking lost its illegal attraction, after the 1930s. Except for underage kids, of course, because it’s still illegal for them. And I suspect that there always will be something they shouldn’t be doing, that they’ll naturally want to do because of that. So no matter what you legalize. They find something else. Like hang from high tension lines. Or standing on their heads, in the middle of highways.

    The real problem is education. Nothing is done to smarten up the youth, to recognize that this is destructive and exploitative behavior. And they should fall for it. But I think the powers that be are SO afraid that they’ll extend this to not smoking, drinking, gambling, or joining military service. That the unstated policy is to teach them nothing, if it means risk making them too smart to take the personal risks desired by corporate entities.

    Which is why “they” hate Home Schooling. And if that really caught on, there would be a law against it. Because what would they do with a load of pacifist youth, come the next big dust up? Pull another Pearl Harbor, to get everyone worked up for war? And what about smoking and drinking? They’d have to turn every Tv and movie character into tobacco and alcohol addicted fiends. So the kids would think it was “cool” again.

    That’s why you need all these idiot laws. Because people grow up with the corporate crapola shoved into their brains, that’s cool to take risks with your health. And that sells both the tools of addiction, and the cures for later. How very nice of our free enterprise system to profit from both. Where’s the moral laws against that?!!!

  8. Dallas says:

    There has to be a loop hole somewhere.

    Why not just call consensual sex a private ‘massage’ or ‘lap dance’?
    A religious ritual ?
    A medical examination ?
    A form of exercise?
    An attempt to make God’s children?

    Supporters of consensual sex have very poor marketing skills .

  9. NewformatSux says:

    Maybe the UN should focus on keeping its peacekeepers from raping the people they are supposed to protect.

  10. President Amabo (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    Morality – ha. I wonder just how much of society’s problems are due to repressed sexual urges. Society would be better off if you had to prove you’re not only not a virgin, but have had multiple partners to vote. ( Along with an ID of course.)

    Why should ‘service’ station refer only to a gas station? I’d love to see real ‘service’ stations. I know I’d stop more frequently on a long drive…


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