If only they had been examining James Holmes’ tweets and postings before the shooting. And had body scanners at the movie theater. And armed guards. Armed movie goers! Ah, totalitarianism…. Do it for the children.

People’s nasty traits have a way of revealing themselves on social networks: in writing. Or rather in how they write. That means an analysis of how someone tweets could reveal whether he or she is narcissistic, Machiavellian, or psychopathic, according to researchers who plan to present their findings at DefCon next week.

What are some of the Twitter stylings of these undesirables? Curse words. Angry responses to other people, including swearing and use of the word “hate.” Using the word “we.” Using periods. Using filler words such as “blah” and “I mean” and “um.”

  1. orchidcup says:

    I hate fucking articles that we um, I mean, bla, blah, blah, and so on and so forth.

    Dipshit researchers and their liberal psychobabble politics ….

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Hey Orchi–I agree. Well summed up and stated.

      I think the key revealing factor is the crime that makes the person of uninterrupted 24/7 media coverage and then we look back and connect anything to anything.

      blah, blah, I mean, uhm–isn’t everything I think self evident?

  2. dusanmal says:

    @Uncle Dave “…And had body scanners at the movie theater. And armed guards. Armed movie goers! Ah, totalitarianism…” – First, one of those does not belong. Very hard to spot by Progressives, trivial for free people: Armed movie goers are not part of the Government, Theater Corporation, … not part of totalitarianism.

    In this case totalitarianism would fail. Every system has a crack. Idiot have not entered the theater armed. He used mandatory fire exit after the movie have started to bring arms in … Free armed people would win: if some or even many were armed – number of victims would be significantly smaller, some of them would not be slaughtered like animals but maybe die fighting for their right to live. Finally, if custom was for many to be armed – idiot might not even have done this cowardly action, aware that there will be resistance. For that latter reason Chicago is the murder capitol, not some city where people “cling to their Bibles and guns”.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Hey Douche-Anal==you really took that obvious sarcasm of Uncle Dave’s apart. Very perceptive on your part. Of Course–every citizen armed is the very antithesis of being in a totalitarian society. What’s the government going to do against guns?

      Use a tank?

    • ± says:

      I saw the movie. (btw, it is not worth losing 2.75 hours of your life, although some may like it).
      I was with two friends and two of us were armed (legal concealed carry) as usual. And although it was near virtually impossible that a similar event would occur, we couldn’t help but feel safer regarding the possibility. Such events will always occur regardless of the level of gun control. It makes no sense not to have a populace that can’t defend itself against true overwhelming evil.

      Starbucks has it right in supporting concealed carry. They know that any potential tragedy in one of their stores may be averted or ameliorated by the threat of the presence of good guys with guns.

  3. Joe Pocolardee says:

    .Use of periods. makes you a psychopath?.

    • Anon says:

      No. But if you’re on a period you might be a psychopath. (Or was that just being a bitch?)

  4. msbpodcast says:

    You might be a psychopathic tweeter …
    • if your name is Robert Scoble,
    • if you admire the Joker and TwoFace,
    • if you find yourself retweeting messages to yourself,
    • if you have no followers but follow thousands,
    • if you find yourself wondering if Charlie Manson tweets,
    • if you find yourself wondering if Ted Kazinsky tweets,
    • if you find yourself editing to fit everything under 140 chars,
    • if you find yourself only thinking in 140 characters,
    and on and on…

  5. spsffan says:

    From where I sit, use of Twitter makes you a psychopath.

    Periods? Really???

  6. orchidcup says:

    The only psychopaths I know sit around and make comments on news blogs and use symbols like ==// and so forth.

    • orchidcup says:

      Before bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist responds, I will do it for him ….

      Hey Orchi — It takes one to know one, blah, blah, blah.

  7. BOOB the neo Nazi progressive liberal BOOB and anti-thinking bonehead! says:

    Ya?! UP YOURS!

  8. Kent says:


  9. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    IF i WEREN’T a PSYCHO===i’d BE upset.

    • The Monster's Lawyer says:

      Hey, that’s ECA’s texting style Bobbo. You better watch out.

  10. orchidcup says:

    Are you a psychopath?


    It’s not a particularly well understood condition, especially not by the public at large. Sometimes categorized with “sociopaths”, those who suffer from this peculiar disorder lack empathy, are highly manipulative, have little regard for the law, and lack delusions or other signs of irrational thinking. They’re essentially sane, but completely amoral.

    This test is not to be considered as a diagnostic tool. If you seriously think you suffer from a psychological disorder you should see a psychologist–not random, silly tests on the Internet.

  11. orchidcup says:

    Test your personality and find the answers you have been looking for, blah, blah, blah …

    The Bri Theory


    Rated one of the best multi-dimensional personality tests on the web, you can’t go wrong when taking this fun and easy “Bri Theory” Quiz. It delivers a full analysis, future predictions, and advice! Based on the upcoming book, “Ideas For The Idle Minded”, you know this quiz will give you accurate answers to identify what your personality traits equal up to in a psychological diagnosis of your personality.

    Take this test and BE HONEST and the results might just shock you… This scientifically researched; analyzed, and accurate personality test will specifically break down your personality traits by your responses to researched psychology questions in order to give you a fully personalized analysis fitting your personality. Take it and see what your quirks add up to…

  12. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I took all the personality tests as part of my undergraduate degree. whats fun in these is not reading the results but what else can be predicted about a person FROM these results==such as==would you make a good pilot or a good husband or repay money and so forth. These things all correlate to one another.

    I was almost an even 1/4th for 4 subjects and very little of the fifth.

    Very happy to be “For 26 % you are: Personality D
    Your personality name is “ The Judicious Rationalizer”

    What else is a pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist?

    Yea, verily!!

  13. BigBoyBC says:

    I think this is all a plot by big cable to scare movie goers back to their homes and continue to pay outlandish prices for cable and capped internet services.

    Hey, it’s not anymore crazy than any of the other crackpot theories out there…

  14. GregAllen says:

    Ban military-style weapons.
    Ban army quantity ammo.

    Can any reasonable and moral American disagree with this?

    • orchidcup says:

      Should I raise my hand?

      What is a military-style weapon exactly?

      What is army quantity ammo? 100 rounds? 1000 rounds? 10000 rounds?

      What if I am a gun collector?

      What if I am a gun dealer?

      Who decides what and why?

      • GregAllen says:

        Asking a bunch of dumb questions is not the same as solving the problem of our citizens getting slaughtered.

        • Anon says:

          Those are NOT “dumb questions”!

          Who decides? YOU?! ME?!

          And HOW do you decide what’s in and what’s out? What’s “too much” or “what’s acceptable”?

          It seems that if we (you, me, orchidcup, whoever) don’t ask those questions then the people left who will be making these decisions will probably be the same people with their feet at our throats – or worse.

    • Faxon says:

      What is it about “shall not be infringed” that you grabbers just don’t get?
      The 2nd Amendment, based on Old World rights, codifies the “right” to own arms. “Arms” means weapons, commonly in use. What is there that won’t let you see AR-15’s as “commonly in use”? Every cop has one in his car these days, and in California, the cops have 30 round mags, while the citizens can only have 10. The 2nd Amendment is a natural right to self defense, including against a tyrannical government, not “granted” by the Bill of Rights, but described by it. It cracks me up when some idiot like Obama says he “recognizes” the amendment, in order to support “hunters”.

      • GregAllen says:


        What about “well-regulated militia” don’t you understand?

        I won’t infringe upon your right to be in a well-regulated militia.

        Outside of a militia, gun ownership is a privilege, not a right.

        • Faxon says:

          Unfortunately for your argument, the Supreme Court disagrees, and specifically ruled that gun ownership and self defense is a right of every legal citizen of the country. Thank God you are not in any position of authority, Herr Allen.

          • GregAllen says:

            An activist Supreme Court, who overrule two centuries of precedent in a a narrowly split decision.

            This can be overturned.

            Gun sanity can be restored.

        • WmDE says:

          The current United States Code, Title 10 (Armed forces), section 311 (Militia: Composition and Classes), paragraph (a) states: “The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.”

          It used to be just the white guys. Now it is all guys and some gals. If you are guy 17 to 44 and you aren’t packin’ heat you are failing in your militia responsibilities.

      • Faxon says:

        I do have the right to form a militia, and the right to keep and bear arms is what guarantees that right, bucko.

        • Anon says:

          I have a “right” to be a militia of ONE too!

          Just ask the U.S. Army!

  15. GregAllen says:

    Let’s bring back well-regulated militias.

    To get a weapon, you must belong to one and they must attest to your legitimate need for it.

    • orchidcup says:

      Then only the nutcases in the militia will have weapons.

      • GregAllen says:

        Well-_REGULATED_ militias. Not nut-case militias allowed.

        Besides nutcases have no problem getting massive weapons under the current NRA extremist interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.

        • Faxon says:

          I suppose you would love the militia to be “regulated” by Bloomberg, Feinstein, or Pelosi….

          • GregAllen says:


            I would prefer the federal government since national gun control only kind of gun regulation that would work.

            But if you believe in the 2nd Ammendment, you support some sort of regulation.

    • Faxon says:

      The Amendment does not say “the right of the militia to keep and bear arms”. It says “the right of the people to keep and bear arms”. Everywhere the phrase “the people” occurs in the Constitution, it refers to the collective population, not to any agency or organization. The “people”, being legally and perpetually armed, may gather into a “militia”. Duh. Perhaps you should review the recent two Supreme Court decisions regarding the right to bear arms.

      • GregAllen says:

        People in a militia, Goofy.

        • Faxon says:

          Read the Court decisions and THEN tell me all about why I can’t keep and bear arms….

          • GregAllen says:

            You can keep and bear arms if you are in a well-regulated militia.

            The Constitution could not be more clear, even if a nutty activist Supreme Court rules otherwise in a narrowly split decision.

    • Anon says:


      I have a “right” to be a militia of ONE!

      Just ask the U.S. Army!

      I believe I’m pretty well “regulated” too.

  16. Faxon says:

    Lastly, if you are correct, then I am not able to own firearms in America if I am not in a Militia.
    Gee, I wonder how it is that I can buy guns just by walking into my gun dealer’s shop?

    Maybe it’s because I DON’T have to be in a Militia. Like the Supreme Court ruled…

    • GregAllen says:


      You are allowed to own arms. It’s just not an absolute right.

      The reason you can walk into your gun dealer and buy a weapon of mass destruction is because the NRA has bought off our politicians and certain conservative members on the Supreme Court.

      • orchidcup says:

        The Constitution says it is an absolute right to keep and bear arms.

  17. Jim says:

    Hey Dvorak,

    Are you an idiot? The Aurora shooter entered the building with his firearms through an exit at the back of the theater.

    Also, this description of Twitter users covers about 90% of leftists on Twitter. Including many unhinged celebrities. For example, check Cher’s Twitter feed.

  18. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    MSNBC show had charts revealing the majority of americans/voters? support liberal access to guns while a minority support greater restrictions on gun ownership. A change in statistics over the last 25 years.

    What ya gonna do as your country slowly goes nuts?

    anti-science, head in the sand, wacko individualism all pandered to by various special interests groups and the politicians they hold by the nuts.

    Guns when the Constitution was written were single shot with long reload times meaning that when one guy went nuts, 2-3 other guys could take him down even if they didn’t have guns themselves. Today, one guy with a semi-auto and extended clips can take out dozens of people even if they are armed.

    At the bottom line, seems to me the “original intent” of the Framers was to recognize the then current need for gun ownership for survival in the wilderness and protecting the US government from foreign governments. Not the near psycho freedom FROM our own government we have today. And individual ownership of fully auto weapons have no chance against an organized militia which is also totally passe as we now have a standing army.

    Don’t be confused by our Activist Supreme Court taking the fringe position. Any “right” to gun ownership has to be balanced by the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and other rights. Raising the right of gun ownership to the level we have is self destructive to a society. All you have to do is look===LOOK===at what gun violence is doing to our country. If your head wasn’t up your ass, you could see it.

    Its time to outlaw guns except for the military. Even cops shouldn’t have guns, they do enough damage with tasers. What of the sport of hunting?? Tough titties. Use a bow or machette. Just as much fun, more sporting.

    The opposite approach with the same end goal would be to follow the advancement of the technology just as the NRA advocates and mandate that each gun have a fingerprint firing lock. Require heavy insurance just like driving a car and so forth.

    Lots of ways to wiggle – – – – – if you aren’t nuts. Which we have become. This is just what collective mental illness looks like: clinging to god, guns, and insularity.

    How can I get off this planet?

    • orchidcup says:

      How can I get off this planet?

      Stick a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Hmmm. Yes…..ummm, that could work. Have to be your gun and your finger. I’ll wager Pedro has a spare bullet too?

        But I jest. A world slowly going nuts balanced by the JCD blog offering the revelation of complaint.

        Good thing I’m a creature of habit, and easily diverted.

  19. All the sisters here have periods and we hate it.

  20. Blake says:

    Hmmm reminds me of Jolie O’Dell 🙂


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