In the coming weeks, the hand wringing from the left will be hard at work trying to convince you that American citizens have no right to self-protection. Unfortunately the horse has already left the barn, the weapons are in the hands of the bad guys, banks are laundering money for the drug cartels, and the US Government looks the other way. In some cases the US Gov’t, under Attorney General Eric Holder, has facilitated the sale of weapons to the drug cartels. There is no way to turn that around. Ask yourself this question: How well has gun prohibition worked out for the Mexican populace?
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Most right-wingers crap their drawers when they realize there’s a Leftie next to them at the range. And his gun is as big or bigger.
You know absolutely NOTHING about guns or 2nd amendment proponents, do you?
Guns don’t kill people. It’s the massive wounds.
massive gaping holes in vital organs….
Lefty or righty, if you feel that Americans have the right to easy and unfettered access to guns, you should not be surprised when one of those American’s takes advantage of that easy access to murder large numbers of people…
You have a point but do you know what it is? Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws going and they are the murder capital of the nation.
The Movie theater forbid guns on the premises so the guy snuck them in the back and got his jollies murdering unarmed people.
The fort hood shooting was similar in that the rest of the people, military no less, were unarmed.
The shooting in North Eastern Europe was such a big disaster at least in part because even the cops didn’t have access to weapons so the perp got to use kids for target practice for over an hour.
I don’t know what the answer is but more laws that criminals and nuts don’t obey is going to be it. I also think the best people to make choices about things like more or less gun control are the locals. The Fed gov always messes everything up.
excuse me. I’m tired. More laws that criminals and nuts aren’t going to obey isn’t going to be it.
Sounds like someone is speaking about the federal govt. a little hastily. Fox speaking points aren’t always true.
Yep look at the national highway system built in the 1950 and 1960’s.
Then there is all that space technology developed with federal money that the commercial space guys are getting for free.
Did I mention the public transit in our major cities. Try to drive a car in those cities if all the transit riders were on the road.
As soon as anyone mentions sensible firearm legislation people always jump to the conclusion weapons will be banned or confiscated. That is not going to happen. The public doesn’t support it.
The NRA can get their membership all stoked up about it to fill their pockets with money, and politicians will throw fear around to get campaign donations with the cry of ” I won’t let them take YOUR guns away.”
Fact is no one wants to take YOUR guns away. It is just stated that way to get you in a state of fear so you can be manipulated.
The gun lobby manipulates your fears so you buy more guns and ammo than any sane person could use in a lifetime. Helps their profits immensely.
Spend you money and load up as the “others” are coming. Well the “others”, also have firearm rights and are just as well armed. Only the corporations win in this arms race.
Each year, most counties in the USA have one or zero murders. And it tends to be the counties with highest gun ownership.
Eliot Spitzer said this should be a wakeup call or more gun control laws. Someone tweeted that prostitution laws didn’t stop him.
Hookers usually don’t shoot anyone although they have torpedoed many marriages…
Kennesaw, Georgia has an ordinance that requires all home owners to own a firearm for self-defense. Burglaries dropped 65% after the law passed. Burglars are mostly cowards so they’re less likely to rob a place if they might be greeted by Smith & Wesson.
Problem isn’t access to guns, it’s the gun culture. Shoot first, ask questions later.
Some examples, please.
Do you really trust our government enough to give up all gun rights?The only thing holding back a police state is our ability to buy weapons.
It doesn’t seem to be working.
Better distribute more guns then. It’s the only logical thing to do!
How would you know. You only remember the failures.
Tough dudes don’t need guns.
If you have stopped a crime by drawing your gun please list the incident, police report # and date and location of the incident so we can verify. It’s rare.
Go on list it. How many people that own guns have alarms on their home? Paranoid and afraid.
Three friends including my roommate from college were all shot and killed. All were gun owners. How many people do you know that have been murdered?
I don’t own one. It leads to a shorter life.
You should subscribe to NRA newsletter. In every single issue they have long, dense detailed list of recent events with names, dates and police reports that NRA members voluntarily submitted. How many people do not go to such extent (certainly more than do)? So, list exists and is very very long – and that happens everyday. Not rare. Not paranoia.
Did you even WATCH THE VIDEO?! That’s one case, RIGHT THERE!
Own a gun. Don’t own one. That’s every law abiding citizens CHOICE!!! Can I say it again? Cause you don’t seem to be listening. IT’S EVERYONE’S INDIVIDUAL CHOICE WHAT THEY HAVE AND WHAT THEY DO IN LIFE!!! It’s what they DO to OTHERS that really only matters.
It might also matter how society reacts to violence and other crimes too. But I’m not holding my breath for any of that to change particularly when certain people praise loosers. “Good job Jimmy. You get a trophy too.” (Not that you deserve it for never applying yourself or anything.) I will not stand by and “hope” that these same stupid people realize that limiting or banning Constitutional rights is the answer either – it’s not!
At least YOU know you would be a pretty irresponsible gun owner and I commend you for realizing this and choosing to not own one.
But one thing is for sure. Prohibiting guns in public or banning them altogether is NOT going to help. Just look at the mess we’re in when it comes to drugs and how well all that is going.
If anything, we need armed security for unarmed areas like airports where people aren’t allowed to carry guns. Otherwise, I say more power to people like old grandpa and anyone else willing to stand up like that. Hell yes!!!
(And no. I’m NOT a member of the NRA or a Republican. And you can be damned sure I’m not a dumb-ass democrat either.)
Could you provide links to the news stories? Because I’m calling BS.
There is a nice video at the top of this article that apparently you forgot to watch.
That is just one state and probably not all of them for just Ohio.
It’s called deterrence. The mere possibility of people owning guns will keep people from trying something. The more prevalent the ownership of guns, the less likely people will try something.
In some places, gun ownership can be correlated to higher death rates, because the people most at risk are the ones buying the guns. It’s like how you are more likely to die if you go to the hospital.
Why am I thinking, Clint Eastwood right now?
They’re about the same age. Maybe that’s why.
That’s a good post.
The best place, if you are planning to master basic fundamentals involving computers and Microsof company Place of work 2007
Yet more spam.
Are you guys taking paid advertisements in the comments section now?
HEY!! I just woke up. I’ll be here all day.
McCullough–years of considering the subject and your trump argument is: “Ask yourself this question: How well has gun prohibition worked out for the Mexican populace?” // HAW! HAW!!
Let’s see now? Do FACTS make any difference in your considerations? “What if”…… available statistics show that Murder by Gun rates in the USA were higher than in Mexico EVEN WITH the drug violence included??
How would your position change if at all? I suspect your position would not change …. AND… you might not even change your argument. You know…its just SOUNDS SO GOOD regardless of the truth>>>and thats what most gun arguments are all about===what sounds good to ME coming out of MY mouth. Very emotional subject.
Emotions ….. making fools of us every day on every subject they touch. Global Warming???? — I got an emotion on that right here.
So here is the “start” of the winning analysis: “IF” certain laws and enforcement regimes acceptable to the great majority of people could be passed which over a reasonable time would reduce the number of innocent people killed by the illegal use of firearms, would you be in support of such legislation or not?”
Hmmmm snookums? Let’s pass over the complex conflicting layers of misapplied fact patterns and get to what drives this issue: emotions and “values.”
LOOK—-there’s a swamp filled with disease infected moisquitoes! How to best protect the public? Rational thinking human beings: lets reduce the number of moisquitoes by draining the swamp. NRA/Second Amendment Types: let’s add more moisquitoes.
Mexicans are mostly killed by Guns legally procured in the USA and illegally moved to Mexico. American Gun Policy kills Americans—and Mexicans too. Funny you could “think” otherwise.
Silly Hoomans.
Draining the swamp would be in violation of EPA wetlands policy.
Any evidence to back up your Mexicans are killed by American guns claim?
Look up hypothetical.
I have nothing against people having a gun for protecting property.
Our founding Fathers wanted us to have that right. But the ability of a person to buy several high powered guns and unlimited ammo and then proceed to kill innocent people in a movie theatre to me is going well beyond what our Fathers had wanted. Someone at the NRA tell me when I need a assault rifle to protect myself? Maybe if I lived in Iraq or Afghanistan. But not here in the US. At least not yet.
John – very reasonable. but again….do facts matter at all in your position? (you sound like it might?)
Fact is: more people living in the house meant to be protected by guns are killed by those guns than criminals breaking in. IE–without guns, fewer people would be killed by burglars than are killed by the gun owners bad aim, accidents, and suicides.
So—is your position fact driven, or emotionally driven?
Again–getting assault weapons and extended clips off the market would indeed be a “rational” response to the issue. USA is not that rational.
Silly gun toting self injuring hoomans.
(Similarly–more Westward Ho Whites killed by guns by other whites than were killed by Indians. Thats a fact. Not analysed and counterfactual making the fact approach only argumentative: what would the injuns have done if the whites had no guns at all???—Who knows? In the main, they were peaceful even while we were busy with our genocide. They didn’t have a gun culture. Ha, ha.===they lost.)
Actually I keep my gun in a quick access safe, so there is not really a chance that anyone will kill me with it. Your stats are wrong.
I have a shotgun handy for protecting my property. It just makes tactical sense to have a weapon for close range threats and it is easier to hit the target when the adrenaline kicks in during a confrontation.
An assault weapon is for the tactical purpose of assault. It is an offensive weapon, not a defensive weapon.
We do have gun control already. People cannot own a fully automatic machine gun. People cannot own a howitzer or a bazooka.
The debate surrounding the control of assault weapons will continue. I don’t see the need for people to own them for self defense, but then others take the position that nobody should have a gun. I agree with the position that banning guns altogether will only give criminals access to guns, and then there is the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.
So, orchi==as answering, were you conscious of the fact you were avoiding the issue qua non presented?
When only criminals have guns……supports the banning of all weapons. When only criminals have guns—–THEN ONLY CRIMINALS HAVE GUNS!!! And they are exponentially easier to catch and put away.
Pretty GD self evident! But thats the way dogma works===turn off the brain, and just start singing from the sheets provided.
First step (again!)—if laws restricting guns WERE EFFECTIVE==would you be for or against them? IOW–how many lives is this love of guns worth? Most important issues kill innocent people to achieve the overall goal of protecting the public. Think of vaccines and seat belts for instance. Both kill innocent people who would not have died otherwise. But vaccines and seat belts are seen and understood as having the net effect of saving many more lives.
Apply that to guns.
Go!!!!! > > > > > > >
“We do have gun control already. People cannot own a fully automatic machine gun. People cannot own a howitzer or a bazooka.”
Actually, People can own fully automatic machine gun. Alot of people do too. You have to pay a Tax on it though. It’s not as hard as some people think. You can also buy Suppressors(Silencers). Which really don’t silence like in the movies.
What is your definition of an “assault rifle” ?
Hey Ugly–I don’t know guns well enough to know. Whatever that ban was on that expired a year or so ago and was not renewed. Same with the expanded clips?
I think it means any gun that you only pull the trigger once to get a stream of bullets coming out?
But the definition is irrelevant to the question being posed that NO ONE is even trying to answer.
The press is doing its job though. No reason to talk about gun control because the nut case could have used dynamite too.
How tall can you pile stupid?
Well you have now confused two different things. Meaning you were played by the gun grabbers. They used to term assault weapon ban to conjure up images of guns where you press the trigger once and a stream of bullets come out, but the reality was they banned guns where you press the trigger once, and one bullet comes out. Indeed the ban only banned a small subset of such semi-automatic guns, primarily based on their appearance. So consider yourself fooled.
Lets see—two armed idiots in masks walk in to a Cafe ((a Cafe fer F***’s sake)) evidently to steal money and goods from the patrons and owner? More likely than not, an armed robbery and “no one hurt.”
Our hero starts firing in a crowded downtown location and can’t hit a human being less than 5 feet away, so he keeps shooting and for some reason, the two prepared idiots don’t fire back.
How luck are we from what perspective/assumptions are we that Citizens Having Guns Too did not result in a blood bath?
Meanwhile, a few blocks away, the perps are stopped for a traffic violation and guns are found in their possessions. They are immediately arrested because ONLY CRIMINALS HAVE GUNS and a few hours later they are connected to the Cafe Armed Robbery.
What a horrible anti-Second Amendment outcome.
Idiot gun loving knuckle dragging anti-science Hoomans.
Amen. More bullets flying does not stop the damage from flying bullets.
here is Catron County New Mexico, all homes are required to be armed.
makes me feel safe
…. and your feelings are all that count.
Let’s see, two armed thugs enter a building and attempt to rob everybody.
A citizen, legally armed, exercises his right to protect his life, liberty, and property.
Both armed thugs are shot multiple times and were taken to the hospital for multiple gunshot wounds.
How many people would have died if this guy hadn’t shot them?
We’ll never know.
But we do know how many died in CO when someone didn’t shoot back.
So, I have to assume Loser that you advocate for adding up the numbers on both sides and making the comparison?
Yeah sure===until the numbers ALWAYS show you to be wrong.
Then you revert to anecdotal evidence and made up hypotheticals.
The LOGIC is inescapable: it takes both a human and a gun to have death by gun. Remove either element and the statistics drop to ZERO. But even mathematical certainty and inescapable logic fail to convince those infected with the non-think of dogma and feelings.
“I feel safe when my next door neighbor is shot by my son cleaning my gun. Besides, I’m trained and certified so adding up the numbers is only referred to when they match my dogma.”
Is that about it Loser? >>>>>ie–Answer the hypothetical—how many killed innocent people is having guns worth?
Wrong pond again.
I see you have become more cranky and senile over the past year, Dumbo.
Back in the day.. our constitution was neither right nor left but simply the law of the land.
dadeo–what does that even mean?
Nevermind. Just an opportunity to state that what the Founding Fathers wrote was that Militia Men (those white men of property) could not be restricted in firearm ownership.
What would they have thought about assault weapons and smokeless gun powder?
Who here thinks that answer is absolutely clear?
Supreme Court: same one that brought us Bush v Gore and Citizens United???? Five more decisions like Obama Healthcare and they might get back to even. Until then–right wing shills.
So what type of gun or guns was the guy using in Colorado? To get that many people killed, and not a single person was carrying to shoot him back? With a regular ‘assault weapon’ that sounds difficult to do. Was he using a fully automatic?
Ha, ha. “Not the right kind of moisquitoes in the swamp” argument. Well done. Exactly the right question to ask when a crazy person kills 12 people with an assault rifle: NOT WHY THE FRICK DOES THIS NUT HAVE AN ASSAULT RIFLE—but rather why didn’t everyone else.
What could go wrong with everyone armed?
Idiot gun loving knuckle dragging anti-science Hoomans. (You’re right about the format though.)
Read the news. According to reports, he had a Remington 870 Shotgun he used first.(5-8 rounds). Droped that and started to us the AR-15 (M-16/M4 semi-Auto) with a 100 or 50 round Drum. Reports that it jammed. Then used his 40 Cal. Clock 15 rounds mag mostly likely. That’s what has been reported we’ll find out more later.
FYI, Truck in Texas crashed Kills 13 plus 10 more injured so lets ban them too.
The 71 year old lucked out, the guys ran instead of shooting back. This situation could have easily turned into a gun fight with a lot of people being shot. I don’t see that guy as a hero, I see him as a dangerous man who could easily have gotten a lot of people hurt.
That old fart is lucky that there were on bystanders in his line of fire, otherwise there would be “collateral damage.”
People with CCPs are trained in the proper use of weapons. You don’t shoot unless you have a clear line of sight. That’s why he didn’t shoot from the back of the store but went up to the perps and shot them.
The vast majority of criminals will flee if confronted with someone comparably armed. They like easy targets. Someone shooting back is not an easy target.
We’re also taught that once the bullet leaves the gun, you own it. You screw up, you go to jail and/or get sued by the “collateral damage” or their families.
My question is where were the cops? I thought that the reason for gun control was because everybody had a cop assigned to them to protect them so there was no need for guns.
Hey Loser: if laws/process could be established that took guns away and it resulted in greatly reduced death from guns so that you would be safer without personal ownership of guns, would you be for that or against it?
You know–all other things being equal depending on what pond scum you substitute for brains?
IOW==whats more important in your world? Getting to talk about how competent you are with your CCP or lives not being lost because of everyone else but you?
….. but we all already know your answer. Your just so …… so …… macho! How do you stand it?
Try some different bait. That stink bait doesn’t seem to be working.
And what if the criminals started randomly shooting? This guy took a robbery situation and escalated it to a shooting situation.
If, if, if.
It didn’t.
He stopped it.
Who stopped CO?
How many have been escalated?
Here’s another happy story of proud gun owner protecting his property and saving lives, and he’s a trained professional too.
All to the point that you have “stories” for any position you want to maintain. That being the case: how do you analyse your position pro or con? Facts and Logic or Feelings and Dogma????
I guess it would have worked out better if the son had had a gun too? Or if it was an automatic with extra extended clips?
Idiot gun loving knuckle dragging anti-science Americans.
From the link, here is our culture’s understanding of the issue: “While the investigation continued on Monday, police said the shooting was likely a case of mistaken identity.” //// Yeah fer shure==cause the death of the innocent boy in his own home wasn’t caused by his idiot father being a gun nut with guns too easily available now would it be??? CCP and everything. Well, at least he’s responsible for what he did.
I’ll have a cherry on top.
bobbo, you are a friggin psycho. I think you need help son.
An insult? …. but no analysis.
Typical ……. of someone who can only talk to like minded unthinking people.
I see Uncle Dave has posted an article that hopefully will call me out for my psychotic pre-crime ways? At least my private catch phrases haven’t made the list yet?
Ha, ha…… and perhaps worst/most indicative at all==requesting an argument/line of reasoning/logic to begin with? What other “request” is more likely to make anyone “despondent” in face of the dearth of responses?
I just heard on tv our Colorado Shooter was a Neuroscientist PHD dropout who was despondent he could get a job other than at McDonalds. Would that make him the tip of the iceberg, or the bottom of the iceberg, or the whole friggin’ ocean?
Catch phrase, catch phrase.
Catch phrase. Kinda like Spam and Eggs, with more spam?
Analysis? Just go back and read you babbling is enough analysis. Your obssession with dominating most blogposts is enough analysis.
Perhaps you need a job, something to take your mind off your obsession to “educate” everyone into your line of thought.
That’s my analysis.
Well Calls’ em==you are going to my style, evident expertise, and time spent but not to what I have actually posted.
Can’t even actually tell if you agree with my position or not==or if you even know what my position might be.
Here’s a hint: I think you could spend some time and get into the ballpark, but what I actually think is directed by my nom de flame: what would work in this meaningless universe as I urge my fellow man to actually engage the subject rather than rest on dogma? Which do you think is catchier?
Know what I mean?
I think the Aurora shooting is indicative of the media’s carrying water for the Democratic Party. After Columbine there were nationwide calls for gun control, being egged on by the media. They made it the focus of story after story, and promoted Bill Clinton’s new gun control agenda. Then Al Gore lost West Virginia a 21 point swing from 1996, Gore lost Arkansas, and Gore lost Tennessee, with gun control and NRA said to be a leading reason. Suddenly after each shooting at a school or otherwise, the media stopped running calls for gun control. The Democrats no longer consider it part of their public agenda, so they don’t want the media promoting it.
NFS–a worthy talking point. The opposite is just as fair though. Is the media supposed to “drive” the news and create controversy where none exists? I think it is more fair to say that the Dumbo’s felt they got whipped by the NRA single issue fanaticism and decided not to lose more elections by making an issue of gun control. So–assault weapons are back, extended clips are back, no background check on “casual sales” at gun shows, no matching of arrest/psych records with gun permission records and so forth.
Should/could the media push this issue more?==Of course they could. Do they often do that? Like on the Puke side==how often does the Media press a Puke regarding the growing wealth inequality and the misery and eventual social unrest that brings?
The media is a lap dog. Only going where the meat is thrown.
I am not sure how this guy could have purchased all these weapons so easily. Case in point: When I was in the USCG back in the 70’s I was assigned to Search and Rescue but part of my duty was as a Boarding Officer in the stupid Drug War during the Carter Admin. Thus I was sent to Federal Law Enforcement schools in Virginia. I became, at that point a Federal Law Enforcement officer.
I served my hitch and never owned a gun until a few years ago, I went to a shop in Colorado and tried to purchase a pistol. They did a standard background check thru the State Bureau of Investigation, and I was denied based on an incident about a year before my joining the Coast Guard, even though the charges were dismissed, and the Coast Guard had no problem with the “incident”, I had to appeal to the SBI and it took 6 months to clear this up.
So Guv trusted me enough to be a Federal LEO, but not enough as a private citizen? It doesn’t add up that this guy could arm up like this, when it was so difficult for myself. Every time he purchased a weapon, a background check would have been run, the SBI in Colorado would have noticed something.
In other words, this thing stinks.
Four guns, no big deal I have three times as many, background check on about half. Some were family guns and other purchased before the installation of the system. Walk into Bass pro, cabela’s etc. Pick your AR15 pay your money and walk out. Fortunately he picked the AR and not the AK, a freaking AK never jams, it might fall apart, but it never jams.
The whole body of text stinks imo. It’s implying once in no outs available. What a way to think in life! Hell, lets not even try anything for that matter lmao.
In regards to gun I realize many like to own them for various reasons. And while I would like to own a gun I am definitely not someone that should have a gun at all. As I’ve said before I’m very capable with arms but I stay away from them like the plague. I realize people like me should never ever own a gun and I believe there are many out there who are similar to myself. Just that alone makes me worry.
“Every time he purchased a weapon, a background check would have been run,” //// ummh……//////=====lol>>>NO. 40% of gun sales are done thru the loophole of “casual sales” like at flea markets and gun shows WHERE NO BACKGROUND CHECK IS REQUIRED AT ALL—and by law, courtesy of the NRA.
What happened to you sounds right to me. The system is set up to do a fresh check and not rely on a potentially faulty check by the Navy. Little extra hassle to make sure the job is done right.
According to what I’ve read, he purchased his weapons from gun dealers, and at least here in Colorado, they are required to run it through the SBI. I have since purchased 3 firearms and every time they ran it through the CBI.
I think you are correct about gun shows, and I agree that they shouldn’t be any different than purchasing from a dealer.
And BTW, Coast Guard is not the Navy….har!
You mean I got all my facts wrong?
I hate it when that happens!! …. Only my intentional insults are meant to be.
I’m just a stoopid hooman.
I’m surprised that we haven’t seen video games blamed more for these sensless acts. The scary thing here is that everyone has unlimited access to guns and ammo. I have to show my ID and am limited in quanitity for the headache medecine that I buy but I can buy all the ammo I want?? How is that right?
Perhaps it is because some folks like to go the the range and target practice, despite your hurt feelings about it. If you don’t want any, don’t buy any.
How about eliminating BYO ammo to the range? I’m just thinking out loud. I don’t have an opinion either way, I’m just trying to think of how we can stop these nutcases from killing people. If they can “stop” meth heads from buying headache medecine, they should be able to put some sort of limit in place without terribly inconveniencing gun owners. That’s not to say wacko’s couldn’t stockpile to get around the limits.
It is interesting to read all these comments. Bottom line, nothing will change. No “gun control” will ever pass, despite the leftist hissy fits after every maniac attacks unarmed people.
I can possess guns, or not. I do. The Constitution describes that right. It does not “give me” that right. I already have it, despite it being in the Constitution.
That’s the way it should be.
Leftists want to run everybody’s life, all while chanting slogans like “Hands off my body”. How about leaving us all the F*** alone, and minding your own business?
Put a nice sign on your chest affirming your belief that nobody should defend their family and take a walk downtown on a Saturday night with Johnny and Susie.
Let us know how that works out for ya. If you survive.
all while chanting slogans like âHands off my bodyâ.
Interesting take there.
How are they going to stop someone from doing that? Voting? HAR!
Good to see that people blinded with simplistic, all back and white, views of life are getting defensive about gun “rights”.
You can squirm all you want, make all the excuses you want, point the fingers are people who disagree with your right wing ideology all you want, complain about people who actually read the constitution all you want. In the end, it is with support of people like *you* that most of the US population has been kept in a perpetual state of fear and kept in a society that is more third world than civilized.
So, go ahead, squirm… because in the end, you are the ones responsible for all this crap, not the people trying to use their brains to make the world a better place where our children can dream to see humanity achieve the unthinkable.
Actually, I feel little fear when I am carrying my pistol. I like it just like it is.
My my my. A little bit extreme, aren’t you? It’s MY fault criminals are running around? If you don’t want guns, don’t buy any. Why don’t you post a nice sign on your lawn stating that the residents are totally unarmed?
Fact is, folks who DO have firearms keep the pansies like you protected because the creeps don’t know who has ’em. Regardless of your feelings, I can own firearms and ammunition, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Defending yourself from lawless individuals is using your brain to achieve the unthinkable.
Defending yourself is not a right wing ideology, it is a survival ideology.
The 71 year old man that shot the criminals was not a hero.
A hero ends up dead. The man was defending himself.
Criminals rely on your fear to defend yourself to gain the tactical advantage.
The people in the movie theater at the Colorado shooting had a tactical advantage. They outnumbered the shooter by hundreds to one.
A few guys with some presence of mind could have rushed the shooter while he was reloading or when his gun jammed, but they were all too busy crawling under the seats and praying for God to protect them.
Yep, somebody might have got a bullet in the eye but that is still better than begging a coward to spare your life, and some lives could have been saved.
Just sayin’ …
Note this theater was a designated gun-free zone. Noone is allowed to have guns there, per corporate policy.
I am talking about neutralizing a shooter without a gun. See below.
And how hard is it to sneak a gun into a theater? CW people sneak guns into places where they’re banned ALL THE TIME.
The problem is that CW folks in such situations simply run for their lives.
This is what I mean by “tactical advantage.”
Last Resort Active Shooter Survival Measures
I should point out that a shooter or a robber does not pause to ask you if you are a right-wing wingnut or a loony leftie before he shoots you.
He doesn’t give a shit.
The Framers of the Constitution did not make any distinction between religious fanatics, right wing wingnuts, or loony lefties.
If you wish to enslave your mind under the chains of dogma, that is your business.
I know plenty of loony lefties that conceal and carry guns. I know plenty of right wing wingnuts that conceal and carry. I know plenty of people, left and right, that are afraid of guns.
You have a duty to yourself to defend yourself against aggression.
In a perfect world, a Constitution or definition of human rights need not exist.
This is not a perfect world. We have people like bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Pat Robertson, the preacher on television that has conversations with God and presumes to know the mind of God.
In a crazy world like this we must think and act for ourselves. We must be rugged individualists. Free thinkers.
I question everything and always have. To be honest (a rare thing for me) I would rather sit down and have a beer with bobbo than give one second of my time to Pat Robertson.
If bobbo or Pat Robertson threaten to deny my right to think and live within the bounds of the law, I will defend myself.
If you don’t like our laws then by all means change them. Don’t expect me to support any effort that leaves me defenseless from religious fanatics and criminals.
Orchi–just to be clear: are you, or are you not, defenseless when considering the laws of society if you don’t have a gun?
Not to give away my possession, but here is another gunless consideration: conflation.
Know it, and avoid it.
Might take more than one beer to understand the concept although you see it in operation in most arguments……. such as yours.
Didn’t Australia strip its citizens of guns and within 2 years crimes went up by ~ 40%?
Did I hear after 4 years crimes went down by 89%?
what???? ….. thats nonsense? === What I heard???
Never mind.
89% from the pre-ban rates or AFTER it went up by 40%? What’s the net effect?