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Next you’ll be telling me that Dog Biscuits aren’t made from dog.
I should fuckin’ hope not.
Next you’ll be thinking that porn videos are real.
They have to be real. They’re on the internet.
What? Girl Scout Cookies aren’t made from Girl Scouts and baby food isn’t made from babies?
what about baby oil? that’s the most sinister…
Oh, that totally real.
And Johnson’s Baby Shampoo is definitely made from fetuses wrenched from their mother’s unwilling wombs.
(Hey, if they couldn’t afford an abortion, they shouldn’t have fucked, right?)
I had no idea you could milk a cat! 😉
You just need to declaw them. 🙂
You can milk any mammal.
Imagine your spaghetti and sauce sprinkled with cheese made from your wife’s well aged beast milk…
Probably best to start with mammals.
Crocodiles don’t like it one little bit
Holly: Hope they’ve got some odds and sods on board, we’re short of a few supplies.
Lister: [drinking tea with milk] Like what?
Holly: Cow’s milk, ran out of that yonks ago. Fresh and dehydrated.
Lister: What kind of milk are we using now?
Holly: Emergency backup supply. We’re on the dog’s milk.
Lister: Dog’s milk!
Holly: Nothing wrong with dog’s milk. Full of goodness, full of vitamins, full of marrow-bone jelly. Lasts longer than any other milk, dog’s milk.
Lister: Why?
Holly: No bugger’ll drink it. Plus of course the advantage of dog’s milk is that when it goes off, it tastes exactly the same as when it’s fresh.
RED DWARF-S2E1 “Kryten”
“Low in lactose, calcium, and vitamins”
(see bottle)
Perhaps water would be a better drink… 🙂
I guess Skin Cream isn’t made from skin, either.
And Foot Powder, not from grounded feet.
And BTW, there use to be a brand of drink called Tiger Milk. Did anyone really think they milked tigers to get that. Plus more recently there’s an energy drink called “Monster”. Bet nobody said, “Is this made from real monsters?”.
So why would enough people think “Cat Milk” was made from milking cats, that the store would have to say it wasn’t. I guess because it’s made FOR cats. And if it’s not labeled as artificial. Then where did it come from, if not from other cats? Something like “Feline Nutritional Drink” would have been a better choice. Or “Cat-Cal Plus”. But “Pussy Juice” would really have raised some eyebrows. And even the store management wouldn’t dare make a sign denying it wasn’t, you know, from that.
But I guess none of it wouldn’t appeal to those over-obsessive cat fanciers, who buy the stuff, as much as something labeled “Cat Milk”.
Locally a product called pet milk is sold. Presumably it is for your pets. Actually it is un-pasturized cows milk. It is used by humans who avoid the legalities of consuming raw milk.
It’s probably lactose free rather than unpasterised.
Very few animals – except humans that come from a farming culture can metabolise milk
My cat is gonna be pissed when she finds out.
For some weird psychological reason, the very first thought is “milk made from cats”
Then after the first second you realize it’s clearly something else.
But some people don’t bother going after the first second.
Why not?
How do kittens get milk?
Do cats have nipples?
It must be a Whiskas Conspiracy!
If this isn’t real catmilk, why is it so bloody expensive then?
Cats by nature don’t drink milk. Water is just fine for them (maybe better not the fluoridated tapwater). Saves you a lot of money also.
So your cat drinks Perrier??? 😉
ok so where is nurse focker and janx they would know lol