Executive Producers: Sir Eponymous, Dame Astrid
Associate Executive Producer: Sir Gene Naftulyev
Art By: Nick the Rat
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  1. orchidcup says:

    I saw the CBS 48 Hours News Magazine Extravaganza Special Coverage Edition of the Batman Dark Knight Movie Massacre.

    [Place stingers and zingers here]

    Script writing appears to be an opportunity for employment.

    There are too many guns! There are too many guns!

    Be afraid. Very afraid.

    • orchidcup says:

      We interrupt our “programming” to bring you this special message from our sponsor:

      [Soothing background music]

      Do you have unidentified and underlying feelings of anxiety that keep you awake at night?

      Try Ambien. Get a good night’s sleep with Ambien.

      (May cause heart attack, erectile dysfunction, restless leg syndrome, or toe fungus. Be sure to pay your doctor $75.00 for a consultation before taking this drug.)

      Now, back to our regular “programming.”

      • orchidcup says:

        [Place stingers and zingers here]

        Now we have our special correspondent that you have never seen before to talk about the destructive power of assault weapons and the deadly 6,000 rounds of ammunition that were purchased at Wal-Mart and how easy it is for any normal person to obtain an assault rifle.

        In other news, 43 people were killed in traffic fatalities across the nation today.

  2. Kent says:

    Last part of the show demonstrates that Curry and Dvorak have swallowed the kool aid.

  3. Joe says:

    Any more bigoted rants against Muslims in this episode or did the boys get it out of their systems last week?

  4. orchidcup says:

    There are interesting parallels between the Norway shooting and the Colorado shooting.

    According to the Norway narrative, the shooter set off a bomb in Oslo to draw police and emergency responders to that location while he went to assault the kids on the island.

    According to the Colorado narrative, the shooter set up bombs and incendiary devices in the apartment and had loud techno music timed to come on and draw somebody to the apartment and set off the booby trap to draw police and emergency responders to that location while the shooter assaulted the movie theater.

    The Norway shooter was dressed in body armor and tactical gear, and used assault weapons.

    The Colorado shooter was dressed in body armor and tactical gear, and used assault weapons.

    The Norway shooter hit dozens of trapped victims.

    The Colorado shooter hit dozens of trapped victims.

    The anniversary of the Norway shootings was July 22.

    The Colorado shootings occurred on July 20.

    Both shooters were highly intelligent loners that spent a length of time planning the assault and gathering the weapons.

    Both shooters gave themselves up voluntarily to the police.

    The Norway shooter published a political manifesto explaining his motives.

    The Colorado shooter is reported to be silent concerning his motive. Perhaps his only motive was to copy the Norway shooter as we may find out as the narrative continues.

  5. Tim says:

    Try St. Mary’s Little Lamb Spam. It’s delicious and nutr…um… it’s 7.1% ground up sheep now with 20% less *ham* than ever before!


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