1. stan says:

    funny joke!

  2. Bill says:

    He could (probably will) do worse.

  3. Guyver says:

    Don’t know if this is a joke, but I’d vote for Arpaio in a heartbeat.

  4. dave m brewer says:

    And Adam C. as Campaign Manager, John C. Treasurer.

  5. kjb434 says:

    That would be a glorious day if that ever happened.

  6. NewformatSux says:

    This is a good choice by Romney. He needs someone who knows how to play the politics game. Obama sent his Justice Department to investigate Arpaio, because they didn’t like his tough on crime policies, and his policy of deporting illegals. So Arpaio turned around and investigated Obama’s birth certificate and other background, declaring that his publicly issued birth certificate was a forgery.

  7. Nixon's the one says:

    Silly Kool Aid booboos. Mittens country club might hire Arpaio to keep the gardeners in line; but, they ain’t about to invite him to join the club.

    Or you either – come to think of it. As badly as you wish for it.

  8. deowll says:

    As previously noted I’d vote for senile one eyed sow fresh from a hog wallow in preference to Obumbler.

    Obumbler’s idea of the American dream is to put everyone outside the government elite on snap. In furtherance of this objective the U.S. government is now working with Mexico to increase the number of people getting a hand out.

  9. Kent says:

    Is Moe Howard still around?

  10. Dan says:

    Who would you rather have a beer with?Arpaio…first Obama….second Romney….third.

  11. This would be great for the economy! Think about it…Joe could run on the platform that every federal prison would be placing new orders for pink underwear and tents for their inmates. Fruit of the Loom could be a huge campaign sponsor and create a factory in America just for this program!

  12. NewformatSux says:

    Under Obama, local cops are not allowed to find out if their prisoners are illegal immigrants.

  13. dcphill says:

    What planet are we on???

  14. Ken says:

    Let’s see, a guy who liked to play cop so he could lord it over others, and a guy who is a cop so he can bully others. Sounds like the perfect pair to continue the changeover from executive branch to dictatorial branch. No surprise that many of you embrace the idea of being told how to think, where you may travel, what you may eat, and what you are allowed to say, so long as it’s the right letter by the name.

  15. sargasso_c says:

    In a strange way, this might actually work.

  16. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    do-ill proving himself to be the Alfie of political savants says:
    7/19/2012 at 1:25 pm

    As previously noted I’d vote for senile one eyed sow fresh from a hog wallow in preference to Obumbler. /// Yes, you probably would. Thinking people take that completely oppositely from what you think you are saying. Haw. HAW!!

    Obumbler’s idea of the American dream is to put everyone outside the government elite on snap. /// Total Hyperbole. Gee Alfie, why do you care if people who dont actually qualify for food support in fact get it? What skin is it off your behind? I looked up what it took to be snap qualified===dirt poor. Not the way you and I want to live. I’d rather wallow with a senile one eyed sow than have their life. Why you so jealous about that? ….. Huh?

    In furtherance of this objective the U.S. government is now working with Mexico to increase the number of people getting a hand out. /// Yes–all those who qualify as liberally interpretated should get food support. Why not?

    What a twisted evil soul you have. Even as a hypocrite, Alfie shines far brighter than your misanthropic idiocy.

    Silly human.

  17. Dallas says:

    He seems to fit the Romney VP job description : angry birther determined to paralyze government with opposing party. Presentation skills a plus but not required

  18. Dan says:

    Brendan Spaar I think the last word in your message should be spelled pogram.

  19. memesis says:

    Old Joe would not take the job. There is no power in the vice presidency compared to where he’s at.

  20. Montana says:

    Hey maybe Republican Randi Shannon from Iowa can take Joe Arpaio and Willard Mitt Romney with her to her BS “Republic for the United States” what a real traitor.

    Wow, what a surprise, little joe found exactly what he suspected. They are just repeating what other small minded fools have said before, so safe to say no evidence that would stand up in a court of law in the United States. Its upon you to prove to us that what you are saying is true. Take it to court you coward!

    Let me be clear none of these Birther dullards have taken there “Birther Documents of facts, more like lies” and none have won a case in the “U.S. Courts”, maybe in their simple minds (if they have any) but not in our “U.S. Courts”, so unless Birthers/ teabaggers, whatever you want to be called, win a court case, we will continue to see as dullards, liars or racist or maybe all three. Deal with the real truth baby!

  21. SchwettyBalls says:

    Didn’t this racist asshole go to jail??

  22. The Watcher says:

    Somehow, I think this is bogus, but I’d vote for it….

    If you voted for Zero in 2008 to prove you’re not a racist, please vote against him in 2012 to prove you’re not an idiot….

    • greyangel says:

      Vote against him? Um doesn’t that mean I have to vote FOR somebody? Who would you suggest? There’s idiots and then there’s too dumb to live.

  23. nunyac says:

    VP not so much of a fit. Attorney General on the other hand is a position where he just might kick some serious ace.

  24. alamedarj says:

    Who voted for him?

  25. NewformatSux says:

    Frys wont expand if Obama is reelected.

  26. sheila says:

    If you voted for Zero in 2008 to prove you’re not a racist, please vote against him in 2012 to prove you’re not an idiot….



  27. Comanche says:

    The blue hairs love him and keep him in office. They are all mail in voters and are the only ones that take the time to vote. The people that like to bitch about him are to lazy to put down the bong.

  28. Mr Ed says:

    If only it were true. Would be final nail in Romney’s sure-loose bid coffin.

  29. Glenn E. says:

    So what are they going to do at the Republican National Convention, if it’s already been decided it’s Romney and some clown he likes, are the party’s ultimate answer? Get drunk and screw interns?

    • Dallas says:

      Well, they need to bring in the entertainment like Sara Palin, Michele Bachman, joe the plumber , rush Limbaugh, etc etc .
      Chick-fil-a lunches and a gun show will also fan the flames of brotherly love.

      • oldphart says:

        Pat Paulsen has my vote….”if nominated, I will not run……If elected, I will not serve”….at least he was honest about his dishonesty…
        he has my write in vote every time….and one day…he will win

  30. Mr Ed says:

    Pedro: “Than he: not “than him” Lets get it right!
    Add the word “does” at the end and you’ll understand (maybe).

    Also, you’re wrong about Biden – big time.


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