What’s annoying is that I could have done some parody like this. And made it funnier, though this has its moments.

found by Tex Ligums

  1. James says:


    Would love to see your parody!
    Go for it!


    • NotQuite says:

      Republicans have been the one’s DESTROYING this country.

      Is Dvorak a Democrat or a Republican? I’d be shocked if he’s a Republican. I thought he knew his sh..

  2. Sitman says:


  3. John says:

    So these are the supporters of Obama? Now the pieces are going together.

  4. John says:

    I would bet their are Obama supporters from 2008 who could relate to this video parody.

    • The0ne says:

      I am one of them John. I was hoping this “change” would be for the better but it hasn’t been for my case and many others that I’ve met along the poverty road. Sure I can blame him but I also realize he inherited it and didn’t start it.

      I know it’s hard or people who aren’t in the poverty status to realize this but it is really hard. Hard to get a job, hard to find one, hard to keep going. It’s so easy for many to lose hope and give up in the few months that they become poor. It’s hard for my family to understand my situation in fact.

      Anyways, would also love to see you do a parody John. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you as a person anyhow besides the PC World articles 🙂

    • wow says:

      anybody who can’t figure out there/their/they’re shouldn’t be allowed to breed, vote, or comment on the internet.

  5. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Yeap, little girl didn’t know/still doesn’t accept what a shit bomb BushtheRetard left for Obama to clean up.

    Take your broom stick out of my ass and do the future video with someone who actually supports and is dissappointed by Obama’s failures rather than the shill production by a NeoCon who is obviously still working to keep BushtheRetard as free from History’s judgment as possible.

    Look out just ahead: a double dip!!! Without Obama–we would never have had the slight recovery.

    Such is the Tea Party heart: grind the middle class until they don’t exist any more. Too much wealth inbetween absolute poverty and the Job Creators.

    Silly Hoomans.

    • McCullough says:

      As bad as Bush the ‘Tard was, it is such bullshit to keep hanging your hat on this. Cleaning up the shit Bush left is one thing, but there is no excuse for the loss of freedoms we have experienced under Obama the ‘Tater.

      Just remember the NDAA…and keep blaming Bush. You and I have lost our right to due process. The most unforgivable sin in my opinion.

      • bobbo, telling shit from shinola with every wipe says:

        Well McCullough–don’t confuse/conflate/mix up the economic situation that was handed off to Obama which AT THE TIME I opined could easily take 10 years to fix.

        Totally different issue than what Obama can do all by himself with the stroke of a pen–such as the multiple invasions of our civil rights.

        Different subject to be addressed as they singularly get posted.

        • deowll says:

          I am not a fan of shrub. However in many ways Obumbler has made things twice as bad in half the time and has nothing what so ever of any worth to show for it. His idea of success really is to put as many people on the government teat as possible even though anyone who can add and subtract isn’t going to have any problems seeing that we are going to run into the same kind of debt spiral Spain and Greece are dealing with. I don’t want to starve to death or be unable to pay my electric bill.

    • It's Not Johnny says:

      You are an annoying idiot, and we ALL would appreciate it if you stopped with that moronic “hoomans” canard.

      • bobbo, telling shit from shinola with every wipe says:

        Yeah, I get tired of it too….. but then another person posts an entirely idiotic point. What to do?

        I’ll stop posting canards, when canards no longer fly.

        Yea, verily?

  6. Thad says:

    What a stupid fucking video. Yeah, I believe she voted for Obama in 2008, yeah.

    I’d harp more, but I think bobbo said it well enough…

  7. orchidcup says:

    Well, she changed, didn’t she?

  8. AdmFubar says:

    lemme clue yas in onna lil sumpthin’ here…

    all candidates lie! they will lie, cheat, steal and sell their mothers soul to get into office and take as much corporate cash as they can as the prostitute themselves for big business….. seriously how long have we had these problems in america? cites & states infrastructure crumbling, cost of living outta whack, education “failing” ( wont go into that fiasco here..) you’d think in the past 40-50-60 years the politico hoe’s have been harping on these issue that they could have accomplished something??? but lo and behold, nothing has changed… amazing!

    • As the World Turns says:

      A Politician’s Priorities:

      1. Get elected.
      2. Establish connections.
      3. Accumulate wealth (leveraging the connections).
      4. Propose some low-risk legislation.
      5. Tell the public how hard they work.
      6. Promise to “continue the fight”.
      7. Get re-elected.

      Most real service to the taxpayer is serendipitous.

  9. observer says:

    Yes, America would be paradise if only McCain/Palin had won in 2008.

    • NewformatSux says:

      I think we’d still have more troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the deficit would be smaller. Maybe only 2 trillion in added debt instead of 6.

    • deowll says:

      Not really. MaCain has too much in common with Obama but it would have slightly better.

  10. RANT.com says:

    It’s stomach-turning to hear so many stupid people. It’s your Republican Congress that’s been screwing you!!! And ONLY that!

    • NotQuite says:

      Rant’s right. Obama would have had Bush’s destruction of America reversed by not if not for the obstructions of the evil republican congress.

      Seriously, Obama’s had to do everything on his own.

      You people that *Don’t Get* that the Republicans have been RUINING this country…are you just not paying any attention at ALL?

      If you don’t think Obama’s been a great president, you seriously do not know what’s going on.

      REPUBLICANS ARE THE ONLY PROBLEM IN AMERICA TODAY. Oh, and I’m NOT a Liberal, I’m a business owner and I was dumb enough to vote Republican in the past.

      Once I started paying attention…I discovered, the Democrats are actually the one’s on MY side!

      Pay Attention.

      • Kevin Baker says:

        For the first two years of Obama’s administration, the DEMOCRATS CONTROLLED CONGRESS.

        And what did they accomplish? HEALTH CARE LEGISLATION, $700B bailout, expansion of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Guantanamo is still open, etc. etc. etc.

        So, Mr. Business Owner, are you going to support the tax increase from 35% to 39.5% of your income? I assume you’re one of the 1% that makes more than $250k with your small business income?

      • You says:


        You’re not quite right. Are you smoking dope?

  11. RANT.com says:

    To Kevin Baker, the person that said, “For the first two years of Obama’s administration, the DEMOCRATS CONTROLLED CONGRESS. And what did they accomplish?”

    You know…*I* Fell for that at first too, Kevin! BUT, if you investigate a little further, to see if the Democrats really did blow it or not…you’ll find that it’s NOT that the Dems didn’t try to get things done…it’s that the Republicans in Congress kept filibustering and BLOCKING everything, (just like they have been since).

    Like I said, do just a little further investigation and you’ll discover that we at http://www.RANT.com are telling you the truth, “The Republicans are the Problem!” with America today.

    A SERIOUS problem! Get these Aholes out of office man!

    -Rant 🙂


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